Eliezer Pérez Angueira
Cuba / 6 mins
Aimlessly / Sin Rumbo
Soledad Mariel Fernández
Argentina / 6 mins
Luigi Cataldo
Italy / 8 mins A woman locked on the body of a young artist. Watch...here
Balls / Couilles
Mihee-Nathalie Lemoine
Canada / 2 mins “Couilles” is the French expression for having “guts” or “balls”. A brave woman. A raw and queer body filmed “à nu…”.
Boi Oh Boi
Thirza Cuthand
Canada / 10 mins After a long period in life identifying as a Butch Lesbian, Cuthand considers transitioning to male. This experience involved a six month period of her life during which she went by the name Sarain, which she would have been called had she been born a boy, and asking to be called by male pronouns. Complicated by mental health crises, Cuthand found themselves in a mental health group home for women, having to hide their gender dysphoria. After a considerable amount of thought and discussion, Cuthand changed her mind and decided to remain a Butch Lesbian. Explaining her decision, she touches on the desire to maintain a connection to the Lesbian community, as well as the sexy genderfucking that happens when one is a masculine woman. Shot partially on location in Hamburg, Germany, riding back and forth on the UBahn is a metaphor for her eventual acceptance of fluctuating between a masculine and a feminine gender. In a nod to her two spirited ancestors, she mentions that she would have been able to make up her own gender had colonization not happened. Watch...here
Boy's Period
Mei-yi Lam
Hong Kong / 20 mins
Buffalo Boy: Don’t Look East
Adrian Stimson
Canada / 7 mins Buffalo Boy is outrageous and excessive. But going too far is about taking audiences out of their comfort zones and reflecting their prejudices back at them, refusing to legitimize them. In recreating the Wild West as a camp spectacle, Stimson’s work is in dialogue with and indebted to artists such as Lori Blondeau and Kent Monkman, among others, in whose work we see the same love of twisted elegance, parodic exaggeration and elaborate staginess. Mixing satirical spectacle, camp aesthetics and anti-colonial critique, these artists depict the West as high-camp theatre, in which everything is done “in quotations” and nothing is what it seems to be. Watch… here
Candle-manifestation, Gothenburg
Varg Holmdahl
Sweden / 9 mins Questions around police presence at Pride events have been debated since the earliest days of the Pride movement, in the wake of the police raid on Stonewall Inn in 1969. In 2012, a change of the Gothenburg Pride organizers policy on violence prompted activists to creatively highlight what seemed like a double standard. In the film there is a brief clip of a police intervention in the Pride park a few days earlier, where queer protesters were taken into custody.
Christine in the Cutting Room
Susan Stryker
USA / 4 mins This nontraditional reimagining of Christine Jorgensen, who in 1952 became a celebrity after sex reassignment surgery, sets in-your-face archival footage to an electronica soundtrack. Trailer… here
Colin H. Duffy
USA / 6 mins Watch... here
Cóctel de Gambas
David Rodríguez
Spain / 11 mins El padre facha, la madre histérica, el tío gracioso, la tía "progre", el abuelo senil, el hijo borracho y el gay. El cóctel de gambas está servido esta Navidad. Watch...here
Crunch Pop
Grace Raso
USA / 6 mins Move your body to the sounds of hip 1980s aerobics music. This colorful and upbeat video clip is filled with glitter, snacks, wigs, and flashy outfits. Watch...here
¿Cuál es la Diferencia?
Fernanda Sanjurjo
Uruguay / 20 mins Una muestra de cómo no tener en cuenta un enfoque de diversidad de género puede llevar a diagnósticos de salud erróneos, lo que puede afectar a la salud de las personas LGTIB.
 Da Alegria, Do Mar e de Outras Coisas
Ceci Alves
Brazil / 13 mins The transvestite Nem Glamour, which does shows by night in Salvador de Bahia, saw her best friend Joy, also a transvestite, get murdered by military policemen. Nem accused them and now pays the price for it: Persecuted and reviled, she is forced to run away from the country, but only after her last show. Watch... here
Do you, Andy...
Arvin Chen
Taiwan / 4 mins After 4 years, 8 months and 10 days, my best friend, are you ready? Watch... here
Dukes and Barons / Duques e Barões
Kiko Alves
Brazil / 18 mins A vida às vezes nos coloca em caminhos estranhos e nos leva a lugares que questionam nosso modo de perceber o mundo. Quando nos condicionamos sempre a seguir em frente esquecemo-nos do que temos no presente, no agora. Verônica sente que algo ficou perdido. Watch...here
Alessandro Antonaci
Italy / 19 mins A young man reads a diary of the future
Fuck My Life
Xandra Ibarra
USA, Mexico / 4 mins Fuck My Life, named after Ibarra's full-length performance work of the same name, follows a sordid and fatigued showgirl as she sluggishly awakes to make up with yet another day.
