Bruno Ciancaglini
Argentina The a)normal proposal is based on a premise: to democratize the concept of “normal”. Trailer... https://youtu.be/7hQKQOR95Yo
1 Grrl 5 Bears
Howard Adler
Canada "1 Grrl 5 Bears" is a spin-off of the the television show "1 Girl 5 Gays". It features the fabulous Ronda Darling, a Bear in drag who hosts the show, and instead of focusing on stereotypical gay men that are young, thin, and (often) vain, it highlights 5 gay men that are older, and who have more ursine qualities. Trailer… https://youtu.be/_2wTN4uOXHo
1987, Summer
Krissy Mahan
9 mins This short film follows the life of baby butch dyke, who is full of idealism and romantic ideas during a time when HIV/AIDS impacted the LGBT community. The issue of gender presentation is presented as an unhelpful barrier to finding support for the fight against AIDS.
2001 Colours Andy Never Thought Of
George Barber
UK / 6 mins An icon. Repainted. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/192908247
 24 Heures
Zji-jin Tsai
France / 17 mins Le lm évoque les dernières heures de Mai, jeune écrivaine taïwanaise, enfermée dans son appartement pour rédiger le dernier chapitre de son roman Le Testament. Le lm s’inspire des journaux intimes de Qiu Maio-jin, jeune écrivaine homosexuelle taïwanaise qui vécut à Paris jusqu’en 1995 où elle se suicida à l’âge de 26 ans. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/124169078
A Celebration of Darkness
Jaene Castrillon
Canada / 6:34 mins A woman with a tortured past is triggered to take an unexpected walk down memory lane, giving her a chance to make peace with her past. Does she find a way to celebrate darkness or does she become engulfed forever by it? Trailer...https://vimeo.com/138802952
A Galinha Ryaba
Cláudio Marques, Marília Hughes, ly Kiselev
Russia / 3 mins Em uma parte remota do país vive a galinha Ryaba com seus dois mestres. No entanto, apesar de suas aparências, o casal de velhos são espiões da CIA enviados para destruir a Rússia, fazendo propaganda LGBT a menores. Uitlizando a claymation, a animação mistura absurdo e sátira em uma crítica efetiva para a política sem sentido contra a homossexualidade na Federação Russa moderna.
A Great Way of Life
William E. Jones
USA / 7 mins A mash-up of images of the imperialist war machine and sounds of the consumer economy, juxtaposing the Viet Nam War during the late 1960s with American television commercials of the same era. Advertisements dominate the spectator with appeals to buy products that have military as well as domestic uses: spray the life out of garden pests with insecticide, make your clothes whiter with bleach, and think of cowboys and Indians while you do it.
 A la cama con Francisco
Al Borde Producciones
A la cama con Francisco, es un cortometraje autobiográfico, en donde Francisco, un pibe trans, puto, gordo, sadomasoquista, intenta batallar un mundo que lo excluye del mercado del deseo. Negándose que su existencia no sea celebrada, deseada y gozada, Francisco abre las puertas de su cotidianeidad para mostrarnos que ser objeto y sujeta de deseo… ¿Es posible? Watch...https://vimeo.com/groups/359170/videos/103961724
A Lifetime of Making Change
Megan Rossman
USA / 3 mins Maxine Wolfe, 74, reflects on a lifetime of activism and her role as a coordinator at the Lesbian Herstory Archives in Brooklyn, N.Y. Watch... https://www.festivalfocus.org/film/138590/watch/9396/
A Naked Boy
Jang Young-sun
South Korea / 22 mins A teacher suffers from hallucinations and sees one of his students naked in class. In order to solve the issue, he pays a visit to the student. Does this visit have something to do with the teacher’s past?
Sharvari Raval
India / 23 mins Aakruti is a short documentary film based on the true story of Aakruti Patel who underwent Sex Reassignment Surgery in the year 2015. Aakruti is the first person to successfully undergo Sex Reassignment Surgery in Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
Aavahan – Voices from the Fringe
Bindumadhav Khire
India / 15 mins
Achilles Heel
Nicolas Pourliaros
Greece / 17 mins Maria is a doctor that works illegally with her nurse lover Sotine providing for assisted suicides of those in terminal illness. Her life will completely turn around when she meets the parents of Achilles, a healthy young gay men
African, Muslim & Homosexual / Je Suis Africain, Musulman et Homosexuel
Johan Amselem
Adams (who had to change his name) is 22 years old and is gay, African and Muslim. The film introduces us to the actor through 5 moments of everyday life, 5 moments that have a particular stake here. Trailer... https://youtu.be/iM5Ztl_7XDk
Afternoon of a Faun
Fuyuhiko Takata
Japan / 5 mins
Ainsi soient-elles
Anne Jarrigeon
France / 30 mins A l’occasion d’un stage, la jeune Tara découvre l’univers intellectuel et l’engagement de Christine et Catherine, les deux fondatrices de la librairie féministe Violette and Co. De l’accrochage des expositions artistiques aux conversations chuchotées au milieux des livres, en passant par les rencontres littéraires organisées dans la mezzanine bien connue des habitué-e-s de ce lieu unique en son genre, le film, réalisé sans interview dans la lignée du « cinéma direct », interroge la transmission de la culture féministe. Watch… https://vimeo.com/132594593
Fox Fisher, Lewis Hancox
UK / 3 mins Brighton-based tale of a trans woman’s second youth. Watch...https://youtu.be/8H5_AEBA5GY
Rod Singh
Philippines / 10 mins Alindanaw is a silent film about the journey of an Alien in search for its identity and a safe haven. The film explores the parallelism between a butterfly, an alien and a transgender.
 All Out! / Tutti Fuori!
Massimo Latini
Italy / 25 mins 40 Years of Coming Out in Italy Watch...https://vimeo.com/149308333
Claudia Mollese
Italy / 65 mins The journey on the trail of one of the most emblematic character of the city of Lecce, capital of baroque, leading us into an invisible Lecce where transgression and devotion are inextricably intertwined.
Amor de Purpurina
Marc Bou Gener Lanzo
An Equally Predatory Monster (A ‘How-To’ on Making Feminist Tentacle Porn)
Anna Wistreich
UK / 17 mins Artist Anna Wistreich talks about her approach to creating feminist tentacle porn, with analytical discussion on feminism, porn and women’s sexuality intercut with blissful imagery of jellyfish and live coral. The documentary relates her early fascination with porn to her artistic expression, and to the realisation that tentacle porn, often genderless, is also queer. Anna uses the medium of pornography in a radical way, to celebrate women’s bodies and sexual desire. The artist calls out for more variety of imagery to depict women’s physical sexuality, believing in the radicalising potential of an ‘equally predatory monster’. This film even comes with a manifesto…
An Obituary for Polly
José Alberto Cerrillo
Mexico / 12 mins
Felipe Santo
Brazil / 15 mins
 Anjali: How Long Can Someone Live In Other’s Skin
Mohan Rai
Nepal / 35 mins Trailer...https://youtu.be/ei_17ohN-RU
Another Teenage Love Story
Andrew Cali
USA / 6 mins High School dating isn’t always without its secrets.
Arthur et Jonathan
France / 13 mins 16 years old Arthur is the captain of the school’s rugby team and loves his girlfriend Camillia a lot. Why then is his heart beating faster when Camillia’s gay friend Jonathan is around? Watch... https://youtu.be/p6K1w33cEfc
Oliver Smith
UK / 30 mins Trailer...https://youtu.be/AYMh9zkt6r4
Ashes of the Afternoon / 134 Mortes
Márcia Bellotti
Brasil / 10 mins O filme parte de uma visão surrealista para trazer uma crítica política contemporânea sobre a violência que forçosamente envolve o dia-a-dia das pessoas transexuais no Brasil.
A surrealistic film portraying a contemporary political criticism about the everyday violence suffered by transgender people in Brasil. Watch… https://vimeo.com/177224363
Ntombizodwa Magagula
South Africa / 16 mins After the disappearance of her father and the death of her girlfriend, a young woman blames herself for the two tragic events. In her journey of finding peace and learning to be fearless, she meets a woman who challenges her to take the first step. She discovers that the person responsible for the death of her girlfriend is closer than she thought.
