¡Qué Te Den Por Culo!
Chico Morera
Spain / 7 mins Cuando se vive en pareja, cualquier cosa puede desencadenar una discusión... Watch...here
Sandra Alland
6:20 mins In "Able," Sandra Alland uses stop-motion photography and recorded voice to create a metaphoric and literal vision of barriers to access. The text mixes poetry with benefit applications, border control terminology, and medical and blood donor questionnaires. Notions of disability, race, class, gender identity and sexuality intersect to ask the question: Who gets to be "able"? Part of Tracey Moberly's Tweet-Me-Up at Tate Modern, 2012. Watch… here
Ain’t I a Woman
Kebo Drew
USA / 9 mins This film celebrates the luminous enduring beauty of Black Femmes and Black transgender women.
Lala Miñoso
Cuba / 13 mins Lala Miñoso nos muestra a través de este corto algunos sujetos que pueblan el mapa de lateralidades sociosexuales: el proxeneta, la(el) prostituta(o), el foráneo que llega en busca de paraísos sexuales, y la doble moral del supuesto «macho a toda prueba» que abunda en tales ambientes.
Amor a Primera Hora
Nacho Gil
Spain / 5 mins Video ganador de la III Edición del Concurso "safe REC&PLAY safe" organizado por stop sida que promueve el sexo más seguro entre hombres y utiliza Internet para implicar al colectivo homo/bisexual en la creación de mensajes preventivos. Watch...here
At Least You Know You Exist
Zackary Drucker
USA / 16 mins At Least You Know You Exist is a site-specific exploration of a fixed space where everything is in a state of change. In this 16mm film, totemic mystical objects act as a collection of mysterious sculptures in different states of mutation, and rich layers of feverish history interface with a new vision of transgender performativity. Trailer… here
Deborah Kelly
Australia / 4:25 mins 'Beastliness' 2011 is an animated video made from photomontage works in which a fantastic bestiary of creatures and women dance and morph, becoming each other and consuming each other. Kelly re-mythologises the feminine into the hybrid creatures that have lurked within the human imagination over millennia and through doing so questions the assumptions and fears that have swirled around gender roles and rules in western culture. She does so through the hyper-contemporary visual language of digital media while also referring to early 20th century photo-montage pioneers such as Hannah Hoch and the Dada movement. In moving from the natural to the unnatural and the supernatural, Kelly makes the point that nothing may be what it seems and that how we view each other is always mediated through cultural and social conditioning. Watch… here
 Being Lucy / Essere Lucy
Gabriella Romano
Italy / 68 mins The Lovers Film Festival's tribute to Lucy Salani shortly after her death. Based on her autobiographical book (Il mio nome è Lucy. L'italia del XX secolo nei ricordi di una transessuale), this documentary gives us an intimate portrait of the author herself, who endured the years of Fascism and the dreadful experience of being interned in Dachau. The only Italian trans woman who survived the horror of Nazi-Fascism. She became a symbol of the Italian Transgender movement thanks to the inestimable political value of her life.
Rithea Phichith
Cambodia / 14 mins "Boyfriend" is a short fiction film about a strange relationship between an elderly lawyer and a young university student. This relationship doesn't go without confusion or prejudice of people around them. Watch... here
Cab Ride
Farrah Khan
Canada / 5 mins Deeply personal, the artist’s relationship with her driver father, sharing her lesbian identity. Watch... here
Chistes de Mariquitas
Roberto Pérez Toledo
Spain Trailer...here
Code A
Burak Karacan
Canada / 1 min This piece was inspired by my curiosity of the probable patterns the ayran* would make on the inner surface of the bottle after I shook and put down a half-full ayran bottle on my desk. (* Ayran is a popular cold beverage of yogurt mixed with water and often salt.)
Code E
Burak Karacan
Canada / 2 mins Burak Karacan’s Code E was inspired by the question, “Can I obtain a moving image from a single photograph?” Watch… here
Disease of Manifestation
Wu Tzu-An
Taiwan / 9 mins This work is an argument initiated by Wendy Brown’s article Resisting Left Melancholy. There is the thingness of the thoughts that can be seen as the lost object. Extending this idea, the thingness of thoughts that comes from one’s personal or collective memories could become a pathological fixation.
 I lived in the absence twice / J'ai habité l'absence deux fois
Drifa Mezenner
Algeria / 24 mins Drifa Mezenner films the weight of the absence of his brother Sofiane, who illegally left Algeria for England in 1992. He recounts Algeria, a stagnant present and a past that is forcefully removed, under the illusion of thus being able to move forward, instead exposing to the risk of making the same mistakes again. And it also recounts absence, the two different forms of exile: the externalized one of the brother who has been away for thirty years, and the inner one of those left waiting, watching the younger ones lose faith and flee. Two forms of exile that speak of a missing country which can come into a fuller existence again only when Algerians will no longer be forced to leave. Watch… here
Thunska Pansittivorakul
Thailand “Farang” (foreigner) consider lips-to-lips kissing as good and Thai-style kissing as bad. The fact of one preference over another is a sign of lack of understanding between people. “KI SS” is a video installation that interprets this quote from a Thai book on kissing traditions by Sathirakoses. Watch...here
Killer Plastic-o. Tu ti faresti entrare?
