3 Good Things
Nimrod Geva
South Africa / 8 mins A tortoise. A goody-two-shoes shrink. And a guy who’s such a failure can’t even succeed at suicide. A short, twisted road trip to the place where good intentions go bad. Very bad.
USA / 10 mins A stark, black-and-white look at life at 33. What begins as a mid-life crisis quickly turns into the fulfillment of other people's sexual fantasies as well as development of insights about life. Watch...here
 A Gay's Life
Luis Fabra
Spain / 9 mins Un corto gay en clave de humor, sobre un hombre que no es consciente de su homosensualidad, hasta que un día lo sabrá por parte de las personas que le rodean. Watch... here
A Peacock's Tale
Anna Humphries
UK / 3 mins An amourous peacock tries to find a lover... Watch...here
A Queer Try
Ian Dougan
UK / 30 mins A Queer Try, a new three-part series, it follows this group of men as they struggle to score a single try through to becoming a force to be reckoned with on the rugby pitch. Against the odds, this motley bunch of guys are determined to make it as a talented and recognised gay rugby team. Watch… here
Abbas in Iran
Seyyed Mohammad Sadrzadeh
Iran / 26 mins A well known photojournalist visits Iran for many times in 5 years time and took photographs from differnt activities. We follow him where ever he goes.
All Male Mash Up
William E. Jones
USA / 30 mins The gay porn industry’s marginalia revealing urban landscapes of the recent past, charmingly inept dialogue scenes, and close-ups of performers, many now dead. This material, while of no particular commercial use, can be seen as an invaluable document of a lost world of eroticism and sociability.
 ALTAR. Cruzando Fronteras, Building Bridges
Daniele Basilio, Paola Zaccaria
Italy / 53 mins A visual portrait of Gloria Anzaldúa (1942-2004), the Chicana queer poet and thinker who sang life in Mexican-American borderlands and created powerful images on cultural mestizaje, border crossing and on Nepantla state. The loving ofrenda to her legacy takes shape in the texture of chicana women’s artivism and in the cultural and political centers committed to creating bridges across gender and cultural differences. Watch… here
Always Choose Heads
Alfonso Cortés
Spain / 37 mins Cesida presenta el documental 'Elige siempre cara'. El simple hecho de hacerse la prueba del VIH abre una gran cantidad de preguntas. De la mano de testimonios reales, este documental intenta explicar muchas de ellas. Haciendo hincapié en la Prevención, el Diagnóstico Precoz, los Tratamientos, los Efectos Secundarios, la Lipodistrofia, la Vida con VIH y la Esperanza en un futuro mejor, pero sin olvidar el pasado. Un pasado donde no había esperanza de futuro, pero con un presente muy diferente, con opciones de tratamiento, lleno de vida, donde mucha gente planta cara al día a día. Watch... here
Anti-marriage Action, Gothenburg
Leo Palmestål
Sweden / 7 mins Same-sex marriages were legalized in Sweden in 2009. At the end of the Pride parade in Gothenburg the following year, live weddings on the stage were meant to celebrate this. The organizers had difficulties finding a lesbian couple, which made it possible for two queer activists to go undercover and take the opportunity to talk about the limitations of assimilationist politics.
Marit Östberg
16 mins Authority is a part of Dirty Diaries. A woman is caught by a police officer in the act of painting graffiti on a wall. She runs from the scene, with the police in hot pursuit. Perhaps the police officer knows her own fate when she sets off on the chase. Perhaps she obeys to the will of the graffiti artist. Clearly, somebody needs to be punished. In Authority sex is a dirty game, a beautiful fairy tale, it's a threat, a promise.
Back to Sarajevo
Alan Knight
Italy / 52 mins This film documentary is a story about Sarajevo, ten years after the Bosnian conflict; a lyrical, poignant study of this unique city, and a reflection on conflict and regeneration - seen through the eyes of those with a powerful, emotional connection to the city. Watch... here
Maya Schwartz
USA / 10 mins What if the world was the other way around, where women use men for sex... Watch...here
Bandages, Socks and Facial Hair
Mária Takács
Hungary / 34 mins Described as “endearing” and “revolutionary”, this 34-minute movie is more than just a comedy – it’s an exploration of LGBTQI lifestyle, and a thoughtful look at the implications of gender roles. If you’re ready to laugh, learn, and deeply ponder your expectations, look no further than Bandages, Socks and Facial Hair.
 Bear Run
Dan Hunt
USA / 52 mins This documentary will introduce you to three amazing and lovable bears – Mikhael, Louie and Mike. Their personal stories of coming out, dealing with body image and searching for community will surprise and move you. They offer a new way to look at the bear community. BEAR RUN tracks the colorful rituals, playful language and evolving aesthetic of bear culture, by following the guys as they romp through the BEAR event circuit to Lazy Bear, P-town, NYC, Albany, Chicago and Montreal. Along the way, the film challenges stereotypes about gay life and creates an entertaining and intimate portrait of what it means to be a mature, gay man in the new millennium.
Marc Klasfeld
USA / 90 mins First, a note of explanation: a 'bear' in the gay subculture refers to a homosexual man with exaggerated masculine qualities -- notably a hairy chest -- who shuns effeminate gay behavior. Each February since 1992, the Mr. International Bear Contest has transpired in San Francisco, with the contestants competing against one another for the title of top bear. Former music-video director Marc Klasfeld helms the documentary Bears -- a headfirst plunge straight into the heart of this gay subculture. Klasfeld begins with a glance back at the first such competition, from 1992 (with an extended on-camera appearance by winner John Caldera), then travels to the 2006 competition for a visit with several of the participants -- including reps from San Francisco, Kentucky, New York, and other areas -- and documentary coverage of the event itself.
 Being Male, Being Koti
Mahuya Bandyopadhyay
India / 30 mins The film explores the experience of growing up gender variant and not being able to understand, let alone, explain the difference. Personal stories of negotiating the violence of everyday life are intertwined with the narrative of building a network and organising around these personal, intimate spheres. Watch… here
Beyond Hate Crimes
Musa Ngubane
South Africa / 18 mins In South Africa, hate crimes are escalating in the townships. In a country with a progressive constitution – one that protects the rights of all individuals, violent homophobic acts against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transexuals and intersexuals (LGBTI) force people to remain in the closet out of fear. In this film, several organisations and a lot of brave and angry women get together to ensure that Sizakele, Salome, Lorna, Gugu, Zoliswa, Fannyann, Thokozane, Eudy and others do not become just another crime statistic.
Lodi Matsetela, Samora Sekhukhune
South Africa / 16 mins Puleng’s life is thrown into turmoil when her first girlfriend and her BFF (Best Friend Forever) Chabi are reunited for dinner.