Fox Fisher Lewis Hancox
UK / 4 mins A pleasing account of positive change in the military with this insight into the life of a trans RAF rescue pilot. Watch...https://youtu.be/GA5ugaljpeE
Bailar en Hombre
Fernando López
Spain “Bailar en hombre” es un espectáculo que trata sobre la evolución de los códigos de género y sexualidad dentro del flamenco, a lo largo del siglo pasado. La pieza tiene como hilo conductor el recorrido de diferentes versiones de la Farruca, un género dancístico flamenco creado a principios del siglo XX y que se convirtió, con el transcurso de los años, en emblema de la masculinidad y del llamado “baile del hombre”. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/140037279
Hai Chin Hsu
USA / 13 mins Trailer...https://youtu.be/xyCZ9KTqF-w
Bat Time / Die Stunde der Fledermaus
Elena Walf
Germany / 4mins
Being Unbound
Anna Wistreich
UK, Denmark / 21 mins Being Unbound centres around Mwamba, a female-to-male trans-person living openly in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It follows Mwamba and his fellow activist-friends in their fight to create safe spaces and dialogue around a concept that is unknown to almost everyone in Tanzania. The strong friendship and impassioned fight portrayed by the protagonists shows how a sense of community and empowerment can be born out of a shared experience and cause. The film explores how it feels to live in a world where one is constantly forced to think about one’s gender, what it means to live between genders, and how to live your life when your gender identity does not match the one that the rest of society imposes on you. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/156535291
Bits + Pieces : Andy
Anto Gamunev
Puerto Rico / 7 mins Andy is a puertorican in his 40's who is going thru a little depression because of the death of his love. His has been living a lonely life for the past 2 years and then his niece steps in. Katy comes in and tries to help him move on by setting him up on a date. Will he find love? Will he find a human connection? Or, will he fall back to his depressive state of mind?
Cristiano Sousa
Brazil / 3:44 mins Un hombre y el desafío de superar la soledad después de una ruptura y el descubrimiento de que el amor sólo conoce su intensidad con la separación.
Yalda Afsah Ginan Seidl
Germany / 30 mins “Boy” narrates through pictures of urban environments and close observations the lives of a girl which is raised as a boy in Afghanistan and a young afghan singer, who now lives in London but wore boys clothes to be more free in afghan society. Trailer...https://youtu.be/Gv7rTky-Sy4
Bread of Life / Pan de Vida
Sergio García Locatelli
Spain / 7 mims Alejandro busca la felicidad y no concibe el amor sin religión. Desde que decidió dejar el lastre de la culpa, vive a plenitud su identidad. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/151569552
Bullying, The Sexual Truth
Daveo Falaveo
USA /1:14 mins
 Burned Arepas
Luis Enrique Pacheco Arias
Chile / 10 mins
 Café Désirs
Raymonde Provencher
Canada / 52 mins Since the early 1990s, when a bloody civil war broke out in Algeria between the government and Islamist militants, the concept of haram—the forbidden—has demanded the rigid separation of men and women. Café Désirs is a fascinating look at a generation of young, single Algerian men as they come of age in the ancient city of Constantine, trapped between strict religious virtue and sexual desire. Three eloquent guides take us into the male-only world of cafés and hookah lounges, to talk openly about their lives, their frustrations with work and the social dangers of living in a sexually repressed society. It's a world especially fraught for those pursuing same-sex relationships, which are illegal and severely punished. Café Désirs is an engaging and complex exploration of male sexuality and gender politics in a country still struggling with the aftermath of civil war and colonialism. Lynne Fernie
Casi Inmutable
Leonardo Daniel Ríos Guevara, Raúl Uribe Carvajal
Mèxico / 5 mins
Che Monja
Martin Chab
Sweden, Argentina / 95 mins
Ania Urbanowska
UK / 2 mins Sometimes the fear of coming out can make us fear that we are unlovable. The simple refrain ‘don’t stop loving me’ hangs in the air long afterwards. Watch...https://vimeo.com/165784900
Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!
Amelia Barker
UK / 2 mins A simple quarrel between flatmates leads to some surprising consequences. Inspired by the book I Lick My Cheese, Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! tells the story of Polly and her quest to lead a calm, ordered and structured life. Her efforts are hampered however by flatmate Alex - chaotic and carefree, Alex represents everything that Polly is not. Will Alex’s lifestyle finally push Polly over the edge?
Bruno Gaeta
Mexico / 10 mins
Chocolate Beard
Leonard Suryajaya
USA / 3:06 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/213547405
Karen Johannesen
USA / 5 mins Color saturated images of flowers forcefully create a sensory and optical phenomenon vibrating on the verge of explosion.
Mozart Freire
Brasil / 16 mins Um refúgio para relações homoafetivas intermediadas pelo encontro, pelo olhar e pelo toque. Um mosaico composto por pulsões de desejo e odes ao corpo masculino.
Clinch / Ringen
Manuel Meinhardt
Germany / 5 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/126688198
Colder / Plus Froid
Joey Chan
China / 23 mins The story takes place in a society where being gay is the norm. Zhang Min tells his fathers about his heterosexuality, hoping to get their understanding and support. But nothing happens as planned.
Coming Home
Francy Fabritz
Germany / 20 mins A large flat and many places that are sex inviting, rather it’s the fridge, the washer or the bed – quick lesbian sex with joyful devices…
Connor & Max
Connor Vail
USA / 7 mins We are both gay men who have had our fair share of struggles but also our fair share of happiness. We pretty much talk about that among other things. Watch... https://vimeo.com/138202947
Continuous Resistance Remix
Fallon Simard
Canada / 5 mins Continuous Resistance Remix is a 5 minute video that remixes 30 youtube videos that document state violence(s) perpetuated on indigenous bodies.
Rodrigo Carneiro
Brasil / 30 mins Obsessed with a heteronormative identity, Pendro confronts himself with an image that doesn’t represent who he is. On this search performed by him, the marks of violence start appearing all over his vulnerable young body. Watch… https://youtu.be/T_HjlAf2ebs
Cosmic Crystals
Jonathan Caouette
8 mins The film is a mash-up of public domain clips, educational films, online gifs, a killer dream pop song by Nyles Lannon & Paul Falcone’s The Cosmic Crystal (a brief part of which was used for Tarnation). Caouette first saw it on PBS’s ZOOM in the 1970’s which inspired him to want to make films.
Moisés Loureiro, André Nódoa
Brasil / 46 mins A conturbada relação entre a igreja evangélica e o publico LGBT parece não estar tão perto de uma conciliação, com o surgimento da teologia inclusiva e igrejas que não só aceitam os gays, mas os tem como lideres dentro das congregações parecem aumentar ainda mais a tensão do lado mais conservador.
Curriculum Vitae
Raí Gandra
Brasil / 2 mins Um Raí não cai duas vezes no mesmo lugar.
A Raí does not strike the same place twice. Watch...https://vimeo.com/131946655
Dar Leon
Israel / 4 mins Being different, a stain in society, a society that pursuit its own members.
Dancer as Insurgent
Simon Schultz
USA / 17:26 mins Documentary featuring Benjamin Hart, Chicago based dancer and activist, exploring voguing as radical poetic expression and emancipatory tool in the sociopolitical struggles of QTPOC communities in New York.
Danny's Nightmare [Horror, Against Homophobia]
Calum McSwiggan, Roly
USA / 3 mins 15 year old Danny is gay, being bullied, and struggling to deal with his sexuality. When he wakes up alone the night before Halloween he finds himself living his worst nightmare. Watch... https://youtu.be/n_iH0lBSoUY
Dear Armen: The Final Monologue
Kamee Abrahamian, Lee Williams Boudakian
Armenia / 6 mins Culture, identity, and history fight for dominance in this finale to a multidisciplinary performance piece marking the centennial of the Armenian genocide.
Juan Mirarchi
Argentina / 99 mins Sobre tres personajes (2 hombres y una mujer) que unen sus caminos, pasando por momentos que les llevarán del deseo a los celos, del amor a la confrontación. Watch... https://youtu.be/-47a923W1zs
Deep Switches
Danny Tayara
USA / 5 mins Two queer witches summon the supreme bitch snack daddy they’re craving after a session of Tarot readings and crystal rubbing.
Lara Buitron, Vitor Lima
Brazil / 22 mins Documentário que se propõe a discutir as relações de gênero pela ótica das mulheres transgêneras e travestis presas no cárcere masculino em Pernambuco.
Documentary that aims to discuss gender relations from the perspective of transgender women and transvestites arrested in a male prison in Pernambuco, Brazil.
