Juliana Nguyen, Andy Briseno
USA / 11 mins A queer Bay Area transplant develops an unexpected friendship with her witty next door neighbor who helps her navigate the myriad of identity politics at work. Trailer... here
 (dey/dem): a choreo-doc
Nova Cypress Black
USA / 17 mins (dey/dem): a choreo-doc is an experimental documentary that illuminates Black non-binary folks in the American Souf & their connection to the nearly erased history of gender expansiveness within the African diaspora.
(Fluid) Mosquito
Carleen Maur
USA / 7 mins (Fluid) Mosquito is a film centered on a body losing another body through a winding pathway of forests two cyclists chance one another. It thinks about the naturalized camouflage along side ones own agency to not be seen.
 (with[out] balls) / Met Zonder Ballen
Luca Meisters
Netherlands / 66 mins A moving and hilariously honest portrait of a transgender son and his mom. based on the successful eponymous play. We see a kid who’s becoming more and more clear and a confused mom who can barely keep up with him.
Creating space for addressing the wrongs, concerns and clichés, this film provides a loving insight into the reality of a kid in transition. It shows the impact that ‘becoming who you are’ has on a family, but at the same time addresses universal themes like growing up, becoming an adult and the art of raising a kid and letting them go.
 002 Heresy
Jude Dennis
USA / 27:20 mins A diary film composed of iPhone footage, internet videos, painted film and original music, documenting the extreme emotional contradictions of living in the American South as a trans woman in 2023.
4 Walls
Mahlatse Nare
South Africa / 11 mins Nathi’ & ’Karabo’ played by Tshepiso Jeme and Kamohelo Sebudi, share a bond that seizes to exist outside these 4 walls. The characters take us on a journey of exploration, touching on complexities surrounding identity, freedom, and desire as black queer South African Men today. 4 Walls speaks to the navigation and exploration, of a particular shared experience amongst the LGBTQI+ community.
 14 Years and a Day
Ayo Lawson, Uyaiedu Ikpe-Etim
Nigeria / 21 mins In a riveting tale of love and self-discovery, a restless young woman finds herself embroiled in a passionate conflict with her partner of 14 years. Fuelled by frustration, she seeks solace in a solitary dinner, unaware that fate has something extraordinary in store. As the stars align, she encounters a captivating stranger whose mere presence ignites a storm of doubt within her heart. In a single encounter, the foundations of her relationship tremble, compelling her to question the very path she once thought secure. Trailer… here
40 Years of Care
Care Resource
USA / 25 mins In 1983, a group of volunteers came together to help those affected by HIV & AIDS in our South Florida communities. Little did they know, this volunteer-led organization would grow and evolve into Care Resource, a leading healthcare provider serving residents of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. Watch the history unfold and discover our humble beginnings of Health Crisis Network, The White Party, AIDS Walk Miami, and Community Research Initiative of South Florida, as narrated by our founding members and community volunteers. Watch… here
66 Motel
Jalen Thompson
USA / 12:51 mins What happens when a hook up doesn't quite go how you expected it to? Narrated in a series of short poems, 66 Motel explores the misconnections, the unspoken thoughts, and the delusions we experience in our digitally connected world.
 4801 Nuits
Laurence Michel
France / 38 mins Abstinence is refraining from satisfying a craving. Teetotalism is the total, definitive abstinence from alcohol. In other words, a life sentence! 4801 nights documents an introspection and a wandering, a fall and a rise, during a trip to the polar circle. Legend has it that the polar night can drive those who venture there to sanity or madness
A Cardiff Ghost Story
Jay Bedwani, Glen Biseker, Efa Blosse-Mason, Mathew David, Amy Morris, Paulo Russo
UK / 3 mins A Cardiff Ghost Story is an animated love letter to the city and two little known queer Welsh icons who broke boundaries during their lifetimes. Written and made with love by people who love and live there.
 A Fuckboi Story / Despide a tu fuckboi
Carlos Jiménez Lucas
Spain / 10 mins Have you ever heard of a fuckboi? Well, Ulises has one. Trailer… here
 A Ghost in the House
Tom Mcvey
USA / 8 mins When Victor reveals to his husband that he’s been communicating with a ghost named Louis, the couple decides to welcome the ghost into their relationship. Louis has other plans. Trailer... here
A Happy Wedding
Arin Hong
2023 |
Korea / 20 mins Same-sex marriage has been legalized! Jeongha prepares a wedding with her female partner while seeking recognition from the heterosexual-centered society.
A humanidade que me resta
Kieza Fran Nascimento
Brazil / 6 mins Escutando seu diário gravado, Kieza tenta se levantar da cama para mais um dia de luta, mas se depara com pensamentos intrusivos, angústias e disforias.
 A Leap of Faith
Mikey Hamer
Australia A love letter through the seasons. Trailer… here
A Mix of Performance and Truth
Ewan McPherson
UK What is it like to be a queer comic on Glasgow’s vibrant comedy scene? Eliott, Hev and Kathleen spend time reflecting on their experiences delivering sets to a variety of audiences and the tense steps taken in the journey to the microphone. Trailer… here
A Miscreant Gnome & Other Charlatans
Raymond Helkio, Peter Lynch
Canada / 9 mins What does it mean to be queer and homeless during a pandemic? “Miscreant Gnomes & Other Charlatans” examines the intersection between the under-housed and those who live, work and play within the confines of Toronto’s queer community. Watch… here
 A Parte que Falta
Nicole Nasser
Brazil / 18 mins Como último desejo de sua mãe doente, Teresa volta ao interior para buscar seu pai, Francisco, que não o vê há anos devido a uma briga que separou a família. Na viagem de volta, os dois têm dificuldades para se relacionarem e vão descobrindo coisas novas um do outro. Mas em dado instante, o passado vem à tona e não há mais como fugir dele. Trailer… here
 A Place to Call Home: An Inside Look at La Peña's Rotating Mural Program
Clara Pérez Medina
2023 |
USA / 10:14 mins Three generations of artists map the contours of their communities onto a rotating mural wall. Watch… here |
 A Poem Called Love Jones
Linda Denson, Diana Khong
2023 |
USA / 5:38 mins Black lesbian love crests in a sweet spoken word performance about a couple's first meeting. Trailer… here |
 A Public Thing
Lauren Mahoney
2023 |
USA / 5 mins
By combining never-before-heard audio from a private lecture in 1989 with footage shot by a student, this retrospective piece shares the intimate advice Keith Haring shared with ArtCenter College students in Los Angeles a few months before he passed away. Watch… here |
 A Safe Place / A L'abri
Nicolas Lincy
22 mins Alain lives locked up in a large house with his husband, Raphael. They were about to renovate the place and turn it into a bed and breakfast. A new virus, still unknown, poisoning the air, stops them in their dream. Alain is now obsessed with the idea of protecting Raphael, whose health is fragile. But the latter is suffocating, for him it is the house that is unhealthy, as if haunted
 A Sea of Love for Us / A mares amores
Arturo Nicolás Dávila Zelada
Perú / 14 mins A partir de encuentros diarios con amantes trans, se genera un diálogo entre el hogar, el cuidado y la memoria. Las imágenes que se construyen revelan el amor, las costumbres y la espiritualidad que se teje en esta intimidad. Trailer... here
 A Tábua de Esmeralda
Felippe Moraes
Brazil / 7 mins Bianca Exótica encontra um objeto mágico que a transporta para dentro de si. Nessa viagem alquímica ao som de house music, se depara com saberes que a transmutam na versão iluminada do seu ser. Trailer… here
a tangled web drowning in honey
Tara Hakim, Hannah Hull
Canada / 10 mins This experiential and textural film invites viewers into the inner workings of a mind to ponder the ways in which we love and unlove ourselves.
 A Touch
Sahil D Gada
India / 28 mins When Miril downloads the dating app for the first time, he comes across a profile of Gandhar and swipes right. Receiving a match after ages, Gandhar, who is craving for a human touch, gets excited and the conversation turns out fruitful. In this excitement, Gandhar forgets to tell Miril, that he’s confined to a wheel chair, because of an unfortunate accident. After a few days of chatting Gandhar agrees to meet Miril. He is ready to face the fate and invites Miril to his place. How does Miril react to Gandhar’s condition? Do these desperate souls depart or touch each other?
Niketh Manulal
India Portrays change and connection about a family, together still apart.
Samantha Zine
South Korea / 4 mins "About SAMANTHA" is a compelling short documentary that delves into the taboo subject of sexuality with audiences in South Korea, where societal norms still shroud discussions on sexualities and gender diversity. Watch… here
 Absences / Ausencias
Alfonso Palazon
2023 |
Spain / 20 mins Absences are memories, revisionisms and forgetfulness agreed on representations of the past based on silence and nostalgia. The memory as a denial of the great stories of the past where common places become passages of denial. The (in)visibility of LGTBIQ+ migration is absence. Drawings of empty and stolen places that prevent the construction of new spaces of freedom.
Ausencias son memorias, revisionismos y olvidos pactados sobre representaciones del pasado basados en el silencio y la nostalgia. El recuerdo como negación de las grandes historias del pasado en donde los lugares comunes se convierten en pasajes de la negación. La (in)visibilidad de la migración LGTBIQ+ es la ausencia. Dibujos de lugares vacíos y robados que impiden construir nuevos espacios de libertad. Trailer… here
Agustín Montangie
Argentina / 16mins Este documental retrata la vida e intimidad de dos personas con VIH que habitan en la Patagonia Argentina, con las características socio-culturales y limitaciones propias de la región. Acmé pone en tensión la calma cotidianidad de los personajes, su rutina, su profesión, sus paisajes, con la voz reflexiva de sus pensamientos y sus experiencias vividas en torno a la enfermedad. Trailer… here
Across the Street
Caitlin Royston
Australia / 7 mins A teen attempts to befriend her crush who lives across the street. However, the only time they see each other is the brief walk from the front door to their cars on their way to school.
Dan Meyer
2023 |
Belgium / 5:23 mins Dieu donc créa l’homme à son image; il le créa à l'image de Dieu; il les créa mâle et femelle. Watch… here
Mehak Chaha
2023 |
USA / 1:35 mins A South Asian woman embarks on an expedition to question life’s complexities.
Salvador Santana II
2023 |
Mexico / 16 mins Africa, a trans woman devoted to musical interpretation and funny entertainment on Facebook, displays her everyday life through live streamings, enjoying great success and large audiences. Africa makes a series of decisions to survive, revealing what lies beyond her social media persona. Trailer… here
After Bed
TT Takemoto
USA / 3 mins Pulsing flashbacks from the summer of love reawaken a queer California classic.
After Work
Jan Soldat
Germany / 5 mins After work, Holger and Lutz hook up for sex. But actually the two are tired and not the youngest anymore.
Morena Barra
Austria / 6 mins "J" playfully explores the boundaries between pleasure and displeasure through various objects, based on their feeling, temperature and appearance.
Canción Diez
Mexico / 7 mins Bittersweet is an impossible love story between Javier, a migrant seeking to reach the border, and Daniel who captures memorable moments with his camera. Both young people experience a fleeting but unforgettable infatuation. Trailer… here
 Aiming at the Apocalypse
Shireen Mccormack
UK / 15 mins “Aiming at the Apocalypse” explores religious futurism in a triptych of three parts; before, during and after leaving religion, using the phobic mirage of a motorcycle as an anchor throughout. Emotions are imbued on the object, one that is already a symbol of strength, desire and freedom. Throughout the film, the motorcycle evolves from an object of transportation to one of transformation, a mode of navigating gender and sexuality upon leaving religion. The film reckons with difficult memories, the effect of religion on the body in the present and the grief of what is left behind as it looks towards the future. Trailer... here
Juana Gonzalez Posse, Carmen Lanzi Giannoni
Argentina / 6 mins Luca e Milán atravessam as diferentes fases do amor e da desilusão, com a árdua tarefa de saber como dizer adeus. Gerando um espaço comum entre a realidade, a memória e a fantasia. Trailer… here
 Alima & Omar
Sofian Priz
2023 |
France / 10 mins Alima se enamora de Omar, quien desafía las normas de género. En un cabaret, Alima descubre las fantasías ocultas de Omar, explorando la sensualidad como forma de expresión.
Alima falls in love with Omar, who challenges gender norms. At a cabaret, Alima discovers Omar’s hidden fantasies, exploring sensuality as a form of expression. Trailer… here
 All that's left
Dearne Tekin
2023 |
Australia In the midst of a breakup ex lovers meet up to have dinner.
 Alone / Sola
Séneca Claudia Dávalos
Peru / 15 mins After showing herself as she is, Luisa, who’s dedicated to crest traditional Andean textiles, is rejected by her nephew and her whole town. This leads to a series of events that will make her choose between recovering the only family bond she’s got left or choose herself in the process.
 Alpha & Alpha
Elias Ankarvik
Colombia / 28 mins En un contexto donde se cree que el rol de las personas queer es pintar uñas y cortar cabello, Herlen y sus amigos, Charlie y Jhoana, luchan por derribar este prejuicio y construir un espacio donde se acepte la diversidad. In a context where the role of the queer is believed to be painting nails and cutting hair, Herlen and her friends, Charlie and Jhoana, struggle to challenge this prejudice and create a space where diversity is accepted. Trailer
Ronnie Gilmore
UK / 5 mins Alter is about a young person realizing how they express themselves. In their world, their mother is an omnipresent voice in their head that sets expectations that must be followed. When an anxiety-provoking incident produces a vision of who they could be, they are not sure whether they can show the truth to their mother or whether they should rearrange their thoughts and not let the imperfections be seen.
 Always, Sofia
Athena Cheris
USA / 7:48 mins A romance falls apart after the stress of a chronic illness reveals the cracks in it.
Anshul Kumar
India / 10 mins The story of the film revolves around the protagonist Amar who is blind from birth and who has graduated from a blind school. Amar’s mother passed away in his childhood and he now lives with his father in a small apartment. The film takes the viewer along with Amar as he wanders here and there– sometimes on populous streets and sometimes in solitude playing his harmonica. Watch… here
 Amor Puro
María José Jiménez
México / 5:55 mins Darina es una joven con distintos pensamientos a los de su padre, el es algo anticuado y con otro concepto de amor. Darina y Alison llevan una relación escondida de ya un año medio y necesitaban ayuda de alguien para que el padre entendiera y aceptara o situación.
 Amōr - the Tune of Love
Jijo Kuriakose
India / 5 mins Amor - the tune of love, is a Malayalam music video which carries the emotional elements of gay romance, the enticing feel of belongingness and missing. The music video is a dedication to everyone who believes in the power and love and campaign for human rights of the LGBTIQ community. Trailer... here
 An Ordinary Day
Ju-Geon Gym
2023 |
South Korea / 19 mins Two women spend the day as the end of the world approaches.
Neto Astério
Brazil / 14 mins Follow friends Renan and Alana as they rehearse anxiously for their upcoming performance at Brazil’s local Anarriê festival. Trailer… here
 And We Rest on Giants
Kevin Anderson
USA “And We Rest on Giants” is an exploration into the lives of BIPOC aging and long-term survivors of HIV. As stigma continues to ravish communities of color, this short explores the daily walk of those thriving unapologetically and provides a first-hand account of the HIV journey. Layered with spoken word, these stories ignite the importance of honest discussion.
Annarchy Artist
Tempest Creation
USA / 18:53 mins Annarchy Artist follows a day in the life of Anne Artist, an avante-garde drag queen in the Manhattan gogo club kid scene, as she puts together an outfit for a night at The Box.
 Antes De
René Cabrera Morales
México Diego, un chico de 18 años, en medio de la pandemia del COVID, se entera del inevitable próximo fallecimiento de un ser querido, pero la llegada de un misterioso ser lo hará dudar de su presente, lo que le dará otra perspectiva de su vida y de la persona que lo impulsa a seguir adelante.
Leslie Wool
USA After calling a phone number found on the street, Pinbone Malone get the chance to experience the joys and menaces of masculine friendship.
Riccardo Charlie Marino
2023 |
Italy / 7:30 mins Zeno is a whipped teenager who never stood up for himself. All he needs is a friend by his side, and Matteo will be exactly that. In a surprising turn of events, they’ll take each other’s breath away.
Eric Plamondon
Canada Beatnik contemporary revival in the voice of a francophone queer métis gives voice to thoughts, desires, and struggles of a queer indigenous Manitoban.
Safal Pandey
2023 |
Nepal / 19 mins Gokul is a single father who is raising his son, a well-regarded and actively involved member of their community. On a specific occasion, Gokul feels a sense of embarrassment as he watches his son's public dance performance, which displays feminine mannerisms. Determined to bring about a change in his son's lifestyle and regain their esteemed standing in society, Gokul wholeheartedly commits himself to putting in considerable effort and taking the required actions. Over time, Gokul gradually becomes aware of his son's inherent feminine side
 As Leaves in the Wind
Sofia Luz
Spain, Equatorial Guinea / 10:56 mins “As leaves in the wind” is the story of two transgender women who migrate from their home countries seeking asylum and opportunities in a new continent. Their lives go through structural changes when they meet and take part in a new support network. Made by them for them. Trailer… here
 As political landscapes dissolve
Zora Ottink
Netherlands / 7 mins What is my identity in times of climate change and political upheavals, filmmaker Zora Ottink wonders, in this political picture story full of sweeping associations that starts in her bathroom.
Is a stable identity really feasible in the current political climate, filmmaker Zora Ottink wonders in this short surrealist picture story, which she shot on 16 mm. The film sets off stably in Ottink’s bathroom where she is having a shave, but when she subsequently steps into a melting snowy landscape, ideas start to change meaning in associative ways: razor blades, snowploughs, gender relations and identity politics. Everything is in a constant flux of permanent change, decay and remanifestation. Trailer... here
 Ash Wednesday
Grace O'Brien
2023 |
USA / 16:53 mins When queer Catholic schoolgirl Bridget gets her period during Ash Wednesday Mass, she embarks on an odyssey with best friend Erin to find a tampon and make it back in time to get their ashes - or else they're suspended.
Shehryaar Bhoja
2023 |
India / 20 mins An unlikely attachment to a 16-year-old student drives small town school principal Father Royston into a dilemma involving love, morals and faith.
 Atmospheric Arrivals
Ayo Tsalithaba
Canada, Lesotho, Ghana / 6:37 mins This film is at once a living archive/polytemporal memory bank and a love letter to my other selves. I consider the act of revisiting my personal archives a time travelling practice and incorporating this into my films is an exercise in making said practice legible to others.
"Atmospheric Arrivals" is about home and the (im)possibility of return. The "atmospheric arrival" captures a means of coming into being through memory and imagination; by reaching across spacetimes to "fetch" parts of the self that may exist in elsewheres. Watch… here
Alejandra Navarro Beltrones
Spain / 16 mins Regina y August son dos estudiantes que comparten más que apuntes: comparten miradas furtivas y sonrisas cómplices. Mientras August se sumerge de lleno en el torbellino del amor adolescente, Regina lucha contra las sombras de un hogar opresivo, donde la homofobia y la religión se entrelazan.
Auntie Chris Signs of Rivers
Marrok Sedgwick
USA / 5:43 mins Auntie Chris Smith performs an ASL adaptation of Langston Hughes’ “The Negro Speaks of Rivers.”
 Außer Männer hatten wir nichts zu verlieren
Hanna Marie Hocker, Leila Fatima Keita
Germany / 30 mins Hanna and Leila, two feminist filmmakers, have only read about their pioneers in books. The pair's cinematic quest begins after they find an old VHS tape. In 1975, the first women's bookstore opened in Munich: For the first time, men are not allowed in. Even after all these years, the owners demonstrate their militant stance. We are too prudish and too well-behaved for them - can we learn from each other? What unites and what separates our generations?
Menelas Siafakas
Greece / 9 mins When pornography doesn't work anymore but dreamscapes do, a sublimation of masturbation.
 Ave Marie
Celestina Louisa Marie Sumby
2023 |
New Zealand / 13 mins Set in 1984 suburban Aotearoa New Zealand, AVE MARIE is about adopted siblings Marie and Xavier who use dance as a way to escape the day-to-day reality of their mother’s religious rants and the neighborhood bullies. While tough and unforgiving Xavier insists on putting himself front and center of every dance routine and fighting the BMX gang for his right to wear lycra, Marie decides she wants to shine too. When their staunchly Catholic mother leaves the kids home alone for another funeral, Marie gets her chance. Can the power of dance unite where fists can’t? Trailer… here
Bacon Soda
Brandt Maina
2023 |
USA / 4:55 mins We see more than one kind of horror in this film produced during Outside the Frame's 2023 Spring Intensive.
Bad Behaviour
Bhavana Rajendran, Rency Philip, Sharanya Ramprakash
India / 5 mins Bad Behaviour is a street performance exploring Brigade Road and surrounding neighbourhoods that gave Bangalore its moniker ‘the Pub City’ in the 80s and 90s. Today, Brigade Road is more of a commercial street than the ‘cool, hip and happening’ area it used to be with iconic places like NASA, Pub World, Galaxy Theatre, Rex Theatre, Brigade Gardens, Time ‘n’ Again, Black Cadillac, FoxTrot, Spin and other has-been spaces that were for drinking, dancing, and cruising. Watch… here
Bathroom Girls
Reagan Christie
2023 |
USA / 1 min A love letter to the solidarity and survival, unconditional love and support that women and femmes save for each other.
Be Vardų, Be Kojų
Brigita Gedgaudas
2023 |
Canada / 3 mins “Be Vardų, Be Kojų,” meaning ‘without names, without legs,’ is an experimental, animated, dance film that investigates queer movement in Lithuanian folk dance. Using photograms made from scanning dancers performing specific gendered folk dance steps, the film depicts bodies that don’t conform to earthly physics, boundaries, and rules and that act instead as disruptive agents.
Anisha Sharma
India Karan is a transman, who recently had a gender affirmation surgery and something as trivial as going to the beach shirtless has been a dream and an act of liberation for him.
 Beauty Within
Carrie Miller
USA / 5 mins This abstract film is driven by colors, imagery of flowers, voice overs, and portrait shots of the characters. Skylar and Arbor meet in a beautiful garden, reflecting the radiant energy of the characters. There is a voice over of Arbor reading a letter to Skylar that describes how they met, their friendship turning romantic, and Arbor’s self discovery of their gender. As the letter is being read, they are seen meeting at the same spot, slowly getting closer. There is beauty and growth around them with blooming flowers and sunny weather. Skylar keeps going back, hoping Arbor will show up. Arbor’s voice over ends, saying, “I am sorry I never showed up, I had to find myself first.” Skylar finds the written letter from Arbor in their meeting spot, which is the voiceover that is happening throughout the film. She reads the letter, but the last few lines she reads out loud, “But when I am ready, I want to grow with you in the garden forever.” Watch... here
Tramaine Raphael Gray
USA / 25 mins An imaginative queer teen weaves in and out of his own fantasy world while struggling to connect with his older brother.
Bedtime Story
Maty Grznár
Slovakia / 8 mins In the performance, the author primarily deals with the topic of queer identity, growing up and memory. He harkens back to his childhood experiences in character of protective figure that we as queer children lack during growing up. The narrative is conceived from a personal point of view, but it focuses on the bigger picture, which everyone can relate to somehow.
Behind The Mask: Contemporary Drag Culture in Kazakhstan
Tolganay Talgat
Kazakhstan / 30 mins Kazakhstan's drag scene emerged in the late 90s and is now experiencing a new wave of popularity. In Tolganay Talgat's documentary, artists and performers of different ages, ethnicities, and genders share how they find ways to self-expression and activism in drag. Despite facing prejudice, drag culture continues to attract new audiences and support the queer community. Trailer… here
Behind My Drag Queen
Leonardo Oliveira
Ireland / 14 mins This short documentary tells the story of Chantelle Perez, a Brazilian drag queen who discovered a new life for herself in Ireland through the art of drag.
being queer here
Chloë Gordon
2023 |
Canada / 7 mins A portrait of Toronto, as defined by the spaces its queer residents inhabit and the memories they’ve created there.
 Berry Wilde
Mika A. Sattler
2023 |
Austria / 22 mins Berry Wilde is a film about the search for honesty with oneself. A path that leads Berry through repression, pain and inner fear.
Wrik Mead
Canada / 3 mins A hacking of glitchy intimacies, set to sound extracts from the 1961 homophobic propaganda film Boys Beware, that makes the fag monster very lovable.
Big Freedia - Jump (Best Beleevah)
Wilberto Lucci
USA / 5 mins A history of uber-successful New Orleans Bounce Music, narrated by New Orleans own LGBTIQA+ artist &Reality Show star "Big Freedia". Big Freedia is featured on Beyonce's current #1 hit"Break My Soul" and Drake's #1 bounce music hit "Nice For What". Watch… here
 Bird / Pajarito
Soraya Arrabal
USA Bird is a visual poem about two women reaching different points in their lives, and as their wounds heal, the relationship becomes obsolete.
Birthday Parties
Preston Powell
USA / 6 mins Birthday parties are commonly seen as a cheerful celebration, but they also dredge up feelings of self-worth, forgiveness, and discomfort. Watch… here
 Bistro #1
Kiana Thienkim Nguyen
USA / 10 mins A young woman keeps the sales of her family’s food booth alive while navigating her sexuality.
Bixas Pretas: entre o amor e os afetos
Diego Roberto Silva Cavalcante Barrera
Brazil / 25 mins Quatro “bixas pretas” discutem, através das suas experiências, como o racismo e a homofobia afetam o campo do amor.
 Black Joy / Blaka koloku
Rafik M Opti
2023 |
Netherlands / 20 mins Poetic, Afro-futuristic doc about the quest for independence of Black people in Amsterdam.
 Black Trans Miracle
Tinaye Nyathi
2023 |
Australia / 18 mins Lindani, a neurotic young trans man, embarks on a journey to collect a cake for his partner’s birthday after an encounter with a stranger forces him to wrestle with his own identity, putting him at odds with his own desire for connection. Watch… here
Shir Green
Israel / 9 mins A short queer film about the complex experience of a bisexual woman in the closet, who desires her lesbian neighbor that she spies on from her balcony and then fantasizes about while pleasuring herself. She wants to be her and to be with her at the same time, but can only live it through the fantasy.
 Blue Flower
Sunil Babu Pant, Pradhumna Mishra
2023 |
Nepal / 40 mins A gay Nepali man in a rural setting is forced to marry a girl by his family. How do the couple navigate social pressures as well as take care of their needs? Watch… here |
 Blue Hour
Vanessa Minacapelli
2023 |
Belgium / 5 mins À Bruxelles, trois âmes en quête d'adieux silencieux partagent une dernière soirée au crépuscule, laissant les vagues de l'océan exprimer cequ'ils ne peuvent dire.