Bindya Chamkay Gi
Rangni Marea Kidvaii
Pakistan / 28 mins Bindiya Chamkay Gi by Ragni Marea Kidvai is one of the first films that documents the Pakistani transgender rights movement and the life of the pioneer activist and veteran guru Bindiya Rana.The film focuses on the journey and the struggles of Bindiya Rana for demanding rights for minorities in Pakistan. Watch… here
 Blessed Blessed Oblivion
Jumana Manna
Palestine / 21 mins BLESSED BLESSED OBLIVION weaves together a portrait of masculine performativity in East Jerusalem, as manifested in gyms, body shops and hair dressing parlors. Inspired by Kenneth Anger’s Scorpio Rising (1963), the video uses visual collage and the musical soundtrack as ironic commentary. Anger’s subjects — leather-clad bikers, serve as a counterpoint to the culture Manna attempts to portray, that of stereotyped male “thug” culture in Palestine. Close-up fragments construct an eroticised and parodic montage of bodies, cars and places, intersected by snippets of dialogue and a monologue about the art of a car wash. Simultaneously psychologizing the characters and seduced by them, Manna finds herself in a double bind similar to the conflicted desire that animates her protagonist as he drifts from abject rants to declamations of heroic poetry and unashamed self-praise. Watch… here
Terry Haines
Canada / 9 mins Bloodstorm sifts through notions of beauty, strength and hope in an artistic interpretation of the force of a storm. It is unpredictable and undeniable, much like HIV/ AIDS. Blood and storm combine to reveal the inner turmoil and fear of living with a disease, which has no cure, in an intimate testament of survival.
Blue Covers
Indira Allegra
Canada / 4 mins When the adult survivor of sexual abuse meets her lover, she struggles to remain present. She must remember that the hands of her lover are not the hands of her childhood abuser, and so, the separation between past and present begins to blur. Narrative and experimental, “Blue Covers” is an emotional, psychological and spiritual journey. A compelling look at the effects of sexual trauma, this short film is for survivors of abuse and those who care for them. Trailer...here
 Blue, An Erotic Life
Tibo Carroppin
USA / 3 mins BLUE: An Erotic Life is a stop motion narrative about the life and times of a blob of clay dealing with chronic sexual addiction. Watch...here
Lisa G Nielsen
Canada / 5 mins Footage of Vancouver punk band SKINJOBS performing live at Ms T’s.
Camouflage Self Portrait
João Pedro Rodrigues
Portugal / 3 mins During the preparation of Dying like a Man, João Pedro Rodrigues films himself on a mobile phone, applying the "camouflage" makeup of the soldiers in his film.
Chronicles of a trip to hell: My story
Charbel Karkour
Lebanon / 44 mins The true story of an adolescent (Charbel Karkour) who followed the anti-christ steps and started to discover the truth behind the iconic figure of Satan. This trip to hell will be disturbing to the lost adolescent and his only refuge is a priest and friend of the family (Father Jean Marie Chamy) and whom he trusts. Will the boy find the road to redemption or will he be lost and attracted to Satan forever?
Andy C. Archer
USA / 4 mins Trailer...here
Code S
Burak Karacan
Canada / 6 mins In this work, Burak Karacan juxtaposes two video recordings made one after the other on a 2-person patio swing.
Coming Out Again
Rowan Ramsay
23 mins Coming Out Again delves into the impact of cancer on the lives of lesbians -- family relationships, finances, medical treatment, and supports.
Based on a study done through McMaster University, the documentary combines the quotes of women who participated in that study, with the compelling story of Sarah, a single lesbian battling deadly cancer.
Sarah has been working behind the scenes, to try to create a support system for lesbians with cancer. Her loneliness, her despair, and her triumphs highlight her strength of spirit and make her an inspiration.
 Como el Ave Fénix
Guillermo De La Rosa Janeiro
Cuba / 22 mins Documental con una profunda mirada a la vida de varios homosexuales en Santiago de Cuba.
Maricio Bokakois
USA / 2 mins A short sexual fantasy about one guy, two raccoons, and a garbage can.
Daniiel Ruíz García
Mexico / 10 mins Two friends are at a party. One of them is straight and the other is gay.
¿Qué pasaría si, tras una noche de alcohol y cigarros, tu mejor amigo te pide que escapen juntos? Watch...here
Daddy's Love / Min stolte far
Mette Aakerholm
Norway / 48 mins Kenneth is 26, from Askim, and will soon be a father. A single father. He is gay and after a long process pondering about his relationships — with himself, his love life, and his family — he has decided to have a child alone. He has found a surrogate mother in Kansas and will travel to the USA to meet his little son Isaiah. Watch... here
Dance to Miss Chief
Kent Monkman
Canada / 5 mins Monkman uses his own sexuality to support his goal of deconstructing imperial historical constructs.
David y Manuel
Sergio Mejía Forero
Colombia / 8 mins David y Manuel son jóvenes y saben que se gustan el uno al otro. Sin embargo se enfrentan a una sociedad y gente a su alrededor que tiene fuertes prejuicios sobre las relaciones homosexuales. ¿Podrán sus amigos y parientes aprender y compartir la tolerancia y el respeto?
Dead Guys 2: Blind Date
Alex Dove, Michael Marcelin
USA / 90 mins Jeff and Ross make the perfect match, two psycho killers very much in love with each other… and with the hot dates they bring home, romance and murder one by one. But their life together gets complicated when young Brian enters the picture gleefully joining in their murderous schemes. Sure, he’s cute but is three better than two? Or will one of them end up joining their victims? And what about the nosy neighbor?
Dead Guys 3
Alex Dove; Frank Grauman; Todd Russell
USA / 89 mins
 Deseo y Decepción
Milio Lombardo
Argentina / 4 mins Dos jóvenes homosexuales unidos por el amor y las adicciones... Watch...here
Andre Keichian
USA / 3 mins This video was made as an attempt to document a grand physical change my dear friend Matthias has experienced through taking Testosterone. He has just completed his first year of transitioning and one of the biggest physical changes has been the deepening of his voice. No longer being able to sing Dolly Parton's 'Jolene', which was once his karaoke classic, he now celebrates singing the Johnny Cash version of 'Desperado'. Watch… here
 Deux Robes Blanches
Gildas Le Goff
France / 11 mins Karine et Carine sont ensemble depuis deux ans. Le jour de leur anniversaire, alors qu’elles fêtent l’évènement, Karine demande sa compagne en mariage. Au comble du bonheur, cette dernière accepte et repousse à plus tard l’idée du coming-out à ses parents. Les préparatifs du mariage avancent et Karine s’énerve en constatant que Carine n’a toujours rien dit de leur relation à ses parents. Angoissée à l’idée de leur parler et de perdre leur amour, la jeune femme ne voit pas comment s’en sortir… Watch... here
Dolls / Bambole
Renato Muro
Italy, 10 mins A transexual gives birth to a plastic dolls in the dirty surroundings of an abandoned harbour. Watch... here
Dreaming of Screaming
Lee Burgess
UK / 90 mins An anthology film, with three stories, plus a framing story. Dead Dad - a social worker battles with a single father recently zombified by his television Looking Good - a young woman decides to improve her looks by performing her own plastic surgery Lady Blood - a woman tries to find love and her place in the world after being turned into a vampire
 Due Padri per David
Renato Pagina
Switzerland / 50 mins Pugina ha realizzato per la televisione della Svizzera Italiana. Il documentario segue la storia di una coppia gay italiana, Mario e Valter, nel percorso che li ha portati, viaggiando più volte dalla Toscana a San Diego, a diventare padri di un bellissimo bambino, grazie ad una madre surrogata ispano-americana.