Distances / Distantziak (N. 4)
Aitor Gametxo
Spain / 65 mins Colective documentary produced by Territorios y Fronteras and Zinebi International Film Festival. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/143679310
Ángel Araujo
Don't Look
Paulo Henrique
Portugal / 4 mins The film focus on a character in a specific frame/period of time. The use of a classical photographic frontal angle with two distances, accumulating the gestures of the movement character observed behind of a translucent broken glass, filmed from inside and outside space (broken glass). Watch... https://vimeo.com/129101877
Double Heart Seven
Misy Tinyun Lan
Taiwan / 3 mins Watch...https://Vimeo.Com/128503789
E Tu, Tens Medo De Mim?
Renata Monte, Juliano de Medeiros
Brasil / 42 mins O filme retrata o processo de produção da peça "Quem Tem Medo de Travesti", do coletivo artístico As Travestidas, e a história de seus membros. Além de revelar a importância do teatro como agente de transformação social e a relação de travestis e transexuais com o preconceito e a violência. Dois diretores, sete atores e um espetáculo de tirar o fôlego. Trailer...https://youtu.be/kMfKQTXXxNo
Each Night I Dream
Jim Chuchu
Kenya / 11 mins Banned from public screenings in Kenya, Each Night I Dream is one of a collection of films from the Nest depicting the harsh reality of life for LGBT youth in Africa. Based on a series of anonymous interviews.
 Eat My Father for Dinner
BY Li Bin
China / 99 mins A fantastical personal voyage into the lives, loves, relationships of a 21-year-old multi-talented director who stars in what can only be called one of the most original sexy queer movies in a long time.
Anne Golden
Canada / 2 mins Windows become screens.
Eigenwillige Miss M.
Zatinka Feistl
Germany / 17 mins Since Annie, 12, moved in with her father, she constantly tells wild stories about her pussy. Her father Andreas slowly despairs, his boss is shocked, the social worker is crestfallen. Why does she do this?
 El Camino del Gato
Pamela Robin
El Salvador Trailer...https://youtu.be/JXtOHafMjxE
El Moreno
David Sánchez
México / 6 mins
Lucía Valdemoros
Argentina / 5 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/122220215
En La Esquina
Jorge Enrique Castro Díaz
México / 16 mins
Ex Argilla
Elena Vannier, Anne-Sophie Tournade
France / 5 mins Jeux de regards entre une artiste et son modèle.
Fifi Va La Plage
Kathryn Roake
USA / 5 mins This is a whimsical tale about a lesbian dog whose playfulness gets her into trouble and ends up taking her on the adventure of her life at Coney Island.
 Flo & Hector in Hasenheide
Nikolaj Tange Lange, Flo Cane
Germany / 16 mins A boy scout and his dog are playing among the autumn leaves. A fun, rough, and tender gay/trans DIY porn.
Fluid Y
Katerina Athanasopoulou, Yani B
UK / 4 mins Transcendence, movement, change, and a chromosome are happily defied.
Márcia Bellotti
Brasil / 5 mins
For Your Pleasure
Miguel Maldonado
UK / 6 mins Trailer... https://vimeo.com/123560298
From Him
Ben Iaor
18 mins Oren is a young dancer who is dealing with the loss of the person closest to him, the one he loved. He is trying to find closure while dealing with the prejudice and the accusations thrown at him.
Bhanu Babbal
India / 5 mins G.H.A.R (Gay Housing Assistance Resource started as a Yahoo group in 1998 with 1 member, Sachin Jain (currently a Spanish-language teacher and editor of Gaylaxy Magazine Hindi, and co-founder of a group called Gay Bombay). By the end of 2015 it was a closed Facebook group with 2260 members. Half of the postings on G.H.A.R are from Mumbai. Watch... https://youtu.be/5Y0mcLYIRsc
 Gay in Albania
Nina Foufa
Greece / 28 mins Up until the mid-90s if you were openly gay in Albania, you would be sent to prison. Many homosexuals still face bigotry and violence, even in their own homes. In the last five years, Albania has seen a dynamic LGBTQ movement. Gay activist have created secret guest houses in Tirana that offer shelter to young homosexuals who have been brutally abused. VICE Greece traveled to Albania and recorded rare glimpses into the lives of people who have been victimized and neglected because of their sexual orientation in one of Europe’s most homophobic countries. Watch...https://youtu.be/kbdNh6p8RKo
Ghost Pug
Will Webb
UK / 3 mins London’s housing market can force people into uncomfortable places, such as accepting a ghost pug in your midst. A very silly, funny film about a lesbian couple being haunted by a ridiculously cute ghost. Trailer...https://youtu.be/HqbZUSmU1F8
Tran Tonnu
USA / 5 mins After failing to get her Gay Membership Verification renewed, Sophie must navigate her world as a “straight person.” She comes to realize being gay is not as simple as renewing a license.
Wanda Vrasti
Germany / 13 mins A pensive look at a singular character and the bonds that transform us over time.
Golden Hour
Daniel Destefano
USA / 5 mins A horrific tale of anonymous love gone awry when two men meet on a park bench and one of them has evil plans. Watch...https://vimeo.com/173010247
Gotta Have Heart
Sandi Perimutter
26 mins When Edd met Joe, he told him that his heart hurt; Joe thought he was being metaphorical. In this touching love story, we meet a sweet, cantankerous New York couple facing incredible obstacles just to keep retired ballet dancer Edd alive. Fondly remembering their 23 years together, they recount Edd’s near death experiences, failed attempts at fixing his heart, and their hope for a miracle. Gotta Have Heart is an intimate portrait of devotion and survival. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/144170196
Aiess Alonso
Chile Residents of Isla Esperanza were forced to evacuate to the mainland when a storm hoisted over a group of islands. An evacuee finds himself in the care of a stranger. Eager to go back to his island home, he heads to the sea with a future waiting to be vanished by rising tides.
 Happy New Year / Feliz Ano Novo
Felipe André Silva
Brasil / 17 mins On New Year’s Eve, Fred and Alexandre meet to discuss past, future, and a love that they cannot understand. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/130053979
Heavens to Betsy
Angie West, Jac Nunns
UK / 11 mins HEAVENS TO BETSY, a lesbian Cinderella story set in a hair salon
Here Come The Brides – The Same-Sex Marriage in Brazil
Gabi Torrezani, Fabia Fuzeti
Brazil / 50 mins
Ashish Sawhny, Anisha Lanewala, Shefali Jamwal
India / 15 mins
How It Touches Me / No Que Me Toca
Cecilia Engels
Brasil / 16 mins Aline, dentro da sua introspecção, perde o senso do que é real e do que são visões. Pelo toque de um massagista, ela resgata o que precisa ser curado para poder seguir adiante.
Within her introspection, Aline loses sense of what is real and what are visions. By the touch of a masseur she rescues what needs to be cured in order to move forward. Watch...https://youtu.be/PLEqdi_KfWg
Hush / Remanso
Aline de França
Brasil / 7 mins Uma videodança sobre significação do amor e da paixão através do movimento. A permissão dos corpos no fluxo inevitável de interagirem entre si e de se deixarem levar por esse contato.
A video dance about the meaning of love and passion through movement. The permission of the bodies in the inevitable flow of interacting with each other and letting themselves to be carried away by this contact. Watch...https://vimeo.com/127897529
In attesa
Alberto Vianello
Italy / 9 mins A kindergarten teacher needs to tackle the consequences of an unusual evening date
Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
México / 76 mins A married couple, a psychologist, a sex worker. Humor, repression and freedom in four perfectly separate acts that construct a reflection on infidelity, in which sexual tension defines the psyche of characters that will not be subject to moral margins at all.
 Inflamed: A Litany for Burning Condoms
Niknaz Tavakolian
USA / 7 mins This experimental video explores the sociopolitical, technocratic, and historical textures of latex as they relate to AIDS.
Inside Out
Rebecca Nyahay
USA / 8:54 mins Inside Out takes a look into the life of Lee, a single black woman living by her own rules and generally on her own turf. But when tragic events force Lee to come face to face with a truth she can’t hide, Lee must decide if she will confront her fears or run the risk of being stuck inside forever.
Rosie Haber, Lauren Cioffi
USA / 7 mins A young queer couple in Mississippi try to adopt a baby on Instagram. In collaboration with The Front. Watch... https://youtu.be/LgmGnbKGI6Q
 Into All That is Here
Laure Prouvost
UK / 10 mins Into All That Is Here ex lores the notion of lust after times of darkness. Within her film, the artist will continue the exploration of themes addressed in Wantee (2013), a story linked to her grandfather. This time, she focuses on digging into the subconscious of this character, deep into his fantasies, as an insect or bird is attracted to the pollen of a flower and when there by the flower indulge its with pleasure. Trailer...https://youtu.be/g13q0w0aysQ
Is This Normal? / Isso É Normal?