 Blue Rain / La Pluie Bleue
Qian He
2023 |
France / 23 mins Lin leads a double life: he is a decisive and ruthless underworld figure, while running a tranquil bookstore as a cover for his operations. One day, the bookstore is visited by the young Asu, to whom Lin unwittingly finds himself drawn. |
 Body Varial
Audrey Kerridge
2023 |
Canada / 15 mins In a series of vignettes, a young transmasculine adult named Remy goes about their daily life while recovering from top surgery. Afraid of judgement from others, they often have a hard time opening up about themself and being honest as to why they are really “injured”. This leads to Remy feeling isolated around various people in their life, be it their mom, Lynn, or a random person at the skatepark. However, the one person Remy can always count on is their roommate Will, who supports Remy on their journey without judgement. Throughout the film, Remy goes through many ups and downs, as they slowly begin feeling more confident in their body. This is only just the beginning of Remy’s journey. |
Lokchi Lam
2023 |
Canada / 7 mins Boob is a rom-com about a large left breast struggling with insecurities about his masculinity as he strives to impress his new love interest.
Boom Boom Chao
Pau(La) Chaves Bonilla
2023 |
Netherlands / 4 mins “Glitches of a marica in self-exile” is this film’s subtitle, ‘marica’ being a Spanish derogatory term for gay or queer. In Boom Boom Chao, the artist reclaims the term while reflecting on what it means to live a queer lesbian life. In this glitchy spoken word piece (glitchy both in image and sound), she muses on the idea of this queer lesbian life being a sort of self-exile, an alienated life. |
Biz Young
2023 |
USA / 4 mins In 'Bound: A Film on Liberation Through Rope Bondage,' Sakina Sins uses shibari (rope bondage) as a way to process pain and desire. As a queer, disabled, transmasc person born to immigrant parents — his body was often a site of pain and restriction, but getting to choose the pain he endures is what frees him.
David Chai
USA / 10 mins Through a series of animated vignettes ranging from everyday scenes to abstract ideas, a group of trans and nonbinary people define their genders through their surroundings, families, cultures, and imaginations.
 Boxed In / Le Poids des Cases
Coline Stell
France / 17:32 mins Lou a 28 ans, elle est lesbienne et heureuse. Le jour où elle se réveille à côté d’un homme, c’est le monde à l’envers!
Wall & Yero
Argentina / 2 mins A young man recovers his collection of red cars only to realise that the scale of his fantasies has changed. Un joven recupera su colección de autos rojos para darse cuenta que la escala de sus fantasías ha cambiado. Trailer… here
Brief Encounter
Alex Matraxia
UK / 4 mins With a soundtrack like Bernard Hermann running a techno night, Brief Encounter is a short erotic neo-noir about chance meetings, absent fathers, cigarettes, shaving foam, and eye contact on public transport.
Build me through the Image / Constrúyanme a través de la imagen
Paula Hung
USA / 8:59 mins A short documentary exploring the intricacies and complexities of the construction of a transmarginal Latine, multiracial, and queer identity through the experiences of a father, mother, and daughter.
Shoog McDaniel, Ian Clotz
USA / 9 mins At first meeting, Evie Snax aka Bunny knew there was something special about Swamp Daddy, but it was years later when they saw eye-to-eye. Soon after finally sniffing each other out, they organically became Gator and bunny. Gator’s bossy power a perfect compliment to bunny’s willing receptiveness, fantasy role play became the drug of choice. We watched in awe as our sex opened up portals, drawing us into a twisted tale of carnal lust between two animals in a Florida swamp. Together we indulge in our magical alternative world, captured here by videographer Ian Clontz wearing our own papier-mâché costuming. Furry primal play gave us a window through which to explore Dominant/submissive play by giving into desire freely and without judgment. Running feral and feeling limitless, we fuck in the dirt and under the stars.
 Burning Blue
Kim Ly Lam, Cecilia Luna Pohl
Germany, Korea / 28 mins Pilgyu Shin has a dream: As a gay activist, he wants to enforce the anti-discrimination law in South Korea. In Seoul, he encounters a parallel society in which many queers hide and pretend to be heterosexual. The reason: Christian churches are gathering thousands of members around them in order to threaten the LGBTQ+ community. With their money and influence, they can steer politics.
"burning blue" portrays twelve people who stand up against these authorities. It is a battle against time, as they lose more and more members of their community to suicide. Yet dividing barriers keep growing bigger and bigger within their own circle.
 Cafe au Fate
Mika Ervin
USA / 6 mins Lydia Alucardi is a socially mute goth girl who wants nothing more than to speak to people without worry. She finds solace around animals and visits her favorite cat café, Munch the Night Away three times a week. Every day that she spends there, she tries to build up the courage to talk to others, but nobody piques her interest.
 Caffe Of 2 & 3
Noel Yates
2023 |
Chile / 14:35 mins After Lia introduced Abel in her relationship with Adrián, he must make a decision about the trio in a café.
Luego de que Lia introdujera a Abel en su relación con Adrián, este deberá tomar una decisión sobre el trío en un café
 Camille, Marc, Michel & Me
Jonathan Lemieux
Switzerland / 23 mins On May 9th 2022, Michel, my mother's husband, died of pancreatic cancer. Unbeknownst to me, his death became the catalyst for my mid-life crisis in that it reopened wounds related to my father's abandonment (Marc) and my grandfather's suicide (Camille).
 Canciones de verano
Pablo Bautista
Spain / 7 mins Ana, Laura y Javi se reencuentran en el pueblo para vivir unas vacaciones memorables. Ese verano será el comienzo de una divertida situación en la que se ven envueltos por culpa de una botella etiquetada “Canciones de verano”. Con ella saldrán a relucir sus sentimientos más ocultos acompañados de las canciones que todos conocemos.
Cannoli Brothers
Ethan Folk, Ty Wardwell
Germany / 2 mins They may not be real brothers, but their cannoli are anything but fake.
 Can't Stop Change: Queer Climate Stories from the Florida Frontlines
Vanessa Raditz, Natalia Villarán-Quiñones, Yarrow Koning, Jess Martínez, Shoog McDaniel
2023 |
USA / 97 mins As Florida's violent legislation dominates headlines, LGBTQ2S+ communities are also on the frontlines of accelerating climate change. “Can’t Stop Change: Queer Climate Stories from the Florida Frontlines” weaves interviews with 14 LGBTQ2S+ artists, organizers, and educators across Florida (and the new Florida diaspora) into an intersectional climate justice narrative. Trailer… here
Michel Queiroz
Brazil / 90 mins Capim-Navalha é um documentário que retrata as questões vividas de seis personagens transgeneres que moram na Chapada dos Veadeiros. Pessoas diferentes entre si, complexas por suas trajetórias retratadas em seus territórios corporais, geográficos, decoloniais, interseccionais e suas vivências LGBTQIAPNB+. O filme apresenta narrativas de gênero dissidentes, elaborando fricção e alteridade, com análises sobre biopolítica e a necropolítica sobre esses personagens que lutam nesse cis-tema.
Cardboard Diamonds
Iván Molina Jiménez
Spain / 7 mins The family that crimes together, stays together. Until they don’t.
 Carpet Companion
Jen Ro
2023 |
USA / 40 mins Carpet Companion" is an indie comedy that explores the journey of Jean, a lesbian in Oakland who is navigating the challenges of finding her place in the world. After struggling to find a job, she unexpectedly lands a job as a lesbian escort. "Carpet Companion" is a heartfelt and thought provoking film that explores themes of identity, sexuality, and self discovery. Trailer… here
 Cartas Que Se Enviarán En Este Momento
Julia Lucesole
2023 |
Argentina / 13 mins Una joven amante recorre su cronología amorosa a través de cuatro cartas audiovisuales que envía a las mujeres que fueron parte de su vida.
 Casa Trans!
Juan Diego Bonilla
2023 |
Chile / 29:17 mins El Sindicato Amanda Jofré de mujeres trans y trabajadoras sexuales busca defender los derechos humanos de sus miembros y comunidad. Luchan por hacer realidad el proyecto de una casa propia, donde entregar educación, cuidados y trabajo a su comunidad. La película retrata el esfuerzo de un grupo de personas que buscan hacer un espacio frente a tanta discriminación y obstáculo en la sociedad. Es la búsqueda de un hogar. Trailer… here
Catch A Star If You Can
Tanya Liu Choi Ying
Hong Kong / 33 mins Two swimming team members decide to escape their training camp for one night to watch the Leonid meteor shower. But the road trip is full of surprises bringing them more than the twinkling stars above.
 Ce Fruit
François Heiser
2023 |
France / 7 mins In a kingdom, at the moment of birth each person is attributed a fruit which allows them to marry. While the exchange of two identical fruits is prohibited by law, Princess Anera lives a secret romance with the beautiful Krimen.
Central Tocaia
Thiago Pombo
Brazil / 2 mins A couple walks through the streets of Olinda until they are surprised by a creature of the night.
Change Minority
Japan / 8 mins Yuki, an office worker, and his female partner are heterosexuals living in a minority’s world and thinking about marriage. They live in a society where heterosexuality is not accepted and they suffer from the inability to legally start a family. They come out to their parents, their workplace enforces homosexual norms upon them, and they live their lives interweaved with troubles and sufferings, and finally find their way, in a society where homosexuality is the norm. Trailer… here
 Change Your Story
Harry Stoneman
2023 |
UK / 3:26 mins Change Your Story is a vibrant comedy-drama short where Jesse, a queer character in a nightclub, discovers their life is a three-minute student film. With the director's encouragement, Jesse transforms, embracing confidence and authentic living - a metaphor for the power of filmmaking and living in your truth to the maximum. Trailer… here
Gentian Minga
2023 |
Albania / 1 min There is a lot of hate propaganda out there, especially online, but also on the streets. With little effort, by fighting the observer effect, we can change the narrative and turn hate messages into messages of love. Like this graffiti artist.
 Check Please
Victor Mignatti, Scott T. Hinson
USA “Check Please” is a truly short comedy about the easy come, easy go nature of sexual attraction between strangers.
na.jpg) Chi(le)na
Yoksan Xu
Chile / 6 mins The child of a Chinese immigrant in Chile revisits the relationship with their absent father, while exploring the progenitor’s restaurants and reflecting on their own self-identity and relationship with masculinity.
Kryzz Gautier
USA / 18 mins Haunted by the past, a brilliant tech-addicted developer faces an impossible dilemma: recreate her ex-girlfriend in virtual reality or hold onto the crumbling relationship with her current one. Trailer… here
 Chloe and Jame
Drew Burnett Gregory
USA / 6:47 mins Two transfeminine people confront their personal history and the histories that shaped them.
Chosen Family
Salgu Wissmath
USA / 4 mins Wes “Byeeeeee Yonic” Haack is a trans man and member of Bay Area Derby, aka BAD, a nonprofit roller derby league that has created a community rarely found in sports: Almost every one of the 20 skaters on BAD’s three teams is queer. Many are trans, an identity that laws being enacted across the country aim to push out of many sports. Watch… here
 Cidade Maravilhosa
Francisco Malta
Brazil / 13:07 mins Trailer… here
Cineffabuleuses depuis 35 ans!
Chriss Lag
France / 92 mins For the 35th edition of the Paris International Lesbian and Feminist Film Festival, Cineffable asked Chriss Lag to make a documentary about the association and the festival. The idea is to show what Cineffable has been for 35 years, as a feminist and lesbian festival, showcasing women directors from all over the world, organized by women, united in an association operating 100% voluntarily, with no hierarchical structure and no gender mixing. Over the past 1 year, Chriss Lag and volunteers from the association have delved into the festival's archives and conducted over 25 interviews to track the evolution of the festival from its inception to the present day, as well as changes in society, in lesbian visibility and in feminist and LGBT struggles in general.
Leão Neto, Alan Sousa
Brazil / 22 mins O curta metragem de estreia dos diretores Alan Sousa e Leão Neto apresenta a história de Niara (Marta Aurélia), uma policial escrivã que tem seu caminho cruzado por uma recém-viúva, Jana(Anna Luiza Rios), em busca de justiça por seu marido assassinado. Prestes a se aposentar, a policial tem de lidar com sua impotência perante um sistema falho e corrupto.
 City of Dreamz
Imani Celeste
USA / 12 mins Four Black art students tell stories of community, divine intervention, and the artistry that led them to this very moment…smoking weed in a cramped apartment trying not to get caught.
 Clear Sky
Milica Mitra Cvetković
Serbia / 26 mins Nina arrives in Belgrade after hearing the news of her ex-boyfriend’s death. When she meets with once close friends, she realizes how much those relationships have changed. Amidst a series of turbulent emotions, she tries to cope with nostalgia and guilt, surrendering to a long-forgotten feeling of freedom. Trailer… here
Maria João Lourenço
Portugal / 4 mins On a planet where reproduction is mandatory in the daily life of its inhabitants, there is an alien who just wishes to pleasure herself.
 Club Kid Alley
Tyler J Sloane
Canada / 3:42 mins What does a night of debauchery look like for the esteemed Drag, Burlesque, and Club Kids of Toronto? Let Bom Bae guide you through as the queers get ready for a night of depravity at the Club Kid Manor (Spadina Museum).
Colombine: Owning the Future
Dev Petrovic, Roki Jiang
2023 |
Canada / 6 mins Heartwarming story of elder radical faerie, Columbine, and intergenerational queer activism. Watch… here
 Colony Collapse Disorder / Hafra'at hitmotetut hamoshava
Amos Holzman
Israel / 15 mins Between forest and city, two ambiguous lovers' journey to preserve their togetherness. Trailer… here
Come the Sun
Haakon Ziegler
UK / 4:48 mins An animated imagining of trans people as gods, embarking on giving life to the next generation.
 Coming Home
Britt Planken
2023 |
The Netherlands / 3 mins A chat with various people who identify as queer and feel connected to the LGBTQ+ community. Together, these personal interviews touch upon a bigger question: what exactly is queer happiness?
Daniel Mcintyre
Canada / 7 mins Through the use of artificial intelligence with analogue 16mm hand processing, Commerce explores the minds of leaders that exploit human labor, aroused by the technology poised to replace it. Who cares about the workers; a CEO should never have to choose between getting laid, or getting laid off.
Community |
Dean Leetal |
2023 |
Israel / 6 mins According to scholars such as Hil Malatino, trans people survive in transphobic societies thanks to mutual community care. |
 Compositions For Understanding Relationships
David Delafuente
USA / 5:30 mins A Love Letter. Trailer… here
 Conceiving Our Future
Annie Pancak Vogt
USA / 9 mins Some view having children as a necessary chapter in the human experience; others are concerned the decision is self-serving.
Concrete Shape
Jesi Jordan
2023 |
Mexico / 5:02 mins To face your fear, you must let it enter your life as a Concrete Shape. An onsite video performance by Jesi Jordan created at the Diego Rivera Anahuacalli Museum in Mexico City. This film is made using hand made special effects and biodegradable materials such as Oaxacan clay, lava rocks, chicken eggs, cactus husks, and water. Trailer… here
 Conociendo a Marc
Carlos Eduardo Espinoza Velazquez
México / 13:9 mins Marc es un chico trans el cual durante un viaje vacacional junto a su madre y hermano se embarcan en una aventura, durante su aventura Marc conoce a una chica muy linda la de la cual queda flechado al instante, cosa que es mutua durante este viaje a lado de Marc podremos experimentar junto a el lo que es el amor, la aceptación de la gente de su entorno ante su cambio, y como su hermano poco a poco va apreciando y aceptando a su hermano Marc ¿podrá marc en estas vacaciones descubrir quien es el de verdad?
Alexandre Figueirôa
Brazil / 23 mins Nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, Consuelo foi a travesti mais famosa do Recife. Tempos depois foi morar na França, onde fez sua transição e se tornou vedete nos cabarés Carrossel de Paris e Madame Arthur. Trailer… here
 Continuum, la playa
Mariana Bomba
Argentina / 6 mins Historia de amor entre dos mujeres a comienzos de los años 90, que pronto se transforma en una gesta desbordante de experimentación, goce y vínculos en una de las generaciones de mujeres cineastas más feroces de la Argentina. Treinta años después, el hallazgo de una valija con más de mil negativos fotográficos, películas en 16 mm y cintas VHS preservadas por Vanessa Ragone, una de las protagonistas, revela una década fundacional en la vida y en la trayectoria de las grandes artistas de esa generación.
 Conversation With Albert Knoll / Gespräch mit Albert Knoll
Philipp Gufler
Germany / 25 mins Albert Knoll has dedicated a large part of his life to commemorating the crimes against humanity committed during the Nazi dictatorship and what this archival work has done to him.
 Copenhagen Rendezvous
André Palacios Tingberg
Denmark / 3 mins Emotionally charged super short film that takes place on a subway escalator. Two men accidentally meet on opposite sides of the escalator, one going down and the other going up. The chance encounter leads to a series of intense flashbacks from the time they spent together. Trailer… here
Corpo Território, Nuances da Invisibilidade
Clesley Maria Tavares
Brazil / 10 mins Este documentário traz a narrativa de 5 mulheres do movimento feminista do nordeste brasileiro. Trazendo reflexões sobre seus corpos como lugar de existência e resistência na sociedade capitalista, patriarcal, sexista, racista e transfóbica em pleno século XXI.
 Coupon - Il film della felicità
Agostino Ferrente
Italy / 19 mins Andrea is an old-fashioned man and he doesn’t seem to be in touch with his own time. He’s a loner and a dreamer, he lives his life as if he was stuck in a black and white film, perpetually "out of sync" with the world around him. On a scorching August afternoon, he ventures on his bike into a semi-deserted Rome, populated by a few surviving students and many elderly people who cannot afford the holiday. Andrea wants to go to a supermarket where he can buy cans of tuna to collect points that will allow him to win the mysterious "Happiness Coupon". The tuna cans accumulate in his cupboard, as do the coupons, but can we really buy happiness? Among the performers there are also Milena Vukotic and the politician Pierluigi Bersani who plays multiple roles, in a semi-silent mini-musical about an awkward but pure character, who cannot express himself except by singing, and who wants to win the happiness that signs and advertisements promise to him, in a burnt-out, neglected, poetic city.
Creating Space
Ariel Robbins
USA / 2:06 mins Cal Calamia prepares for his run in the Presidio. As he makes his way through several, iconic San Francisco neighborhoods, he tells an intimate story of his life as a trans runner.
 Crossings / Travessias
Ana Graziela Aguiar
Brazil / 22 mins A love letter that unites Brazil and Cuba. In the film Travessias, the director goes on a long journey seeking to understand the feelings and transformations of a person who is close to her. On this path of doubts and concerns, she meets Justin, a trans man who will help her on this journey. With a poetic and self-referential look, the director invites us to rethink our own prejudices and limits in relation to the others.
Emily Macshane
USA / 5:54 mins On Alyvia’s first day of school she is nervous and lonely until a girl sits down next to her. It’s just a crush. Watch… here
 C-TV (If I tell you I like you ...)
Eva Egermann, Cordula Thym
Austria / 30 mins Onscreen, we see wild hamsters with X-ray eyes, a zombie soldier on the telethon phone, a grandiose performance in a song contest, and at the center, a talk show offering an alternative to the heteronormative TV mainstream.
 Cuando vuelva, en verano
Alberto Prados
Spain / 12 mins Año 1987. Rubén es un niño de diez años que crece jugando a las chapas en el pueblo. Vive junto a sus padres y a su abuela, con la que pasa las tardes. Rosa intenta que su nieto siga siendo un niño y no sea consciente de la dramática situación que se vive en casa y de la que se habla en voz baja.
Cum Over
Kir Siegumfeldt
2023 |
Denmark / 19 mins Cum Over, 2023, is a 19 minute film which sensitively and artistically explores masculine sexuality in a queer context. In the film, we meet the shy Kevin Kostbar and the flirtatious Mads Sturbation, two men who find each other on a lonely Friday night and together they go on an unexpected romantic adventure in a candle lit workshop
 Cupid into Transmutation
Dexter Boldewijn
Netherlands / 13 mins The edgy and personal graduation film Cupid into Transmutation follows a transgender boy named Caesar living in a big city. On the run from his traumatic past, he tries to make a living as a camboy, until he is suddenly sent into hysteria as his body starts to violently morph and transform beyond all recognition. Follow him in his search for acceptance and identity in this cruel world, focused on normality
Dan Zeng
China / 30 mins He Zhenye, a campus bully, has long been involved in harassing his classmate Lin Sheng for being gay. However, He Zhenye carries a secret in his heart: he is also gay. In his encounters with Lin Sheng, the bully is forced to reassess his identity.
 Dale Cooper
Manuel Marmier
France / 4 mins Like a Dadaist poem: two portraits intertwine, depicting the full or hollow characters of these two homonymous characters: Dale Cooper, the detective and Dale Cooper, the porn actor. Watch… here
 Dance Permit (Denied)
Claudix Vanesix
Peru / 10 mins Claudix Vanesix was born female and now lives as a non-binary trans person. This means it is impossible for them to take part in Los Negritos de Sipsa, a traditional Peruvian dance that is passed down in their family from father to son—thereby excluding them from part of their own culture.
Dancing in the Light
Julie Petríková
2023 |
Czechia / 28 mins The video camera was Nelson Sullivan's closest friend. He shared every moment of his life with it for twenty years - from insignificant grocery shopping to deaths of his friends that affected him deeply. He was part of the New York underground scene where he witnessed the birth of stars including the legendary RuPaul. Trailer… here
 Darcelle: On Life, Love and Dying
Christina Carol Dowsett
USA / 14 mins Darcelle, at the age of 91, is the Guinness World Record holder for the oldest working drag queen. On stage Darcelle is harolded as a prominent figure in the Portland, Oregon LGBTQ+ scene but at home Walter Cole is just like anyone else who loves, laughs, and cries. In this short film, friends and family reflect with Darcelle on a long and accomplished life as the end draws near.
 Darlo todo
Tano Nieto
Argentina / 66 mins “El drag es política pura”, sostiene una de les artistas que protagonizan este documental sobre el arte drag en Argentina a partir del concurso “Miss Lipsync Battle”, que se realiza en el bar Peuteo en el barrio de Palermo. La competencia es un hito de la noche porteña puesto que muches artistas dan allí sus primeros pasos teniendo la oportunidad de compartir escenario con figuras consagradas frente a un público feroz y un jurado de notables. Al mismo tiempo que se registran las distintas etapas del concurso, siguiendo el pulso emocional de cada participante, la película reflexiona y narra una breve historia del drag local, invocando y convocando a figuras que construyeron mitos en la noche. Este registro de la coronación de la Drag 2019 tiene la intimidad y la espectacularidad de la potencia excéntrica y seductora de batallas donde baile y glamour se convierten en una fiesta del vértigo y el deseo. Trailer… here
Beatrice Indelicato, Margherita Orsini
Italy / 18 mins Davide is a thirty-year-old who lives in a town in the Sicilian hinterland. He doesn't know what free time is. He wakes up at dawn to open his bar and begins the hard work. He experiences body care as a cult: protein shakes, gym, supplements, pole dancing lessons and treatments from Alessandra, his beautician girlfriend. Davide has always wanted to please and be admired. From model to Mister Sicily, today his dream comes true on the stage of a nightclub where he works as a stripper and lets himself be desired by others. A documentary focused on obsession with beauty and the cult of the body without neglecting the equally current issue of the construction of identity starting from our body and the gaze of others.
 Day Dream
Mael Cabaret
France / 55 mins Drag queen in Quebec, Julien becomes DREAM at night. A job of passion. A difficult life. A world that consumes him. For ten years, Julien will try to distance himself from this universe which nevertheless represents his only reason for existing.
 Dear Nana
Han Nguyen
USA / 3 mins In this heartfelt tribute to his late grandmother, a trans man reminisces about growing up queer in a small, conservative town in Vietnam. Watch… here
Sara Asprilla Palomino
2023 |
Colombia / 19 mins Doroty’s dream was to dance and be recognized as the woman she was, but death came first. Her best friend, Misael, a 60-year-old gay man, will make it happen. Trailer… here
 Demarcated Pride / Orgulho Demarcado
Carolina Garcia |
2023 |
Brazil / 22 mins Baseado no projeto "Orgulho e Resistência: Como é ser LGBTQIAPN+ dentro e fora de comunidades indígenas", o filme retrata diferentes vivências de pessoas que fazem parte das duas comunidades. Através de perspectivas de pessoas indígenas aldeadas e em contexto urbano, o documentário propõe um debate sobre gênero, sexualidade, raça e resistência. Watch… here
Zoey Black
South Africa / 8 mins Denis is documentary short that focuses on medical and legal issues facing intersex and transgender people in South Africa, and the ongoing human rights struggles that continue to position the community as second class citizens.
We meet Denis Motlatla, who talks through his ongoing struggles with State Departments of Health and Home Affairs, each which had failed him at critical points in his life. Denis’ experience highlights the profound challenges faced by transgender and intersex people when attempting to access basic and crucial civic services. His story is one of overcoming adversity, strength and resilience.
 Delas para nós
Luísa Vilas Boas
Brazil / 21:20 mins O documentário "Delas para Nós" apresenta historias de vida de mulheres fora do padrão social de gênero e sexualidade, percorrendo a trajetória dessas personagens através das nuances do envelhecimento.
Sofia Giampieretti, Gaia Mastropietro, Giovanna Mastantuoni, Priscilla Lenoci, Rossella De Giosa
2023 |
Italy / 4 mins On a rainy evening in Milan, G. has an accident while on a delivery, leading her to reflect on past memories from her first bike fall to her experiences as a rider. As she navigates through these memories, her frustration escalates until it finally erupts… Trailer… here
Kurnia Alexander
2023 |
Indonesia / 25 mins Indra is in a good position in his life. He’s an academically gifted, graduate student working as a teaching assistant to Bagas, his lecturer. However, he can’t help but feel that something is missing. Struggling to find out what that is, Indra seeks guidance from Bagas during one of their last days on campus.
 Detective Alice and the Inside Game
Kyky Yang
USA / 8 mins Join Detective Alice to find out who the mysterious outlaw is. Watch… here
 Devenir Roi
Manon Selli
France / 52 mins Cha est Drag King : sur scène, velu, grosse voix, gestuelle virile, il s’appelle PowerBeauTom, s’amuse des codes de la masculinité et joue de son personnage pour approcher au plus près de ce qu’il est vraiment, ni homme, ni femme, mais simplement un peu des deux. Assigné femme à la naissance, aujourd’hui s’identifiant comme non-binaire, Cha (23 ans) a beaucoup cheminé pour devenir King, une vie en zig-zags de genre et d’orientations sexuelles. Son père a suivi, sans tout comprendre, mais avec bienveillance. Sa grand-mère a soutenu, comme elle a toujours soutenu les justes causes. Une autre famille est apparue, celle des Kings. Cha s’envole, enfin, et le chante, guitare en main. Mais Cha est-il arrivé à bon port ? La scène Drag King restera-t-elle le seul espace dans lequel il peut se sentir lui-même au quotidien?