 Due Volte Genitori
Claudio Cipelletti
Italy / 94 mins Parents Reborn reveals the tender heart and soul of Italy—a stronghold of Catholicism and conventionality. While neighbouring countries such as Spain and Belgium recognize marriage equality and celebrate Pride, Italy has made little movement in the advancement of queer rights. What remains even more constant than homophobia is the critical role of family life. Blood runs thick in Italy. Large, closely-knit families are revered; parents are staunchly devoted to their children. Parents Reborn follows several families as they adjust to the news that their sons or daughters are homosexual. Trailer...here
Jacque Oldfield, Adelheid Reinecke
South Africa / 93 mins From the sassy sexy sugar-mommy to the butch, bearded, bombastic man-hater this delightful film will amuse, titillate and move even the most diverse audience. The dykumentary is a mockumentary based on the A to Z of lesbian stereotypes. This totally fictional, over the top, documentary style film explores the various social, economic and cultural circles of the lesbians in South Africa. Each Character is interviewed in their natural social and geographical habitat. Be assured if the eye candy doesnt leave you recklessly wet, the grim ones will seductively entertain your nightmares. Either way something or someone is going to have you screaming for more.
El Amor Entra Por La Boca
Ernesto Alemany
Argentina / 16 mins Flor es abandonada por su novio por no saber hacer sexo oral, por lo que acude a su mejor amigo, que es gay, y le pide que le enseñe como se hace un buen sexo oral. Watch...here
 El Viaje de la Hija
Tavo Ruiz
Mexico / 11 mins The young Ady lives happily with her two parents, Javier and Mario. On her birthday, your biological mother decides to come pick her up. It is time to make decisions for the future. Watch...here
Steve Otway
UK / 10 mins Melody Rose (Aimi Percival) gets caught up in a whirlwind of song and dance when she comes face to face with her prince charming (Gary Albert Hughes). Is this her fairytale meeting, or will sibling rivalry ruin her 'happy ever after'? A simple girl meets boy fairytale with a modern twist and a risque alternative ending. Watch... here
Vietnam, 9 mins Love at first sight between two teenager boys. Watch...here
Film Montages (for Peter Roehr)
William E. Jones
USA / 11 mins A tribute to a great artist of the 1960s, the film takes simple repetition as its first principle. It arranges fragments of gay porn films into a musical composition at once austere and delirious.
Fisting Club
Shu Lea Cheang
4 mins Fisting Club was realized as a live performance featuring Wendy Delorme and Judy Minx with audience participation during Porn Film Festival Berlin 2008. Fisting Club appropriates 8 rules from Fight Club and makes fisting sex a participatory performance spectacle. Fisting, the ultimate sexual ecstasy performed live, takes the fisting clubbers on a vaginal spin to arrive at female ejaculation.
Fix It
Yossi Lagziel
Israel / 5 mins Shai is homosexual and Fix is trying to straighten him up.
Fodd I Fell Kropp
Katarina Johansson
Sweden / 45 mins Jojjo, 20 years old, was born a man but wants nothing more than to have women's breasts. - "I want to keep but still have big breasts, I want to be a she-male," he says.
Allyson Mitchell, Fiona Smyth
Born into a murky world, jettisoned into flourescence, Foodie is all emotion, all merchandise, all pressure and all pleasure. Foodie waddles through emotional worlds that are hungry and stuffed, cozy-mean, cocooned and exposed. Foodie is the perfect consumer who is simultaneously socially conscious and suspect. Watch Foodie, struggling to stay within boundaries of good and proper, worrying all the time, trying to live forever with too much and not enough. Trailer...here
Forbidden Acts: And Other Poems
Todd Herman
12 mins Confrontative, meditative, and sensuous, Forbidden Acts showcases three poems by writer Leroy Moore. Herman's provocative imagery seamlessly intertwines with Moore's explicit poetry and takes a head-on look at issues of body image, sexuality and disability, relative to politics, medicine, and race. Forbidden Acts is an engaging glimpse into Moore's own sexuality and the limits that social institutions attempt to impose upon its expression.
Freunde die du Hast
Haik Büchsenschuss
Germany / 12 mins Simon lives in a small town by the name of Vieregge in the province of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and doesn’t have much in the way of future prospects. His friends are dumb right-wingers and together they drink beer on the frozen fields and shoot the empty bottles. But when someone new from Hamburg moves into his small town, Simon discovers feelings he never knew he had. The two get closer, blowing bubbles in the snow, taking moped rides and sharing a kiss over red wine. But being true to himself takes courage. A moving film about cowardice.
G.I.M.P. Boot Camp
Melisa Brittain, Danielle Peers
7:37 mins G.I.M.P. Boot Camp is a satirical exploration of how co-filmmaker Danielle Peers navigates between the social expectations of able-bodiedness and disability. Through a dramatic “CRIP Awards” ceremony, an infomercial-style guide to survival, and a touching testimonial from a recovering inspiration addict, G.I.M.P. Boot Camp uses humour to deconstruct the stereotypes of disability. Watch… here
Galactic Docking Company
Clark Nikolai
Canada / 3 mins The commercialization of space causes new discoveries. Using found and original footage shot on Earth and in near Earth orbit, we find that space wants to have an encounter of the most intimate kind. If ever existed a sci-fi porn-com, this is it!
 Gay Ghost / Pee Tum Tim
Sukij Narin
Thailand Tanom is a Thai's competent goalkeeper who is going to join his football team to the World Cup. While competing against Saudi Arabia during the playoff game, his head accidentally hits the goal pole. He's dead. But, his body is possessed by the spirit of Sa-ngem, a transsexual whose own body is burnt after committing suicide. Hell allows Sa-ngem to temporarily habit in Tanom's body, and sends Dung-Ding, the Reaper to control and watch Sa-ngem, especially to urge him to fulfill the great hope of Thai people; bringing the football team to the World Cup's finale.
Gay Like Me?
Bruce McDonald
Gemini Rising
Georgina Neophytou
UK / 20 mins Sixteen year old Lucie has recently moved to a new area in North London with her divorced mother. Socially isolated and bored, she is encouraged to take up her father's old hobby of astronomy. Searching the night sky her eyes are attracted to a light coming on in a house across the garden. She sees a young woman standing by the window smoking a cigarette. Lucie becomes obsessed with watching this beautiful stranger and her life and dreams are taken over by her attempts to find out who she is.
