7-70 Mm/F1,4
Lluis intérpretes: Ramón y Joaquim
Spain / 15 mins An amateur filmmaker becomes obsessed with an attractive boy, pursuing him with his camera, day and night. A short film that focuses on the director’s relentless pursuit of perfection and beauty. Un realitzador aficionat s'obsessiona amb un bell noi a qui persegueix amb la seva càmera nit i dia. Curtmetratge que reflecteix la recerca incansable de la perfecció i la bellesa per part del cineasta. .
Ramón intérpretes: Francesc, Alfons y Enric |
1976 |
Spain / 19 mins Love, fantasy and legend are rarely found in the films of Els 5 QK’s, and that is what makes Aranprunyà so special. This is a poetic short in which our hero reaches the ruins of a castle to discover that, in his past life, he was once a passionate princess.
 Boys / Dečki
Stanko Jost
Jugoslavija (Slovenija) / 65 mins Still longing for love and beauty Nani Papali died at the age of twenty, leaving his diary containing the words of love he feared to speak about openly about his fellow student. In 1938 this diary was rewritten into a book, and was the first novel to deal with the subject of gay love in Slovenia. Scandalous for its day, it caused a great stir and met with considerable disapproval. The film Boys, based on this novel, depicts the intimate world of boys’ affections.
Bussotti par lui même di Carlo Piccardi
Sylvano Bussotti
Switzerland / 74 mins Sylvano Bussotti, a multifaceted figure, also known as a painter, poet, novelist, theatre and film director, actor, singer, set and costume designer.
Christopher Street Gay Liberation Day 1971
Kate Millett, Susan Kleckner
USA / 15 mins Filmed by women, this on-the-street documentation of one of New York’s early Gay Liberation marches is notable for its foregrounding of lesbians in the struggle for sexual freedom.
Chuck & Vince: Wedding of the Year
Christine Wynne
USA / 6 mins Billy & Chuck, an ambiguously gay tag team in the vein of Too Much and The West Hollywood Blondes, ditched the “ambiguously” part, with Chuck dropping down to one knee and proposing to Billy.
Fuck You, Santa Claus
Robert Opel
USA / 19 mins Sometimes the title literally says it all. In this erotic film, one man gets his ultimate Christmas wish.
Glad to be Gay
Tom Robinson
UK / 3 mins – Music Video Watch...https://youtu.be/zHG2LJGfEdw
I’m Something Else
Deborah Peaker
Canada / 19 mins The film includes graphic footage of gender affirming surgery on a transgender woman. It also includes interviews with three transgender women, the surgeon, and a psychiatrist.
Lindsay Kemp
Jean-Claude Wouters
Belgium / 14 mins Jean-Claude was able to attend Lindsay Kemp's "Flowers" performance, which he portrays in this Super 8 film.
Maricones Hasta El Final
Els 5 QK’s
Spain / 70 mins Alfonso de Sierra, Lluis Escribano, Ramón Massa, Ces Martí and Enric Bentz were Els 5 QKs, a group of filmmakers who, in 1975, teamed up to create a unique, avant-garde, transgressive cinema that broke with the social, religious and political conventions of the time, making “fags” (maricones in Spanish; words like gay and homosexual were not much used in those days) the protagonists, the heroes: proud, shameless, above good and evil… Absolute pleasure as identity.
Still Life with Phrenology Head
Cerith Wyn Evans
UK / 15 mins I made the first, Still Life with Phrenology Head (1979), because I had a certain amount of arrogance, a sort of snootiness during my first couple of years at St Martin's.
Tea Room Scene
Richard J. Silverthorn
USA / 8 mins A popular USC jock with a doting girlfriend explores the underground male sex network in a university campus bathroom.
The Modern Image
John Maybury
UK / 13 mins
Vindu mot vår tid: Om homofile
Norway / 13 mins Special screening of excerpts from this NRK-produced documentary shown in January 1973. The documentary consists of two parts, we show Kim Friele in conversation with an NRK journalist where she explains what homosexuality is and entails, and it is striking how little has changed in the argument over the course of 40 years.
What About McBride?
Tom Lazarus
USA / 10 mins The year Anita Bryant launched her nationwide “Save the Children” attack on gay rights, this earnest educational film was released. As two teenage boys prepare for a rafting trip, one of them repeatedly argues that their friend McBride is “a fag” and should not be invited to join them. The film concludes with a well-meaning, if slightly dated, plea from popular young (straight ally) actor Beau Bridges urging tolerance of homosexuals.