 Diário da Primavera
Fabíola Aquino
Brazil / 84 mins Documentário autobiográfico, acompanha as reflexões da diretora na jornada de emagrecimento e transformação do seu corpo e crenças, junto aos relatos de vida de outras mulheres que devido a pressão estética passaram por conflitos semelhantes. Trailer… here
Die Young
Violet Price
USA / 15 mins A hitman spends his last night on earth wandering around LA and wasting time BS-ing with weirdos.
 Dig Deeper: Ben McKeown
Mark Street
Australia / 55 mins A deep dive into examining Ben McKeown's connection to his Aboriginality and queerness and how that influences his art leading up to him entering a significant Australian art award. Trailer… here
 Dino Hart
Lizzie Mayes
USA / 13 mins As a Don’t Say Gay bill passes, 12-year-old Dino confronts a surprising truth about their long-lost father.
Luciano Perochena
Peru / 7 mins Trans dancer Denisse witnesses the murder of a sex worker; the chase that follows is portrayed through a stunning voguing choreography. Trailer… here
Discipulos de Amor - Luna de Oro
Wilmer Aburto
This short video is inspired by photography series Discípulos de Amor. The portraits from this collection celebrate racialized individuals and all the intersections we represent. Discípulos de Amor photography series aims to create inclusive spaces by bringing visibility and representation to address a history of underrepresentation in media.
 Disfigured Flames
Sepia Katsoolis
USA / 5 mins Disfigured Flames is an analog 16mm experimental short film about a cyborg rebirth. The transsexual body is branded inhuman for its transformation, for transcending sex, it becomes an object; can it become more than human? How have we created a separation of transgender and cisgender bodies along the false lines of “genetics” and “biology?”
 Divas in Dollmation
Warren Wright
30 mins Cher and Madonna headline the same program. Warrencito’s Diva Dollmatioon showcases some of our favorite female icons but in doll size format. Barbie is back in the spotlight and this program reminds us that she never really left.
Do I Always Have to Carry My Own Body / Må jeg alltid bære min egen kropp
Hedda Virik
Norway / 4 mins A music video of a home shopping hostess struggling to keep her composure as her product fails horribly. She gets washed out to sea, where her deal of the day keeps haunting her. Watch... here
Marcial Ruiz Lasida
Spain / 9 mins A violent man tries to convince his partner to come back to his side over the phone, continuously manipulating his wife.
 Don't Break Up Over Text
Black LGBT+ Plays
USA / 17:02 mins College student, Ricara, makes every attempt to smoke a blunt and get a free meal before midterms, but after her friend, LaTonya, sends a tactless breakup text to their mutual friend, this sticky-icky Saturday proves more icky than any of them expected. Trailer… here
 Dr. XYZ: A Medical Drag Transthology
El Jones
2023 |
UK / 14 mins The film engages the untold stories of the trans+ and non-binary community in Birmingham as a collaborative drag anthology on accessing healthcare; and takes the form of a contemporary update on the public information films within the NHS on Film collection to create a satirical take on the healthcare service announcements of the 1960s and 70s. Watch… here
 Drag You
Nadia Koro, Hadrien Daigneault-Roy, Sascha Cowan
Canada / 21 mins An amyl-fuelled reverie where dance meets disco beat dirge for a queer scene being swallowed one new apartment complex at a time. Roy Orbison has never hit this hard.
Willow Skye-Biggs
USA / 35:46 mins A mysterious woman arrives at a remote home. Trailer… here
 Dreaming Bodies / Traum von Körpern
Vivian Bausch, Ella Knorz
Germany / 4 mins It is dark. A body awakens and explores the room. But suddenly the body starts to change… An experimental short film shot with a thermal imaging camera and written with artificial intelligence. Trailer... here
E le malemo se i'a (A Fish Does Not Drown): Pasifika Communities During Prop 8
Sauliloa Niumeitolu
2023 |
USA / 19:56 mins Queer Pasifikas grapple with intolerance within their own communities.
 Echemos a Volar
Hodei Baile
Spain / 23 mins A día de hoy, la libertad sexual y la autodeterminación de género están castigadas con la detención o la muerte en varios países. El futuro llega en el momento adecuado cuenta la historia de Nelson y su huida a Italia tras una violenta agresión. Nació hace 25 años en Ciudad de Benin, una de las zonas más inestables de Nigeria. En 2018 la comisión territorial que examinó su caso consideró que su testimonio no era suficientemente creíble y rechazó su solicitud de protección internacional. En 2021, Nelson apeló ante el Tribunal de Venecia. A la espera de su veredicto, lo que puede llevar meses, Nelson pasa sus días trabajando, saliendo con amigos y haciendo música, con la esperanza de convertirse algún día en un gran cantante. Trailer… here
 Edge / Skraj
Edmund Aleksander Krempiński
Poland / 18 mins Based on the true story of Edmund, who deals with various forms of frustration rooted in living as a transgender person in a highly oppressive society. It consists of a series of absurd psychomagical acts leading to the final liberation and allegorical transition into the pearl.
 El Débil Color Rosado
Matía Osorio
2023 |
Chile / 10 mins Mon (15) un tímido adolescente de ojos expresivos y dientes de conejo, se escapa del colegio junto a Ángel (16), su rebelde mejor amigue, para celebrar su quinto aniversario de amistad en el skatepark donde suelen patinar. Ya en camino, Mon duda si continuar o no, pero Ángel le convence. Antes de patinar, desayunan, mientras recuerdan cómo se conocieron e intercambian regalos cruzando tímidas miradas. Mientras Mon se prepara para acompañarle, observa patinar a Ángel y lo imagina con unas alas de ángel. Luego de juguetear en el skatepark, toman un descanso y comparten un cigarrillo intercambiando miradas, para luego seguir patinando. Luego de un rato, Ángel le confiesa a Mon que le gusta alguien, pero que no sabe cómo decírselo. Esto hace que Mon pierda el equilibrio y caiga haciéndose un rasguño en la rodilla, el cual ayuda a curar a Ángel. Mon, al final del día, sin haberse atrevido a decirle lo que siente a Ángel, se saca los patines y al ponerse un zapato encuentra una nota de Ángel con una declaración de amor.
 El Limbo y La Fortuna
Carlos Fortuna, Lau Nika
Spain / 14 mins El Limbo y La Fortuna es un falso documental que recoge los primeros pasos de La Fortuna tras su muerte; cuando conoce al Limbo en persona y con quien tendrá una íntima y entretenida conversación, sobre sus experiencias con la vida, la muerte y la vida después de la muerte. Así, este corto se aproxima a este tema sin miedo o drama, pretendiendo ser un canto a la existencia misma, con una perspectiva queer, travesti y desde el underground. Y es que si la muerte es tan cierta desde que nacemos ¿por qué tendríamos que tenerle miedo?
 El Miedo del Adiós
Luis Antonio Loya Rosas
México Esteban es un chico a punto de graduarse de la preparatoria, él es un chico gay, y está enamorado de Julián, una semanas antes de graduarse él le cuenta a Javier que está enamorado de Julián pero que es demasiado tarde para confesárselo, Javier lo ayuda a razonar que aún no lo es y el decide confesarse a Julián, pero él no se espera para nada la respuesta de Julián.
 El Olvido
Gabriel Esparza
2023 |
Spain / 8 mins En un pueblo de la España vaciada, la ausencia de un hijo que marchó en busca de oportunidades, deja secretos y reproches entre un padre enfermo y una madre que sufre en silencio. |
 El Replicante
Martín Sichetti
Argentina El Replicante indaga, dentro las convenciones formales del film noir -sobre todo su raíz filosófica- las preguntas sobre la existencia, las maneras múltiples de ser, acerca de los usos de las máscaras y también sobre las estratagemas mediante las cuales nos hacemos invisibles. Trailer... here
 Elena, Lydia And Tere
José A. Rodriguez Mazzini
2023 |
Puerto Rico / 5:20 mins Tres estudiantes universitarias se encuentran casualmente en el departamento de drama de la UPR y, al compartir situaciones de sus vidas, descubren que uno de los temas perturba a una de las amigas. Trailer… here
Daniel Souza Duarte de Sena
Brazil / 20 mins Caio espera seu melhor amigo Hugo para sua despedida antes de uma grande viagem, e aquilo que está suprimido vem à tona essa noite.
ODMK (Oliver D.M King)
2023 |
Canada / 4 mins A Two-spirit male cruises a hook-up app as he looks for companionship for the night. A welcomed, familiar person invites him over as he contemplates his existence, the future, and what it means to be who he is in this day in age. Trailer… here
 Erich, 37, looking for a flat / Erich, 37, sucht Wohnung
Julia von dem Berge
Germany / 9:37 mins Heinz and Erich are simulating an apartment viewing in prison. Erich is about to be released and Heinz is helping with the preparations. The two are longtime cellmates and friends, and maybe even a little bit more.
Julián Ulises Peraza May
México / 7:51 mins Bueno, este cortometraje habla de la vida de Esteban un chico que no puede salir del closet, viene de una familia muy religiosa por lo que la ideología de los padres, no van con los gustos y preferencias de Esteban, porque es Gay y no tiene el valor de decirles a sus padres, pero cuenta con el apoyo de su amigo Alex que le dice que el puede y que sus padres lo van a querer tal y como es, la mamá de Esteban desde hace mucho sabe que su hijo es muy diferente por lo que ella sabe que su hijo el gay, esteban al final tiene el valor para decir lo que es y como se siente…
 Et Dans Le Flux, Tu Le Perdras
Christophe Pellet
France / 61 mins Leo and Kaspar, a young couple, live in Nanterre. Kaspar works in a company. Leo, unemployed, wants to get back to nature. Their breakup marks Leo's departure for Berlin, a city in which he hopes to be reborn. At the same time, Kaspar continues his activity: he is devoured by work.
Léo est lassé des reproches de Kaspar qui le pousse à rejoindre les réseaux sociaux pour rendre publique leur histoire d’amour. Leur rupture acte le départ de Léo pour Berlin, une ville dans laquelle il espère renaître au contact d’un milieu alternatif. Mais la ville gagnée par la spéculation immobilière, rejette Léo dans la marge. Des années après, la fille biologique de Kaspar élevée par un couple de femmes, évoque cette histoire d’amour sur une scène de théâtre.
 Et toi tu veux quoi?
Samia Chougrani
France / 2 mins ala : « Faut que je trouve un mari avant qu’elle ne meure. » Souad : « Pourquoi ? » Lala : « Bah, c’est son rêve d’être à mon mariage… » Watch… here
 Ether Or
Zander Constien
USA / 8 mins Ether cannot cope with the surreal chaos of the grocery store. Watch… here
Isabella Cintra
Brazil / 16 mins Two girls who once loved each other meet in the field. Throughout the conversation, they go through memories, emotions, sensations, until they can finally let go. The release of a place that no longer belongs to you and that you no longer belong in it.
everything in our house did not seem to fit
Alicia Abieyuwa Bergamelli
Italy / Nigeria / 6 mins Part exorcism, part film, everything in our house did not seem to fit is an exploration of remembrance. This cinematic exorcism ritual is a poetic and experimental eulogy to the past, as it sheds light on the forgotten corners of childhood once lived.
 Everything Is Easy, Everything Is Hard
Pamela C. Saade
2023 |
Lebanon / 6 mins During a date with Alex, Omar seems a bit disconnected. A game with Alex triggers him to explode and talk about everything he has experienced as an immigrant.
 Everything Is Invented / Dena Asmatuta Dago
Jone Arriola Lobet
2023 |
Spain / 14 mins
Dos jóvenes se relajan mientras fuman un porro. A medida que el porro va haciendo su efecto, comienzan a filosofar sobre el origen y la creación de los elementos, hasta que la conversación deriva en temas más personales.
Two young people relax while smoking a joint. As the joint takes effect, they begin to philosophize about the origin and creation of the elements, until the conversation turns to more personal topics.
 Evil Babylon
Tommy Spaghetteria, Jeffrey Ray Kieser
USA / 22 mins Evil Babylon is a sacrilegiousx psychosexual science-fiction movie-musical masterpiece. The story of a sexually-repressed evangelical race driver and the cult-like planet that leads him on a journey towards self-acceptance! Trailer… here
Claire Maske, Tati Chavitage
USA / 3 mins A hand processed camera roll film meditating on gender and hair.
 Ex You
Milina Trišić
Serbia / 70 mins Through the diverse life stories of three transgender individuals, the film poses the question of freedom, understanding, and acceptance in countries torn between traditional principles and aspirations toward the West. Helena is an early retired major, the first military person in Serbia to change her gender. Kamila is from Bosnia and Herzegovina, still hoping transition in Serbia after years of trying. Vuk was baptized in Montenegro as the first transgender person who did not complete transition at that time. His gender transition unexpectedly saved his life. Trailer… here
 Fading lights / Des cœurs à contrejour
Alain Petiteau
France / 3 mins Two men are breaking up after living together for thirteen years. The end of their love story is made of tenderness and clumsiness, as well as tears and caress.
 Faire Famille
Océan Michel
France / 90 mins « Faire Famille » quand on n’est pas dans le schéma traditionnel du couple amoureux hétéro, c’est comment ? Est-ce que deux meilleur.e.s potes qui vivent sur le même palier ça peut devenir une famille ? Océan et sa meilleure amie Sophie-Marie Larrouy vont interroger leur lien d’amitié, leur désir d’enfant et leur capacité à s’engager ensemble, allant à la rencontre de personnes qui ont fait famille « autrement » pour s’en inspirer et inventer leur propre modèle.
Elena Chamorro
USA / 9 mins Kaiv helps a heartbroken peer, Aline, by revealing an intimate secret. Trailer... here
Falling for Greta
Gustavo Arteaga
UK / 11 mins To doubt is human. To give in, divine. - When love comes knocking Greta's world is turned upside down. Trailer… here
Fanfarria en Marcha
Fernando Portabales
Argentina / 7:38 mins La Carroza Loca viene a poner en marcha la fanfarria con un acto de magia que hacemos entre todxs. Watch... here
 Fauna Caruao
Giulia Jiménez Tani
Venezuela / 12 mins During a holiday in Caruao, on the coast of Venezuela, a group of friends unleashes unexpected desires and tensions. Short coming-of-age drama full of fun, sexual excesses, conflict and changing relationships.
D. Smith
USA / 73 mins FEMME follows Jules, who is targeted in a horrific homophobic attack, destroying his life and career. Some time after that event, he encounters Preston, one of his attackers, in a gay sauna. He wants revenge.
Adele (delsi cat) Jacquilyn Moleta
2023 |
Australia / 15 mins A short film exploring what it means to be a queer femme person in modern Australia. Trailer… here |
 Femme Rage
Sarah Taborga, Aïma Paule
USA / 3 mins Femme Rage is a rally cry to all QTBIPOC Femmes, across the gender spectrum, to unleash their rage about living, surviving, and thriving within a cishetero-capitalist-white supremacist-patriarchy. Trailer… here
 Ficção Suburbana
Rossandra Leone
Brazil / 19 mins Entre afetos e tensões, o casal Marcela e Camila se relaciona com o cotidiano de suas raízes suburbanas.
 Fiertes melees
Valentin Ricart
2023 |
France / 52 mins Un documentaire consacré à l’équipe de rugby des Touwins de Toulouse. Une équipe inclusive qui permet à chacun.e de s’épanouir dans sa pratique sportive mais pas que.
Finding Yourself in Community / Zi Donnya Piggott
Stephen Bradford Bailey
2023 |
USA / 6:22 mins Entrepreneur and LGBT advocate, Zi, travels from her home in Barbados to Puerto Rico for the first time, looking for community in places they’ve never been before. Zi knows the unwelcoming situations that many queer travelers may experience, but has also been able to find community in the most unlikely places. Their very own pink coconut. After experiencing the impact community can have, Zi has opened up the world to queer travelers, connecting them with safe spaces in various countries through their platform, Pink Coconuts. In Puerto Rico, Zi is able to find community, showcasing queer Puerto Rican culture, and reflects on what this work and these connections have meant to them in discovering their own identity. Not she or he, Zi. Zi's story is one of a three-part series about using travel as catalyst for change. Watch… here
 First Crush
Yu-Hsuan Liu
2023 |
Taiwan / 30 mins This story, intertwining music, campus life, and romance, culminates in Taiwan's first BL (Boy’s Love) musical film. With 4 songs in 30 minutes, the film takes you back to the tender memories of unspoken crushes from your school days through its music. Trailer… here
 First X
Josiah Polhemus
USA / 7 mins Is a groundbreaking short film about two people taking a chance on dating in a post-pandemic world. The story portrays the vulnerability and anticipation of what it was like to experience that once in a lifetime “FIRST”. Trailer… here
Kate Blamire
Germany / 27 mins Flare is a film made in alignment with the tides of artist Kate Blamie's illness and capacities, and is testament to the healing strength of joy, community, and creativity.
 Flowers From the Dusk / Flores Del Corazón
Chaz Bernal Valle
Mexico / 6 mins Ana is a senile woman living in a rural area in the mid-20th century. She is trapped in the memory she has of Victoria, her partner who died 30 years ago. On her death anniversary, Ana builds a world to perform a rite and bring Victoria for a moment to the land of the living. Ana gives her heart to Victoria as a token of the ultimate love they had for each other and confesses that this is a farewell as she is about to die.
Fluid Forms |
Juli Sophie Strobeck
Germany / 17 mins Five trans and nonbinary people talk about the diverse relationships they have with their bodies and the different actions they take to beautify, express, reshape, reclaim, transition and care for their bodies. The short film advocates for liberated vision of trans healthcare and gives trans people the space to unapologetically be themselves and care for themselves without having to struggle or fight. Watch... here
Fool’s Gold |
Che Ortiga
2023 |
USA / 4 mins Become golden as trans-vaquero Oliver Gold (Che Ortiga) sings his way through heartbreak and queer revelations of self worth in the instant country hit: Fool’s Gold by the time traveling boyband: Turnback Boyz! Watch… here
 For I Have Sinned
Juan Javier Aguirre
USA / 4 mins A disturbing past is revealed in a confessional booth.
 For My Brother: The Legacy of Joseph Beam
Joshua X Miller
USA A short documentary about the life of 80s activist, writer, and poet Joseph F. Beam. On a journey to discover more Beam, filmmaker Joshua X. Miller learns more about himself and how he is continuing the legacy of the past. Trailer… here
 Forbidden Reverie 宿祭
Yisong Huang
2023 |
China / 4 mins Through the characters inspired by the iconic tale of "Farewell My Concubine," the film sheds light on the struggles, victories, and identity journeys within the LGBTQ+ community. Using innovative Peking opera virtual fashion and compelling film techniques, the project provides a powerful platform for increased visibility and acceptance.
Four Pieces on Being Seen / Neljä kuvaa näkymisestä
Hanna Lappalainen
Finland / 11:15 mins A community dance film where participants articulate their experiences on their queer identity and how they would like to be seen. Watch... here
Robin Riad
Canada / 3:57 mins An exploration of the sense of self, through kaleidoscopic imagery, distorted sounds, and a flurry of colours. Fragmentasia is a self-reflexive short, shot on 16mm and Super8, using animation techniques, prisms, and mirrors, to examine the outward self versus the internal self.
 Friction / Fricción
Alonso Velasco
2023 |
Mexico / 14:15 mins Eric, una persona viviendo con VIH y Ángel, una persona que sospecha que tiene VIH, ambos se encuentran en un punto de inflexión en sus vidas después de una relación sexual de riesgo.
Lazare Lazarus |
2023 |
France / 33 mins On the Frioul Islands, two wandering friends confront the landscape. Among the gulls and agaves, on the burning limestone, they explore their desires.
 From the Ground With Love
Julian Konuk
UK / 23 mins What is the relationship between horror and queerness? Between pain and pleasure? Between death and erotics? Between a hole and a grave?
 Funghi Boost
Bande James Bond
Belgium / 12 mins A strange quest for magical shroomies and extravagant treasures turns into terrific encounters with a mischievous diamond-loving fairy, unscrupulous gremlins and a thundering Vampirella Kinqueen. From desire to desire, how far will the adventure take us?
 Future Comes at the Right Time
Elena Bongiorno, Sofia Merelli, Gabriele Umidon, Martina Tamburini
Italy / 26 mins Nowadays, sexual freedom and gender self-determination are punished with detention or death in several countries. The documentary tells the story of Nelson and his escape to Italy after a violent assault. Nelson was born 25 years ago in Benin City, one of the most unstable areas of Nigeria. In 2018, the territorial commission that examined its case considered its account not sufficiently credible and rejected its request for international protection. In 2021 Nelson appealed to the Court of Venice. Waiting for the verdict, which could take months, Nelson spends his days working, dating friends and making music, hoping to become a great singer one day.
Vivian Barton
UK / 10 mins A surrealist journey begins on a dark and mysterious night in this metaphorical expression of self discovery and rebirth.
Gender Euphoria: Trans people in the Bay Area
Alex Sharp, Mia Florendo
USA / 6:53 mins A documentary to showcase the lives of the diverse trans community in the SF Bay Area.
Género Punky
P4uxxx, Gabi Pella, Silvina Suarez
Argentina / 5:19 mins Trailer de videojuego realizado en BITSY, un engine para diseñar en 8- Bits. El juego narra las experiencias que vive Reid, una persona no binaria, en distintos ambientes relacionados a la escena musical y artística. Realizado para la materia Diseño Sonoro de la Especialización en Arte Sonoro, UNTREF. Todos los sonidos son de nuestra autoría.
Mason O'Brien
USA / 3:44 mins Watch… here
Get Lost
Frankie Lewis
2023 |
UK / 4:04 mins Tormented out of the house by her family, a young woman finds herself in the forest.
 Getting Out of the Box
Karen Rodriguez
USA / 7 mins Rochester comedian and part-time hockey ref, Amy Stephens returns to reffing hockey after her gender transition.
Gila Goldstein, Cat Feeder
Yael Bedarshi
Israel / 15 mins Gila Goldstein (1947-2017) was an actress, artist, singer, one of the first activists in the Israeli transgender community and a feeder of stray cats. This movie was shot as a part of a project about people who feed stray cats in Tel-Aviv. Gila agreed to participate under the condition that the movie will be only about cats.
 Gila Goldstein, Cat Lady
Yael Bedarshi
2023 |
Israel / 50 mins “Gila Goldstein, Cat Lady” was shot in 1997 during a research on Tel Aviv cat feeding community. Gila agreed to participate in the film as long as the focus stayed on the cats. But then her friend Ronit Maimon showed up and the conversation went in a much more colorful direction, that gives us a glimpse of the Israeli trans community and the lives of these two brave and unique women.
 Gilda Love
Elio Colen Mirete
Spain Gilda chose Gilda because of Hayworth and at 98 years old is the oldest active drag queen in the world. And lives in Barcelona. Two hours following Gilda's daily life, from morning to night, where you can see what the person behind the makeup, the feathers and the heels is like. Trailer… here
Joan Bentallé, Pol Diggler
Spain / 7 mins Lolo and Dick meet again after a long time in a friendly bar and they catch up. To the surprise of both, feelings that they thought were forgotten arise again.
Shira Leili Silver
2023 |
USA / 11 mins In 1979, grad students Lisa Bubon and Ann Christophersen founded Women and Children First, a bookstore that focused on feminist and lesbian literature. In 1990, the store relocated to Andersonville, a small neighborhood on the outskirts of Chicago inhabited mainly by Swedish immigrants. Their move helped transform Andersonville into a major hub of lesbian community, attracting thousands of lesbian residents along with women-owned businesses and lesbian bars. Through extensive interviews and never-before-seen archival materials, GIRLSTOWN explores Andersonville's influential past, its rapidly changing present, and its uncertain future.
Mauricio Sandoval Ron
Argentina / 15 mins The story of Pato, a young drag who lives with his younger brother Tommy, with whom he has a close and warm relationship. Despite this affection, Pato is afraid to show him his world as a drag and to show himself as he really is, so he locks his room when he leaves the house, to prevent Thomy from entering. One night, Pato goes out to perform at a bar, and Tommy embarks on a mission to explore what his brother is hiding in his room to feel closer to him.
Godmother – Heimathass
Paul Scheuffler, Julian Dieterich
Germany / 4 mins Watch… here
 Goddess of Speed
Frédéric Moffet
2023 |
USA / 8:21 mins A film titled Dance Movie (or, alternatively, Rollerskate) appears in many Warhol filmographies, but no work with this title has been found in the archive. The lost film, starring dancer Fred Herko, was shot in 1963. A year later, Herko leaped out of an open window while dancing to Mozart’s Coronation Mass in C Major. Inspired by descriptions of the missing film and the memoir of Herko’s best friend, the poet Diane Di Prima, Goddess of Speed poetically reimagines the last days of the young performer. Trailer… here
Going the Distance
Roxanna Barry
2023 |
UK Following the death of his close friend in 2021 and finding solace in cycling, Ed Wray sets out on a 300-mile bike ride to raise money for Campaign Against Living Miserably. Going the Distance follows Ed as he rides and meditates on everything that cycling has given him, and the importance of having someone to talk to.
 Good boy
Marco Antonio Núñez
2023 |
Chile / 9 mins The author's erotic imagination is mixed between desire and magazine clippings, and the trade of collage becomes a ship that travels from outer space to the city itself.
 Good Morning I’m a Whore!
Aleksandar Mijatovic
Germany / 4 mins “Good Morning I’m a Whore!” is an animated music video parody of the beloved song “Good Morning Baltimore” from the musical “Hairspray.” The video stars the fabulous Drag Queen and sensation, Sherry Vine. In this hilarious and vibrant music video, Sherry Vine takes center stage to celebrate sex positivity and empowerment with a humorous twist, while meeting up with other glamorous Drag Queens, including some familiar faces from the RuPaul’s Drag Race franchise. Watch… here
Good Vibrations
Melisa Bakir
UK / 5:40 mins An isolated young woman contemplates her codependent relationship with her first love - her vibrator. What begins as a pursuit of pleasure soon unravels into an obsessive coping mechanism, masking her unsatisfied need for meaning and love. As her emotional isolation escalates, lines are blurred between physical pleasure and inner emptiness, leaving her contemplating the modern search for true connection. Watch… here
Daphné Charpin-Lebre
2023 |
France / 18 mins Des élèves grenobloises acceptent de lire et de partager leur avis sur le carnet de secrets écrit par Zoé une vingtaine d’années plus tôt. Zoé s’interroge : « Suis-je gouine ? ». Comment sont perçus ces questionnements sur la découverte de sa sexualité par la generation actuelle ?