Generation Divide
Marc Adelman
USA / 3 mins LGBT histories through a TV sitcom lens.
Grassi, Grossi e Pelosi
Alberto D’Onofrio
Italy / 52 mins Orsi, lupi, cacciatori. E ancora chasers, chubby e hairy, muscolosi, in carne e gioviali. Tutti esponenti di una cultura gay dove gli orsi rappresentano gli uomini irsuti, dalla corporatura robusta e dall’aspetto spiccatamente , mentre il lupo è molto peloso, ma di stazza più asciutta. I cacciatori infine sono i gay attratti dagli orsi. Questo documentario racconta il mondo poco conosciuto della comunità ursina italiana dove gli stereotipi dell’immaginario gay vengono rielaborati e spesso rovesciati, oltre gli stereotipi dell’immaginario comune.
Gråt allians av vårt hat
Lasse Långström aka Antiffa Vänsterfitta
Sweden The year was 2010 and even the anarchists were desperate enough to make an election song
 Grune Rose
Dario Picciau
Italy / 20 mins Grüne Rose è il cortometraggio che celebrala memoria dell’Olocausto dei triangoli rosa, lo sterminio degli omosessuali sotto il regime nazista. Le scene del film sono ispirate alle litografie di Richard Grüne(1903-1983), artista tedesco omosessuale arrestato e incarcerato dalle SS (1936), poi deportato nei lager di Sachsenhausen (1937-1940) e Flossenburg (1940-1945). Nove anni all’inferno, una martirio cui Grune sopravvisse per tramandarci la sua testimonianza umana e artistica. Sul set di Grüne Rose è nata questa serie di immagini fotografiche, che corrispondono ad altrettante stazioni della memoria: un percorso che riconduce alla vicenda di Richard Grüne ed è la tragica allegoria di un pregiudizio che esiste ancora oggi persecuzione, tortura e sterminio.
Half a Lifetime
Howard Smith
South Africa / 11 mins Two young men meet, become aware of and find ways of expressing their mutual attraction, as conscripts in the 1960s apartheid army. The charm of their liaison is contrasted with the dehumanising regime, at the time of Prime Minister Verwoerd's assassination. They go their separate ways, only to meet 30 years later. Watch... here
Hanging Around
Tinka Stock, Sebastian Wolf
Germany / 3 mins In the jungle a leopard meets a sloth which he tries to wake up.
Her Sugar Is
Dana Claxton
Canada / 3 mins A playful burlesque performance peels away layers of history to reveal a persuasive and thought-provoking dance that informs as much as it delights. Watch... here
Natalie Brewster Ngyuen
USA / 4 mins Watch... here
Canada / 3:25 mins This video was constructed in response to my experience of sexual assault.
Human Behavior
Brian Benson
USA / 6 mins Pure black sarcasm in this outlandish, macabre comedy about a little girl with big dreams and a big, big mother who allows her no space for development. Deranged, crazy, at times hilarious and touching and painful at other times. Starring Cousin Wonderlette and Lady Bear. Watch...here
I Am You Are High on Milk
Shu Lea Cheang
3 mins The late 20th century AIDS epidemic continues but mutated… MILK is the white fluid for the 21st century, what the white powder was for the 20-century high. Also based on the same concept conceived in 2000 for Fluidø (2017), I Am You Are High on Milk is a workshop/performance staged at FeminismoPornoPunk (curated by Paul B. Preciado) at Arteleku, Spain. The workshop calls for participation of Ultra Extra Gens, Lick Girls, U Boys, Trans, Pre and Post.
I love you too / Anch'io Ti Amo
Cristian Scardigno
Italy / 6 mins Two girls in love. A nightmare of love.
I'd Rather Be Looking at Gay Porn
Jared Mitchell, RM Vaughan
Canada / 3:05 mins An anthem for the disenchanted. When the respectable and desirable activities of modern society have turned to rot and stupidity, one voice calls out for a retreat to that which is supposed to be so disreputable.
 In the Dark / A Oscuras
Eli Navarro
Spain / 14 mins Una madre y su hija entran en el ascensor. De repente se va la luz y es entonces cuando los secretos y las confesiones se revelan. Porque hay sentimientos que sólo pueden ver la luz a oscuras.
Mar and Lucia are talking in the living room. A mother and her daughter go into a lift. Suddenly the light goes off and that's when secrets and confessions reveal themselves because some feelings can only see the light in the dark. Watch...here
In Trust and Love
Michal Herz
Czech Republic / 52 mins A gay, Czech celebrity take on The Learning Channel’s “A Wedding Story,” as actor/singer Pavel Vitek (the Czech Hugh Jackman) enters into a legal partnership with his longtime lover-cum-manager Janis Sidovsky in an idyllic ceremony set in a castle on a hill. The film intercuts between their preparations for the wedding — as they listen (somewhat narcissistically) to stories about their upcoming union on the radio while stylists work tirelessly to ensure they look perfect — and their reflections on the nuptials several weeks later. The star couple got hitched just days after the Czech Republic began legally recognizing same-sex partnerships in July, 2006.
I've Heard Stories 1
Marwa Arsanios
Lebanon / 5 mins This film explores various ways to narrate an incident that once took place in the mythical Hotel Carlton. Against images of the deserted hotel today, the artist sketches situations that evoke the rumours once circulated there about a murderous homosexual threesome.
Japan Erection
Fuyuhiko Takata
Japan / 2 mins Takata wears a wig in the fashion of an ancient Japanese hairstyle and transforms himself into the character of Susano-o, a Shinto god who appears in the Japanese creation myth. The erection between his legs, is in the form of a Japan-shaped penis. The artist believed that the Japanese archipelago looked like male genitalia standing erect towards the Pacific Ocean. From this idea, he assembled his mythological image of creation and destruction. Watch… here
Je les aime encore
Marie-Pierre Grenier
Canada / 13 mins Soixante-dix-neuf ans ! C’est long, ou court ! Mais lorsque l’on subit une (dernière ?) rupture, c’est souvent l’heure du bilan de sa vie, de ses premières conquêtes. Michel, transgenre très séducteur, son oeil coquin l’affirme encore, nous emmène … et nous touche. Watch... here
Journal Intime - Le Film
Julien Pinot
France / 18 mins Nathan et Michaël, deux jeunes hommes de 19 ans, sont les meilleurs amis du monde. Lorsque Nathan apprend la tentative de suicide de Michaël, il ne sait plus quoi penser. Il découvre alors ce qui est arrivé à son ami au cours de leur soirée au bar Andreas Night, au travers de son journal intime… Watch... here
Jugar segun las reglas
David Yáñez
Spain / 10 mins Como cada viernes, Alicia y Beatriz se disponen a ver una película de vídeo juntas cuando sentimientos que habían permanecido ocultos afloran y las dos jóvenes se descubren besándose como si llevaran toda la vida esperándolo. Un segundo después la realidad las devuelve a un mundo lleno de prejuicios e inseguridades sobre su sexualidad. Watch... here
Just a Meaning that You Attribute to It
Bernadette Anzengruber
Austria / 10 mins Everyone must deal with their own ideas and suspicions from the very beginning. Are the young woman's breasts real, or are those fakes under the performer's white T-shirt?