Richard Maman
Brasil / 5 mins Uma mãe se depara com os questionamentos do filho e se dá conta de que seu garoto está crescendo e começando a compreender o mundo.
A mother stumbles upon his son's questions and realizes that her kid is growing and starting to understand the world.
Johnny Had a Boyfriend
Outi Hartikainen
Finland / 5 mins Taken from Traffic Island’s third E.P. “Third EP”. When his son introduces his boyfriend to his parents, longtime hidden memories and old frustrations come to life. Watch...https://youtu.be/1CQNPH-d5Wk
Sam Bell
UK / 3 mins A film about hate with no redemption. Watch... https://www.festivalfocus.org/film/109780/watch/
Ran Li
Czech Republic, China / 9 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/110945255
Just Another Love Story / Manam
Prashansa Gurung
India / 7 mins
Ken Ou Barbie? Play With Me!
Sonia Rickli
Switzerland / 2:40 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/129457887
Daniel Lathwesen
Germany / 2:55 mins
Dew Kim, Luciano Zubillaga
UK, Germany Trailer...https://vimeo.com/128976307
Florian Fructuoso
Canada Watch... https://vimeo.com/149578244
La Chica De La Barra
Javier Ortiz Alcamí
Spain / 4 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/154972553
La Mascara
Mary Trash
18 mins Minus is Válido
La Piscina
Alejandro Lablec
Uruguay / 11 mins Dos jóvenes reciben clases de natación en una piscina climatizada.
La Premiere
Bard Yden
Norway / 9 mins
La Visita
Vìctor Góngora Cervantes
México / 15 mins
Davood Khalife Gholi
Iran / 31 mins
Las Piedras También Lloran
Ruth Martínez Álvarez
Spain / 14:59 mins Blanca y Alicia, dos mujeres de mediana edad, son amigas desde la infancia. Actualmente Alicia es la secretaria de Blanca, pero entre ellas ha habido un distanciamiento en los últimos años. Mientras Blanca sigue soltera, Alicia ha formado una familia.
Ruthie Jenrbekova, Maria Vilkovisky
Kazakhstan / 21 mins Funny and tough mockument about a man, who lays eggs.
Leaving This Country / Odchádzame Z Tejto Krajiny
Dominik Jursa
Slovakia / 25 mins The film reacts to the events concerning the controversial referendum which took place in Slovakia in February 2015. It’s about a young couple preparing for their adult life and thinking about whether this country is the right place for their future.
 Lez Be Honest
Tiffany Gibson
LGBTQ Barber in NYC
Runze Yu
USA / 7 mins This is a story of a black queer barber trying to realize her dream, opening a barber shop for LGBT community in New York City. Watch...https://vimeo.com/127376085
Like a Minse
Nathalia Salani, Jully Irie
Brasil / 4 mins Barbara cai nos corredores da famosa noite da Alôca em São Paulo e se prepara para ganhar o palco. Claro, se passar pelo crivo das famosas ""donas"" do lipsync na casa: Maica, Scarllet e Ginger, que mostram que nos palcos palavras podem ser escritas a punho, mas são ditas na alma.
Barbara ends up in the corridors of the famous nightclub Alôca in Sao Paulo and prepares herself to conquer the stage. Of course, if she gets the approval of the famous lipsync 'owners' in the place: Maica, Scarllet and Ginger, who show on stage that words can be handwritten, but are said with the soul.
Listen / Ouve
Paulo Cavalcanti
Brazil / 7 mins Um quarteto ensaia sobre as relações oprimidas (veladas ou não) de forma individual e concomitante. Uma cantora, um pianista, um bailarino e uma atriz; cada um exprime sua angústia de acordo com sua linguagem, a escuta do silêncio é o denominador comum.
A quartet rehearses on the oppressed relations (veiled or not) individually and concurrently. A singer, a pianist, a dancer and an actress; they express their anguish according to their language, listening to the silence is the common denominator. Trailer...https://youtu.be/D9wzBCTH25Y
Livin the Lies
Annemarie Soba
USA / 10 mins Annmarie Soba follows Delroy, a gay Jamaican college student in the US, as he tries to cope with his many conflicting identites while looking for acceptance from his family and culture. Watch...https://vimeo.com/138644483
Living Together
Taiwan / 69 mins
 Lost & Found
Zeng Lei
China / 34 mins
Lost and Found
Nizan Lotem
Israël / 7 mins Yuval, a young teenager meets a stranger in the park who found his mobile. When the incident turns into an extortion attempt, Yuval has to face consequences of his earlier actions.
Love Park
Sanhka Malwaththa
Sri Lanka / 3 mins
Lucky After Dark
William Laszlo Holman
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) student Harrison Apple is Pittsburgh’s first queer archaeologist. Standing amid the debris of a defunct LGBT social club in East Liberty, he had a sense of historical importance, of something past that helped shape the present. Watch...https://vimeo.com/103941777
Joelle Gonzalez-Laguer
Puerto Rico / 14 mins Profesor Diaz speaks with a feminine affectation and wears women’s clothes in public. Yet, he insists, “I am not Lizza Fernanda. I am Professor Luis Felipe Díaz.” Trailer...https://youtu.be/_cI4vK0ua50
Mais Duro!
Camila Saldarriaga
Colombia / 13 mins When a Colombian teenager gives into her curiosities, she ignites her journey toward self-discovery.
Hacia finales de los noventa en Colombia, la curiosa e introvertida Amalia comienza, sin saberlo, su viaje hacia el autoconocimiento cuando toma prestada una película de porno soft de un amigo para mirarla con su mejor amiga. Watch...https://vimeo.com/139758133
Rachel Ara
UK / 1 min This hilarious short animation encapsulates the new terminology ‘Manspreading’ (the usually male behaviour of taking up space with little regard or consideration as to whose space you are invading) and suggests a way of dealing with this problematic behaviour – a way which the WDIYFF, of course, does not endorse… :-) Watch...https://vimeo.com/144991982
Cardinia Shire Youth
Australia / 13 mins Armed with only a camera, stubborn dedication and a touch of ignorance, a pair of curious twins set out to learn more the day after their elder brother Marcus comes out as trans. Watch… https://youtu.be/-h20hB6_xQc
Luciana Solórzano
México / 25 mins
Meme Team
Carleigh Ellwood, Quinton Mourjoun
USA / 5 mins The corporations are stealing our memes! Who you gonna call?
 Mesa de familia
Isaac Flores
Venezuela / 10 mins Todo comienza una navidad cualquiera, cuando una confesión inesperada hace que una familia se convierta en un batallón y un comedor en un campo de reproches y reclamos.
It’s another Christmas day, and it all begins with an unexpected confession that divides a family making what it is supposed to be a time for peace and love, an open war between every member of the family. Watch… https://youtu.be/o_H-EpwYzos
Minutes to Midnight
Diego Batara Mahameru
USA / 8 mins A few minutes before midnight of New Year's Eve, Adam, an awkward, introverted guy who happens to be working overtime in the office receives a horoscope subscription e-mail that says his soulmate will come to him this year. Adam tries his best to approach the only three females in the office that night and the end result was not at all what he has expected. Watch... https://youtu.be/GnuJbhbpRXA
Panha S. Theng
Myanmar / 6 mins
Mauricio Ferreira
Brasil / 16 mins Concebido sob os elementos visuais das obras musicais “Trocando em Miúdos”, “Samba e Amor” e “João e Maria”, do cantor e compositor Chico Buarque de Hollanda, o filme desloca o espectador do centro caótico urbano para dentro da casa e das memórias dos personagens João Pedro e João Hollanda.
Inspired by the visual elements of the musical works “Trocando em Miúdos”, “Samba e Amor” and “João e Maria”, by singer and composer Chico Buarque de Hollanda, the film brings the viewer from an urban chaotic center into the house and memories of the characters João Pedro and João Hollanda.
Modus Vivendi
Rikke Nørgaard
Denmark / 10 mins How do you cope with being asexual in a society where sex is everywhere? Watch...http://www.ekkofilm.dk/shortlist/film/modus-vivendi/
Monday Soccer
Marina Loducca
USA / 5 mins “Monday Soccer" is a fictional story centered around a married man in Brooklyn, NY that leads a seemingly normal life. It is a glimpse into his weekly routine until it takes a surprisingly dramatic turn. Watch...https://vimeo.com/136982508
 Monica's Story
Glenn Holsten
11 mins This short documentary traces the journey of resilience and self-acceptance of Monica Rose, a strong young transwoman of color. Despite being rejected by her church and family, Monica found support through her local LGBTQ community and now is a proud, confident person with a bright future. Monica’s Story is part OC87 Recovery Diaries, an interactive website that features stories of mental health, empowerment, and change, created by and for those whose journeys of recovery speak to audiences from all walks of life.