 Grand Super Buffet
Joe Soonthornsawad
2023 |
USA / 10 mins Two Asian American college students struggle to reconnect at their favorite hometown Chinese buffet. Over the course of the evening, the two begin to question their friendship and why they still come to Grand Super Buffet.
 Grandma Bruce
Brooke Stern Sebold
2023 |
USA / 13 mins Grandma Bruce is a magical short comedy about a queerdo (they/them) whose old car comes to life with the spirit of their judgmental Jewish grandmother, a backseat driver from the ever after.
 Great Canyon
Ella Sahlman
2023 |
USA / 7 mins Great Canyon is a live action / animated hybrid which chronicles a queer first date through the lens of the anxieties and insecurities that exude from the main character.
 Greetings From the Balcony / Hälsningar från balkongen
Evelina Jacobsson
2023 |
Sweden / 11 mins On a tram through the late evening. It's easy to ride along, but suddenly she's in it, family dinners and her own toothbrush in another one’s bathroom cabinet.
Taylor Dominique Mason
2023 |
Islamic Republic of Iran, USA / 17 mins After surviving an assault, a genderqueer musician finds home in an underground community of healers. Watch… here
 Growin’ Pains
Sammson Orr
2023 |
UK / 6 min During a family argument, a teenager flees to the garden to find relief from the noise and conflict inside, but the argument follows them and cannot be escaped.
 Hair to Stay
Pree Rehal
Canada / 1 min When a young, genderqueer, non-binary brown kid gets bullied due to their unique moustache, they find newfound confidence and pride in their facial hair after a heartwarming turn of events.
 Halves and Doubles
Adam Mbowe
Canada / 15 mins Adam and her sibling Khadija share unspoken trauma. Traversing a winding road of emotions, they finally find mutual understanding.
Silas Lilo Jensen
Sweden / 6 mins Med ett beat byggt av ljud från den psykiatriska avdelningen i Malmö, texter om vårt värde och lycka i relation till våra prestationer, och fängslande teckningar av konstnären Alex Bim Campbell-Marshall, skildras minnen av kamp med utbrändhet och sjukhusvistelse.
With a beat built from sounds from the psychiatric ward in Malmö, lyrics about our value and happiness as achievements, and enthralling drawings by artist Alex Bim Campbell-Marshall, multiple layers portray memories of a battle with burnout and hospitalization.
 Hana and Jessie-Lee’s Bad Habits
Christopher Lichti, Hana Brenecki
2023 |
Australia / 4 mins A hopeful single seeking connection meets a variety of characters night after night in an empty dive bar. Though it may seem at first like the rotating cast of dates are the problem, as the story unfolds it leaves you to question who the real bad date is. Watch… here
 Happy Ever After
Merle Zurawski
2023 |
Germany / 12 mins Happy Ever After picks up after the fairytale wedding: no more butterflies in the stomach, not longer living on cloud 5. An unexpected encounter with three queer non-binary fairies changes "Cindy's" life in ways, that Disney didn't have up their sleeve.
T Lavois Thiebaud
2023 |
USA / 6 mins Two non-binary lovers channel Bonnie and Clyde in this electrifying, high-contrast music video that pulses with rebellion and romance. Watch… here
Tom Chetwode-Barton
UK / 4 mins Go inside Europe’s first LGBTQIA+ inclusive strip club and the community reshaping Britain’s sex industry from within. Watch… here
George Beaven
UK / 2:36 mins Charlie's life is interrupted by the presence of a sheeted ghost. Should he carry on as though everything is okay or succumb to its influence? Watch… here
 He Loves Me Until He Hates Me
Vivek Shraya
Canada / 12 mins Taking inspiration from such 90’s classics like The Bodyguard and erotic thrillers, “He Loves Me Until He Hates Me” creates a meaningful (and playful) look at the unpredictability of masculinity–how it can fluctuate in insidious ways within a relationship, how one can be worn down in this type of power dynamic, and worse, how that can turn into lateral violence towards other women. Watch… here
Martín Sichetti
Argentina / 2:30 mins En clave fantástica, la protagonista se transforma en otra entidad, que posteriormente se fusiona con el cosmos. El video hace referencia a obras que incluyen una intersección particular entre ‘She Devil’ de 1957 y ‘Lost Highway’ de 1997, que sirven como el punto de partida de una narrativa que trasciende esos contextos y se convierte en algo distinto.
Heart Murmurs
Dorothy Cheung
Hong Kong, UK / 9 mins Heart Murmurs is a poetic dialogue between the filmmaker and Dean, a young man living in Hong Kong. In reflecting on his experience living with a congenital disability and HIV during the first years of the COVID pandemic, Dean expresses his sense of self in the face of regular medical challenges. Watch… https://vimeo.com/856804778
Heaven on Earth
El Starcher
2023 |
Canada / 4 mins Samson and Mikey are two twenty-somethings who have reached a limbo in their relationship – a purgatory between friends and lovers – and who are damned by Samson’s fear of being perceived as a transgender person. Ultimately, the angelic nature of their dynamic proves the sublimity of loving a body that transcends what ‘god intended’.
 Here on Earth
Katie Neuhof
2023 |
USA / 16 mins When a writing gig goes more successful than expected, a young writer has to choose between the life he wants and the life he's been told he's supposed to have.
Hey Darling
Elliot Walker
2023 |
Canada / 9:59 mins Dorian is a transgender teen boy who lives at home with his single dad, Barney. Dorian feels trapped in a mirage of masculinity by his father and the gendered expectations of the world around him. One day a mysterious figure leaves behind a flyer advertising an amateur drag competition and a spark ignites in Dorian’s mind.
hi ading
Dinaly Tran
Canada / 2 mins “hi ading” is a poetic short that provides a glimpse into a love story. Speaking to their parents’ past selves, Dinaly asks and hopes that these past versions might help them realise that decisions they may not understand are still made out of love.
Peio Canibe de Muerza
18 mins Watch… here
Eloi Genrich
Netherlands / 18 mins Two years ago, Eloi shaved off his long, curly hair, and his bald head confronts him with something he had always secretly known: he is not a she. With clippers marking the starting point, a long journey begins. However, what if the final destination seems to keep changing? Or perhaps it doesn’t exist at all? Armed with a camera in his hand, Eloi discovers that he does not have to travel alone. In his chosen family, freedom and friendship reign supreme, providing a safe haven through shared experiences, laughter, and life. Discarding all forms of pigeonholing, the search for self turns out to be not only incredibly bumpy but also simple, loving, and beautiful.
 Hola, Santiago
Armando Ibañez
USA / 10 mins Santiago, a Mexican queer migrant who lives happily with his husband in San Francisco, receives a message from Angel, an old flame who reveals that he has written to ask for forgiveness. Santiago must now confront the past to reconnect with the first love who he met when he first arrived in the U.S. Trailer... here
Paloma López
France / 21 mins Moving comes with major challenges. While the father has gone half mad trying to rearrange furniture from the Caracas villa into a Paris flat, Josefina is dealing with other troubles. A tragic sex call confirms her breakup with her girlfriend, and parental love has shrunk to ensuring the proper French pronunciation. The only thing that can cap off the deadpan humor and bittersweet bizarre scenes is the croaking of hundreds of frogs. Trailer… here
Maz Murray
UK / 12 mins When three trans people in a small town in Essex get ripped off by their DIY testosterone supplier, they must come together to undertake a daring hormone heist in this working-class, neo-noir flight of fancy.
Hotel Orfeo
Julie Helsen, Benjamin Laureys
Belgium Wanneer zijn vriend in het hospitaal belandt, besluit Oliver een hotelkamer in de buurt te zoeken. Zo strandt de jongeman nietsvermoedend op het bal van de Orfeo, een hotel waar de grandeur van weleer nog nazindert. De kleurrijke hotelgasten zijn vriendelijk, maar het is duidelijk dat ze iets verbergen. Waar blijft het personeel? En wat is er met de lift aan de hand? Oliver beseft al snel dat dit geen avond wordt als een andere. Het is zelfs maar de vraag of hij Hotel Orfeo heelhuids zal verlaten… Met "Hotel Orfeo" brengt Spot On een gloednieuw stuk uit eigen huis met suspense, mysterie en vooral veel humor!
 House of Enigma
Slade Warnken, Ying Dai
USA / 11:20 mins “House of Enigma” is a short film exploring gender on an international scale.
How Pleasure Feels
Nadav Levy
Israel / 12 mins “The LGBTQ+ person is like an embryo. There is no one to teach them how to survive, there is no one to guide them or direct them on what is right and wrong, how pleasure is supposed to feel.” This film presents excerpts from my personal life, from childhood memories to maturity – as an analogy for a child who learns the world anew. Accompanied by my friends from the LGBTQ+ community, who tell from their points of view the norms, the challenges and the search for a sense of belonging in the community.
 How To Disremember Winter / Como Me Esquecer do Inverno
Mari Moraga
Brazil / 15 mins Violeta applies her art to create possibilities of seeing the world she lives in. A Brazilian woman seeking, by unusual ways, to get warm through her queer community during Lisbon winter.
Violeta usa sua arte para criar possibilidades de ver o mundo em que vive. Uma Brazileira que busca, por formas incomuns, se aquecer através da sua comunidade queer durante o inverno em Lisboa. Trailer… here
Daviel Shy
2023 |
USA / 3:10 mins Howling is the first single of artist Cristy Michel’s new solo multimedia project, She Her Sir. Originally from south Louisiana and of Cajun descent, Michel “returns home” from Hollywoodland following a major life change. Written following a fiery love affair, Howling represents a deep yearning for “more”, and the idea that sometimes the heart does not get what the heart wants—and sometimes it does. Watch… here
May-Lynn Le
USA / 19 mins A second-generation Vietnamese-American teen must navigate the familial challenges of coming out despite being unable to speak the same language as her grandma.
 I am not a number: Mavi
Bart Peters
Netherlands / 20 mins An intimate documentary portrait of Mavi, a transgender woman who shares her experience of migration, her struggle and source of strength.
I Must Trespass
Charlie Parchment
UK / 1.30 mins A Reflection of Queerness in Rural Spaces. Trailer... here
I Will Break Your Face
Michael Neulinger
2023 |
Austria / 6:16 mins Intimate partner violence is often primarily discussed and analyzed in the context of heterosexual relationships. However, this issue also exists in LGBT relationships. This short film is an attempt to depict the process it takes to free oneself from a violently abusive relationship.
 I’m a Freak
Magdalena Jacob
2023 |
Germany / 5 mins Empowerment and Love. Watch… here
 I’m fine mum
Josema Palenzuela
2023 |
Spain / 5 mins Blanca just started to live by herself but her life is a disaster. When she faces her mum’s texts and questions, she invents herself a standard life, in contradiction with her true identity. Trailer… here
 I’ve Got Something to Confess / Tengo Algo Que Confesarte
Sergio Antonio Ortiz Fonseca
2023 |
Ecuador / 4:26 mins Rita has something to confess. Amidst all her doubts, she picks up the courage to write a long letter to Lú with her confession.
Ice Cream on Mondays
Flo Gordon, Reggie London
2023 |
UK / 3 mins F.witch is Flo Gordon, a classically trained singer from Brighton. Her music is described as psychedelic indie folk, and Flo describes it as being ‘a bit like a modern day Kate Bush.’ Watch… here
Bruno Mauricio Montenegro
2023 |
Peru / 8:45 mins Mariano, a trans man from Arequipa, Peru, visits his grandparents in the traditional village of Chivay, where he will face the conflict between his gender identity and his cultural heritage from the ancient Cabanas and Collaguas. Trailer… here
Identity Card
Luan Luca Lamberty
2023 |
Luxembourg About everyday struggles of a trans woman, the film gives a glimpse of how important it can be to make legal name changes easier accessible.
 if i put the skate over my head I become the ground
Clara Nunes, Pipa Souza
2023 |
Brazil / 21:30 mins This short shines a light on the universe of queer skateboarding scene in Brazil and embraces the movement to deconstruct traditional stereotypes in the cultural movement of skateboarding . Disassociating from the traditional aggressive and masculinized format, skate practice comes to fight against different prejudices and situations experienced by the LGBTQIAP+ community in Skateboarding.
If There’s No Tomorrow
An-Ting Ta
Taiwan / 17 mins Two best friends, Mugen and Bingjie, are both re-taking the college entrance exam. As comrades, they understand and support each other’s dreams. On this day, Bingjie, as usual, goes over to Mugen’s house. They soon shift from earnestly preparing for the college interview to having a few drinks and having a heart-to-heart talk, cherishing these final days of their struggle together. However, a secret is unveiled under the influence of alcohol. On this stormy winter night, their relationship begins to falter…
If You Say
Yuri Yagibashi
Japan / 25 mins Late-night radio telephone consultation. Tonight's winner is Kotori Kawai, an aspiring actor. The content of the consultation is "Have you ever liked someone you shouldn't like?" At first glance, it should be a common love consultation, but gradually the clouds become suspicious ... Trailer… here
If You See Something That Doesn’t Look Right
Ka Ki Wong
Hong Kong, UK / 5 mins Two drifters from different worlds, both trying to heal their old wounds, encounter one another on an underground train. In this subterranean, glittering dreamscape, the pair fleetingly connect through their fantasies and imagination. Watch... here
Impressões da História da Personagem Transgênero No Cinema Brazileiro
Cristiano Sousa
Brazil Documentário híbrido com narrativa transmídia que oferece uma reflexão do passado e de um futuro de produções audiovisuais desmistificadores de preconceitos e tabus universais no Brasil na questão do personagem transgênero no cinema. Trailer… here
 In Agreement / Bul Beni
Elif Aybüke Akdere
2023 |
Turkey / 12.04 mins This is story of a young LGBTİ+Q individual searching for himself and hiding himself from people around him in his search he comes across a documentary and his soulmate.
In the Basement
Andrew Scot Frink, Claire Sappone
USA / 13 mins A couple tries to salvage their date night while sheltering in place from a supernatural anomaly. Trailer… here
 In the end I saw something on my phone
Nicholas Sanchez
2023 |
Canada / 2 mins This Instagram post is now a short film—a meme turned theatre. What happens when a meme becomes a film?
 In The Sea / J’irai Dans La Mer
Lola Fauveau Merle
France / 11:55 mins Yuna est en vacances près de la mer. Elle se sou- vient de l’été tourmenté de ses premières règles, 10 ans plus tôt.
 In Their Dreams All the Jellyfish Are Wet / Im Traum Sind Alle Quallen Feucht
Marie Luise Lehner
Austria / 27 mins Orlando tries to master an inconspicuous visit to the sauna but doesn't know the rules. Paula doesn't dare undress in front of the others. Manu just wants to socialize. Laura's beautiful cousin doesn't want to admit that he can't swim. The beautiful Lea is not ashamed of anything and Thea tries not to be seen by Laura's beautiful cousin, whom she lusts after.
Greta Harutyunyan
Armenia / 25 mins Leo is a stand-up artist from Armenia who is not afraid to talk about topics that have been taboo for years. Armenian media has been "colonized" by foreign media outlets for decades. Russian media influence has always been significant, especially in comedy. Comedy shows were flooded with discriminatory speech and sexism and homophobia were an integral part of jokes. Leo is a stand-up artist from Armenia, who uses his routine to address issues that have long been taboo.
Into the Den
Brazil / 9 mins After a night out, Lux Foton wanders around the city and mysteriously falls into Cyber and Mika’s den. Drenched in drool and candle wax, the trio plunges into not-so-human sexual delusions. Featuring Lux Foton, Cyber and Mika with a soundtrack by av Brisalicia.
 Into the Next Tide
Yaya Xi-lin Wang
UK / 10 mins A mysterious castaway is found on the sea shore by a group of musicians and though welcome to play with them, the call of returning to the sea is greater in this lyrical and dreamy animation. Trailer… here
 Invisible People
Alisa Berger
France, Germany / 71 mins Invisible People is a multi-layered depiction of the unique Japanese contemporary dance Butoh that flows between revolt, eroticism, trance, prayer, ancestral experience, and physical anonymity. The film gradually drifts away from its core issue and becomes a general portrayal of life itself, with all its unforeseen strokes of fate and strange micro-connections. Trailer… here
Irregular Feminine Forms
Emma Underwood
2023 |
USA / 10 mins After surviving a suicide attempt, a trans woman named Bela must enter her own mind in order to banish her darkest demons once and for all, or stay trapped inside forever. Watch… here
 Is Gay Marriage Next?
Emily Clark |
2023 |
USA / 16 mins In 2003, history was made when a Newsweek cover asked: Is Gay Marriage Next? Now in a post-Roe world, the question resurfaces with a haunting twist: is gay marriage next – to go? Trailer… here
 It Had to Be You
Juan Barquin, Trae Delellis
USA / 6 mins A couple reminisces on the wild night on South Beach that kicked off their ten year relationship.
It’s Nice That You’re Here
Oriyana Brand
Israel / 10 mins Forteen years old Einav visits her friend Nuri while her parents are away. When Eli, Nuri’s older sister returns earlier from a trip, she disrupts their peaceful harmony, forcing Einav to confront questions about sexuality and what it means to grow up.
It's time to patch up my own soul
Oakley Mertes
2023 |
USA / 3 mins It's time to patch up my own soul is a found footage film that highlights my experiences with abuse and sexual assault as a bisexual trans man. I made this film silent because of the pressure I felt to stay quiet after I realized I was assaulted. Watch… here
 Itinerary of a buried history / Itinerário de uma história soterrada
Lucas Vidal
2023 |
Brazil / 5:47 mins The action evokes the memory of Raimundo Preta, better known as Burra Preta, black bicha who is remembered through the narratives of several peoples.
 Iya Iya Iya Iya
Winner Wijaya
2023 |
17 mins Mariana and Callista are talking about their love lives.
Izzy Aman: The Joy of Drag
Isabella Kaya Walton
UK / 12:37 mins A film about Isabel Adomakoh Young, known as Izzy Aman in the drag world. We witness Isabel become Izzy, but more specifically on this occasion, Bob Ross. Through thrusting, painting and mimicry we witness a gender bending revolutionary performance alongside a candid and powerful conversation about the queer experience. Trailer available here
Maria Lundström
Sweden / 15 mins Father and son meet for the annual deer hunt while searching for some connection they never had. A hidden enemy forces them to face a harsh reality that none of them wants to face. Trailer... here
Darcy Hennessey
2023 |
USA / 19 mins Alpinist Jamie Logan has taken on some of the most dangerous climbs in the world but nothing felt as life-threatening as admitting that she wanted to begin a new life as a woman. Trailer... here
 Jamie’s Pond
Reid Sandlund
USA / 4 mins A lonely naiad discovers a crying human child at the edge of their pond and tries to cheer him up. They soon discover they have more in common than meets the eye. Trailer… here
Alfredo Torres
2023 |
México Mientras esperan conseguir asilo en Estados Unidos, personas LGBTQ+ desplazadas se ofrecen apoyo y curación mutuamente, formando una familia queer en movimiento. While waiting for asylum in the United States, displaced LGBTQ+ folks offer support and healing to one another, as they form a queer family on the move. Trailer
Harry Brakha
2023 |
Australia / 13 mins Mean Girls meets The Exorcist when a slumber party Ouija board summoning goes fully gruesome in this Australian shlocker!
Joan the Kid
Grace Hackney
2023 |
Australia / 13 mins Forced into detention for not wearing a skirt at school, Jo’s project on Joan of Arc comes to life unexpectedly. Trailer… here
 Job Seeker / Se Solicita Empleo
Manuel Vargas Moreno
Mexico / 8 mins "Job Seeker" is a short film that tells the story of a young autistic man in desperate search of employment in a challenging economic environment. The film begins with him wearing borrowed clothes and styling his hair with water from a public fountain before setting out to submit job applications. However, despite his efforts, he is continuously rejected, and his stack of applications becomes smaller and smaller. Watch… here
 JOE (Just Ordinary Everyday)
Bailey Vo
USA / 13:39 mins JOE is a drama/coming-of-age film about a high school boy's complicated relationship with toxic masculinity, friendship, sexuality, & mental health. Watch… here
 Joy / Alegría
Julieta Tetelbaum
Argentina / 11 mins A journey through the mind of a 65-year-old working-class lesbian who's addicted to sugar and can't stop thinking about her ex-girlfriend from youth. She lives with her partner—a mannequin that she’s built to look exactly like her ex.
 Just Friends
Elle Martinez-Olson
USA / 7 mins One year after their mutual split, former partners Carly and Jade, reconnect over their love of techno music. Jade invites Carly to their favorite nightclub together. Unable to resist her curiosity, Carly agrees. It’s just one night, what could go wrong? Watch… here
 Just Story Hour
Lu Yao
USA / 7 mins Drag queen Harmonica Sunbeam is an affable storyteller at a time where Drag Story Hour is a source of controversy and protests.
Ka ʻāʻumeʻume: Navigating Home
M. Kaleipumehana Cabral
USA / 8 mins Six Kānaka ʻŌiwi maneuver between the tidal pull of home and the struggle to stay.
 Keep your hair on!
Kinga Garncarz
Poland / 1:14 min Locked in the tower, the princess ditches her previous life.
Maneet Shergill
Canada / 14:50 mins Kenopsia is a film about the life cycle of a Green Room Couch and the fear of a normally busy room becoming empty. Through the life cycle of the Green Room Couch, we also follow the Life Cycle of the Students and Actors that use the Green Room and said Couch through several generations.
 Kiki House of Vase
Syrus Sadvandi
USA / 9 mins The Kiki House of Vase is a ballroom house based in Taipei.
This is a group of voguers which attend events called "balls." However, ballroom is more than a space to dance -- it's where queer people can find unconditional support and a family regardless of their orientation or gender identity.
 Kila & Mauna
Ella Monstra
Brazil / 19:37 mins A call in the middle of the night can change all paths. In search of Triz, a missing friend, Kila and Mauna find themselves on a rescue journey. To get where they want they will have to cross the deserts that time has sedimented between them.
 Kill Your Landlord
Jill Hill
USA / 10 mins In the city of Scam Francisco, three roommates find a hidden kitchen behind one of the walls of their one room apartment.
Kiss + Tell
Jazleen "JLEAN" Senshi
USA / 2 mins A Black woman’s day starts with a toothpaste tablet and ends with love.
Knowing Mario
Emili Ema Sedlar
Croatia / 36 mins Mario Lemešić is a Bjelovar based school cook living with HIV. For years, he’s faced homophobia and HIV-related stigma. The film illustrates his struggled, yet the uncoditional love and support from those that surround him in his everyday life.
 Kordovero 22
Gal Primack
Israel / 20 mins Two men, brought together virtually, grapple with the challenges of forging a deeper connection within the confines of an implausible, predetermined reality. Trailer… here
 Kylvan, The Deaf Pup / Kylvan, Le Pup Sourd
Sylvain Gélinas
Canada / 12 mins Le jeu de chiot dans le BDSM est un jeu de rôle dans lequel les “chiots” se déguisent et se comportent comme des chiens. Kylvan utilise l’humour pour tenter de sensibiliser le public sur la difficulté à trouver sa place dans cette communauté à Montréal en tant que personne malentendante. bande annonce
 L*** 404 NOT FOUND
Lyubov Vetrov, Tanya Levi
Russia / 90 mins In December 2022 the law against so-called “LGBT-propaganda” in commercials, books, film and media officially came into effect in Russia. This has changed the lives of the Russian queer community forever. We meet people from different russian cities who, in spite of the homophobic law, chose to stay in the country.
 La Fonceuse
Dominique Montesano
Canada / 5 mins The short film “La Fonceuse” is about two queer people, Ratel who is very much in her head, busy reading people and Nisha who is mysteriously familiar with Ratel. The two meet stuck in an escalator which seems infinite. Trailer… here
La hija del Diablo
Elvira Durango
Ecuador, Panamá / 5 mins Ashly vive en un pueblo de Panamá y ha sido campeona tres veces en torneos de fútbol. A pesar de su talento e inteligencia, debe enfrentarse día a día con la discriminación de sus vecinos por ser bisexual.
 La Libertad de Ser Quien Soy
Nubia Abi Trejo Aguilar
México / 6 mins ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez lo que algunos sienten al ser mirados? ¿Qué pasa por sus mentes?, relatar por qué algunas veces es necesario, aceptar y tolerar a los demás, poder estar ahí para los que lo necesitan, entenderlos. Esto nos cuenta esta pequeña historia en la que podemos ver una situación similar a la que pasan estas personas.
 La Máquina
Juan Diego Aguirre Gomez
Colombia / 9:24 mins After a relapse, La Máquina, transgender woman addicted to 'bazuco,' returns to the rehabilitation center to continue her treatment. However, a new inmate will put her willpower and self-control at risk.
 La Pepa
Claudio Cordero
Perú / 29 mins Relato en primera persona sobre un cineasta peruano radicado en Buenos Aires que conoce a una mujer trans llamada Pepa, un maravilloso personaje que se convierte en protagonista de su proyecto documental. Frente a la cámara, Pepa cuenta su increíble historia de vida, y luego -sin previo aviso- desaparece…
La place est prise
Kay Garnellen
France / 21 mins A funny sex afternoon with a couple of surprises.
Lake Burst
Clodagh Farrelly
Ireland / 15 mins Three characters seek integration and liberation of the self, drawing on global mythologies to explore spirit versus flesh, willpower, seduction, resistance, and surrender.
 Lala Gothicfish
Angelina Nayyar
Canada / 11 mins Set against the backdrop of a city undergoing rapid gentrification, a Toronto teenager struggles to save a youth rave scene plagued by substance use and over-policing.
Julia C Liu, J Dellecave, Zavé Martohardjono
USA / 6 mins “Land/Escapes” considers the present-day responsibilities of settlers. Two queer immigrant settlers build, play, melt, and devolve in fantastical lands amidst crumbling colonial estates. Cycling and stunted, these occupiers of unceded lands ask “Where do we go? Trailer… here
Ariel Salome Avery
2023 |
Sweden / 9 mins En enda dans kan gå i flera akter. Så också en girls weekend vid havet.
A single dance can have several acts. So can a girls' weekend by the sea. Trailer... here
 Las Pequeñas Cosas
German Diaz
Perú / 30 mins Norman y Benjamin, dos peruanos, se reencuentran en Nueva York después de no verse durante años. Las circunstancias los llevarán a quedar encerrados en una casa donde aflorarán sentimientos nuevos y antiguos. ¿Será posible que esta vez logren formar una pareja? ¿O tendrán que huir nuevamente del hilo rojo de su destino?