Kevin's Room 3: Together
Dave Beedy, Mark Caras
USA / 90 mins It began with the release of Kevin's Room in 2001 - a boldly innovative effort by the Chicago Department of Health's Office of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Health to address the crisis of HIV/AIDS in the African American gay community. The groundbreaking film introduced Kevin and his support group for men "in the life," garnering national accolades for its realistic, positive portrayal of LGBT people of color and their allies. Kevin's Room II: Trust released in 2003, reinforced the message of inclusion, tolerance and collective responsibility while tackling the related issues of monogamy, sexual boundaries, and the re-emergence of STD's. Now, the story comes full circle in Kevin's Room: Together, the third and final installment of the acclaimed series. While continuing to explore many of the issues raised in the first two films, the third addresses new concerns reflected in today's headlines - violence, sexual identity, spirituality - and the ways in which a community can help shape its own future. Consistent with this theme, the third film broadens its focus, transcending sexual, gender and racial lines, suggesting such problems must be met with a cohesive voice.
 Kiki and Herb Live at the Knitting Factory
Gerard Schmidt
USA / 94 mins Justin Bond and Kenny Mellman are KIKI & HERB, worldwide smash punk rebel entertainers, cabaret outsiders, and subversive pop stars who rock all over the world. Join the Tony-nominated duo for their first-ever live DVD from the Knitting Factory in New York City. Featuring 15 numbers from their incendiary Year of Magical Drinking Tour including Rhythm Divine, Song Against Sex, I’m Ugly (and I Don’t Know Why), Moments of Pleasure, I was a Maoist Intellectual, and LilyBelle, Kiki & Herb Live at the Knitting Factory delivers the artistry that Ben Brantley of the NY Times hails as mind-popping, transcendent, and wondrous, of devastating depth and substance. Trailer... here
William E. Jones
USA / 2mins During the Great Depression, the Historical Section of the Farm Security Administration documented American society in photographs. Thousands of the pictures made under the program’s auspices from 1935 to 1943 were rejected, or killed, by punching holes in the 35mm negatives, thereby rendering them unusable for publication. Some of these suppressed images downloaded from the Library of Congress website have been reframed with the holes as the central feature, and edited in a quick montage showing glimpses of an unofficial view of Depression-era North America.
Mohd Akram Ismail
Malaysia / 9 mins Watch... here
La Castidad
Syd Krochmalny, Roberto Jacoby
Argentina An action in which artist Syd Krochmalny and I lived together platonically for a year, expressing affection only in nonphysical ways.
Lars Joakim Ringom
Norway / 25 mins The film about Svein Skeid. The film addresses themes such as fetishism and sadomasochism in a warm, humorous and extremely disarming way, and shows how it can be practiced in a safe, healthy and consensual way. Meet the leather man Svein!
 Le Cabaret des hommes perdus
Jean-Luc Revol
France / 120 mins Le Cabaret des hommes perdus est une comédie musicale sur l'univers gay, d'après une idée originale de Jean-Luc Revol, commandée à Christian Siméon (texte) et Patrick Laviosa (musique) par le metteur en scène Jean-Luc Revol et sa compagnie le Théâtre du caramel fou. Le spectacle a été créé le 7 septembre 2006 au théâtre du Rond-Point, à Paris puis s'est déplacé le 21 novembre 2006 au théâtre de la Pépinière-Opéra, à Paris. Une reprise unique a eu lieu, avec la même distribution, le lundi 29 septembre 2009 au Bataclan,au profit de l'association de lutte contre le sida Act Up-Paris. Trailer... here
Leave Britney Alone
Fuyuhiko Takata
Japan / 3 mins A fan-made music video based on the song ‘Circus’ by Britney Spears.
Lern Deutsch Mit Petra Kant
Ming Wong
UK, Germany / 2 mins Watch...here
Kia Simon
USA / 4 mins A cool music video featuring many actors (including Joshua Grannell), plenty of makeup, quite a lot of lipstick, and homage to classic cinema. Watch...here
 Locker Boys
Katzue Santos
Philippines / 80 mins This concept video is all about what boys do when left alone inside the locker/dressing room. Inspired by personal requests from followers of the Queeriosity Projects, Locker Boys presents some very steamy solo scenes to fulfill a queer young man's fantasy.
 Lost in You
Zhu Yiye
China / 86 mins It follows Yu Xiaohuan, a girl born with a birthmark on her face. She is sensitive and has low self – esteem. One day, she meets Zhang Youxi, a girl who always fights to protect herself from injury and harm. They started a relationship that is hard to define, are they friends or are they lovers?
Noelle Stout
Cuba / 55 mins A documentary shot in vérité style, chronicles the lives of four Cuban sex workers who set out to resolve their touching, and at times humorous, predicaments in Havana. The film provides an unflinching, first-ever look at a growing community of homoerotic sex workers trying to make a living in the Cuban mixed market economy. Luchando provides a window into this world through the lives of four of its most compelling characters: Diosa, an articulate travesti who was kicked out of her father’s home for cross-dressing; Manuel, a macho technician who grapples with his sexual identity as he engages in intimate relationships with men; Gorda, an aspiring rapper who describes her sexuality as modern; and Yuris, a cocky 19-year-old whose womanizing results in four children that he must support.
 Lunch with Strangers / Almuerzo con Extraños
Fabián Rodriguez
Venezuela / 16 mins A family gets ready for lunch. The ladies get their hair done, a girl prepares lunch in the kitchen, a young man takes a shower and so on. The doorbell rings; a family member who was not yet home arrives with a surprise to delight the rest of the family. Watch...here
Made Up
Owen Eric Wood
Canada / 5 mins What is masculinity? What is it to be a man? How do these terms apply to the homosexual identity? In reaction to homophobic behaviour observed among gay men, Made Up criticizes how gays are often dismissed for being too “effeminate,” too “flamboyant” or not “straight-acting” enough. While the subject of an interview speaks of his physical preferences in men, the images show a man’s physical appearance gradually changing to contradict the narrative being told. Through manipulations of both sound and image, Made Up demonstrates how social constructs are made and how they can be deconstructed. Trailer...here
 Major Leagues? / ¿Grandes Ligas?