Stefano Pistolini
Italy / 50 mins A full immersion in one of the most famous club of Milano and maybe of Italy: Plastic through the words of its founders, DJs, goers and celebrities. Trailer… here
Kissing Frogs
Christina Svien
Denmark, Turkey / 14 mins Kissings Frogs is a documentary about gay life in Beyoglu, Istanbul. Represented of two generations, each sharing their story. Watch...here
Knotty Boy
Chelsea Downs
USA / 10 mins Rik realized at a young age that he had a fascination with the fetish-kinky, which was not so much accepted by his English-German parents. Never the less, the world around him needed to be explored. At the age of 16, with his first car and a girlfriend, he had the freedom needed to find out more.
Love Without Borders
Max Anatskaya
Belorussia / 3 mins The video perfectly shows the harmonious love of heterosexual and homosexual couples. Primarily intended for the Belarusian audience to make aware of the supposed rights of equality for the members of LGBT Community.
Many Classic Moments
Fuyuhiko Takata
Japan / 3 mins
Michael’s Coming Out Story
The Youth Panel
Michael’s story is that his family is in crisis. Their lives have been on hold since the death of his brother twelve months ago. They have never properly dealt with it as a family and now everyone is walking around with their feelings bottled up inside. The situation comes to a head when Michal’s father finds out that Michael is gay and suddenly a years’ worth of painful truth comes rushing out. Watch...here
Pink Boys
Bennet Pimpinella
3 mins Watch... here
 Plan Perfecto
Tavo Ruiz
Mexico / 8 mins Alejandro has a perfect plan for ending his relationship with Manuel, but not everything seems to be as it looks. Watch...here
Hieu Tran
USA / 10 mins Hunter, a punctual hopeless romantic, subconsciously juggles the rules he has for dating on a blind date. However, hiS expectations are contradicted as he spends his night with laid-back Taylor. Hunter listlessly does his hardest to impress his date but continues to maneuver through instances of the evening where his social rules of dating are not applicable. Watch...here
She is my Son
Irene Nduta
Uganda / 5:12 Mins When a father realizes that his son is an intersex child, he seeks the guidance of his own father who advises him not to tamper with his child's sexuality. 24 years latter his son wants to be a man without fully grown female breasts.
 Shoga Yangu
Hissan Muya
María Eugenia Prieto
Chile / 19 mins Susana is a transvestite who begins to make a living in the sex industry. She accidentally sees her father take the services of a companion, who later appears to have been beaten. Susana decides to open up to her mother. Trailer...here
The Humping Pact, Sacra River Dolomites, Italy Mission
Diego Agulló, Dmitry Paranyushkin
Germany / 9 mins The Humping Pact is a suspended act of affirmative persistence. It is an aesthetic meditation on the human desire to believe in the futile and to conceive the impossible. Our coming together is a tribute to dysfunctional spaces that still emanate creative potential. We attempt to build an intimate and personal relationship with space in the most efficient way, being loyal to its demands and dedicated within our efforts. We want to celebrate the human body that is convulsed by the desire to inspire. Watch...here
 The Last Kiss / El Último Beso
Nico Aguerre Garbarino
Spain / 4 mins Ricardo y Antonio disfrutan de una romántica jornada de playa, hasta que uno de ellos se echa a llorar. Watch...here
The Night at the End of the Tunnel
Toby Ross
USA / 63 mins The fascinating connection between darkness and sex is discussed by several panels made of experts and intellectuals. Meet and hear what the hottest men from the Toby Ross Films have to say. Why do closet cases make for such good cinematic subjects? Is it okay to be turned on while being afraid for your life? Why do some choose a life of sleaze?
The Same 4 Letters
Phil Cramp
UK / 15 mins A short documentary film that provides an insight into the LGBT community in the UK, their fight for equality and how they are perceived by society.
 The Straight Gay Ying Yang
Toby Ross
USA / 63 mins What is it about straight guys that drive certain gays gaga?
Three Drops of Holy Water / Tres Gotas de Agua
Jose Alfaro, Marco Castro-Bojorquez
Interviews of 3 different immigrant mothers and them coping up with their child’s sexuality... Watch...here
Tiras de mi Piel
Ayoze Cabrera
Spain / 11 mins Esta pieza documental pretende proporcionar soporte a una autobiografía ácida, honesta, controvertida, y vital y manifiesta con claridad lo perteneciente al mundo de lo sombrío, de lo velado, al mundo de lo invisible... En un simple acto de valentía sin precedentes, el protagonista aprovecha una fecha clave en su vida para compartir, ante la cámara, sus facetas más susceptibles, más desconcertantes, estigmatizantes y humanas.
Where We Were Not: Feeling Reserved, Alexus’ Story
Jessica MacCormack, Alexus Young
Canada / 6 mins In Feeling Reserved Alexus shares her story of a ‘starlight tour,’ a practice of police brutality against First Nations peoples in Canada where individuals are driven out of town, stripped of their coats and shoes, and left to freeze to death. In Alexus’ case, a couple happened to drive by her and she was saved. Nonetheless, the emotional scars remain, and many people were not so lucky. The realization that these murders are a continuation of the genocide of First Nations peoples today is horrifying for all. This work highlights the systemic violence at play and the silencing effect it produces. Watch...here
Yo Soy Asi
Christina Svien
A film about Karina and her life living as a transgender in Chile. Watch... here