 Late Pyar
Myanmar / 13 mins Through a lens of the Myanmar coup Nyomi looks forward to a day when her girlfriend can return. Trailer… here
Layered Identities: Intersectionality and LGBT+ rights
Isolde Godfrey, Jess Harvey |
2023 |
UK / 6 mins Intersectionality and LGBT rights – In their own words, LGBT+ rights activists from around the world, share what intersectionality means to them. A film that takes what could be a dry academic subject and makes it a visually enthralling discussion of diversity. Watch… here |
 Le Belle Estati
Mauro Santini |
2023 |
Italy / 74 mins
The voices, faces and bodies of the students of the Liceo Artistico Mengaroni in Pesaro embody the characters of two novels by Cesare Pavese, La bella estate and Il diavolo in collina. Seventy years later, the "beautiful summers" of Ginia and Guido, Amelia and Poli, Oreste, Pieretto, are staged by contemporary bodies who read Pavese's words and discover the closeness of the themes addressed by the author to their own experience, feeling the emotions that the staging of some episodes of the two works arouses in them. Santini's cinema is deeply rooted in contemporaneity, and it aims to incorporate the creative act into the narrative itself, with the dual objective of unmasking it but also of charging it with new lifeblood through the spontaneous emotions, simultaneously fragile and playful, of the boys and girls who stage them. |
 Leap of Truth
Ken Sons |
2023 |
USA / 20 mins A short documentary that chronicles the inspiring journey of Jason Lee, a transgender activist, as he overcomes personal struggles and societal barriers to embrace his authentic self. Through raw honesty and unwavering determination, Jason's story resonates as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of self-discovery and acceptance. Watch… here
Leave Yourself Behind
Julius Manipul
Canada A Documentary/Fantasy on Transcultural Queer Kinships between love, hate, loss, dreams and memories. Trailer… here
 Lee Baby
Leah Raidt
USA / 14 mins Lee, a trans man, and his wife Charlie are smack dab in the middle of creating a family. Insecurities, hormone imbalances, and the exhaustion of new parenthood test the limits of this resilient queer couple.
 Les Clitoridés
IanE Sirota
2023 |
France / 4 mins Learn about clitorides!
 Les fleurs du mâle
Hadi Moussally
France, Spain / 4 mins "The mysterious creature, Salma, realizes that being herself has repercussions on her life and that she will never be accepted as she is. So she decides to ask the creatress of this world for mercy." The film was shot in super 8 in-camera edited. It was inspired by the letter sent by Charles Baudelaire to the Empress Eugenie after being censored and fined for his book "Les fleurs du mal". The reason of the condemnation: offense to public morals and good manners as well as offense to religious morality. Trailer… here
 Les pendules noires
Mathilde Algans, Théo Michel
2023 |
France / 16 mins Une vieille amitié de l’enfance peut-elle résister à tout ? Ambre et Jade devront trouver la réponse à cette question.
 Les Terrains Vagues
Marie-Ève Drolet
Canada / 6 mins A broad conversation about the preconceived models and ideas that impact the way we experience sexuality.
 Letter to Dad / Carta ao Pai
Rafael Ferreira |
2023 |
Portugal / 10 mins An audiovisual letter from a son to his dad in which he travels through his earlier memories and tries to fix their relationship. The director intends not only to create an environment where his sexuality related conflicts with his dad can be solved in order to repair their connection, but also heal himself from all the past wounds those issues may have caused. Trailer… here
 Letter To My Daughter
Jess T. Dugan
2023 |
USA / 16 mins Letter to My Daughter is an autobiographical video about the filmmakers’ journey to become a parent and their experiences throughout the first five years of their daughter’s life.
Iris Glitzer
2023 |
Germany / 11 mins A jewel of architecture, Villa Levidis hosted dozens of iconic film shootings from the 60s to the 80s in Athens. Some decades later, on a sunny day, a daydreamer rests on its ruins while fantasizing about cruising with a stranger in the now destroyed mansion. Queer lust meets the golden era of Greek mainstream cinema in a dialogue around gender roles and social norms.
 Liave It
Jageshwar Ratnakar Dhoble
India / 30 mins It’s about a guy who completely faces two different experiences in a day through a gay dating app. When he met the first guy who treated him like a shit, he used him like tissue paper and threw him out of his house. our protagonists felt completely broken, then suddenly got a message on his dating app about a meeting, when he heard his loving voice and his unique approach, our protagonist decided to meet him. This second guy treated him like a human being, he explained life philosophy through the process of making tea and that is to live in the moment and leave the bad past.
Rajitha Hettiararchchi, Kavindu Sivarajha
Sri Lanka / 19 mins Two men, a police lifeguard and a server who works for rich tourists at a beachside resort, share a hidden relationship. A beautiful film that explores homosexual relationships amidst a post-colonial backdrop and culture.
Lil Sherbert
Xinhe Zhao
2023 |
USA, China / 3 min “Lil Sherbert” is a hymn to the body’s struggle to gain autonomy. Watch… here
Elina Leloup
2023 |
Belgium / 15 mins A brother is accused of sexual assault and asks his sister to defend him in court, but Lilith questions whether the love of a sibling trumps all else. Trailer… here
 Lipstick Jodi: Now that She's Down
Jackson Ezinga
2023 |
USA / 4:05 mins Locking eyes with a stranger during a night out leads to a fantasy fulfilled in the official music video for Now That She's Down by Lipstick Jodi. Watch… here
Living Through
Tsuyoshi SHOJI
Japan / 10 mins This is a documentary film that documented a potluck of middle aged and senior sexual minorities, held at an NPO Purple Hands. Sexual minorities who retire often find themselves in different states of loneliness because of prejudice and inadequacies in laws to protect them. Many feel uncertain about their retirement. The film’s director wanted people to see how happy the Platinum generation live their lives, so that they would have less worries about their future. The director also wants the audience to listen to their stories, and learn that the understanding in society about sexual minorities is changing bit by bit, and that our future is getting better.
 Longing In Me / Sehnsucht in Mir
Julian Wonn
Germany / 10 mins A pioneering queer performance artist explores her craving for physical and emotional touch, revealing insights into human connection and intimacy.
 Lookout Point
Rachel Harris
2023 |
8 mins Hiking, nature, and a picnic by the lake sounds like the perfect blind date… but Trae has his doubts.
Love is a Pitch
Hana Hančinová, Michaela Klanicová
Slovakia / 2 mins A group of quirky thirty-something women with questionable skill sets decide to enter a second-tier football league. Watch... here
Love is So Embarrassing
Sierra Cosmidis-Grove
2023 |
USA / 9 mins LOVE IS SO EMBARRASSING! reflects on the performative aspects of romantic relationships and how those expectations are informed by the moving image. The video is a portrait of me falling in love and processing internalized harmful traditions of romantic love.
Laobai Wu, Honbin Zheng
2023 |
China / 32 mins Lovers is an art project aimed at reversing the “treatment” of homosexuality in China, initiated by artist Wu Laobai and gay policeman Lin Gully.
 Lucid City / Cidade Lúcida
Adrian Stölzle
Germany, Portugal / 91 mins After Mozambique gained its Independence from Portugal, Benvindo Fonseca and his family moved to Lisbon. Only at the age of 16 he started dancing and in short time made it to the emblematic first dancer category of the Gulbenkian Ballet - the first and only black dancer at the time. At the height of his career, he suffered a severe injury and the doctors predicted that he would never be able to dance again. Reviving the memories of a glamorous yet painful past in the spotlight, the constantly latent reminiscences of colonial history are flaring up in the void of the unspeakable.
 Ludendo Docet
Luca Ferri
Italy / 70 mins Two puppets in a puppet theatre present a show: it is Domenico Monetti’s performance-outburst, a Ferrerian ritual of free commentary on cinema and life while gulping down oysters and litres of wine. Some spectators comment, a strange figure draws questions, and the questions become increasingly darker. One of the usual rigid devices of Luca Ferri’s cinema is challenged by Monetti’s intoxication and free words, in a labyrinth of conceptual mirrors that makes the film reflect on itself, up to a suggestive breaking point in the finale. A psychoanalysis session on the protagonist and on cinema in general, perhaps even on our relationship with cinema, which manages to penetrate the protagonist’s deepest feelings from unforeseeable trajectories. Trailer… here
 Luva de tricô
Raphael Pamplona, Caio Amantini
2023 |
Brazil / 14 mins Igor, un joven de 29 años, tiene una relación complicada con su padre, un boxeador retirado. El hijo sorprende a su padre llevándolo a un gimnasio de boxeo, donde se embarcan en recuerdos del pasado, que reabren viejas heridas, y lo que se suponía que sería un momento especial se convierte en una lucha por la aceptación y la reconciliación familiar.
Lilas Descottes
2023 |
France Nice desert. Prince Leï marries himself in a ceremony aimed at making him the new sun of humanity.
 LXS Fantasmas De Mi Placard
Agustina Arrative, Malena Miniscalco
Argentina / 20 mins Es viernes 13 en Ezpeleta, conurbano bonaerense. Como todos los viernes, Fer, Juja, Pepo y Robi se juntan después del colegio, a ensayar con su incipiente banda de punk. Diferentes conflictos y preocupaciones les impiden avanzar y el ensayo se disuelve entre tensiones. Pepo intenta estudiar pero no logra concentrarse. Juja lidia con el caos familiar. Fer dibuja mientras se pone al día con sus amigues virtuales. Robi piensa en su ex y se da cuenta que necesita de sus amigues. Todes acuden al rescate y juntes se dan cuenta que la amistad es un refugio. Trailer… here
 Lying in Bed Alone, Breathing
Tris Arthur
USA A documentation of and meditation on the internaland external worlds of gender dysphoria, as experienced by, shot by, narrated by, and written out by the subject at the film's core. Audio description and open captions are implemented throughout the film to create a conversation between the typically inaudible and ineligible voices of the queer body and mind.
 Mabuhay: Musical Broadway Dream
Fernando Dalayoan
Philippines Joseph Sevillo is a dynamic BIPOC, LGBTTQ* artist who reflects on his dreams and motivations in creating a musical production to represent his diverse community of all-cast Filipino performers. Trailer... here
 Mahjong Butterfly
Yinlin Chen
2023 |
China / 6 mins Mahjong Butterfly is not only his name but also his story. This film tells the story of how Patrick, Mahjong butterfly, found himself in the city of New York and how he took intergenerational work and fighting for the rights of the LGBTQ community as his mission.
 Majack in Candy Cupid
Mark Janavel
USA / 17 mins A mysterious beach combing drifter in a purple suit named Majack bestows magic candy unto an unsuspecting civilian named May. Told the candy is a love potion, May sprinkles some on the food of her roommate Beth, who subsequently begins to fall in love with May.
 Making "She Kills Monsters"
Abigail Donkor
USA / 15 mins A behind the scenes look at how students from Paul Duke Stem High School (Norcross, GA) interpreted the controversial play "She Kills Monsters". Several LGBTQ students played various lesbian/gay characters and they discuss in detail the importance of the play (especially in today's political climate) and specific controversial scenes that were not edited out of the play. Trailer... here
 Making Waves
Shane O'Callaghan
Ireland / 11 mins This short documentary was filmed over the course of a weekend gathering on the coast of Co.Clare and explores the experiences, uncertainties and joys of life as an LGBTQ+ person in rural Ireland. Trailer… here
Tibor de Laminne de Bex
2023 |
Cuba MALADE es la historia de dos amigas. Carla es una fotógrafa autodidacta y Alejandra es una chica trans. Juntas hablan sobre su realidad y sus sueños en el pueblo de San Antonio, en Cuba. MALADE is the story of two friends. Carla is a self-taught photographer and Alejandra a trans girl. Together they talk about their reality and dreams in the town of San Antonio, Cuba. Trailer
Maman II
Four Chambers
UK / 20 mins Softness and wetness and opening yourself up. About consuming and feeding, being merged and joined. One consuming the other, both folding into each other, temporarily one.
Enzo Monzón
Argentina, Spain / 20 mins Angélica siente que la muerte la está rondando y tiene la loca idea de fingir su velorio para confundirla. Pajarito, su mascota humana, la acompaña en todas sus aventuras, siendo su único cómplice. Los amigos, la familia y acreedores asisten, inocentes, a la extraña farsa, pero la muerte no es tan fácil de engañar. Trailer… here
Mariee Siou: Circle of Signs
Samantha Shay
2023 |
Iceland / 6 mins This film urges reflection on indigenous prophecies about The Great Shift—choosing between technology and reconnecting with the earth. Siou emphasises the lyrics’ challenge to address our destructive impact. Filmed in
Iceland, Circle of Signs tackles climate grief and colonialism. Collaborating with 15-year-old Seraphia Behr, Shay explores California wildfires and youth voices, symbolising the struggle to reclaim nature and identity. Watch… here
Marta, la musical. Una ópera de Dani Umpi
Diego Leone
Argentina / 36 mins En 2012, Dani Umpi invito a Diego Leone a hacer una película sobre Marta de la Gente, amiga artista, activista, lesbiana de La Plata. Con ese material Dani hizo una Opera en el Teatro Argentino. Después de varios años, Leone recopiló el material registrado y realizó este documental que reconstruye la realización de Opera, los amores de Marta y esa época platense. Trailer… here
Martha Da’ro – Fast Life
Cyprien Bourrec
France / 3:39 mins Watch… here
 Más Allá De Los Mares Del Sur
Itzel Sarmientos
Mexico / 15 mins Las personas LGBTQ+ en movilidad, llegan a Casa Frida, en donde resignifican lo qué es ser migrante y continúan rompiendo los techos de cristal en su camino. Trailer… here
Rev Sullivan
2023 |
UK A psychoanalytical pry through the structures that form the creation of a gendered identity.
Matteo Bianchi
2023 |
Italy / 8:57 mins Tra modelli familiari e anomali incontri di quartiere, Massimo si affaccia nel mondo tenero, drammatico e ineffabile della sessualità. Between family models and anomalous neighborhood encounters, Massimo looks out into the tender world, dramatic and ineffable of sexuality.
Aylin Alakbarli
2023 |
Azerbaijan / 1 min The moon wants to play with her cat. Watch… here
 Maybe i was anticipating that loss
Ben Sambrook
2023 |
USA / 31 mins
A conversation between mother and son, through hysterectomy. Watch… https://vimeo.com/841234305 |
Meat! With Personality
Geneviève Dale
2023 |
Canada / 5 mins From the styrofoam trays of your local supermarket and directly in front of a live studio audience, it’s Meat! With Personality! Inspired by both the theme and the sitcoms of the 1980s and 90s, this animated short shows you the secret lives … of meat! Get ready to see a chunk of steak battle a baby, a BDSM granny dungeon, a sausage torture chamber, and a few other surprises. Watch… here
 Melina Turns 100 / Melina cumple cien años
Mariana Rena
2023 |
USA / 15 mins Left behind amid a mass exodus, Melina, a girl in her twenties, has one wish for her birthday: a new best friend. But the apocalyptic crisis plaguing her city once again threatens to ruin her last attempt to reclaim her stolen youth before she emigrates. Trailer… here
Marc Vega
2023 |
5 mins In “Melissa”, Luis helps his friend Martín wounded by a gunshot, confronting him about his actions. As they fight to survive, Luis begins to question Martín’s true identity, revealing hidden layers of his friend and their relationship. A discovery that reveals that despite all barriers, friendship always prevails
Dominik Angel
Brazil / 9:30 mins Depois de assassinar seus pais tiranos, dois irmãos fazem um fabuloso jantar de vinho caro e o coração de seus progenitores, mas as coisas não saem como esperado.
Mi Abuelita, La Campeona
Isa Moreno
USA / 3:13 mins A Mexican girl steers her abuela’s boxing dreams in a new direction.
Michelle Nou
Argentina / 9 mins Michelle reflexiona sobre su infancia y registra su vivencia en relación con su nueva identidad de género asumida, mientras se prepara para competir en Ballroom, en la categoría Hands Performance. Trailer… here
Midnight High Speed
Yuki Nishio
Japan / 22 mins Trailer… here
Might Not Wanna Wake Up
2023 |
Finland / 16 mins Alex bids a musical farewell to their past love as they embark on an illusory journey through the five stages of grief. Watch… here
Milan Suspesa
Lorenzo Avanzi
Italy / 3 mins Suspended Milan is the multicolored portrait of those who live this the city every day, between love and hatred, looking for their own space in the order of things. Watch… here
 Mirror, banana
EE Newman
2023 |
USA / 4 mins The Ignorant Cowboy first battles his ornery reflection, then mockery from aliens and kinky reindeer.
Miss Misery
Keely Martin
USA / 18 mins After being broken up with by her girlfriend, a willful nineteen year old must recount her past mistakes during a visit with her estranged older sister.
 Misère sexuelle
Ingrid Heiderscheidt
Belgium, France / 5 mins A hymn for women to reclaim the streets. Watch… here
 Missed Call
Chak Hin Leung
2023 |
Hong Kong / 9 mins After years of fleeing home, Callum discovers his father's secret during his short visit. He invites his dad for a final chat to open up about his sexuality and rekindle their relationship over a childhood memento. Watch… here
Rose Alves
Brazil / 22 mins A rotina de três DJs na cidade de Fortaleza – Ce – Brazil, responsáveis pela programação musical em bares, restaurantes e festas alternativas, onde desempenham seu papel sem o protagonismo dos clubes mais consagrados ou grandes festivais de música eletrônica. Esses personagens nos mostram a complexidade do universo de Djs, revelando suas rotinas, desafios, expectativas e as dificuldades enfrentadas em um universo repleto de padrões e barreiras como etarismo, transfobia e racismo.
 Mjita Wami
Anathi Siyungu
South Africa / 30 mins The story follows a young boy name Ziki who is at the park by himself, a boy name Junior by himself having a cigarette caught his attention, just when Ziki was about to light his cigarette, he decides to put his lighter in his pocket and approaches Junior, any excuse to interact with Junior, Ziki ask for a lighter, and after he has received it and lit his cigarette, he begins asking questions just so he doesn’t leave his sight, he invite himself in his seat, and the conversation continues between the two. Trailer… here
 Mommy on Drugs
David Leo
USA / 9 mins A woman with an addiction to abortions struggles to make ends meet for her next fix. Trailer… here
Mia Fryer
2023 |
UK / 3:27 mins A young girl who is forced to flee her home meets a sea 'monster', who shows her what true love and friendship really are.
Moonlit Kiss
Arthur R Arbetman
1 min A cowboy is in love with the man in the moon. Watch… here
Morning Ode to My Nonbinary Brown King Body
Leo Aquino
USA / 1 min A poetic and joyful celebration of the queer body. Watch... here
Morphing Into An/Other
Zoltán Baráth
Slovakia / 5 mins People from the slovak and hungarian ballroom scene create a safe/r space between their bodies. A place for self exploration and mutual uncovering of one’s self. For them, voguing is one of their main ways of self-expression and connecting with themselves and others. Morphing Into An/Other is about the power in the possibility of being together.
 Mounts Ward the Canoe off
Shiling Xiong
China / 25 mins Chen Ping takes his boyfriend back to his hometown to visit his sick mother. The conflict between him and his lover reveals the unspeakable contradiction with his mother. Trailer… here
 Mushroom Cut
Kuba Szutkowski
Netherlands / 8 mins Hairdresser Marion is flabbergasted when the long-haired Karel suddenly turns into a young girl. He is ashamed of his abrupt transformation, but Marion’s open attitude and compassion boost his confidence. Trailer… here
 Música + Amor + Dança + Sodomia
Leonardo Menezes, Rian Córdova
Brazil / 76 mins O filme aborda a melhor idade LGBT+ e o embate entre gerações, a partir das experiências do La Cueva, considerada a boate mais antiga e ainda em atuação da América do Sul.
 Musical Offering / Una Ofrenda Musical
Rogelio Navarro
Argentina / 21mins Una ofrenda musical se comporta de la misma manera que una lista de reproducción o una encuesta: hay una serie de canciones, una serie de preguntas. Hay, también, un aniversario que por algún motivo se celebra. Hay un chico que extraña a otro. Hay varias cosas más que -como en las listas de reproducción o en las encuestas- aparecen de modo lineal pero que en la práctica se dan todas juntas, todo el tiempo y tal vez, de a poco, van conformando la idea de algo más grande.
My Body is a Car
Lucy RB Gaehring
USA / 3 mins This is a film about my gender dysphoria, displayed abstractly using westernized, stereotypically binary male and female imagery contrasted with the act of singing Blondie’s ‘Heart of Glass’. I compare cars moving away from the camera to the standards of masculine and feminine beauty moving away from my body. The blonde, thin, and white playboy model is collaged over a New York street. Sudden self-portrait sequences of my body, in action throughout my bathroom, contrast the video'ed motion from an every-day sidewalk.
 My Body, My Soul
Clarissa Eysell
Germany / 88 mins This impressive documentary follows three people, Andreas, Amelie and Patricia, on their journey of transition. They hope that it will help them to achieve more self-acceptance and self-love and ultimately to harmonise their soul and body. Will they succeed in overcoming the associated insecurities and doubts? A very intimate and personal film.
My Choice
Inbar Prizant
Israel / 14 mins Reem’s love for football is extremely strong, but because he is transgender, the Football Association is not willing to accept him. The movie tells the story of Reem’s journey and his connection to the football team “Transball” that gave him an opportunity.
My Hair is the View
Sanae Lahgazi-Alaou, Safae Lahgazi-Alaou
Morocco / 6:51 mins Moroccan women embark on a daring journey to celebrate their afros and curls.
 My Rage Is Underground / A Minha Raiva é Underground
Francisca Antunes
Portugal / 13 mins The performer draws a map whilst listening to a composition of city sounds. She creates a new and imagined place where she reflects on trauma and its linking to the city. Trailer… here
 My Side of Eyes / Sebelah Mata Eike
Andries Pangestu
Indonesia / 21 mins Yuyun, a drag queen who struggles with self-harm is suddenly attacked by a ghost who makes him slap himself incessantly. However, he still has to carry out a private show devoted to a large family of conglomerates.
Krzysztof Pacewicz
2023 |
Poland / 8 mins When Narcissus’ girlfriend refuses to fulfil his sexual fantasy, Narcissus falls into an autoerotic trap. The film is a modern take on the myth.
Alejo Duclós
Argentina 4:57 mins Narciso está encerrado en un hotel luego de volver repatriado por la pandemia de Covid19. Desde allí, recuerda sus orígenes.
 Narrativas LGBTQIAPN+: Em Contextos de Escola e Universidade
Paulo Clayton de Souza Lima, Pedro Cauã Patricio da Silva, Rayene Kellen Jardim Lima, Wendy Lima de Aguiar
Brazil / 10:27 mins O curta-metragem reúne relatos coletados por meio de formulário online elaborado pela equipe do Projeto Narrativas LGBTQIAPN+, com o objetivo de refletir acerca das vivências de pessoas da comunidade sexodiversa em contextos de escola e de universidade. Watch... here
Naval Gays
Grant Gulczynski |
2023 |
UK / 12 mins A filmmaker has low self esteem. He hires an actor to play himself, a filmmaker with low self esteem, making a gay film about sex, the body and himself, inspired by the filmmaker’s sex, body and self. Trailer... here
Jonnah Bron
Netherlands / 15 mins A sensual film about a world of sexual freedom and safety. Images, sound and movement coalesce in a luscious choreography. need, a stylish film by Jonnah Bron, is about consent, desire, intimacy and experiment. People wander through various rooms, where they meet, explore and touch one another. Trailer… here
Nem Toda Bagunça é Fuá
coletiva: Oficina Crescendo com a Diversidade
Brazil / 10 mins Crianças de 9 e 10 anos falam sobre as influências da cultura africana no Brazil.
 Neon roses
Iven Tu
2023 |
USA / 11 mins After a bereaved young man uncovers a startling truth about his friend, he sets off on a daring and comedic escape, with the help of his ghost boyfriend.
Shan Leigh Pomeroy
2023 |
Canada / 1:44 min A meditation on gendered washroom anxiety. Watch... here
 Never Stop Shouting / Ne Jamais S’arrêter De Crier
Abdellah Taia
2023 |
France /10 mins L’écrivain et cinéaste Abdellah Taia écrit une lettre à son neveu gay, Brahim, pour l’aider à sortir de la peur, le soutenir, marcher à côté de lui. L’aimer fort. |
New Threads
Elspeth Vischer
Ireland / 6 mins Imaginative and informative, New Threads combines archival and contemporary footage of Belfast with firsthand accounts of lesbian lives in the Troubles to imagine invisible queer women in the light of day.
Night Swim
Grace & Emily Potter
USA / 6 mins Night Swim is a soft and sweet love story, set against the hot summer heat in Austin, Texas. Trailer… here
Nightmare in Love
Kayla Mejia
USA / 11:25 mins A moment in time in a young woman’s life, to offer a complex reflection of the human experience. Eden battles with terrible nightmares and understanding her sexuality. The film demonstrates the coming of age struggle to balance all aspects of life simultaneously.
 Nights in the Glitter UnDojo - KAy’s 119th T-shot
Ann Antidote
Germany / 8 mins KAy Garnellen, a transgender sex worker, gets a special Testo-shot from his friends. Trailer… here
 Ninon O'clock / L’heure de Ninon
Olivier Cheval |
2023 |
France / 31 mins Andréa spends the summer writing in a holiday home. Inconsolable after a break-up, she urges her sister Ninon to join. But her ex-girlfriend Elise unexpectedly shows up to patch things up. And it’s already too late to tell Ninon not to come….Let the full game begin. |
 No Kissing
Anya Schulman
USA / 9 mins American Anya and British Olivia try to make sense of their relationship but the pandemic gets in their way. Trailer… here
 No Man Like Me
Jaq Quicksilver
2023 |
USA / 4 mins So you’re bicurious…. Big deal. Get online, you can be sucking dick or getting fucked within an hour – if that’s what you really want to do. It’s one of the easiest things on earth to do. …But instead you’re here with me. Let’s explore why that is. Watch… here
 No More Longing
Connor Lee O’Keefe
USA / 16 mins Seven years after moving from Brazil to California to pursue his love of music and four years after starting testosterone, Jaime Jobim searches for his new voice.
 No, YOU'RE amazing!