Carolin Vásquez Triana
Colombian / 7 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/118019250
Moonriver (Uncut)
Slava Mogutin
USA / 9 mins In his latest NSFW experimental music video NY-based Russian artist and writer Slava Mogutin pays a tribute to the acclaimed Canadian queercore filmmaker Bruce LaBruce and his classic Hollywood influences. Mr. LaBruce shaves boys’ heads and indulges himself in watersports while singing Moon River, first performed by Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961). Watch...https://vimeo.com/140441716
Jonathan Lemieux
Canada / 6:28 mins Jonathan Lemieux returns to WDIYFF with a gorgeous new moving image film using the themes of mental health, family, art and memory. Using archive family footage, Jonathan tries to deconstruct his past and personality, before realising it is time to let go of the past. Trailer...https://youtu.be/aScnyFCQi28
Mr Queen
Bruce Yan
Hong Kong / 22 mins Coco Pop is a publisher and a drag queen. Coco Pop has been a drag queen for more than a decade and his biggest inspiration is Anita Mui, the famous Cantopop singer and actress (1963-2003). MR QUEEN is a documentary about Coco Pop as an entertainer, a performer and as an active member of the LGBT community in Hong Kong; he happens to be a drag queen because, “he is born this way.”
Saadat Munir
Pakistan / 5 mins This experimental film examines the mujra dance, traditionally performed by transgender women, who often make a living by dancing at weddings and parties.
My Daughter, Never More
Cassandra Troyan
USA / 9 mins In spheres of opera and lands of artificial nature, a hummingbird never returns and the tongue is never questioned: “I love you, daughter, until you betray me.”
My Vice
Sinead Huggins
Ireland / 3 mins A 16 year olds first kiss. Watch... https://youtu.be/tUu28NO1seA
Mathew Marron
USA / 30 mins A murderous drag queen searches among the crowd, bar staff and performers for her next victim at a drag show.
Audrey Bellot, Laurene Desoutter
France / 9 mins Dans les hautes montagnes Sibériennes vit Neïla, une petite fille nénètse téméraire et aventurière. Alors qu'elle décide de suivre son frère parti chasser, elle se retrouve seule, perdue dans l'immensité de la toundra. Watch...https://vimeo.com/135442927
Netflix and Chips
Helen Wright
UK, Scotland / 5.42 mins A sweet, hilarious drama written and produced in 48 hours. Working in a chip shop, Tammy begins to notice that her job is starting to impact on her dating experiences. Tonight, however, she has a hot date lined up. So what could possibly go wrong?
JP Larocque
Canada NEUTERED presents images frequently associated with queer nightlife and history – cruising, clubs, bar spaces, sex and partying, but then flips that on its head by contrasting those images with gay life in the age of mainstream acceptance – namely domesticity, monogamy, capitalism, and boredom.
Never / Mai
Giulio Poldomai
Italy / 20 mins Claudia travels to a small town in Sicily to get back together with her ex-girlfriend, Anna. She is not interested anymore and abandons Claudia in a town she doesn't know. Wandering around town Claudia meets Sandro, who questions all her believes.Claudia travels to a small town in Sicily to get back together with her ex-girlfriend, Anna. She is not interested anymore and abandons Claudia in a town she doesn't know. Wandering around town Claudia meets Sandro, who questions all her believes.Claudia travels to a small town in Sicily to get back together with her ex-girlfriend, Anna. She is not interested anymore and abandons Claudia in a town she doesn't know. Wandering around town Claudia meets Sandro, who questions all her believes.Claudia travels to a small town in Sicily to get back together with her ex-girlfriend, Anna. She is not interested anymore and abandons Claudia in a town she doesn't know. Wandering around town Claudia meets Sandro, who questions all her believes. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/127071103
No Other Girl
Ella Funk, Yannick Spies
 Non-Stop Beautiful Ladies
Alee Peoples
USA / 9 mins A Los Angeles street film starring empty signs, radio from passing cars and human sign spinners, some with a pulse and some without. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/114215477
Edwin Oyarce
Chile / 4 mins A multi-sexual fantasy that revolves around the figure of a transvestite and her pleasure-inducing prostheses and toys. A delirium in which traditional bodies and power relations are subverted.
V. Ramanathan
India / 16 mins
Not in Italy
Giordano Bianchi
Italy / 14 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/138212742
Octopus / Krake
Julia Ocker
Germany / 4 mins Watch...https://youtu.be/_LColRzCx5U
 Oh My Soul
Kivini Shohe
India / 26 mins
One Question
Badger Antoniou
USA / 3 mins Two queer kids scour the streets of Boston in search of the answer to an unanswerable question. Watch...https://vimeo.com/131910273
One Woman Party
Anna Okrasko
Germany The footage of the “One Woman Party” (taken during the Dyke* March Berlin 2014) is conducted by a poetic voice-over narration, sang by a group of women. These performers, constantly shifting between plural and singular voice, create a very intimate portrait of a community based on experiences of loss and abandonment. Their voices play in contrast to the reversed video (making women depicted in the footage walking backwards) and bring the forward movement, constructing a present time, which is looped forever.
Owning Our Faith
Michael Tomae
USA / 15 mins Documentary short to facilitate a conversation that explores the unique experiences and gifts of LGBT Catholics and which encourages greater inclusion and acceptance of these individuals in the Church.
Partho Mukherjee
India / 111 mins Teenagers to matured adults, all are vulnerable to the evils at night. Love , sex, crime takes the centre-stage when rest of the city sleeps. The REAL LIFE is being transformed to the REEL LIFE. Last , but not the least , a lady, whatever may be her profession , religion, and her social status is, does not deserve to be molested , raped, or dishonored by the SO CALLED MALE SEX , under any circumstances. Time has come for us to wake up, safe guard the humiliation of the unprotected and the weaker section in our society; SOCIALLY, POLITICALLY, MORALLY & JUDICIALLY… Trailer... https://youtu.be/55yt6mxTISg
Part of the Process / Parte do Processo
Rodrigo Cavalheiro
Brasil / 14 mins O filme tem como temática a transexualidade na adolescência e as possibilidades de enfrentamento frente as dificuldades, expectativas e frustrações. Trata de representar como a questão de gênero influencia o amadurecimento social do jovem Alexander Brasil, consciente de sua transexualidade desde a infância.
The theme of the movie is transsexualism in adolescence and the possibilities on how to face its difficulties, expectations and frustrations. It represents how the gender issue influences the social maturation of young Alexander Brasil, who is aware of his transsexuality since childhood.
Antonis Mandranis
Peach Tree
Jonathan Caouette
USA / 3:12 mins / music video Watch...https://youtu.be/HApJJwid_UA
Photo Frames / Chitra Chaukhatein
Anand Mohan Gupta
India / 16 mins An experimental photographer searching meaning of life and his fight with his loneliness. Watch...https://youtu.be/YGqYOe4-Pys
Plaisir Comme Désir
Philippe Jubard
17 mins
Portraits from Mykonos
Daniele Sartori
Italy / 38 mins Trailer...https://youtu.be/8baCiV9_xlY
Predatory Prostitute
Juniper Fleming
USA / 27 mins The film Predatory Prostitute is rooted in the compelling relationships sex workers have, both directly and indirectly, to the legacy of Aileen Wuornos. Demonized as an inverted prostitute serial killer or pitied as a child/animal-minded victim, her portrait hangs heavy. Watch… https://vimeo.com/254502605
Preliminares / Foreplay
Douglas Saija Kothe
Brasil / 12 mins Quatro jovens, ao perceberem que nada acontece por acaso, resolvem deixar seus pudores de lado e viver o agora. Porém, o agora não existiria sem suas preliminares.
After realizing that nothing happens by chance, four young kids decide to leave their decorum aside and live the present. However, the present would not exist without its foreplay.