Gay in a Day
Yair Hochner, Anat Salomon
Israel / 60 mins These materials construct this film and portray a rich mosaic of voices and experiences in the LGBT community in Israel. The objective of this project was to enable its participants to present their individual point of view showcasing the different meanings of lesbian, gay, trans or bi identity in Israel. Watch… here
Gay Pride
Pierre Primetens
France / 1 min Une spectatrice de la Gay pride confie ses impressions à la caméra de Pierre Primetens. Watch... here
Gloucester City, My Town
Krissy Mahan
USA / 3:57 mins In typical Fisher Price style, Mahan depicts the continual encounters of what “being a daughter” means in my working class town, even for a butch lesbian. Watch... here
God is love
Edward Lyon
UK / 10 mins a man in his new home is delighted to receive an invitation to attend a church service on the local cliff top. He isn't nearly so delighted when he gets there.
Gone with the Smoke
Junny Zhu Ni
Macao / 14 mins Instigated by Ar Dick and a bunch of friends, Ka Ming takes on the habit of smoking during college. A year after graduating, Ka Ming realizes that whenever he smokes, he cannot help recalling his college life and the guy who taught him to smoke. Trailer...here
Google Chrome: Yours Truly
Hieu Tran
USA A guy also uses the web to save his long distance relationship.
Mihee-Nathalie Lemoine
Belgium, Canada / 2 mins “Many trans men affirm their masculinity with beards or moustaches,” byol asserts. In this video, “I am performing masculinity by transferring 100 grams of my own hair to my face to become a realistic Asian man”.
I Love My Skin
Terry Haines
Canada / 4 mins A quirky conversation about the affects of colonialism on the minds of First Nations children.
In & Out
Carol Montealegre
6 mins As to the actual representation of the image is always, partially, phantasmatic. Peggy Phelan This proposal was an action to be seen online. The body is the central theme. The body in interaction with Other bodies, establishing a dialogue with other bodies, with themselves, with the camera, the political body, the social body, the human body. Watch… here
Invisible Parents
Mike Buonaiuto
UK Imagine if your family wasn’t legally recognised in the majority of Europe. That’s the shocking scenario examined in a new online short film, which is the first of its kind to use Facebook and Twitter to raise awareness of the alarming inequalities facing gay parents throughout Europe. Trailer... here
Invisible Picture / Retrato Invisivel
Denise Soares
Brazil / 18 mins Monica takes care of her grandfather who is in a coma. An unnexpected visit of a friend breaks her routine. It’s Lara, and she will reveal secrets that even Monica does not know. Trailer...here
 Keep Breathing
Orr Sigoli
Israel / 14 mins A young man’s strong feelings for his ex turns into an obsession when he starts stalking him and even turns up at his girlfriend’s house. Better sense prevails and he is back to reality with support of his best friend. Watch... here
Keep It Straight!
Vinicius Salles
UK / 20 mins In London, a gym offers a specific training: the Gay Boxing Club. This film take a close look at the steps of its founder Ben Day and Scott Valentine, one of its members. These two characters have broken the rules by fighting the roles that society forges for man to play whether straight or gay.
Karmen Wessels
South Africa / 12 mins James, supposed to be straight, falls for his best guy friend Nico. Trailer...here
Making Peace with the Wind
Kyrahm, Julius Kaiser
Italy / 4 mins
Pablo y David
Javier Marzoa
Spain / 14 mins The story of a couple and their difficulties to normalize their situation. Watch...here
Parole Rosette
Katrina Daschner
Austria / 8 mins Extremely confident in her mastery of style and taking obvious delight in her citations, in PAROLE ROSETTE, Katrina Daschner uses the performance by a well-rehearsed group of queer couples to stage a controlled game around/about social conventions and (sexual) self-determination, interwoven into an architecturally sublime setting (the Carlo Mollino’s Teatro Regio in Turin). - Barbara Reumüller Trailer...here
Por lo Que se Ve...
Emmanuel Duprez
Mexico / 42 mins Un joven es víctima del acoso de sus compañeros por ser homosexual y decide suicidarse porque no aguanta la situación, su mejor amiga se hace pasar por lesbiana para comprobar que en su escuela hay homofobia.