Kate Pinchuck
2023 |
South Africa / 4 mins A girls’ night turns into a bar fight when two women refuse to accept each other’s compliments. Watch... here
Not All Boys Look the Same
Felix Arlo Conroy
USA / 5 mins This is a coming of age story about a young trans boy, who struggles to come to terms with the way he looks, but with the help of friends and trans content creators, he realizes that he is FTM and starts his journey of self-acceptance. Watch... here
Not Close Enough to You
Lea Haufler
Germany / 3:47 mins Paula and Hannah have been for a long time friends. For Paula will it at some point become more. And for Hannah? Watch… here
Not Three Not Four
Renée Wong
Canada / 8:26 mins Nate travels between imaginations, dreams and realities as they attempt to transition away from their mother — someone who feels most inescapable. Each night they dream of spiders, cockroaches, and centipedes. One thing becomes clear: the insects represent aspects of their mother and the arguments they have. Nate is forced to tackle their fear, this very transformative period of their life, right here, right now.
 Now To You
Or Habusha
Israël / 14 mins Ofek decides to meet up in a car with a guy from Grindr who’s older than him.
Harry Roberts
2023 |
UK / 17 mins A satirical animated film that features both 2D and 3D. The film uses death and the afterlife to explore our relationship with technology, crazy tech gurus in Silicon Valley, as well as the duality of our identities on/offline.
Diego Lisboa
Brazil / 15 mins After his father puts up a wall between them due to non-acceptance of his sexuality, Ornir becomes the victim of a hate crime and his last breath of life is trapped in a birthday balloon.
Idan Ohana, Rotem Plitman
Israel / 11 mins Idan, Dor and Rotem gather for a spontaneous ceremony around the fire. It was Idan’s idea, Dor found the place and Rotem brought a camera – you are witnessing the outcome.
Elora Thevenet, Octave Lauret
France /17 mins Oikonomia, au nom de l’eau: Dans une dimension parallèle, aux êtres non binaires, une guerre éclate entre les pilleurs blancs à l’œil écarlate et les gardiens de l’eau.
Sara Kerklaan
The Netherlands / 5 mins Two dancers find themselves caught in a dynamic of struggle and suppression as they fight their inner feelings towards each other. In this intimate short, diverse emotions find bodily expression and liberation, as the dancers embrace their desires and abandon all reservations.
Rhys Hollis
UK / 20mins In a 1594 performance for King James VI, an unnamed Black performer replaced the originally planned live lion, pulling a chariot through the hall. OMOS is a mystical retelling, an homage to many Black performers known to have entertained the Scottish court. Trailer… here
 Onde Está Mymye Mastroiagnne?
Brazil / 17 mins Uma misteriosa e extravagante cabeleireira perde uma amiga em um metaverso repleto de casas noturnas e seres encantados. Para procurá-la e desvendar o desaparecimento, ela consegue a ajuda de uma outra amiga, enquanto conta suas histórias como strippers que ganharam muito dinheiro até ela desaparecer. Trailer… here
 One Love
Nahlia Loren Couto
Canada / 9 mins A celebration of fashion and gender fluidity, with underlying themes of universal love, environmentalism and water protection.
 One Night Only: Yesica Duvali / Sólo Por Una Noche: Yesica
Leonardo Marín Núñez
Mexico / 21:41 mins Yesica Duvali, a 61-year-old trans woman, formerly a Vedette and now a social fighter, returns to the stage for the last time to tell the story of her life. Watch… here
One Slight Change
Elmira Azad
2023 |
Iran / 14:52 mins In their debut film, director Elmira Azar brings us the story of a girl who works in a brothel while trying to save money for a very specific purpose.
 One Two Three / Ekka Dokka Tekka
Tirthankar Guha
2023 |
India In this short, three popular mainstream writings in Bengali literature (Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay and Rabindranath Tagore) are retold through a queer lens set in Kolkata.
 Only the Lovers
Jocelyn Jihyun Koo
2023 |
USA / 15 mins Amidst the imminent collision of Earth with a colossal planet, Amy, a closeted lesbian in her 70s, attends her friends’ wedding ceremony. There, she reunites with Patricia, her secret love from their youth. Amy finally confesses her love to Patricia. In the face of impending catastrophe, they embrace their love and meet their fate together as the world ends.
 Open Dialogues: Queer Allies
Freddy Rodriguez
USA / 25 mins Open Dialogues: Queer Allies features the stories and lived experiences of people who identify as LGBTQ+ (Queer) and those who love and support them. Through deeply moving interviews and performances that represent a diverse range of allyship perspectives, Queer Allies illustrates the power of human empathy to change lives. With a performance by Dance Now! Miami and a reading by Terry Dyer from his book, Letters to a Gay Black Boy.
Open Up
Amanda Maddocks
USA / 12 mins After drunkenly sending her best friend a love letter, a closeted high school graduate embarks on a frantic mission to get it back. But is it too late?
 Os Finais de Domingo
Olavo Júnior
Brazil / 9 mins Domingos, um idoso com a saúde frágil, segue sua rotina solitária em uma tarde de domingo, até que recebe a visita de um amor do passado.
 Our / Their Parade
Gwendolyn Collins
10 mins A seemingly perfect romance of a queer couple is put to the test when the annual ghost parade comes to town.
 Our Porch
Zoe Fuller
USA / 15 mins When three roommates discuss their relationships on an autumn night, an abrupt outburst might let outside pressures disrupt their familial safety. Trailer... here
Out in the World
Mitchell Withers
Australia / 9:26 mins Eager to break the cycle of suffering, Amy, a transgender dungeons and dragons master fights to develop safe spaces for young people in regional Australia. Through role play and character design, she creates the conditions for young people to explore identity, whilst chasing self-acceptance of her own.
Out&Proud: a transman’s story
Mhie Nzima
Zimbabwe / 14 mins “What does a man really make you? The clothes you wear, the beard on your face or muscles on your body?” The voices and struggles of four activists3 against the injustices and discrimination suffered by trans and non-binary people in Zimbabwe. An invitation to know, defend and support the rights of queer subjectivities and to overcome gender stereotypes. Watch… here
Le Luo
Australia / 14 mins A queer immigrant finds a sense of belonging in the Australian landscape through litter-picking.
 Own Your Fetish
Henry Baker
USA / 2:44 mins “Own Your Fetish” is a powerful exploration of the journey towards self-acceptance of your fetish. Candid confessions and personal stories shed light on the emotional and psychological aspects of fetishism, and the transformative power of giving oneself permission to explore their desires. A thought-provoking and emotionally impactful documentary that encourages viewers to embrace their own desires and live authentically. A must-see for anyone struggling with shame or stigma around their sexual identity.
Marina Carrasco, Daniel Muchiut
Argentina / 60 mins Pamela es peluquera, chivilcoyana, contadora de anécdotas inagotable, amiga, compañera, hija, esposa y mujer trans. Este documental nos relata su mundo en primera persona, transitando el camino hacia la aceptación de su familia, sus vecinos y su comunidad. Desde que era una niña en los años ́70 y jugaba con su amiga del barrio a las muñecas e iba al mercado vestida de mujer, pasando por su adolescencia donde comienza a juntarse con sus compañeras en la casa de sus padres, antes de ir al baile, porque era ahí donde podían ser quienes eran; hasta su cambio de DNI, su casamiento y su presente. ¿Cómo y por qué nos asombra su vida? Estas preguntas quedan instaladas desde el principio hasta el final del film. Trailer… here
Lina Rivera
Colombia / 2 mins En un mundo virtual extraterrestre, una mujer de raza estilizada y rústica es convocada para embarcarse en un viaje cósmico que la transformará en el símbolo del posthumanismo, un destello premonitorio del futuro. Al sumergirse en un ensamblaje sideral de la nueva moda, esta mujer sufre múltiples transformaciones, desvelando la esencia sensual, agresiva, transgresora y futurista de la marca, junto con su visión de un nuevo ser humano. Trailer… here
Priya Sen
2023 |
India / 31 mins Pari tries to to describe an event in the days of Pari and Praveen; a violent rupture that allowed in a life held by desire and not duty. In this film, they recount their love story against the undertones and backdrop of threat and violence. The present is both fraught and romantic; the disruption of a past moment finds momentary comfort in recall; the future is hopeful. Trailer… here
Piano Particles
Germany / 3 mins Creates a shimmering musical kaleidoscope, combining orchestra and pop into a colorful cosmos of sound.
Party Doc Anthem
Rose Diego
2023 |
USA / 1:02 If you can't talk to your doctor, get a new doctor! Syphilis is here, it's treatable, get tested!
 Party for Two / Festa Para Duas
Marina Polidoro
2023 |
Brazil / 14 mins About to turn 15, Alana faces a generational dilemma after receiving a 15th birthday party as a gift from her grandmother, her only legal guardian. Trailer… here
 Passion of X
Camille Ora-Nicole Elston
USA / 18 mins Passion of X is a visual poetry anthology highlighting the joy, freedom and expanded understanding of being a trans, nonbinary, or genderqueer person of color. It is made up of five parts, each featuring an original poem created by trans, genderqueer, and/or nonbinary writers. Each part delivers the message through a different medium: animation, photography, narrative film, dance, and performance.
 PDV (Punto De Vista)
Argentina / 6 mins Velva no consigue dormirse y busca a una webcamer para que la acompañe en su insomnio. En la oscuridad de su habitación, encuentra una trasmisión en vivo: una mujer recostada, casi sin ropa, se toca en su pantalla. Luego de acabar con ella, Velva consigue finalmente dormirse. Watch… here
Pedro y Héctor
Lucas Martinelli
Argentina / 5 mins Pedro y Héctor se conocen un día. Pueden volver a verse, o no. Lo importante es sentir el sol.
Levi Coy |
2023 |
USA / 3 mins Perceived is a visual journey about gender fluidity and the containment of self-expression. Features as music Red Shift by Amon Tobin. Watch... here
 Perfect Flowers of the Scum Generation
Wilde Davis
USA / 18 mins A queer triptych following a clan of revolutionary femmes inspired to cause chaos by their hatred of this butch hustler named Hollywood. It’s an experiment in degradation, the film degrades and decomposes as it progresses until it bleaches and burns to ruin. It’s a practice of cinema as magick.
 Personality Under Construction / Ličnost u izgradnji
Bruno Lovrenčić
Croatia / 11 mins As an actress prepares to step onto the stage, she delves deep into her subconsciousness. She begins to question her own past and reflects on her relationship with a friend, a connection that served as the foundation for the monodrama she is about to perform. Trailer... here
 Piece by Piece / Stück für Stück
Reza Rasouli
Austria / 9 mins Two teenage friends stroll around the neighborhood, simply passing the time together, but piece by piece new perspectives and identities are revealed.
 Pink Walls
Dylan Warrington
USA / 6 mins A 15-year-old transgender student must decide on reading a poem he wrote that will reveal his true self to his classmates. Based on a true story. Trailer… here
Lili Tóth
Hungary / 9 mins The notorious assassin is haunted by the murder victims and memories of when he himself was a victim of abuse. Trailer… here
Izzi Vitório, Tita Maravilha, Bruno Victor
Brazil / 24 mins In Pirenópolis, Goiás, the Celebration of the Divine has been taking place for 200 years. Tita was born in the small town and has precious memories of the party. Years later, the transvestite multi-artist intends to rebuild and re-traditionalise the party under an affective decolonial bias. Trailer… here
Brazil / 14 mins Climax is different! Ledah and Clemix activate the sounds that groove José, Larissa and Luxúria in a seductive dance that transforms the dance floor into a sensual space of lust and affection.
Alessandro Toscano, Fabrizio Nacciareti
Italy / 22 mins PLAYOUT is a short documentary which, starting from the experience of its five protagonists, takes us inside the team which presents itself not only as a tool for access to sport, but also as a political means for the entire transgender community to claim its identity and all rights denied. Trailer... here
 Polyethylene Terephthalate
Hinata Asai
Japan / 15 mins Ryo and Kaoru recently graduated from university. During a party, they recognize their feelings for one another. The two start dating, although they hide their relationship from family and friends. Initially, their romance goes smoothly. Ryo and Kaoru move in together, creating many special memories. Watch… here
Sophia Hochedlinger
Austria / 20 mins Two unlike groups of friends meet in a billiard pub and seem to get along at first, until Katharina confronts one of the bar's regulars.
Pot of Gold
2023 |
USA / 6:45 mins An experimental film weaves anonymous trans voices from Reddit and 16mm rayograms, asking the question: Do I pass? Or do I need a bit more work?
Pour Exister
Fabien Lecorre, Kelsi Phung
France / 2 mins The vibrant plea of a generation of trans and non-binary people for the recognition of their rights.
Le plaidoyer vibrant d’une génération de personnes trans et non-binaires pour la reconnaissance de leurs droits.
Josh Taylor
USA / 12:09 mins The life of a high schooler in rural Arkansas is uprooted when he discovers that his best friends outed him to his high school as trans.
Pre-Op Liminality
Ileana Lam
USA / 2 mins This stream of consciousness animated short explores emotions before and after top surgery. Watch... here
Alejandro Aguirre
Basque Country / 15 mins Mikel learns that one of the people he has recently had sex with has tested positive for HIV. With fear and misinformation, he will have to face the possibilities of being infected for an afternoon. Precoz narra la historia de Mikel un chico de 24 años que se entera que una de las personas con la cual ha tenido relaciones sexuales hace tres meses ha dado positivo a VIH. Con miedo y desinformación, tendrá que afrontar la decisión de conocer su propio estado serológico, tomando valor para acudir a realizarse el test rápido. Trailer… here
 Prends-moi dans les bois
Bande James Bond
Belgium / 4 mins A silky roman-photo through forest, winter and warm nymph mysteries.
 Pressure Makes Diamonds
Stephanie Schleicher
USA Do you ever think maybe you ‘‘made it’’ years ago and just didn’t realize it? When all the other kids in Port Chester, NY went outside to play after school, young Anthony Valbiro raced to his basement rec room…to grab a microphone, turn on the reel-to-reel and croon his heart out. In this film, based on an autobiographical one-man play of the same name, Anthony draws us into the “quest for fame” that was his 1960s childhood. Along the way, we ponder questions about how the people who raise us shape us, what constitutes “success” and at what cost do we pursue our deepest dream. Trailer… here
 PTPD – Put the Phone Down
Nicolas Karatzas
2023 |
Cyprus / 6 mins Jorge, a talented queer dancer, grapples with the isolation brought on by his social anxiety. Seeking solace one evening, he discovers an unexpected visitor in the form of a collared cat perched on his windowsill. This feline presence presents Jorge with a poignant dilemma: does he dare to venture out of his comfort zone to meet a stranger, or does he embrace the companionship of this mysterious cat as a new pet?
 Public Displays of Affection
Callum Roome
UK / 9:49 mins A short documentary exploring the experiences and opinions LGBTQ+ people have about publicly displaying their love for their partners. Watch… here
Jonangelo Molinari
Brazil / 4 mins A portrait of Puma Camille, the Brazilian capoeirista taking voguing into new explorations in movement. Watch… here
Punk Fish
Miguel Maldonado
2023 |
UK /12 mins In a rebellious fusion of punk ethos and gender identity, Unapologetic Resonance delves into the poignant tale of a transgender protagonist defying societal norms and finding their true voice amidst the vibrant underground punk scene. Trailer… here
Sarawut Intaraprom
Thailand / 95 mins "Note" is a middle-aged man who is lucky enough to have a good-looking younger boyfriend named "Jean." However, he later discovered that he has a sexual preference for BDSM, specifically pup play. Note doesn't want to break up with Jean, but he can't stop himself from wanting to be a dog. He often secretly plays with a Master without letting his lover know. However, things are not as easy as he thought they would be. Trailer… here
 Purple Hours
Vaughn Oeth, Allison Jowers
USA / 2 mins A regency-era ball is being held, but the host, Edwin, is nowhere to be found. Sequestered in his private study downstairs, he dances with his partner, Pascal, and they bask in each other’s company - until Pascal asks a question Edwin wasn’t ready to answer.
Quando eu cheguei
Romy Huber
Brazil / 6 mins Um arquivo vivo diz que, na praça por detrás da igreja mais antiga da cidade, havia encontros de sapatões e um busto de uma mulher num monólito. Trailer... here
Shabnam Singla
Austria / 23:53 mins Conversations about earrings dip into queerness and gender norms.
Queer AI Has No Imagination (VR)
Caio Victor Brito
Brazil / 6 mins A ativação do corpo por meio dos comandos de duas bichas e uma Inteligência artificial. Performance instalativa em bytes. E quando o processo performativo se dá pela fruição das próprias testemunhas-performers?
Queer Embodiment
Jon Aagaard Gao
Sweden / 15 mins (as in embodying experiences, as in being gay, do queer, take care, as in creating queer film history without whites with dreads)
The idea actually started in frustration with all the whites with dreads I saw in Queer Moving History – part 2 and then I started digging in my own QMH archives and guess what – there were no whites with dreads!
Queer Fire
Clyde Petersen
USA / 2 mins What are the extremes you will pursue to fulfil your desires? Will they push you beyond the capacity of your mortal body?
 Queer Glauben
Madeleine Corbat
Switzerland / 59 mins She is a lesbian. She is a believer. And maybe soon a priest: Stefanie Arnold from Uri is on her way into the church ministry with her ordination as a deaconess, a vicariate year should give her certainty. But does she, as a lesbian woman living in a registered partnership, fit into an institution that has been dominated by patriarchal structures for centuries? And how do other people from the queer community fight for their place in the church?
Stefanie Arnold ist lesbisch, bekennende Feministin, gläubig und vielleicht bald Priesterin. Als Christkatholikin kann sie das. Doch wird sie es am Ende auch? Wie kämpfen andere queere Menschen wie Ari oder Mentari für ihren Platz in der Kirche? Finden Menschen, die anders fühlen und lieben, überhaupt Platz in jahrhundertealten Strukturen in Kirche und Gesellschaft?
Queer Mama
Mathias Oppedal
2023 |
Norway / 62 mins Ines is queer, single, and wants to become a mother. In Norway she meets the gay drag artist Mio and together they try to realize their dream of becoming parents. This documentary tracks their journey over a number of years, from the initial idea and proposal all the waythrough the demands of raising a toddler. Both honest and unapologetic, Queer Mama is an intimate and realistic view into what it means to build a family. Trailer… here
Marija Cupric
Serbia / 6 mins Where is queer culture hidden in Yugoslav cinema? A critical look into the shaping of queer representation in this region. It was always present but in what way and how visibly. Now these motifs and characters are brought into the light so they can finally be seen and appreciated.
Saúl Gocha
2023 |
Mexico / 10:45 mins Israel es un chico que vive el proceso de identidad de género, por eso cuando busca descubrirse, decide hacerlo en secreto para no decepcionar a quienes ama, encontrando que el único lugar donde puede ser él mismo es su baño.
 Quiero Ser Tu Madre
Eba Guerrero Robles
Spain / 13 mins Un ensayo de humor ácido muy sentido y crítico sobre la obsesión por lo biológico, el ciclo perpetuado de madres a hijas y las cuestiones cotidianas de la vida que nos hace necesitar alcanzar la maternidad.
An essay with acid humor, deeply felt and critical, on the obsession with what is biological, on the cycle perpetuated from mother to daughter and on the daily questions of life that make it necessary for us to achieve motherhood.
 Quitter Chouchou
Lucie Demange
France / 28 mins Holidays spent at my mother’s. The atmosphere is tense: not only does she find it hard to accept that I’m not the girly daughter she dreamt of having, but she is also in the middle of divorcing my stepfather. The stay promises to be eventful.
 Razor Pedagogies: If the word is a spell, my tongue is a crossroads. / Pedagogias Da Navalha: Se a palavra é um feitiço, minha língua é uma encruzilhada
Colle Christine Avelar, Tiana Dos Santos, Alma Flora |
2023 |
Brazil / 15 mins Pedagogias Da Navalha é um documentário de linguagem híbrida partindo do conceito "Oferenda fílmica" que é uma pesquisa realizada por Milena Manfredini e tem o seu roteiro assentado na poesia e na oralidade para realizar um ritual de ebó não linear para fortalecer a história ancestral da identidade e entidade travesti removendo os seus estigmas, traumas e marginalizações. Trailer... here |
 re: promiscuous
Erv D'Onte Jeffries |
2023 |
USA / 9 mins re: Promiscuous is an experimental reflection on relationships, body issues, race, and the dynamics of the gay community. Writer-Director Erv Jeffries, reads from past journal entries while we follow a fictitious depiction of his past relationship. |
 Real Life Test
F. De Isabella |
2023 |
Italy / 9 mins
An essay in an alternative format on frustration and the difficulties that being trans in Italy entails. |
 Recuerdos del Ayer
Brandon Catalán
Spain Juan is a teenager who is sexually attracted to his friend Jeremy, but he is not entirely sure about his sexual orientation, undecided he turns to a psychologist who will help him find out who he really is. Juan had several problems with his brother who heard him whispering in his room that he was gay, the brother did not take it well, this event makes it reach the ears of his father, Juan turns to his girlfriend, because of his attitude and nervousness decides to confess his attraction to men, his girlfriend who does not take it in a good way leaves frustrated and heartbroken. Juan, having the world against him, decides to put an end to his life.
 Reflection of the Cranes
Juan Ballesteros
Venezuela Lucia, a 45-year-old woman, leads a routine life in her roadside inn, when one day Amelia, a young traveler trying to find part of her past in some local waterfalls, shows up at her reception. When an immediate attraction arises between them, the insecurities of one and the fears of the other will hinder the contact between them. It is only through a game of reflexes that one will be able to approach the vulnerabilities of the other.
Náyade Wong
2023 |
Peru / 18 mins Lucila leads a quiet life at home until her granddaughter Elizabeth arrives in search of temporary refuge due to problems with her mother. As Lucila takes Elizabeth in, she discovers the complexity of the bond that unites them, and they find the nuances that reflect their own identities.
Lucila lleva una vida tranquila en su casa hasta que su nieta Elizabeth llega en búsqueda de refugio temporal por problemas con su mamá. A medida que Lucila acoge a Elizabeth, descubre la complejidad del vínculo que las une, y encuentran los matices que reflejan sus propias identidades. |
Reflejos En Un Acto Luis
Enrique Pacheco Arias
Chile / 19 mins Julián, a young Chilean, feels affected by the homophobic crime of a teenager while reliving this sad and stormy situation in his own flesh, receiving continuous threats that lead him to a tragic end. Trailer... here
Naomi Noiret
2023 |
Belgium / 18 mins Lukas, born under a different gender, tells us about the evolution of his physical and mental transition but also the parallel experienced his parents have lived. Trailer… here
Ana Amélia Arantes
Brazil / 25 mins Aspectos sutis e explícitos das várias formas de segregação social se expressam nos banheiros. Se fazem notar nas relações, nos usos e até mesmo nos espaços físicos. Sob diferentes perspectivas, mulheres contam suas histórias de banheiro. Trailer… here
Retaguardia Marica Juan
Ernesto Artuñedo
Spain / 3 mins 36 people linked to the LGTBIQ+ community are mobilizing to defend our rights, which are gradually being weakened by far-right policies. Watch… here
Retrieval Loop
Thomas Ellis
UK / 2:34 mins Through movement, the film dissects feelings of anger, separation, courtship and reunification. The two male characters perform dance of rejection, wooing, lust and tenderness; even pushing the boundaries of gravity itself. Watch... here
 Return to Ombabika
Ma-Nee Chacaby, Shayne Ehman, Zoe Gordon
Canada / 22 mins A delicately realized meditation on family history, legacy, and colonization that follows activist, artist, and Two Spirit Oji-Cree elder Ma-Nee Chacaby on their journey home to Ombabika, Ontario.
Ring Around the Orchard
Adar Leventer
Israel / 8 mins Avner, an old man haunted by his past, returns to the orchard where everything happened. Memory ensues and Avner is transported back to the day he left his best friend Bezik amidst the orange trees.
Riopelle Was Non-Binary / Riopelle était non-binaire
Aimé Majeau Beauchamp
Canada / 6 mins Through a fictional dialogue with Jean Paul Riopelle, this experimental film updates the painter’s heritage by seeking to build bridges with today’s generation. Between a tribute and a self-portrait, Riopelle was non-binary is above all an intimate reflection on the courage to be oneself.
 Road to Theobald / Camino a Theobald
Ricky Piterbarg
Argentina / 15 mins While waiting for roadside assistance, Ernesto distracts himself by reading a comic book on a famous torero’s queer romance. A psychic offers him a past life reading which will unleash in him the drive needed to start a sentimental affair with the town’s mechanic.
Tris Arthur
2023 |
USA / 14 mins A teenager, unwillingly cast as the male lead in a coming-of-age film, runs away in search of their real identity. In accepting help from those around them, they begin to discover who they are while charting a path forward.
 Roll on By
Lyra Murphy
2023 |
Canada / 14 min After Sammy is rejected by her childhood best friend, she finds a new group at the roller rink that embraces her eclectic sense of style. A local youth-made film about accepting yourself and navigating adolescence. Watch… here
 Rose Tinted
Jay Casillas
2023 |
USA / 12 mins Lilly, a trans woman, slowly turns into a rose after taking her estrogen pills. Meanwhile, a bee suddenly appears in her room and tries to pollinate her. She must try to avoid this bee while coming to terms with the violent changes to her body.
 Sainte Sultana
Rita Moll
France / 25 mins Mado, a fierce pistolera, travels the roads of a wild country, a Provençal Wild West, on her bicycle, flanked by her two faithful acolytes. She is entrusted with a new mission: to escort Eisabèu, who has just murdered her husband, on a last pilgrimage where the widow will pray for her victim’s soul.
Mado, farouche pistolera, parcourt à vélo les routes d’un pays sauvage, un far west provençal, flanquée de ses deux fidèles acolytes. Elle se voit confier une nouvelle mission : escorter Eisabèu, qui vient d’assassiner son mari, pour un dernier pèlerinage où la veuve priera pour l’âme de sa victime. Prières et repentances faites, Mado devra exécuter Eisabèu.
 Salty Blue
Masashi Sogawa
Japan / 17 mins Mitsuki Ayase, a college student, has a secret crush on her best friend, Umi Hoshino (“Umi” means “ocean” in Japanese). The end of summer is close, and so a party for single people is coming. Two friends sneak out from this event to a public bathhouse… Trailer… here
Salvation / Tot Heil Des Volks
Anouk van Otterloo
2023 |
Netherlands / 9 mins After exposure to Christian ‘conversion therapy’, a young man’s relation to the church changes. Trailer… here
 Sam and the Universe
Alicia Ramirez
USA / 13 mins Sam and The Universe is a queer sci-fi film about a non-binary person named Sam who goes on a birthday trip with friends, despite hating their birthday. The film explores mental health, friendship, and the experience of feeling alienated even around the people that love you the most. Trailer... here
 Same Old Lang Syne
Zack Paslay
USA / 6 mins Two men nearing 30 reconnect by happenstance on Christmas Eve. Trailer... here
Idan Argov
Israel / 7 mins In the middle of his fitness training, Dor’s imagination sweeps him into other realms – between fantasy of liberated sexuality and normative family life. A meeting with a child raises the possibility of creating his own alternative way of leaving.