 Pretty Boy
Christian Coll
Spain / 12 mins The story of Pablo, a hustler who dreams of being a filmmaker. When he falls in love with a guy he meets, his life begins feel like a movie. But in life endings are not always happy. He is heart broken when his lover cheats. Watch...https://vimeo.com/121138397
Estefanía Pérez Espinoza
Chile / 15 mins Una relación desgastada, un encuentro furtivo y un final inesperado es lo que espera a los personajes luego de que tengan su última cita. Watch...https://youtu.be/wtSd2n8U_w0
Quando a Noite Acaba
Inês Nunes
7 mins The girls in the Peep Show live their night as day. Before returning home, one last dance remains. When the night ends, the girl gets dressed, there is no music, just the sound of the spinning bed.
Matthew Nadel
USA / 4 mins Watch... https://youtu.be/jV6NzChMz9M
Queer Places
Kurt Spenrath, Frederick Kroetsch
Canada / Web Series Bestselling gay author Darrin Hagen returns to where he grew up as he begins a trip exploring queer life in small towns. Watch... https://youtu.be/QwyfElQlLEU
Queer Tunesia
Falk Steinborn
Germany / 30 mins
Regalia: Pride in Two Spirits
Jen Sungshine, David Ng
Canada / 5:18 mins Duane Stewart-Grant, who is from X̌àʼislakʼala (Haisla) and nuučaan̓uł (Nuu-chah- nulth) First Nations in Canada, explores his identity as someone who is “Two Spirited” – a queer, indigenous identity. He talks about how before the colonial era, First Nations people revered the “Two Spirit” identity, as they were viewed as embodying both the female and male spirits. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/132169043
Ching-Yu Yang
Taiwan / 3 mins Trailer...https://vimeo.com/163977471
Resonant Voices / Vozeria
Raphaela Comisso
Brazil / 55 mins Vozeria é uma “ressonância de múltiplas vozes”. O documentário, financiado através do Catarse, leva esse nome porque articula depoimentos de oito pessoas importantes do movimento social, que trazem à tona reflexões sobre gênero, sexualidade e direitos humanos, tendo em vista os papéis que a linguagem assume na produção e manutenção de violências.
Vozeria [several voices] is a 'resonance of multiple voices'. The documentary, funded through the crowdfunding website Catarse, takes its name because it articulates testimonies of eight people from important social movements, which bring to light reflections on gender, sexuality and human rights, considering the roles the language assumes in the production and maintenance of violence. Watch...https://youtu.be/y_hZ6WbV9zM
Right Man, Wrong Time
Haven Houston
USA / 6 mins Watch...https://youtu.be/FDY1uCJaRJQ
 Roads to Rome
Maceo Frost
 Romeo y Romeo / Romeu & Romeu
Luís Caballero
Puerto Rico / 17 mins What would we do without a Juliet? Two teenagers in Puerto Rico discover love through fairy tales and skateboards. Confronted by their desires and repressions, they confront religious and social repressions condemning the chances of accepting their homosexuality. Trailer...https://youtu.be/Q92QpUd1-SQ
Ruins / Ruinas
Mauricio Saenz
USA / 5 mins Ruins exposes the idea of obstruction by means of a visible or invisible limit, materialized through the remains of what once was a space delimited by walls. Watch...https://vimeo.com/136399505
Leonard Suryajaya
USA / 8:12 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/116968062
Ryaba the Hen / Kurochka Ryaba
Vasily Kiselev
Russia / 4 mins
Ryan Hess
USA / 16 mins A gay teen is forced into conversion therapy by his parents.
Elen Linth, Leandro Rodrigues
Brasil / 13 mins Entre a matemática e a relação conturbada com a mãe, Sandrine espera por uma cirurgia no corredor de um hospital.
Between mathematics and a troubled relationship with her mother, Sandrine waits for a surgery in the corridor of a hospital. Watch...https://vimeo.com/202321036
 Santa Travesti
Fred Amado Jimenez de la Rosa
Colombia / 10 mins Raspachilo es un pescador gay. Un día, estando en su faena de pesca, se encontró en la ciénaga un maniquí al que decide llamar Santa Travesti, al sentirse curado de las hemorroides. Una noche, después de verse con su novio en el cementerio del pueblo, recae contagiado por el VIH. Su familia cristiana decide quemar el maniquí. Al día siguiente, el tendero del pueblo es arrestado como estafador y violador de niños en Tasajera, un pueblo macondiano de la costa Caribe Colombiana.
Raspachilo is a gay fisherman. One day, when he was fishing, he found a mannequin in the swamp, that decided to call Santa Travesti, when he was cured of hemorrhoids. One night, after seeing his boyfriend in the cemetery in town, he get infected with HIV. His Christian family decides to burn the mannequin. Next day, the shopkeeper in town is arrested as a scammer and child rapist in Tasajera, a Macondian town in the Colombian Caribbean coast. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/139743130
Say 'lesbian'
Adriana Lueiro
Spain / 43 mins This film answers the most common questions that people ask about lesbian women in a funny, clear and open way while satisfying and educating curious viewers. Through the personal experience of 4 women who breaks stereotypes of what society imagines a lesbian to look like, SAY LESBIAN uncovers essential truths about what it means to be an homosexual woman taking the viewer inside the real lesbian world.
Second Hand
Simon Schultz von Dratzig
Germany / 5 mins
Michael Brynntrup
Germany / 13 mins Bye-bye, bits and bytes: I mathemetized myself into the digital codes. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/156304272
Shave me, mirror me / Raka mig, spegla mig
Lasse Långström
Sweden / 34 mins This transsensual, somewhat erotic movie is abstract to experimental. Daily life is interfering with porn and an FTM who gives birth; as giving birth is a normal routine, too. Right?
Thibault Llonch
France/ 2:19 mins Una niña está sentada triste en su cama. Mira a su muñeca con ojos furiosos y la tira a la basura. Ella no está cómoda con los juguetes color rosa y el decorado de su cuarto. Se levanta y camina perezosamente ante el espejo donde se ve reflejado como se siente: un niño. De repente, su ropa y habitación cambia, juega con una pelota; un nuevo lugar ha sido creado. Feliz, toma la pelota y la muñeca y acepta las dos partes de su personalidad. Watch...https://youtu.be/6ToKeicc4mk
She is a Man
Wai Yum
Myanmar / 22 mins A young trans man talks about his life and problems that faces the LGBT community in Myanmar. Watch...https://vimeo.com/147097654
Cecilia Pugliese
USA / 5 mins A woman from a city encounters a wild woman from the forest and while trying to civilize her, she becomes wilder and goes back to nature herself. Trailer...https://youtu.be/EBfXjnSiIO8
Fred Gebhardt
USA / 5 mins “Sisterhood” is a 5-minute documentary exploring the unique charity organization and activist group known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a San Francisco staple and a cornerstone in LGBT history. Watch...https://vimeo.com/175144148
Hinni Huttunen
Sweden / 2 mins Ein üppiger Körper wird gesellschaftlich oft stigmatisierten. Der Film untersucht Normen von stereotyper Schönheit.
Slowly Dying Through Everyone Who Loves Me / Morro Aos Poucos Em Todos Aqueles Que Gostam De Mim
Roberto Atihé Curan
Brasil / 11 mins Um encontro inesperado entre um executivo e um jovem de mundos politicamente opostos os leva a uma conexão sexual e emocional capaz de fazê-los refletir sobre os seus próprios ideais.
An unexpected encounter between an executive and a young man from politically opposing worlds leads them to a sexual and emotional connection that enables them to reflect about their own ideals.
Rubén Montero Martínez
Spain / 9 mins Oscar ha soñado que su novia le dejaba en el mismo bar dónde están ahora. En ese momento, Ana ha dejado a Tomás tras años de relación. Al mismo tiempo, Javier le propone a Sergio, su mejor amigo, viajar juntos a París. Tres historias en un bar. Watch...http://www.escac.es/es/films/2014/solitarios
Lauryn Henry
5 mins Starting From ... Now! is an online drama that explores the lives of four inner-Sydney lesbians as they struggle to work out who they are, find a place where they belong, and maybe even find someone to love along the way. Watch... https://vimeo.com/141139194
Luc Mollinger
UK / 3 mins Trippy metaphor for those trapped in the drugs jungle. Watch...https://vimeo.com/158897042
Squirrel Mommy
Kelly Broich
USA / 8 mins Nina can never have children. Feeling less of a woman, she decides to adopt four young squirrels and become a squirrel mommy. Watch...https://vimeo.com/136397649
Standing out&proud
Blanca Garcia Chias
Ireland / 5 mins Short documentary about the LGBT Rights in Ireland, told through the figure of Ivan Fahy, androgynous model.
Starring Roman
Nicholas Colia
USA / 13 mins An extremely shallow gay guy makes a half-ass attempt to become a better person after his boyfriend dumps him for being too narcissistic.