Ernesto Pérez Zambrano
Cuba / 26 mins The Havana women’s baseball team as they train and prepare for the annual March 8 Cup — the only official women’s baseball tournament. Even at this all-female event, the women are expected to have their nails properly polished and their hair done “with a feminine touch". Watch...here
Marcus and Troy
Jordan Greenhough
UK / 12 mins Marcus & Troy are a gay couple who are having problems with their relationship, in search of help they attend a counselling session. Marcus (Jordan Greenhough) is over sensitive and easily offended, whilst Troy (Trevor Mealing) is 'too straight'. A short film comedy that explores a unique relationship.
Maybe He's Got Cigarettes / Måske Har Han Smøger
Frans Ruben
Denmark How can everything be so wrong? Wait... just look at the brighter side. Watch...here
Veet Sandeh
Italy / 35 mins La strada dell’eccesso porta al palazzo della saggezza.
Miss Tyffanie: Extreme Close-Up
Sandra Jass, Jessica Lindal, Matt Maclellan
Canada / 17 mins An intimate portrait of Kingston’s most popular drag queen- Miss Tyffanie Morgan.
More British Sounds
William E. Jones
USA / 8 mins Images from The British Are Coming (James Ryder, 1986) collide with dialogue from See You at Mao, aka British Sounds (1969), produced by the Dziga Vertov Group under the direction of Jean-Luc Godard. “Workers have come to expect too much”, a narrator intones, as an English lad in a state of undress polishes the boots of a royal guard in full uniform.
 Mother Knows Best / Mamma veit havo hun syngur
Barði Guðmundsson
Iceland / 27 mins Gudini lives with his overbearing single mother in Reykjavík. She seems determined to ruin all of his relationships. Or is she
 My Name is Jackie Beat
Randolph Mark Viverito
USA / 66 mins MY NAME IS JACKIE BEAT skillfully tells the story of the outrageously fabulous Jackie Beat, a girl who was born to be on stage. Notorious bad girl drag performer Jackie Beat is center stage in this revealing portrait of an artist and his creation. You know Jackie Beat, but now meet Kent Fuher, the man behind the make-up, wig, and fabulous outfits-a talented and devilishly funny performer whose life is ruled by constant insecurities. As Kent travels between New York, Toronto, Los Angeles, Fire Island, and Berlin performing Jackie's signature song parodies and putting audiences in their place with wicked insults, he opens up about the past experiences that led to the creation of his delightfully twisted drag persona. Despite Kent's questioning, there's no doubt that he was meant to entertain. Trailer... here
No Money
Makoto Sokuza
Japan / 30 mins Yukiya Ayase is a gentle, kind hearted, and innocent university student. The only relative he has left, his cousin Tetsuo, betrays Ayase by selling him to the highest bidder in an auction with hopes of making an enormous profit to be able to pay off his debts. Somuku Kanou, a bad-tempered (though very rich) loan shark, comes to Ayase's rescue and buys Ayase for an impressive 1.2 billion. Kanou apparently knows Ayase from something that happened between them in the past, but Ayase cannot remember who Kanou is nor does he understand why he 'saved' him. In a desperate effort to keep Ayase close to him, Kanou demands the debt be repaid in full and suggests the perfect way to do it: by selling his body to Kanou for 500,000 each time. Ayase is horrified in the beginning, but something soon begins to grow between them that can't be bought for any price. Trailer... here
Eliran Bichman
Israel / 8 mins Doco-animation about life as a Jewish bisexual in modern jerusalem. Watch...here
Occidental Paradise
Bo Luengsuraswat
USA / 3:28 mins Exploring “self-reflections” in the empire of information and images, this film presents an unsettling assemblage of cultural texts on Thailand that often pass as common sense. Watch...here
On the Coastline
Phil Mulloy
11 mins A man disappears over the cliff's edge. Did he fall? Was he pushed, or can he fly?
Only Once
Christopher Peterson
USA / 6 mins Watch...here
Ookie cookie
Barry Morse
USA / 4 mins Learn how to make the ookie cookie with this hallucinogenic glitterdrag-inspired tribute to the work of NYC underground 80’s gay video artist Tom Rubnitz.
Orlan meet Genesis
Marie Losier
France / 3 mins An unusual meeting between two famous artists on Coney Island boardwalk and at the Freak Show Museum. La rencontre de deux artistes performeuses sur les quais de Coney Island. Trailer… here
Pairs/Pears. Homage to My Grandmother
Nino Cramarossa
Italy / 12 mins The "photo video" demonstrates a deconstruction of heteronormative relationships between two people. That pairs – pears, which is associated with the images of experiences of couples blurred in the course of the work, shows the viewer the social "constructedness" of couple experiences, as they have been developed from generation to generation.
Passing Fancy
Matthew Carter
UK / 7 mins A minimalist/Bresson like study of two men posing on the internet, in order to trick homosexual women into thinking that they are homo sexual women too. Yet the two meet unknowingly online and form a subtle relationship
Ali El-Darsa
Canada / 6:11 mins An experimental portrait of a queer man’s internalized sexual desire.
Cristiano Mullins
4 mins Cinéfila compulsiva e de comportamento estranho, sempre foi perturbada por instinto. Com uma faca de cozinha na mão e uma idéia fixa na cabeça, resolve contar seus últimos instantes homenageando Roger Corman e desaparecendo de vez com suas diversas personalidades que a afligem, menos a sua. Watch...here
Puntos Suspensivos...
Vladimir Rocha
Mexico / 11 mins Cuenta la historia de Paco y Luis, y su inusual "amistad". Watch... here
Python in wonderland
Piotr Hoang Ngoc
Poland / 6 mins Story about black boxer who had crash on a rabbit from wonderland.
Queen City
David Geiss
Canada / 43 mins Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. The Queen City. Inside a dark bar on a busy downtown street exists a community that is outrageous, loud, and flamboyant. But why do grown men wear flashy dresses and lip sync songs to an audience night after night? For attention? A harmless hobby? Maybe there’s more to it than that. Take a ride through the Queen City and find out. Watch...here
Queer durch Rostock (Teil 1)
KleineMachenLeute productions
Germany / 13 mins
Rabbit Holes / Rabbit Follows
Behrad Gramian
USA Almost Holden Collective make a Tres Bohes film chronicling Joseph E. Smith's journey to find the Blonde Haired Girl and all the people we meet in the 2010 Los Angeles Pride Parade in West Hollywood. Watch... here
Rafalala Show
Poland / 58 mins I bóg stworzyl transwestyte.
Redefining Normal
Anthony Bruce
Revelations of a Married Man
Hieu Tran
USA / 4 mins Despite being married to a woman, a man pursues a relationship with a man he loves. Whether to reveal his true self or to live a lie is a bittersweet and difficult decision he must make. Watch...here
Martin Taylor
10 mins After the death of her grandpa, a young school girl befriends an allotment dwelling ex racing cyclist who rescues injured animals from the roadside. Unfoutunately there are fatal consequences! Watch... here
 Roman Nights
Franco D'Alessandro
USA Tennessee Williams and his muse / friend Anna Magnani battle demons -real and imagined- as they make...