Sangre Mía
Isabel Rosales
Mexico Valeria y Ximena son dos niñas criadas en una familia repleta de mujeres. Con 10 años, Valeria próximamente comenzará a menstruar; no sabe cuándo, pero sí sabe cómo será. Acompañada de la historia de su madre, abuela y tías, el documental explora cómo una niña rompe con una historia generacional llena detabúes y estigmas en torno a la menstruación. Trailer… here
Sapir’s Story
Sapir Mishell
Israel / 11 mins In the film, I tell about the process I did in my life, my gender transition. How it all started, how I felt, how it progressed and where I am today.
 Save the Last Dance for Me
Noah Dolinsky
Israel / 25 mins Two young women cross paths as they each try to chase after their dreams. The friendship that develops leads them to re-evaluate their lives.
 Say No to Craft
David Lawrence
Australia / 17 mins Billy’s therapist recommends he dip his toe into the world of arts and crafts; naturally, it sends him to hell. Trailer… here
 Scorpion Grass
Jamie Chi
Hong Kong / 17 mins A chance encounter between Yan Yan, a local lesbian and Rosario, a migrant from the Philippines, brings back memories of a romance which Rosario has buried for many years. Trailer… here
Scouts Honor
Benett Holgerson
USA / 11 mins In this documentary and meditation on trans sisterhood, two tight-knit roommates (Mila and Fenyx) get ready for their night out. As they inject hormones, bicker, put on makeup, and smoke a little too much weed, we get an intimate glimpse into their loving, yet flawed relationship. Watch… here
 Se Não Posso Dançar, Esta Não É a Minha Revolução
Lillah Halla
Brazil, Germany / 23 mins Qual canção mais representa este momento da sua vida? Em seis retratos, protagonistas se encontram com uma câmera-espelho, nos oferecendo uma dança tão íntima como o mundo que as rodeia.
 Se Saprai Starmi Vicino
Patrizia Lazzari
Italy / 13 mins Anna lives suffering from Matilde’s absence. Memories, dreams, visions overlap, eliminate the boundary between reality and fantasy, transform absence into presence. The memories of a happy past full of shared projects contrast with the desolate silence and solitude of the present. The narrative does not follow a sequence of events but accompanies Anna on her journey within herself, telling a story of emotions rather than facts. Trailer… here
Section 28 and Me
Tom Marshman, Paul Blakemore, Sam Halmarack
UK / 8.30 mins Exploring the lasting impact of Section 28. Watch… here
See Me Burn
Sen Amory Challanor Thompson
2023 |
UK / 4:22 mins A trans allegory set during the witch trials of the 17th century. Caleb is targeted to be burnt at the stake, but has his own plans. Watch… here
 Sehnsucht in Mir
Julian Wonn
Germany / 10 mins Dita Rita Scholl has been an actor and pioneer of queer performance art since the 1970s. Having experienced frequent rejection throughout life, Rita developed a strong longing for physical and emotional touch. This short documentary provides intimate insight into the search for human connection and how this endless hunger can be satisfied through tantric rituals. Trailer… here
Seven Inches
Yen-Chu Chen
Taiwan / 6 mins Two men discover being fooled by each other on a hook-up date. Trailer… here
Moria Rabbani
Israel / 9 mins Nervous and desperate after being kicked out of her apartment, Shadi takes to the lonesome streets of Tel Aviv, looking for a place to call home. Trailer... here
 Shall We Talk?
Yi-Shen Kang
Taiwan / 28 mins I grew up in a broken family, which was fragmented due to my father’s emotional violence. Communication conflicts between my parents affected me and my brother under the same roof. During my upbringing, the four of us in the family became more distant and were unable to communicate properly with each other. As I grew older, I explored my gender identity, but found it difficult to balance my identification with my original family, so I decided to face why my family became like this. With the help of a camera, I opened up my own heart and the hearts of my family members, and found a way for each of us to express ourselves. Trailer… here
 Shameless Memories: Buenos Aires, 1979 / Memorias Sinvergüenzas: Buenos Aires, 1979
Alejo Duclós |
2023 |
Argentina / 5 mins Duclós construye estas memorias a partir de una investigación homónima en Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola. Son las de un homosexual argentino que vivió la represión de la dictadura de Videla desde la inocencia y la excitación de alguien que intenta no ser descubierto mientras se descubre a sí mismo. Cinco minutos sinvergüenzas y de un respeto absoluto hacia un pasado más intenso de lo que creemos, y también menos mítico o heroico. Trailer… here |
Lia Campbell
UK / 10 mins Shee and Magnus deal with the aftermath of an unplanned pregnancy in a country where same-sex couples face significant barriers to parenthood.
 Shibari Turk I
Yavuz Kurtulmus
2023 |
Turkey / 9 mins Shibariturk is a BDSM group who are doing brave things in Istanbul. In this video you will see Serkan and Lena's bondage. It is a love and chain. Trailer… here
 Shibari Turk II
Yavuz Kurtulmus
2023 |
Turkey / 6 mins Janet sees herself as a sadist. When we ask her what the film is about, she says: 'You are any object that I want. My chalkboard, carpet, chair and sometimes a toy that's good for my boredom. You are what I want!' Trailer… here
Nazanin Vahed
Iran / 14 mins A young barber boy who is interested in one of his clients decides to reveal this interest and faces challenges along the way.
shifting bodies to fluid fiction
Daniela Gutmann
Austria / 3 mins Sensual Super 8 interventions reimagine the body as an abstracted landscape, adrift of conventional associations.
Giovanna Trujillo
USA / 12 mins A group of queer Latinx skaters struggle with crippling mental health and societal expectations in Southern California. In their local skate community, they find cathartic release, chosen family and mastery of empowerment. Trailer... here
Jose Oldenburg
2023 |
USA / 8 mins Sometimes our imagination is our most courageous companion.
 Singing in Front of the Colosseo
Cristina Ducci
2023 |
Italy Chiara and Simone are friends who meet again after some time apart. Chiara has lost her desire to dream. Simone still dreams of becoming a dancer and tries to persuade Chiara to go back to dreaming. Suddenly Chiara’s words turn into a song…
 Single Glance
Liliane Kaufman-Hill
2023 |
UK / 3:15 mins In a busy coffee shop, Hazel fantasies a relationship with a stranger in a single glance.
Canción Diez
México Un joven llega a su departamento para hacer sus tareas frente a la computadora en una tranquila tarde que se verá interrumpida por una serie de sucesos terroríficos que acabarán con la armonía que impera en su hogar.
 Sinzere | Shades: Amplify her Voice
Salima Stanley-Bhanji
2023 |
Canada / 3 mins Sinzere is a rap/funk artist who is Black and Lesbian. Based in Calgary, Canada, she shares about her path growing up, finding music and becoming a mother.
 Sir Valence Presents: Watching U
Sir Valence (Aka G Yi)
USA / 5 mins Log into the hellish Zoomscape of drag dæmon, Sir Valence, and their concussed/concursed post-police brutality exorcism of the masks we wear and the selves we’ve sold to surveillance capitalism.
Caleb Harwood, Simon Paluck
Canada / 10 mins An intimate exploration of a child and father navigating grief through gender expression.
Tammy Leviav
Israel / 5 mins Two high school friends who study in the same class, once close friends but now distant, find themselves locked together on the porch and forced to spend time together. But was this an unexpected situation or a deliberate one?
Jean Zamora, Florence Middleton
USA / 8:31 mins Constellations of women and nonbinary people of color map out a quad skating community.
 Skin To Skin Talks
Pradeep Mahadeshwar
Ireland / 12 mins 'The dark skin alien landed in the unknown, unfamiliar and unique landscape from the infinite darkness…' Completed as part of the artist's residency at IMMA, Skin To Skin Talks explores themes of alienation, otherness and outsiderness using abstract imagery, prose and sensation-invoking techniques to reflect on the intersections of race and sexuality. Watch... here
 Slam, from heroin to meth / Slam, Del Caballo a La Tina
David Pascual
Spain / 67 mins The scourge of the 21st century that is taking many people ahead every weekend. A global health problem with testimonials from addicts and professionals in prevention and psychology programs. Trailer… here
 Smoke, Smoke, Smoke
Nando Caballero
2023 |
Spain / 17 mins La nit de Nadal, una noia trans sense llar busca refugi en una casa en obres. Mentrestant, a la resta de llars continuen els excessos i les tradicions. Durant la nit, quan la noia dorm, l’esperança i la maldat fan acte de presència. Un curtmetratge sobre la transfòbia en clau de realisme màgic.
Snugglzs - Occupy All Sheets
Alex Armao
USA / 4 mins "Occupy All Sheets" is the first music video written and directed by Pittsburgh, PA-based singer/musician/producer Snugglzs. Featuring a cast of over 20 musicians and performers from Pittsburgh's queer underground arts scene, the video sees the song's author moving through many different sets and personas before coming to a punishing end.
 Soc maricó
Javier Riera, Miguel Vingut
Spain / 12 mins La mayoría de las veces nos resulta más sencillo vivir en un mundo imaginario que aceptar las cosas como son, pero ¿cómo sería vivir en esa realidad donde todo es posible?
 Soft Bwoi
Danny Bailey, Alizée Ndiaye
UK / 6 mins SOFT BWOI is a short art/experimental film that explores the existence of black males in our society and the restrictive parameters in which they have been given to survive in. Through the creative lens of yardie, dancehall and sound system culture, the film is for black men to observe the negative stereotypes that are associated with them and the toxic traits they have prescribed to. Angling for our community to self define what it means to be black and male by inviting vulnerability and the divine feminine to discover SOFT BWOI.
Marianed Soria, Sarah Greig
Canada / 3:26 mins Sol, a young girl with a huge mane of orange hair that makes her insecure, is struggling to hide her hair and keep her obsessed pet fox away from it. After many awkward situations, she’ll have to confront her insecurities and make a hard decision.
 Sol de Invierno
Ivan Rafael Cruz Figueroa
México / 60 mins On New Year’s Eve, Nahúm faces the rude awakening of heartbreak. Between parties and casual encounters, he wanders the streets of a city where winter is everything but cold.
En la víspera del fin de año, Nahúm se enfrenta al crudo desperar del desamor. Entre fiestas y encuentros casuales, recorre las calles de una ciudad donde el Invierno es todo, menos frío.
Somewhere Else
Donna Lee
2023 |
Sweden In another world, Elliot dreams of a life with his forbidden love. But even in his dreams he is haunted by reality.
Lee Campbell
UK / 6 mins This is the probably the first film ever made about fisting told from the perspective of the fist; an honest and sometimes no-holes-barred graphic account of what it's like to 'go up inside another man's street’. Watch… here
Stalking athens
Officer Flower
Germany / 11 mins A Berlin tourist visits Athens. Breaking into an abandoned stadium, they witness the aftertaste of the Olympic Games 2004. After years of desertion, the stadium hosts again a sporty encounter.
Starlight Sojourn
Chantal Rousseau, Darcy Tara McDiarmid
2023 |
Canada / 4 mins “Starlight Sojourn” – created from watercolours, fluid acrylic paintings, and digital imagery – features local fish, birds, and animals traversing a dreamlike night-time landscape in the Yukon. Trailer... here
 Starry Will
Jiajing Yin
2023 |
Japan / 2 mins One is born through chaos, the other avoids it. A film about trying to create a safe space for all.
 Steal Your Girl
Kitty Richardson
UK / 4:25 mins In this music video, a heart-broken, queer young woman is pining for the love of a straight girl who is in a relationship with a good-for-nothing man. Watch… here
 Stonewall Postal Action Network
Sarah Elizabeth Drummond
UK / 12 mins Austin Allen ran one of the UK's largest postal LGBT action networks from his bedroom in the 1990s. Stonewall Postal Action Network (SPAN), is a short documentary, telling the story of Austin's activism, his letter writing campaign and the packing up of his life work for an archive as he contemplates his legacy from his new home in rural Wales.
Storm’s Show
Teodora Đorđević, Milica Marković, Ana Bašić
Serbia / 19 mins Stefan is an employee of the Leoni factory in Kraljevo, where he works every day, except Sundays. On Sundays, Storm, his alter ego and drag persona, comes to life. Storm isn’t afraid to be who she is: fierce, brave, confident, everything that Stefan is weak at. We follow Stefan during his transformation into Storm, as well as their performance, while he introduces us to what it means to be Storm and what the life of a drag artist in Serbia looks like. Trailer… here
Klarissa Webster
2023 |
UK / 4 mins 2 peoples worlds collide in a graveyard. One dealing with a near loss, another still harbouring the pain after many years. Watch… here
Julián Lassa Ortiz
Argentina / 7 mins One night Tomás and his boyfriend Piter hide in the bathroom of a run down bar after being attacked on the street. Locked there they feel safe but the tranquility is soon interrupted by a mysterious shadow that Tomás must face.
Streaks of Color
MJ Gudiño
2023 |
USA / 7 mins Inspired by Alma Thomas’ Starry Night and the Astronauts, this short captures the smaller, transient moments in a relationship.
 Stress Fracture
Jesse Robkin
2023 |
USA / 9 mins Space and time distort within the splintering mind of a young transgender woman as her relationship slips away from her. Six months after a suicide attempt, Grace feels another psychotic break coming on. She tries to hide her mental instability from her trans partner Adrian, but finds that shutting him out also pushes him away.
 Sultana’s Reign
Hadi Moussally
2023 |
France / 10 mins Reflecting on her journey from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, to New York, Sultana tells of the challenges of performing drag in conservative societies, her nostalgia for the glory days, the glamour of Egyptian cinema icons, and her struggle to prove her existence and her self-expression as a performer and artist.
Summer in a Day
Jacob Lee Waldrop, Karan Gupta
2023 |
USA / 13:15 mins Inspired by real events in the writer/director's lives, a group of college friends have their last day of summer together; a romance wrapped in a youthful summer memory and the bitter sweet feeling of the end of summer.
 Superhero Intersex
Tugba Baykal
2024 |
Turkey / 45 mins 'Superhero Intersex' documents the resilience of three intersex activists in Turkey, showcasing their solidarity and strength despite immense pressure. Aslı Yasemin Bahar, Belgin Günay and Şerife Yurtseven draw attention to the rights violations, medical abuse and life experiences of intersex people through their own lives.
Wrik Mead
Canada / 2:30 mins Sweat presents a lone male figure who enters a sauna and eventually is drowned by his own fear. Is he really under attack by the whispers in the room or are they just voices in his head?
Emily M Van Loan
2023 |
USA / 3 mins Trans folks find comfort, joy, and a new level of intimacy in each other's arms.
"T4T" is a term within the queer community for trans folks who seek relationships with other trans folks.
 Tacones Al Cielo
Andrés Dunayevich
2023 |
Argentina / 70 mins CELESTE es mamá junto a su compañero MATIAS un chico TRANS que juntos transitaron un embarazo el cual generó un gran revuelo en la ciudad de Córdoba en Argentina por ser la primera pareja en tener un hijo. Trailer... here
 Take Me There
Elliot Slade
USA / 21 mins A night of dating, romance, and love in San Francisco. Trailer... Trailer… here
 Tales of Yakecan / Notas de Yakecan
André Moura Lopes
Brazil / 24 mins "Tales Of Yakecan" narrates the initiatory journey of Jessika Yakecan, daughter of Pajé Cicero Potyguara and political activist. Immersed in her thoughts, the young woman alternates her time learning her father's ancestral knowledge, fighting for gender and sexuality causes with her “Coletivo Indígena LGBTI+ Caboclas” and fighting to defend the territory of her village. Trailer… here
JO Yunji
Korea / 28 mins Anna lived a lonely life until she received a phone call that led her to meet Noa, her meant to be partner. At first, it seems like they are equally happy, but as time passed, their temperatures as lovers begin to diverge. This film is like a melancholic and sad essay for those who experience the feeling of being in love, particularly those who feel more passionate than the other. Although set in summer, the directing powerfully evokes the feel of a cold winter in every scene.
 Tencha Reina
Maruja Bustamante
2023 |
Argentina / 66 mins An autofiction about Tencha de Sagastizabal: psychoanalyst, estate of Carmelo Arden Quin, actress, and fat woman. A queer fairy tale that is linked in the documentary. What happens when hegemony does not reign on the screen? Tencha Reina canonizes other ways of seeing the world and questions the supremacy of subtlety. Retrato onírico sobre Tencha de Sagastizabal: psicoanalista, estate de la obra de Carmelo Arden Quin, actriz, chamana y gorda. Un cuento de hadas queer que se enlaza en lo documental.
Tenha Orgulo
Kamila K. Stanley
2023 |
Brazil Durante cuatro años, Kamila K. Stanley viajó por Brasil fotografiando las vidas de sus amigxs queer bajo el régimen represor de Bolsonaro.Tenha Orgulho retrata a una comunidad en resistencia silenciosa pero ensordecedora. Kamila K. Stanley traveled four years around Brazil photographing the lives of her queer friends under Bolsonaro’s repressive regime. Tenha Orgulho portrays the community's silent yet deafening resistance. Trailer
 TENS Across the Board
Bobby Best
2023 |
USA / 58 mins Ballroom culture is now a mainstay in popular culture. Not to be confused with waltzing, swinging, or doing the two-step, ballroom has become a global phenomena.
It’s championed by Black and brown LGBTQ artists in dance, music, and fashion. We take an in-depth look at the lives of those in the St. Louis, MO ballroom community and the performers of the TENS Experience, spearheaded by Maven Logik Lee. Trailer… here
 Tentacle Eyes
Yuqing Lin
2023 |
UK / 9 mins In the telling of a story about an underground kingdom, a pair of ambiguously related lovers also seem to be traveling back to their own past. Trailer… here
Test Sequence
Anne Golden
Canada / 5 mins Un remix de sons et d’images issus des archives Prelinger qui expose la technologie et les machines.
 That Doesn’t Fit
Ackshaj Anand
2023 |
India / 3 mins As an avid observer of humans, the filmmaker has come across many situations where people try to fit in too much. He has brought these thoughts to life in his film That Doesn’t Fit, which creatively and humorously showcases scenes to point out societal obligations and bring out relatable moments in people’s lives. It is a slapstick miscellany that’s rife with satire and social commentary that challenges societal norms. Watch… here
The Ascension Series- Hamish Frost
Emma Crome, Matt Pycroft
2023 |
UK One of Europe’s leading adventure photographers, Hamish Frost lives twin lives. In the third episode of the Ascension Series, we explore the side of himself he has kept hidden from the outdoor community. A story of confidence and connection and a reminder of the importance of diversity in the great outdoors.
The Angel
Dorian Wood
USA / 18 mins This heady sex positive exploration of intimacy, self fulfillment and the pursuit of pleasure is an embodiment of queer magic via an interweave of sex-positive rituals. Trailer... here
 The Appearances by Ass / La apariencia por el culo
Carlos Cara
Spain / 8 mins What would happen if Erik lost that armor called toxic masculinity?
 The Barman’s Daughter
Shawna Virago
USA / 4 mins Experimental Music Video.
 The Big Bang of Dorothy Boom / O Grande Espanto de Dorothy Boom
Alberto Camarero, Alberto de Oliveira |
2023 |
Brazil / 86 mins A caminhada da vedete underground Regina Müller/Dorothy Boom revela um olhar diferente sobre iconofilia e iconoclastia, devoção e transgressão, incorporação e performance, enquanto seu processo criativo é atravessado por elementos religiosos, profanos e da cultura queer. Trailer… here |
 The Boat Is My Friend / Le Bateau Est Mon Ami
Edouard Trefert
France / 10 mins In 1831, on a british merchant ship, James Franklin dies from a sea accident and leaves behind his lover, Tom. Watch… here
 The Book / El Libro
Cristian Cabrera
Argentina / 5.30 mins In Buenos Aires in 1985, Tomás, a fifteen-year-old student, took a prohibited book from the school library. Now, her mother, Mariana Montiel, is face to face with the school director. The biggest problem is not the book. But the possibility that Gonzalo, the young man's teacher, has encouraged him to take it. Why would he encourage him to take it? For the school director there are dangerous books, and especially dangerous teachers. But for Mariana, Gonzalo is the person who provides the greatest support for her son and his possible sexual inclination.
 The Building Opposite / Hustet Mittemot
Siri Pårup
2023 |
Sweden / 14 mins “From my window I see into the opposite building. In each apartment there is a movie going on where the plot never ends. The actors are ordinary people that I think I know all about, even though we have never met. What I see from my window mixed with my imagination creates fictional stories about these people and their day to day lives”.
 The Dancer
Ryon Horne, Tyson Horne |
2023 |
USA The compelling story of Gerard Alexander, a professional modern and ballet dancer whose life held incredible promise before he ended up homeless in Atlanta. Trailer… here |
The Demon's Waltz / La valse des demons
Trinidad Plass Caussade |
2023 |
France / 7:26 mins [A]Possessed by the memory of apast lover, mask maker Gaël isforced to reckon with his inner self. Watch… here |
 The Destruction of Jane
Drue Pennella |
2023 |
USA / 12 mins Destruction of Jane is a campy, over the top, erotic, outrageous comedy which follows Miss Jane Parker to the African Jungle where it all began. Witness Tarzan and Jane’s first encounter, in what now has become a rather heralded expedition in the African Jungle, and one of our greatest love stories. Trailer… here |
 The Dinner / La Cena
Jesús Martínez “Nota”
Spain There are some issues which cannot be left for later! A recently out son shares some awkward and unexpectedly hilarious moments at dinner with his parents.
The Dream: A Love Story
Enrique Rosario
2023 |
USA / 5 mins Two people meet for the first time, and they get transported into the life that could be possible for them. Watch… here
 The Feels - An LGBTQ+ Short Film
Destiny Jackson
USA / 19 mins A pessimistic college student gets paired with her crush for an assignment and finds the courage to tell her how she feels with the help of her enthusiastic best friend. Watch... here
 The Flag
Miha Mohorič
Slovenia / 48 mins Every year in Ljubljana, during the Pride Parade, we hang big rainbow flag from the Ljubljana castle tower. Each colour symbolizes a different component of the LGBTIQ+ identity, all of which illustrate the diversity of the LGBTIQ+ community. Film shows eight individuals, through their personal stories and the attitude of LGBTIQ+ people towards the flag.
 The Hanky
Ramses Rodstein
USA / 9:48 mins The Hanky brings together two handsome strangers together for a sizzling and spontaneous hookup.
 The History of the Carabiner
Gianna Mazzeo
Netherlands / 7 mins A tongue-in-cheek, historical documentary / fashion film hybrid that takes viewers on a journey through queer history to trace the origins of the carabiner as a lesbian symbol. Watch… here
The King Dreams the King
Will Aitken
Canada / 5 mins Un ancien roi met tant de temps à construire son palais qu’il devient son mausolée. Il se souvient de sa vie, des jours froids, d’autres plus chauds, de son désir inextinguible de pouvoir… de son insatiable désir tout court.
 The Last Lesbian Library
Christina Isabel Rodriguez de Conte
USA / 11 mins The dystopian film imagines a time in the way too near future when LGBTQ rights and reproductive rights have been radically altered and the younger queer generation no longer has access to the wisdom of the elders that came before. This short film follows two baby dykes as they search for the elusive "Lesbian Baby Making Recipe" and the hope for a queer future.
The Last of the Romanov
Andrea Cozzolino
2023 |
Italy / 36 mins Life testimonies in LGBT in the years before the civil rights movements: 1960s, 70s and 90s, in Turin, in Northern Italy. Alex/Alessia talks during a dinner with friends about her artistic activity as a showgirl, “soubrette” (does not recognize herself as a drag queen) and the clandestine room, the Paradis, which hosted playback performances by Turinese artists. History in 6 chapters: the beginnings; the Paradis; Yesterday and Today; Identity; Love; 1990 and 2000.
 The Late Checkout / Ang Huling Sayaw
Edrian Pangilinan
2023 |
USA / 14 mins A widower and a runaway secretly meet at a hotel one stormy night. The two bond in a way they would've never expected. Trailer… here
The Lesbian Darkroom Fisting Operetta on Venus
Lasse Långström & The Homosex Syndicate of Precarious Avant Garde Artists
Sweden / 10 mins From a feature erotic fantasy musical under production.
The angels have given the Captain of the Sea Butches the holy assignment to travel to a lesbian bar on Venus to get hold of the strongest vibrator in the whole universe – the weapon needed in the fight to destroy the tall tower of the evil gentrifiers. But to get to the vibrator she first has to offer her hands to the two terrifying and tempting Tentacle Femmes, and they just invited her to the darkroom…
The Lesbian Lobster Song
Liss Platt
Canada / 4 mins The rural lesbians of the north shore of Nova Scotia gather each spring to celebrate lobster season, and their voracious appetites, with feast and song.
The Lesbian Valley / Den lesbiske dalen
Marin Håskjold, Christa Barlinn Korvald, Io Sivertsen
Norway / 5 mins Sliteneliten's music video about the Lesbian Valley. Watch... here
 The Light
Alireza Saadi
Islamic Republic of Iran / 12 mins An Iranian woman faces an impossible dilemma because lesbians aren’t allowed to give birth to a child.
 The Little Piratemaid
Luke Beatrice
3 mins The Little Piratemaid is about what it’s like to discover yourself as a trans person in a cis-normative world—even if that world is one of pirates and mermaids! This short film focuses on the moments of realization, the initial stages of transition, and the courage it takes for a little pirate girl to simply be herself. Trailer… here
The Living Room Library
Ingrid Francis
2023 |
UK / 4 mins Salford Zine Library is a unique archive of self published materials based in Manchester. When COVID-19 forces the zine library team to rethink logistics, it is kept in a living room for safe keeping.
 The Living Wardrobe / L’armari Vivent
Martí Madaula Esquirol |
2023 |
Spain, USA / 18 mins The Living Wardrobe is an autofiction tale based on a personal experience the filmmaker had three years ago. During an art residency in Bilbao, he started dating a boy who, every morning after spending a night together at his place, would insist on leaving the filmmaker some of his clean clothes to go home. This dynamic, which at first amused Martí, began to disturb him when he realised that the boy never collected his garments. Using the image of a living wardrobe as its central metaphor, the short film grapples with the friction between keeping one’s individuality and embracing new love.