Stay Over
Michal Haggiag
Israel / 10 mins
Stereo_Verso Infinito: Unfixed #26
Italy / 19mins
Story of the Eye Performance / História do Olho Performance
Vitória Galhardi
Brasil / 8 mins Corpo, imoralidade e arte. Performance de expressão corporal baseada no livro do autor francês Georges Bataille, História do Olho.
Body, immorality and art. Body expression performance based on the book by French author Georges Bataille, Story of the Eye. Watch...https://vimeo.com/130790329
Tell Me a Story
Shobhna S. Kumar
India / 23 mins
The Audition
James Thompson
Australia / 9 mins A casual breakfast conversation becomes something sinister when one roommate asks for help running lines for an upcoming audition. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/166009283
The Black Cloak
James Cooley
45 mins What would you do if you've met Death? This dark moral story unfolds a man questioning the choice about death. It is adapted from Grimm's fairy tale, 'The Death's Messenger' (1840). Watch… https://youtu.be/JqHEbugZ2Tk
The Bowels of the Universe (with Shining Knees)
Madsen Minax
3 mins This short video uses elements of magical realism, flicker fi psychedelia, spoken word performance and soundscape to meditate on the nature of inner/outer space, astral travel, past/future divination, screen culture, and the self determined, gender variant body as technological apparatus. Text is inspired by Monique Wittig’s 1973 novel “The Lesbian Body,” where the author discusses the “grotesque” physical process of invading another’s body as an act of love.
The Champagne Fountain
Gerald Zahn
Austria / 3 mins The Champagne fountain is a nostalgia luxury symbol, a nowadays cliché of cruise ships and casinos. Using the arrangement of glasses as an anachronistic staple of glamour, the artist engages in the self- indulgent ritual, celebrating the unavoidable personal routines. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/147756199
The Chrysalis
Ding Yi
China When Ding Yi’s boyfriend was pressured into marriage, he hired a French actress to play his girlfriend, and filmed the results.
The Devil I Know
Lerato Moloi
South Africa / 18 mins Lerato and Lindiwe are two women in a loving and passionate relationship. Together for several years, they now have a desperate need for a child to complete their lives -but that’s easier said than done. After many hilarious but false starts to conceive, the impatient Lindiwe takes matters into her own hands but nobody, least of all Lerato, is laughing anymore.
The Foundation
Patrick Staff
UK / 28 min Installation artist Patrick Staff details the domestic interiors and social structures assembled within the Tom of Finland foundation to create an immersive tapestry as intimate and playful as Tom’s graphic subjects. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/118818001
The Genesis of Butch & Femme
Krissy Mahan
USA / 6 mins You may have seen this Fisherprice comic genius in previous years, here they are with the genesis story of a beloved queer dynamic. Watch… https://vimeo.com/131134086
 The Get Up / Eu Vou Me Piratear
Daniel Favaretto, Dudu Quintanilha
Brasil / 21 mins Documentário híbrido que acompanha performances, vivências e depoimentos de três artistas queer na cidade de São Paulo.
Hybrid documentary that follows performances, experiences and testimonies of three queer artists in São Paulo city. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/151242656
The Hustler Friend / O Amigo Michê
Luciano Carneiro
Brasil / 17 mins Maria e Caio estão de mudança.
Maria and Caio are moving out.
The L Market
Alexandra Hsu
5:30 mins Maxine Pao is a Chinese woman whose parents try to find her a spouse at the Chinese Love Market.
The Life of Alex
Juli Ann Polise
Alex’s rowing team members are very cool and accepting of him being gay. Watch...https://vimeo.com/148527109
The Making of a Ketubah Artist
Debbie Coutant
USA One woman’s art soon becomes more personal as she is united with her partner in a traditional Jewish ceremony.
The Mathematics of a Lesbian Kiss
Sabine Lebel, Alison Taylor
Canada / 4:09 mins Two women contemplate the similarities be ween a lesbian bar in San Jose, Costa Rica, and the dyke bar scene in Toronto, Canada, from decades earlier. Shot entirely on iPhones 5S and 5C.
 The Pansy Project
Paul Harfleet
A short film sharing the stories behind each planting made in Geneva at the International Queer Film Festival. Watch...https://vimeo.com/192182933
 The Quare in There
Taryn Lee Crenshaw
USA / 21 mins The QUARE In There (TQIT) activates the intersections surrounding Black queer subjectivity and shakes up contemporary conversations around race, gender, and sexuality. Shot in Oakland, California, TQIT explores the lives of individuals as creators of their own world. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/200123843
The Quietness / Calmaria
William de Oliveira
Brazil / 10 mins A paz aparente de um dia comum esconde um passado turbulento que insiste em não ficar para trás.
The apparent peace of an ordinary day hides a turbulent past that insists on not being left behind.
 The Refugee of the Sad Shape / Flyktingen av den sorgliga skepnaden
Paula Urbano
Sweden / 44 mins Paula Urbano met an Iranian man that applied for asylum, but got deported from Sweden. The film takes form during the year she followed him from Flen, Eskilstuna, Baghdad and Teheran. In her artistic practice Urbano explores existential uncertainty. The viewer him/herself has to navigate through possible stories and is maybe confronted with his/her own prejudices along the way.
The Sausage
Hilary Harp, Suzie Silver
USA / 9 mins Based on a Swedish folk tale, The Sausage tells the humorous story of two sisters, three wishes, and a calamitous obsession with a sausage. The Sausage is the first completed episode of Fairy Fantastic! a fairy and folk tale series presenting gender fluid adaptations of classic tales. watch... https://vimeo.com/117938752
The Seamstress
Ong Ming Han
Singapore / 6 mins “The seamstress”, a representation of filmmakers, makes shorts (another way of saying short film) for Gaybriel’s company. Gaybriel represents MDA and is completely clueless about his gay son having sex in the room next door. It is very much like how MDA in real life can be. Although strict, MDA’s guidelines toward censorship can be unclear and arbitrary at times. “The Seamstress” is a satirical short film targeting MDA.
The Solitude of Images / La Soledad de las Imágenes
Jorge Santos Moreno
Mexico / 19:49 mins A young author goes to the countryside to write his next book. He runs into a boy passing through the area. The director employs exceptional visual imagery to describe the encounter between the two men. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/129719876
The Spring in My Life
Giordano Bianchi
The Truth
Marie Krogh-Vennemo
Sometimes you don't need to say a word to tell The Truth.
The Very Long John / Der Sehr Lange Johannes
Frank Pingel
Germany / 5 mins The other kids said that he was kind of strange. His parents said that he was kind of unique. John always knew he was different. It's not that easy to ignore a four meter penis Watch...https://vimeo.com/166474504
The Viennese Whirl
Sara Chambers and Bev Zalcock
UK / 3.45 mins A sweet musical love story packed with humour and love. Sara and Bev take to the screen once again to remember a night of drinking, dancing and debauchery. We cannot get enough of Barrelstout’s playful productions.
The Visit / Der Besuch
Jan Soldat
Germany / 5 mins Granny pays her dear nephew a visit - in his BDSM camp for men who love it brutal and dirty. Granny finds all this fascinating.
The Walk / Travessia
Chico Amorim
Brazil / 23 mins A short movie meant to teach people how to recognize, think about and fight against homophobia, Travessia shows a very common story of homophobia in the interior of the Brazilan northeast, when a young man develops a crush on another boy and can’t hide his feelings. Watch...https://youtu.be/DqVjzwDHieM
Tierras, Rocas y Arrecifes
Patricia Rincón Méndez
Venezuela / 15 mins Cortometraje animado de naturaleza y temática lésbica. Una historia de amor entre el mar y la tierra, representadas por dos mujeres en la naturalidad de amar a personas del mismo género para la igualdad de derechos humanos y protección del planeta. Trailer...https://youtu.be/P05IEljZgos
To break one's word
Karsten Weber
Germany / 3 mins Male fantasies A bronze statue in front of the town hall of Kiel, North Germany. A symbol for masculinity, destruction, eros and war. Watch... https://vimeo.com/110699553
Leandro Duarte
14 mins New Year's Eve 1999 finds college-bound Clark and Trevor concerned about the future of their friendship, and a request for Clark to be Trevor's wingman ensures things will never be the same again
Trans in Argentina / Trans en Argentina
Virginia Gilles
Argentina / 1min A short, powerful, activist and educational animation that calls for acceptance of gender diversity.