Roses may not be Red
Simi Deka
India / 50 mins Jenny is a promising model in contract with a New Delhi based modeling agency owned by young entrepreneur Rakesh . Rakesh finds himself drawn to the long legged, dusky beauty but his feelings are not reciprocated by Jenny. She does shower her affection and he catches glimpses of her fondness towards him at moments, but what holds her back from expressing herself is what he is unable to understand……is it love , lust , using him for her career or…is it that she is being chased by her past…..?
Royal Radical Fashion Movie
Robert B Suda
Hungary / 55 mins Tamás Király, an avant-garde top fashion designer of Hungary, started his career in the 80s. His early creations were characterised by strict geometrical forms; later he turned toward a glittering style and designed gilded and silver-lame garments. He also organises so-called "fashion promenades", usually in the city centre of Budapest. Trailer... here
Rubb My Chubb
Alexis Mitchell
Canada / 9:30 mins This short documentary follows the Fat Femme Mafia, their fat co-conspirators and allies in the days leading up to their first and highly anticipated event. Through interviews, asides, and performances, Rubb My Chubb lays the groundwork for these fierce fatties to continue to make their politics known to the rest of the world.
Self Help for Sapphists
Jenny Radloff
South Africa / 6 mins The un-PC middle-aged dykes who brought us the hilarious "Tai Chi for Tipplers" are back with important tips to assist the sisterhood with, well, just about everything... from clothing to health, and the essential tool to find a girl. Watch...here
Shifting the Canvas
Chuck Griffith
USA / 82 mins A group of artists living in Brooklyn struggle to maintain a rather dysfunctional family of friends in a post-9/11 world that is challenged with gentrification, deception, and sterilization.
Stanimir Stoykov
South Africa / 24 mins South African queer short film by underground film maker Stanimir Stoykov. Featuring multi-award winning veteran actor Robert Whitehead, Carl Beukes, Brian Webber and David Pretorius. This bizarre comedy plays tribute to the films of Andy Warhol and early John Waters movies. Warning: this might be a rough ride for the faint hearted, so enter at your own risk! Watch... here
So in Heaven as on Earth / Así en el Cielo como en la Tierra
Natalia Aldama Gallardo |
2006 |
México / 20 mins Conditioned by the abandonment of their mothers and close to an inaccessible adult universe of hostile and transient encounters. Manuel and Octavio meet each other. |
Something Doesn't Work / Algo No Funciona
Alejandro Campillo
Spain / 2 mins Un hombre busca solución a su problema... Watch...here
 Space and Desire
David Chow
Hong Kong / 109 mins An experimental docu-film that mixes reality and fiction to show us gay life in Hong Kong with the secret aspirations and desires of its gay community.
Spare Parts
Federico Forcolini
UK / 10 mins Dave, a mechanic, hides a secret from his work mates. Trailer... here
Spilt Milk
Alexander Edwards
Australia / 5:45 mins There’s no use crying over this hot and heavy glimpse into one man’s early morning activities. There’s a lot more cooking in this kitchen than just breakfast.
Luki Massa
Italy / 13 mins Camilla and Sofia meet in a café to discuss about philology issues. While they passiconately try to uncover the mysterious concept of the suffix -za and the difficult question of split intransivity, each one of them linger in erotic fantasies.
 Strictly Confidential
Jowee Morel
Philippines MSM refers to any man who has sex with a man, whether he identifies as gay, bisexual or heterosexual.MSM is a documentary that redefines social attitudes towards men having sex with men.Stigmatization, discrimination and rejection of homosexual activities are a few of the reasons, which may explain the vulnerability of the homosexual populations to sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS in the Philippines.This documentary focuses on behavioral attitudes of MSM and a documentary on how to fully enjoy the pleasure of men to men sex safely.
Supuestamente Vanesa
Sergio Sánchez
Spain / 6 mins A veces, confiar es una estupidez. Más si estás confiando en la palabra de alguien durante una noche de borrachera. Pero en ocasiones hace falta arriesgar... Watch...here
Tacones Cercanos
Jessica Rodríguez
Cuba / 20 mins Marcel, a Havana transvestite, struggles between two levels of reality: the ideal and esthetic world of his dreams and the crudity that daily life gives back to him.
 Tears of the Goddess
Wang Hui Yue
China / 14 mins While honoring the memory of her mother, a young girl recalls her story of a tragic, secret love, destroyed by intellectuals of the Cultural Revolution.
Tell: More than Soldiers, Fighters and Patriots
Tom Murray
USA / 83 mins Tell is director T Joe Murray’s documentary is a series of fourteen plus interviews with gay military veterans and their allies. Tell gives a face on the military controversy of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and shows how it affects each GLBT person who wants to serve his country.
That’s Right Diana Barry - You Needed Me
Dayna McLeod
Canada / 6:48 mins Did you have a crush on Anne Murray when you were a little girl? Did you dance around your house with your dress tucked into your pantyhose singing her greatest hits? And what about Anne of Green Gables? Did you ever try her, ‘get-the-girl-drunk’ move? How’d that work out for you? These questions and oh so much more are autobiographically answered by performance artist, Dayna McLeod in this mash-up that mixes Anne Murray's, You Needed Me with the made-for-television Canadian classic, Anne of Green Gables. Watch… here
The 10th Man
Alex Dawson
11 mins Kidnapping and dirty tricks are the way of the street amongst the ageing Jewish community of London's East End. With only a handful of men to go round, each congregation will do whatever it takes in its bid for numbers. This might mean curtains for the Sandy's Row mob on the holiest night of the year. A dark comedy by Sam Leifer.
The Adventures of Mom and Dad
Sarah Arlen
France / 25 mins In modern-day Paris, an international family of two husbands married to the same wife struggles to live together, face adversity as a family and pass on the legacy of their lifestyles' adventures to their children. Weaving hand-drawn Little Prince-like animation into vibrant 35mm live-action, this film tells a unique story that strives to illuminate the idea that love defines a family, not convention.
The Answer
Paolo Buera
60 mins Four desperate lives are intertwined in the twisted game of love.
 The Beirut Apartment
Daniele Salaris
UK / 50 mins The small spaces of an apartment contain issues of international scale in this intimate documentary. Lebanese law criminalises LGBT people, making them vulnerable to blackmail and attack – sometimes from state police – and preventing the report of hate crime. With safety and concern an apartment was hired where interviewees could speak freely. What emerges is a snapshot of queer life in urban Lebanon, described by Arab people from a variety of faiths and cultural backgrounds. From growing up in a war zone to the rise of Hezbollah and the shock of renewed conflict with Israel, issues of identity, safety and freedom combine with issues of sexuality and gender. Despite differing backgrounds and opinions these eloquent men and women share the struggle to live authentically in a culture that denies their existence.