Porn Again, Vol. 1: Mutation of a Transsexual
Sofia Moreno
USA / 7 mins A personal account of the artist’s body as raw material for alteration and as a medium for refusing fetishization.
Prayer That Works / L’orazione Efficacissima
Renato Muro
Italy / 7 mins A priest asks a young man to help him make the necessary preparations for a procession.
Chase Joynt
USA / 8:54 mins Resisterectomy is a 4-part multi-media moving image, picture and text installation that challenges the boundaries of a gendered body through the examination and infiltration of, in and on various medical procedures and spaces. Watch… here
Road Movie
Elle Flanders, Tamira Sawatzky
Canada Elle Flanders and Tamira Sawatzky’s powerful and beautifully nuanced installation, Road Movie, examines contemporary life in Palestine. Palestinians living in the West Bank are confronted with a segregated and impossible road system made all the more problematic and unpredictable by shifting political currents. The subjects of the films, from Palestinian ambulance and taxi drivers to Israeli settlers and human-rights activists (who were all filmed while Flanders and Sawatzky travelled the segregated roads) offer a unique and unconventional glimpse into the human landscape of this volatile land. Filmed in stop-motion animation, with a screen set-up suggesting the foreboding wall surrounding Palestine, Road Movie is full of arresting and vibrant images, from the deserts of the Jordan Valley to the circumference of Jerusalem. The piece serves as an elegy for people and places that are rarely seen and heard. And for those who no longer see one another.' Trailer... here
Gilbert Mayo
The Philippines Watch...here
Bren Ryder
Canada / 10 mins A queer couple documents their journey to become pregnant. From the trip to the sperm bank, interviews about their experience, to the explicit sexual encounter and subsequent sperm injection, this film uses simultaneous images and subtitle text for a unique viewing experience.
 Sin Envoltura
Roberto Mares
Mexico / 16 mins Dos enamorados juegan con sus vidas poniéndolas en riesgo... Trailer...here
Elissavet Chatzicharalampous
Germany / 22 mins
Te Amo
Juan M. Fernández Chico
2:28 mins Watch...here
The Jeweller / Il Gioielliere
Kyrahm, Julius Kaiser
Italy / 7 mins
The Moment of Truth
Oliver Valente
USA / 12 mins A story about an Iranian ultra-religious family who have immigrated to the US, that are about to learn that their son is a homosexual. Watch... here
The Right Time
Hamish Steele
UK / 1 min When is the right time to tell a secret to your best friend? Watch...here
Things are Different Now
Ryan Conrad
Canada / 4 mins How do younger queers who have never known a world without AIDS, including the accompanying prevention and treatment strategies that have been popularized over the last two decades, relate to the history of the epidemic and to those that managed to survive its earlier conditions? Watch...here
Anya Stetsenko
Russia / 1 min Amusing gender joke. Watch...here
 What I Love About Being Queer
Vivek Shraya, Lia Hietala
Canada / 19 mins Filmed entirely in Shraya’s Toronto apartment last October, What I LOVE about being QUEER is a candid and raw look at queerness. In some scenes, the hum of Shraya’s refrigerator or soft giggling can be heard off in the distance. It all makes for an honest, yet familiar account of being queer… Shraya’s intimate, yet humourous approach is a welcome change of pace. Trailer...here
Wielandstrasse 20, 3. OG
Jan Soldat
Germany / 2 mins Ein klassischer Jan Soldat: Der unaufgeregte und unaufdringliche Einblick in Jörgs und Karstens Beziehung in ihrer Berliner Wohnung.
Atong Atem
Australia / 5 mins A celebration of evolving technologies as tools for performance and their parallels with the evolving queer body, the evolving sick body and the evolving black body. Technology as puppetry and the screen as praxis for our desires and our imagined selves.
With love, your children
Bosnia Herzegovina / 15 mins With love, your children depicts personal stories of LGBTIQA persons on building parent-caregiver-child relationship in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It explores the narratives of queering the borders of biological and chosen families through the prism of experiences of unconditional love, closets, understanding, support, courage, rejection, erasure and migration of LGBTIQA persons. This documentary movie invites every parent, caregiver and child to rethink the persona/political way of how we build our relationships and communities within patriarchal society of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Youngstown / Steel Town
William E. Jones
USA / 6 mins The evolution of an Ohio rust belt city is examined in this double-screen projection by Massillon-born, Los Angeles–based artist William E. Jones. The 1944 propaganda film Steel Town, which shows the booming wartime steel industry of Youngstown, Ohio, plays alongside contemporary footage of the city’s now-quiet empty streets and abandoned buildings, underscoring the bleak reality of this postindustrial city.