 Trans*BUT – Fragments of Identity
Maria Binder
Turkey / 62 mins How to cope with daily violence and hatred? Trans*BUT is a documental research study driven by the question: “What keeps you going when all else falls away?”
Carlos Rodriguez
Dominican Republic / 34 mins The story of three Dominicans living on the edge of gender, male and female. An ode to Trans activists in the Santo Domingo, and how their lives navigate under their gender identity in a state that does not recognize them.
Brit Fryer
What starts as a narrative short film about a boy graduating from college morphs into an autobiographical essay about coming out to yourself. Watch...https://vimeo.com/111685503
Marco Spinnicchia
Mexico / 20 mins
Max Lurray
Spain / 5 mins Sarah’s casual romantic encounter turns into public humiliation.
Tuesday Overnight / De Terça Pra Quarta
Victor Costa Lopes
Brazil / 14 mins At dawn, a boy, a city and unexpected encounters. Weird but cute boys. Watch...https://vimeo.com/123757093
 Two Sides / Dois Lados
Cesar Bournier
Brasil / 25 mins Caio e Fabrício dividem a mesma cela em uma penitenciária. Convivem numa relação baseada na violência física, sexual e psicológica. Caio deseja se livrar do domínio de Fabrício. O desejo de vingança o alimenta e o perturba. Seus passados são revelados, possibilitando novos caminhos.
Caio and Fabrício share the same cell in a prison. They live together in a relationship based on physical, sexual and psychological violence. Caio wants to get rid of Fabrício's domination. The desire for revenge feeds and disturbs him. His past is revealed, enabling new ways. Trailer...https://youtu.be/ycnKkk7uEjM
Two Women / Duas Mulheres
Marcelo Brennand
Brazil / 15 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/groups/420358/videos/169268189
Un Camino de Cipreses
José Rivera Moya, Daniel Ochoa
México / 10 mins La vida de Rivera se confunde con la historia de la colonia Roma, donde habita y quien lo habita. Estatuas de San Sebastián, patrono de los aislados y diferentes se confunden con recuerdos e íntimas coreografías.
Un Pavé dans la Mare: La Transidentité
Ginger Force
France / 122 mins A travers une série de témoignages, ce documentaire propose un tour d’horizon de la transidentité en France. Ce documentaire sur la transidentité qu’elle a réalisé en 2016 est le fruit de huit mois de travail, de recherches et d’interviews.
Débat à l’issue de la projection avec des membres de l’A.T.C.A
Ginger Force est une vidéaste lyonnaise. Depuis près de deux ans, sur sa chaîne YouTube, elle parle de cinéma, de littérature et de féminisme. Watch...https://youtu.be/aPF4Y288TD8
Under the Water
Mark Hobson
Ireland / 45 mins The reveal of people who explore their inner self Under The Water is a film that explores the context of relationships,sexuality and religion. It is an interwoven connection of people leading different lives.
Quinton Mourjoun, Ryn Brocx, Pluto McGregor, Piper Lambert-Vail, Jackie Moffitt
USA / 6 mins A queer ‘90s punk band books the show of a lifetime, but will they get away with it?
Victoria Marcetti, Aaron Dimick
USA / 15 mins What happens when a mermaid helps two gay men fall in love? Watch... https://youtu.be/05liqCBv9sg
Untitled (11 Years)
Scott Miller Berry
Canada / 6 mins Reminiscences of coming out.
Us & Them
Piyush Srivastav
India / 17 mins A lesbian takes the big step to reveal about her sexuality in front of her parents when her father invites a family over for a marriage proposal. This is the story of Lavika and the love of her life. In a society where arranged marriages are the only way one can get a new start, Lavika differed from the rest. Her unconditional love and her desire for a future with her uttermost priority, brings her into a Do-or-Die situation. All her efforts are for her companion, the one who understands her and to whom her heart belongs to. Neither can she hurt her parents nor can she let the love of her life slip out of her hands. When her dad invites a family over for a marriage proposal, Lavika realizes that it’s time she takes the big step. A little weak at heart, she finds the simplest way out!
Velisopedi / Das Fahrrad
Giorgi Chakvedadze
Afghanistan, Georgia / 7 mins
Venus / Vênus
Antonio Canto Porto
Brasil / 15 mins No caminho do sol, no caminho do sol, no caminho do sol. Me ensina a cantar, me ensina a voar, me ensina a voar, amor.
In the way of the sun, in the way of the sun, in the way of the sun. Teach me to sing, teach me to fly, teach me to fly, love.
Matthew Kennedy
UK / 2 mins A film about individual identities and family ties, Versions takes you through the biological and the unknown using collage and silhouettes. Watch... https://vimeo.com/141997192
S. Arden Barlow
USA / 2 mins Just what a tech-girl needs: an animated Webseries for Analysts, Nerds, and Geeks—planting seeds for a nerdier, dirtier tomorrow. Watch...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54LrbinvUBM
Waack 4 Me
Yingqian Chen, Ony Nwaohuocha
Waack 4 Me explores the revival of the 1970's expressive dance form which was first popularized by Soul Train, and is now being embraced by women and LGBT communities around the world.
Wait, Lorraine
Desire Marea, Fela Gucci
South Africa / 6 mins We all know that girl. We grew up being terrorised by the thickasasliceofbread layer of Rama Margarine on her polony sandwiches while we reassembled the overturned remnants of our grated polony sandwiches before her gaze, head bowed in shame, hoping she didn’t notice. Lorraine represents somewhat of an idealised oppressive aspiration that can only be pursued through the suspension of self. She is an imaginary policing construct, spawned from the greater male gaze that polices the movements of black femme subjects, and she needs to wait as we use the undesirable debris of polony and breadcrumbs to reimagine the many different ways our sandwich can exist.
Walk of Shame
Alex Chenery-Howes
USA / 5 mins A past act of violent humiliation resurfaces as a moment of self-actualisation for a young gay college student one night in Los Angeles. Watch...https://vimeo.com/89643360
 Warthog / Javaporco
Leandro das Neves, Will Domingos
Brasil / 13 mins Disseram que havia um canavial lá fora. E que agora toda a memória da cana se espalhou por aí.
They said that there was a sugarcane field out there. And that now all the memory of the sugarcane spread around. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/117504081
What You Wanted
Amatullah’Muhyi Ali
14 mins Bi guy grapples with desires. Watch...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuFyteLmloU
When I Call You Mom
Achinoam Zigel
Israel / 18 mins By observing daily routine of Danielle and her mother, the delicate and complicated relationship between the two is depicted.
Where the Blue Lotus Blooms…
Anand Gautam, Geetha K Wilson, Radhika Agarwal, Saurabh Kumar, Shreya Katyayini
India / 25 mins A Home is not merely a physical space; it is a space of belonging- a space of acceptance and dignity. Where the blue lotus blooms is a film made at home with four Transgenders- Joanna, Pradipta, Sree and Urmi, who are from various social and physical spaces in Mumbai. Cutting through the identity of being a transgender in a world dominated by the cisgenders ( the so called ‘normal’ people) along with the social prejudices that come with it, they speak to each other about how they negotiate the space they call home. Watch… https://youtu.be/tcLhG-8p1A4
Who is Ms. Aibofsnart? / ¿Quién Mató A La Sra. Aibofsnart?
Fabiola Llanos
Spain, Catalonia / 10 mins Three women are suspect of murder, but all of them have the perfect alibi. Who is Ms. Aibofsnart?
Who’s That Girl? / Quién Es Esa Chica?
Luciana Bitencourt
Spain / 10 mins Watch...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDp0eLrhkXQ
Kübra Varol
Germany / 4 mins Wiki takes a surprising look at the gender binary as you have never seen before.
Woken Up Dicks / Caralls Eixorivits
Eloi Biosca
Spain / 2 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/67002527
Iñaki Sagastume
Basque Country / 3 mins The sound and fury of the skin, flicking like a flag low flow assaults! Trailer...https://vimeo.com/178062501
Graham Clayton-Chance
UK / 6 mins Feelings and frustrations expressed through poetry and dance. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/155108342
You, me or Them / Tum, Main Ya Woh
Dheepa Shewani
Australia Discrimination amongst humans based on external attributes is unfair and condescending. It betrays the very core of being human. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. Despite differences in gender, ability, color, wealth, sexual preferences or religion; we have all been created equal in essence. We arise from a mother’s womb and descend into ashes. Our short film portrays a pregnant woman who wishes that her unborn child arrives in a world where “You, me or them”- all recognize, treat and love each other as equal. Watch… https://youtu.be/zC_fzVfWTIE