The Dead Boy's Day-Dream
Jon Swallowe
UK / 14 mins What life do you wish for? As the Conductor plays the world turns, Autumn becomes Winter, and life becomes death becomes life. Some dream of a life of serene simplicity and some dream of a life of incredible complexity. No matter the dream, somewhere deep in the real where religion pesters, Mankind conflicts with Nature, and truth exists only in the cycle, which revolves, endless.
The Gladdest Thing
Alex Cason
90 mins Eighteen-year-old Kate Parker is a good kid: Straight-A student, gifted artist and devoted daughter and caretaker of her mother who is dying of cancer. As Kate starts to delve into the more normal sides of teendom, her mother's condition worsens and Kate is struck with the guilt of being absent during her mother's death. No one, including her father or her friends, seems to know what to do for her as she begins to spiral out of control.
The Kuchus of Uganda
Mathilda Piehl
Sweden / 45 mins Particularly inspiring in light of changes in the law that happened after this film was made, this is a documentary about SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda), a group of radical LGBT activists who risk their lives in order to push for queer rights. Piehl follows this brave group as they try to reason with medical academics and struggle to undo the damage done by colonial laws and years of Missionary intervention in Uganda.
The Not So Subtle Subtext de Sarah Rotella
Sarah Rotella
Canada / 6 mins A documentary short film that observes the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle in the American television series Xena: Princess Guerrière and proves that their affair was not so subliminal. Watch...here
The Other Half
Larissa Innes
UK / 96 mins An English football fan takes his new American bride to Portugal for the romantic honeymoon of their lives, without telling her that the European Football Championship is on and he has a ticket to each of the England games.
The Power of Faggots
SocialScope Productions
USA / 10 mins University undergrad students John, Zach and Kylon discuss their experiences being out, proud and what it means to individually “own” being a faggot. Watch...here
The Proposal
T.K. Lynch
Every single man, must one day take this step.
The Reason Why
Daniel McIntyre
Canada / 10 mins In “The Reason Why,” the subjects of growing up queer, fat and lonely are recounted in rebuttal letters to ex-boyfriends who share the same name. Using pornography, television and gay movies, the film explores how to find one’s place while being a minority in a minority community, and how to say all of the things that were never said in significant relationships. Trailer...here
 The Truth: A Stage Play about the Downlow
Courtney Baker-Oliver, Steven A. Butler, Jr
USA / 150 mins The Truth is a filmed musical play and it is the powerful story of a black family, the Suttons, that does not realize it is in the midst of crisis. Two pf the family men are pretending to be straight as they carry on with men on the downlow.
The Visit / Der Besuch
Jan Soldat
Germany / 5 mins Granny pays her dear nephew a visit - in his BDSM camp for men who love it brutal and dirty. Granny finds all this fascinating.
Dayna McLeod
Canada / 4:10 mins
Threesome / Trekant
Maria Askedal
Norway / 16 eps of 30 mins A reality TV show about young people (18 to 22yo) exploring different aspects of straight, gay (the above episode) and queer sexuality.
 Tomorrow Everything Will Be Better / Mañana Todo Será Mejor
Javier Acha
Spain / 8 mins Watch...here
Toya's Conflict
Lawrence Dunant
UK / 10 mins Toya and Hayley are viewing a house together with the potential to buy as they want to cement teir relationship. Career orientated Hayley clashes with Toya's maternal instincts and this all unfolds in front of the unfortuante estate agent
Alain Subrebost
France / 21 mins A man of the woods, a bit silly, go out of his forest and meets several characters: a psychic, a wise man and a priest mad of exorcism ...
Ultimate Sub Ultimate Dom: Maria Von Trapp & Mary Poppins
Dayna McLeod
Canada / 3:04 mins Imagine Maria Von Trapp from The Sound of Music crawling on her hands and knees across the jagged cold stone floor of the nunnery to the Mother Superior, begging for mercy and looking for a spanking. Now imagine that Mary Poppins is the Mother Superior, wielding a dildo-sheathed umbrella and a ball-gag, and you have a glimpse into the explicit fantasy life of video artist, Dayna McLeod. Watch… here
Una Cuestión de Tango
Sandra Fernandez
Argentina / 24 mins Pensar en tango es pensar en función de hombres y de mujeres y del rol definido que cada uno tiene, ya sea bailando, cantando o tocando. Hoy en día esos roles parecen estar cambiando hacia la igualdad. Quizá porque, en definitiva, no se trate de una cuestión de género sino simplemente de una cuestión de tango.
Cherisse & Katrina Deaton
USA / 107 mins Taylor Hayes is a bright, sassy young black woman in a hetro-relationship, and an essential member of a dynamic foursome of friends. Scratch a little at the surface and we find that Taylor has a penchant for women and aggressively pursues them with a devil-may-care attitude. Taylor spends considerable energy in denial, trying to balance the extreme sides of her life, until she meets and seduces the beautiful, straight Mya. From a staunch Baptist family, Mya is bound to tell the truth about her new relationship, something that Taylor has trouble doing, and matters come to a head. Astute and engaging, this low budget film depicts the obstacles that the intolerant expectations of a community place in the path of true love.
Up In Smoke-Ireland's Smoking Ban
Gerald Fitzgibbon
Ireland / 26 mins An informative, entertaining telling of the story of Ireland's 2004 smoking ban. Up In Smoke captures the progression and surprising success of this radical public health measure in a country renowned for it's pub culture.
Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay
Canada / 1:30 min The pause that refreshes. Commissioned by the Festival Des Films Gays et Lesbiens de Paris as part of the 2006 Hommage à Jean Genet programme, acknowledging the 20th anniversary of Genet’s death.
We too / Wir auch
queerblick e.V.
Germany / 2 mins A couple of basketball players throws some baskets while a group of young girls is attracted by them. Unfortunately they have to find out: The players are gay. Watch... here
We want to Live
Simi Deka
50 mins "Daini Hatya" or 'witch hunting is a very burning and volatile issue , is practiced among certain communities of Assam . A victim is exploited and tortured upon being falsely accused of being a witch. Fear of imminent death and punishment makes life for them a living hell, for these women know not when their houses maybe burnt down, or they maybe driven away from their homes, away from their near and dear, ones or may be just beaten to death!
What’s My Mother Fucking Name
Amber Dawn
Canada / 4 mins A short video poem that explores the puzzling and often hazardous task of being human. The narrator moves through issues of sex work, queer and feminine identity, class, immigration, consumerism, global health and quality of life.
Whispering Ghosts / Thoi Kham Thi Thuk Sap
Taiki Sakpisit
2008 |
Thailand / 12mins The film follows the whispers, poems and prophecies of a mysterious women. Watch… here
Who Ever Told You That You Were Strange?
Rachel Ben Zaken
Israel / 9 mins Beth is a girl who looks like a boy and lives with her mom who doesn't accept her. When Beth brings girls home they realize she's not the boy they thought she was.
Young Love
Crisaldo Vicente Pablo
Philippines / 90 mins