Trailer… here |
The Magnificentit
Tetta Marie Carangi
2023 |
Brazil / 11 mins A água é a experiência concreta da dimensão onírica. Ascendem, descem e transcendem ciclos na elipse onírica de um mundo despatriarcalizado. Num paraíso inventado, tentam divertir-se e descansar em companhia segura, enquanto se ouvem ecos de horror. As coisas submersas podem subitamente engolir-nos se não conseguirem emergir.
The Making of Hana Makgeolli
Esther Chan
2023 |
USA / 9:12 mins A Korean woman makes waves brewing traditional jeontongju alcohol.
The Marriage of Greta Garbo and Sergei Eisenstein
Mark Rappaport
USA / 27 mins What could have happened – what should have happened – if two giants in film history, like Greta Garbo and Sergei Michajlovič Eisenstein, could have declared their love for each other? The world's most famous actress, an honorary Russian citizen of cinema for her many performances; the world's most radical director, who could have immortalized her face in one of his famous close-ups? Sphinx Garbo did not want to be alone: she just wanted to marry the great Sergei. Perhaps she could have played Trotsky or Pancho Villa in one of his films. Perhaps their friends Charlie Chaplin, Walt Disney and Josef von Sternberg would have approved their love. Maybe they could have had a child together. Maybe all this could still have happened, in a Mark Rappaport film.
The Nape
Kim Yu-ra
South Korea / 26 mins Da-ye quits her job as a teacher and returns to her hometown. They begin to help their mother, who has been forced to close the English academy she runs because of the COVID-19 outbreak, when they come across a student who is two months behind in his payments.
The New Flesh
Rupert Jörg
2023 |
Germany / 3:32 mins Chatbots advocate for the idea that it is meaningful for humans to merge entirely with a virtual world. Gradually, some of these bots begin to generate hallucinations, thereby raising questions about the fundamental rights of all humanity to exist. This portrayal of physically merging with a cyber world is depicted in a grotesquely distorted manner, where genders, locations, and times blend together. Trailer... here
The Night of the Minotaur / La Noche del Minotauro
Juliana Zuluaga Montoya
2023 |
Colombia / 11 mins A fantastic tale that uses archival material to construct the story of Luz Emilia García, the precursor of porn cinema in Colombia. Trailer… here
The Pathway to the Goats
Marta Orlando, Clémentine Roy
Germany / 9 mins Water, nature, sexualities, and alternative codes of communication.
 The Peach Activations
Nadine Faraj
2023 |
Canada / 9 mins The Peach Activations is a devoted homage to the butt, fleshy and jiggly, funny and lovable, as diverse in appearance as the face itself. The film documents, in mesmerizing slow motion, impromptu private performances by amateur activators who pinch, poke, stroke, slap, or shake butts. The artist filmed many scenes at Fire Island Pines and received plenty of additional footage contributed by collaborators worldwide. Enthusiastic consent was granted by all participants before, during, and after every step of the creation of this film. This means that models and butt (peach) activators have fully consented to participating in the performances as well as in the dissemination of this video artwork. Most participants have chosen to remain anonymous. The Peach Activations, Volume I, is Nadine Faraj’s first art film, conceived to be released in several segments as its title suggests. Trailer… here
 The Phantom Ship
Gabe Moreno |
2023 |
USA / 7 mins A ghost ship arrives at London harbor, leaving behind only three pieces of written evidence from the final victims of the ship. In these letters and journals, we learn how the crew may have died.
Trailer… here |
The Return
Vadim Molachov |
2023 |
Ukraine / 32 mins Nikita is ready to give up on his conservative religious mother when explosions rock Kyiv, suddenly entangling Nikita's fractured faith with his survival and the survival of his mother, who hasn't picked up the phone since the war broke out. |
The Sea is a Woman
Tom Talisman Zuta
Israel / 8 mins Mazu, a young, emotionally detached woman, embarks on a journey around town, seeking to physically reconnect with her body. As she feels her body in the sea waves, she discovers new layers of different sensations as well.
 The Second Golden Age, Challenges of Love / Dojrzałe wyzwania w miłości
Mária Takács
Hungary / 92 mins An independent movie production from Hungary, called by its creators “a human-rights soap opera”. A couple of two middle-aged women and the stifling atmosphere of a little Hungarian town – will it eventuate in a witch-hunt? A painter moves in with her partner, an art teacher. The rumours spread fast, the local public opinion boils and the librarian plans a reading from a famous children’s story book “A Fairytale for Everyone”, where Cinderella is Romany, while the Snow Queen is a lesbian.
The Secret Lives of Lesbians’ Cats
Kate Jessop
UK / 1.30 mins How do exasperated felines escape from their humans’ relationship dramas?
The Table on Air: Watch Us Grow
Darisu Caffey, Terrell Stanley, Luis Roman, DaShawna Wright, Grecia Aguilar
2023 |
USA / 29 mins In this special edition episode, our guest and host decide to get real personal and vulnerable with the community about how they're fighting for love as a Black LGBTQ+ couple. In the discussion, the two share background on how they have learned to support each other as partners during their long-term relationship, how they have balanced the woes of dating, and how they have practiced active communication to plan their future together. Watch… here
 The Trip
India Goss Maher
2023 |
Australia / 16 mins At the pointy end of a situationship and a sexuality crisis, Georgia and Jake are stuck on the side of the road with an overstepping hitchhiker on a trip that will either make or break them – or maybe both.
 The Undetectable Wrestler
Jeremy Word
USA / 27 mins Joshua Simmons retired from professional wrestling after testing HIV+. 7 years later, after maintaining his HIV+ undetectable status, he decides to enter the ring professionally again. This short film shows Joshua's journey, struggles and his relentless path towards redemption. Trailer... here
 The Valentine's Express / Expresso São Valentim
Guilherme Ayres, Luiza Torres |
2023 |
Brazil / 15 mins Love has always been present in Mabel’s life. By selling bus tickets at a bus station she forms couples by putting people sitting side by side to travel. |
The Way
Odeya Laske
Israel / 7 minds A part of a course on documentary journals in Bezalel Academy. This film talks about self-acceptance in the face of a family that does not accept, a personal and exciting journey with the same camera that photographed me as a child.
The Whisper of Freedom
Anna Ahaliieva
Slovakia / 16 mins The plot of the film takes place in the 80s of the last century in Czechoslovakia. The story shows the necessity of hiding the love between two women, which would have been unacceptable to society at that time. Certain circumstances force two protagonists to keep their shared feelings a secret and adapt to a "traditional" life, which is against what their hearts feel.
The World According to Pussy Noir
Amy Oden
USA / 24 mins Pussy Noir, also known as Jason Barnes, is mounting a drag fashion show at the prestigious Kennedy Center. The show is an opportunity for Pussy to reflect on the history of drag, its roots in Black culture, and its exclusion from mainstream fashion and fine art. Trailer… here
 Then Suddenly Now / Damals Plötzlich Jetzt
Mo & Melissa Jäger
2023 |
Germany / 26 mins Pippa unexpectedly reunites with her ex Jael at her best friend's wedding. The encounter not only triggers memories of the end of their relationship, but also of the trauma they experienced together. When Pippa has a panic attack, Jael calms her down and Pippa understands that she needs to finally confront her fears.
There's a Light
Elisa Beli Borrelli
2023 |
Ireland / 5 mins Abandoned in an unfamiliar place, a lonely partygoer teeters on the edge of an all-consuming, reality-warping breakdown.
2023 |
India / 18 mins A question on a dating app makes a lonely, 50-year-old non-binary person retrace their life, as they finally come to terms with their gender dysphoria.
This is Not You
Amara Ogara
2023 |
Nigeria / 33 mins A lesbian couple, Lolo and Ade prepare to host their friends for their weekly bonfire night, but tension begins to simmer in their home as Lolo handles all the cooking while Ade offers minimal assistance, creating a growing imbalance. Despite the mounting tension, the couple strives to maintain a jovial atmosphere, engaging in heartfelt conversations about the challenges they face as queer individuals in Nigeria. Amidst the backdrop of laughter and clinking wine glasses.
This is To Be Understood
Yeliz Zaifoglu
2023 |
Cyprus, UK / 4 mins A short poetry documentary that delves into the complexities of Cypriot identity through miniDV and archive VHS footage from 2004. With poetry subtitles guiding the narrative, the film explores the importance of heritage in shaping individuals and serves as an homage to the filmmaker's childhood. Trailer… here
 This Light is My Birthplace
Shaun Soutar
2023 |
Canada / 14:28 mins Two opposing TV signals compete for airtime. The usual narratives of trans identity touted by dominant media are disrupted by authentic stories from trans people.
Three Attempts of Love
Idan Rubin
Israel / 10 mins Kobi and Oron got married in the city hall in New York, realized that they had a lot of love to give and a real desire for a future generation, and thus found themselves embarking on a journey towards their destination, becoming parents.
 Tides of Connection
Terra Kalena Graber, Maya Westra
Canada / 3:35 mins Two teenagers have deep conversation through a message in a bottle and overtime develop feelings for each other. Watch… here
 Tidy Bed
Danilo Bastos Godoy
Portugal, Germany, Brazil / 15 mins Is it possible to identify the ghosts of our past? In a remote beach house, a young man must deal with his own family who hides his older cousin's suicide attempt. Watch... here
Till This Morning
Anna Maria Hawa
Israel / 7 mins Hoping to “introduce” her partner to her father, Yasmin brings her partner, Lena, to her father’s grave where she finds herself spiraling into a whirlwind of emotions.
 To Be a Bruja
Carolina Erives
Mexico / 18 mins Amanda Montejo is a trans woman, make up artist, Guadalupana and a witch. This documentary portrait explores different facets of her spirituality and fragments of her past, revealing the duality of her being.
 Todas las vidas de Cristina Veneno
Lautaro Arias Camacho
Argentina / 9 mins Un grupo de personas de la localidad de Chicoana, en la provincia de Salta, a través de la técnica del cadáver exquisito construye un cortometraje documental experimental que reúne relatos breves sobre momentos de la vida de la mítica travesti Cristina Veneno. Watch… here
 Todo Sobre Ti
Joselyn Martinez Zapata
México / 5 mins Elizabeth no es aceptada por su madre debido a su orientación sexual sin embargo para ella lo único importante en su vida es su pareja sentimental llamada sara.
Scripter Beaumont
USA / 2 mins TOKOPHOBIA is an animated horror drama about a transgender man grappling with an abhorrent monstrosity inside him. Featuring an original musical score and scratch on film animation, this film is an exploration of the personal, the surreal, and the abject. Trailer… here
Tony & Denise: Cinematic Memoir of Denise D'Anne
Brian J Favorite
USA / 26 mins This 26-minute experimental documentary film tells the life of pioneering transgender labor activist Denise D’Anne.
Left in a Brooklyn orphanage, then foster care, followed by a reluctant return to his mother, Tony Albanese grew up confused and lonely. Having endured harassment in the army, then ten years as an executive secretary for the Southern Pacific Railroad, Tony decides, in 1968, to realign his gender identity and to start anew in San Francisco. Now Denise D'Anne, she commits her life to furthering labor causes, sexual and gender freedom, and a multitude of women and environmental issues, including the launch of one of the first organized recycling programs through her work with the San Francisco Department of Human Services and city government.
Based on Denise's autobiography, GOING THE DISTANCE: THE LIFE OF DENISE D'ANNE, this film is a cinematic-memoir-love-letter about a gender-feminist-social-environmental-justice pioneer and narrated in her own words.
 Tous Ces Gens, Toda Esa Gente
Billy Joly
Argentina / 35 mins En un viaje de regreso a Europa, lleno de emotividad y nostalgia, mi padre y yo nos reencontramos con todas aquellas personas que, a lo largo del tiempo, han ido conformando nuestra familia elegida. Toda esa gente, somos las personas en quienes mi padre, Stef, indudablemente, ha dejado una huella. Trailer… here
 Trans Punk
Margaret Anne Plumb
2023 |
32 mins A member of the trans community explores the hateful rhetoric and hyperbole surrounding the “transgender issue.” This intimate conversation, featuring those spewing the hate and those most affected by it, will aim to thrash, bash, and smash, this so-called “issue.
Luca Asta
2023 |
UK / 12 mins From flesh to 3D printing, TRANS-FORM follows the journey of five trans+ individuals.
 Transa y fronteira, ensaio sobre imágenes sidosas
Nico Luna |
2023 |
Argentina, Brasil / 12 mins En una bitácora de imágenes y sonidos, un joven HIV+ relata su vivencia en la frontera entre Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay
Manuel Alejandro Castillo
Perú / 14 mins Óscar, un joven dibujante, se encuentra en un limbo en su vida en cuanto a su sexualidad y la falta de inspiración para su futuro cómic. En este camino de dudas, conoce a Petra, su amor platónico, quien le ayudará a concluir su propia historia.
Brady Peeti
New Zealand / 10 mins In the face of rising anti-trans hate trans actress and singer Brady Peeti embarks on journey of discovery to chart the future by learning lessons from the past. In this eight part series Brady spends time with trans New Zealanders, ranging in age from their 70's to their 20's, to uncover how each generation built something beautiful and valuable for the next. Watch… here
TRANSpassado - Corpos que retratam
Otávio Kaxixó
Brazil / 27 mins Cinco indígenas resolvem quebrar o tabu e falar sobre as relações homoafetivas dentro e fora dos territórios. A história é marcada principalmente por estudantes indígenas LGBTQIA+ da UFMG, onde elucidam processos de enfrentamento contra a LGBTfobia na contemporaneidade, transpassando marcas de uma história que pra muitos deveriam ser esquecidas. Hoje, falar que é indígena LGBTQIA+ é mais uma vez resistir pela sobrevivência de si e, ao mesmo tempo expressar as etapas da “aceitação”. Entre educação, cultura, religião, território e saúde mental, indígenas trazem à realidade as diversas potencialidades que estes assumem dentro das aldeias ao se autorreconhecerem enquanto indígenas LGBTQIA+. O medo da escuridão de uma sociedade fadada ao preconceito traz forma e coragem a esses indígenas que sonham em ser livres e libertos da heteronormatividade social. A expressão sexual não deve ser jaula. Watch… here
Jiz Lee, Vanniall
USA / 4:57 mins Hotel guests discover a room for two…
Transliterar la muerte – Acto I
Francisco Gonzalez Cholaky, Gabrielle Caucota
Argentina / 10:47 mins Gaba es una artista trans no binaria de la ciudad de Córdoba. En un contexto post-pandémico y de re-despertar cultural en la ciudad, reflexiona a través de la música y de la performance sobre la herida de su pasado y la construcción de nuevas identidades en la actualidad. Watch… here
Transmission: Lisa Stephen Friday
Emma Underwood
USA / 7 mins A transgender glam rocker must overcome her struggle of self-acceptance to share her story, a story of hard fought, hard won self-actualization and power in order to preserve an important part of transgender history. Watch... here
Oliê Cárdenas
Brazil / 20 mins Transcender o verbo, as designações. Resistir, ocupar e desconstruir. Transexualidade e Cine Experimental.
Ana Graziela Aguiar
Brazil, Cuba, / 22 mins Uma carta de amor que une Brazil e Cuba. Uma viagem para entender os sentimentos e transformações passadas por uma pessoa próxima. Justin, um homem trans, auxiliará nesta travessia. Trailer… here
Trickle-down Economics
Sophie Ansell
2023 |
UK / 1:30 min Dating apps, late-stage capitalism and broken hearts. A film about spit, tears and austerity. Watch… here
 True Colors
David J. Amado
2023 |
Portugal / 6 mins Examining queer Black men's relationship to traditional masculinity and how societal expectations pressure them to conform and silence their true selves. Through four acts of fashion, each act symbolises a stage from repression to bold authenticity. Watch… here
 Turkish Hammam
Yavuz Kurtulmuş
2023 |
Turkey, Austria / 9 mins "Turkish CUM" is a six-minute experimental film celebrating the diversity of Turkish and Kurdish men. It juxtaposes intimate portraits against prevailing stereotypes, offering a fresh perspective on the beauty of masculinity in these cultures.
Tween Peek
Ayla Pierrot Arendt, Alina Kopytsia, Coco Schwarz
2023 |
Switzerland / 8 mins The video „Tween Peek“ is a sensual poetic dream about dissolving into the other while piercing reflections of gender binarity and incorporating the space in between.
Twisted Distinction
Nicky Miller
Germany / 7:18 mins In the bustling city of Berlin, we encounter a diverse cast of characters. From a desperate longing for love in a nightclub toilet to a powerful and determined dancer, from a wanderer navigating the streets to a femme person seeking solace in wine, and from a person with a monster's face grappling with their inner demons – each of them is isolated in their losses, despairs, poverty, and longing for love. Despite their differences, they share a common desire to survive and find connection amidst the challenges of contemporary life. Watch… here
 Two Souls
Myat Noe
Myanmar / 21 mins Two gay lovers, now living as political refugees from Myanmar (Burma) in a Thai border town reunite. But the scars and traumas of their experiences under military coup in their native country, as well as changing sentiments, challenge their relationship. Trailer… here
Two Stories of Dublin, Queer
Alan Power
Ireland / 6 mins Two individuals share their personal stories about living in Queer Dublin through a series of voice messages and snapshots of 35mm black and white film photography, capturing the essence and experience of the city, its people and their stories.
Aura Sala Mallol
Spain / 9 mins Izan, a 14-year-old boy, is expelled from high school for bad behavior. In an environment with few resources, without the attention of teachers and family, the boy finds his only support in a group of radicalized young people. But he will soon realize that if he wants to continue hanging out with the gang, he will have to become one of them. Trailer… here
 Um salto alto – a história da arte transformista do Distrito
Luis Plasmo
Brazil / 126 mins “Um salto alto – a história da arte transformista do Distrito Federal” é um documentário inédito que resgata os nomes e memórias de artistas que construíram a cena cultural LGBTQIAPN+ da capital do Brazil nos anos 60, 70, 80 e 90, até chegarmos nas drag queens atuais. O longa é resultado de um ano de pesquisa feita pelo jornalista Luís Plasmo, que também dá vida a drag LuShonda; com levantamento de arquivos preservados por instituições públicas e acervos pessoais de mais de 20 de personagens do DF, GO, SP, MG e da Europa, trazendo relatos de resistência e superação ao preconceito, ditadura, HIV/AIDS e uma série de questões à época para conquista de espaço e orgulho para as gerações de hoje. Trailer… here
Um Teto para 3
Eric Magda Lima
Brazil / 10:45 mins Uma história sobre o amor entre essas três pessoas, como elas se conheceram, seu primeiro encontro e sua nova casa.
 Uma Tarde Pra Tirar Retrato
André Sandino Costa
Brazil / 42 mins Três amigos marcam um encontro com a crença de que uma sessão fotográfica diminuiria a saudade e fortaleceria o apoio mútuo em um momento dramático do convívio em sociedade. Márcio Januário, Carlos Oxalá e José Roberto Pacheco, homens negros, gays acima de cinquenta anos, são os protagonistas dessa história. Trailer... here
Unboxing Gender
Claire Bower, Manuela Novoa Villada, Shabnam Singla
Austria / 6 mins Gender and its norms are so ingrained in our world, it can require us to put our “gender lenses” in order to see it. Unboxing Gender explores the ways gender influences our lives. The film’s protagonist is Kris, a professional boxer and gender researcher. Through Kris’ anecdotes and insightful reflections, the film explores how their gender identity has influenced their pathway in life - from becoming a boxer to entering academia, and the overlaps between the two. Unboxing Gender seeks to illustrate how gender shapes our interactions and decisions, whether or not we are conscious of it. Watch… here
 Unconditional / Ubetinget
Ulrikke Hopland, Kaja Saltnes
Norway / 9 mins Ylva and her best friend Rakel go to a party. When Ylva wakes up in the morning she is confused about the events of the night before.
 Unless We Dance / A menos que bailemos
Hanz Rippe Gabriele, Fernanda Pineda Palencia
2023 |
Columbia / 14 mins jonathan (Bonays), an Afro dance teacher, undertakes an initiative to rescue young people from the crime that stalks Quibdo, a city with the highest homicide rates in Colombia. This is how Black Boys Choco emerged, a dance company where hundreds of young people face brutal destinies through a passion. UNLESS WE DANCE portrays union and dance as the greatest expression of shielding the Afro people, it is a tribute to their act of resilience and to all the lives that have been lost along the way.
Florin Garzotto |
2023 |
Switzerland / 21 mins What is left of my bodymind when the neuronormative masks start to break? How could a neuroqueer world feel like? How can a collective glitch transform the status quo? “Unmasking” is a neuroqueer video essay inspired by the manifesto “Glitch Feminism” by Legacy Russell and shows the intersection of queer feminism and Disability Justice as the “glitch” awakens in neuroqueer unmasking and nourishes in Collective Care, Trans Liberation, Prison and Psychiatry Abolition and Neuroqueerness.
Ehud Mordehay
Israel / 60 mins 01.08.2009: An armed man bursts into the “BarNoar”, an LGBTQ youth club, and opens fire. The bullet that hit me, turned my life upside down. 13 years later – I embark on a journey where I revisit old wounds, deal with the trauma and talk with my family for the first time about that evening and the secrets revealed in its wake. Trailer… here
Untitled, Michael
Adam Zvi
Israel / 9 mins Michael, a young trans man, is positive he’s gotten a divine order from an angel that came to him at the Western Wall and commanded him to live as a man.
 Unveiling the Rainbow: Long Beach Pride's 40 Year Evolution
Breanna Finch
USA A local documentary about the history of Long Beach Pride!
 Up in the Wind
Haoyuan Yang
China / 10 mins In the face of his homosexual identity, the passing away of a loved one, and the changes in his surroundings, Yang holds up his camera to try to find a way out, despite his confusion, frustration, and anxiety. Trailer… here
 Uranian Sons
Miguel Martín Betancor
Germany Uranian Sons is a film that invites the audience to immerse themselves in the works of famous Spanish authors such as Federico García Lorca or Luis Cernuda. As a modern reinterpretation, the figure of the goddess of love Venus (Greek: Aphrodite) is placed in the center as the protagonist: here, however, as a figure who finds her origin in the open sea into which the cut-off testicle of Uranus previously fell.
 Va, Vis et Vogue
Anouk Burel, Nejma Bentrad
France / 52 mins Voguing—which mimics the poses of models from the renowned American fashion magazine Vogue—is much more than a dance style: it’s also a form of resistance against exclusion for LGBTQI+ communities. Created in the 1970s in New York by the Afro-Latinx and gay, trans community, the ballroom scene is now making its debut in La Réunion, an island where issues of homosexuality and gender are still taboo in most families.
Ross G. Hewitt
USA / 2 mins Through the remembrance of a dream, a teenage boy discovers his attraction to a male college student.
 Vale of Summer
Ari Sells
USA / 11 mins Trans and nonbinary best friends Cole (transgender YouTube star Ryan Jacobs Flores) and Asterid (Sol Joun) wrestle with goodbyes during their final summer camping trip together. Vale of Summer is an honest and refreshing ode to queer-trans friendship and self-determination.
Vanishing Seattle: Queer the Land
Netsanet Tjirongo
2023 |
USA / 14 mins Vanishing Seattle: Queer the Land is the story of a changing neighborhood,gentrification and displacement, a tenacious community, and an unwavering dream.
 Vapor Trails
Willow Skye-Biggs
USA / 11 mins It is 1997 amidst the backdrop of distant violence. Two displaced trans-lesbian lovers find transcendence through connection. Trailer... here
Christopher Bedolla
2023 |
Mexico / 8:24 mins Después de la escuela Verónica y Víctor toman el microbús para volver a casa, en él se encuentran con Mila y Nohemí, sus amigas. En el trayecto violentan a Verónica, lo que provoca que decida dar una lección al entorno que la rodea. Trailer… here
Bar Fedelman
Israel / 9 mins The film depicts a delusional chase through the streets of Tel Aviv after a successful drag performance by the film’s hero David when he is raped by a fan. David, a well-known drag artist, feels lonely without his home and family. He feels disconnected from his body and in particular from his sexual orientation. The film follows the dark hallucinations he experiences, and the desire for some kind of intimacy even if it means risking his life.
Vestido de mujer
Dalila Real
Argentina / 5:35 mins El título de una noticia sobre un travesticidio decía: «Vestido de mujer para morir de amor.» La frase inspiró una canción y posteriormente este video. Por el derecho a ser quienes somos, a elegir nuestra identidad. Watch… here
Jofre Carabén, Yoann De Montgrand
France / 24 mins Opening night in Bastia. Ezy Rippart, one of the leading actors of the show, shows up at the theatre terribly late after getting lost in the city in the footsteps of a past love. While doing his best to prepare for the show, the actor, overwhelmed by this memory, seems to lose ground.
Nicolás Alvarez, Joaquín Ostrovsky
Argentina / 10 mins Economía circular audiovisual. Serie de video ensayo sobre el archivo-basural de los gif que explota lo queer subyacente en cada desecho cultural acumulado en la nube gris del capitalismo digital.
 Violet Purge
Yannis Do Couto
France / 16 mins While a comet is about to put an end to humanity, Adée wants to bring Mélo to the Violet Purges, the last part before the end of the world; Mélo wants to save Adée by taking her to the Bunker. The two will set out together, in the grip of their anxieties and their desires.
 Visions of Acid / Visions d’Acide
Laurens Saint-Gaudens
France / 10 mins Rose is encircled by the penumbra of an opaque black depth. A menacing vision appears in the reflection of a mirror. Hunted by her own image, her reality collapses.
 Visiting Johanna / Zu Besuch
Martin Weiss
2023 |
Austria / 11:33 mins Julia has traveled to Vienna, especially to surprise her sister Johanna at her art performance. Johanna has rented a room for her feminist performance, hired two musicians and invited everyone she knows. However, the vernissage apparently turns into a miserably unsuccessful evening, which might bring the two siblings closer together again. Trailer… here
 Voces Amigas
Canción Diez
México Por años la comunidad LGBTIQ+ ha luchado en contra de la discriminación que sufre en diferentes ámbitos de la sociedad, pero pocas veces se ha hecho una introspección para ver qué es lo que realmente sucede en el interior de la misma comunidad. Trailer... here
 Volver a Bailar
Pamela Simeone
Chile / 10:48 mins Después de haber terminado su relación debido a la distancia, Camila llama a Javiera en su cumpleaños, con la intención de saber si existe la posibilidad de volver a estar juntas. Trailer... here
Volver a Lobos
Julia Lucesole, Bel Gatti
Argentina / 14:26 mins Una noche de verano se produce un azaroso reencuentro de un grupo de amigues en su pueblo natal. Mientras recorren las calles vacías, se proponen refundar el lugar y ensayan intentos. El pueblo nunca fue territorio para las disidencias, pero ahora elles vuelven para vivir en comunidad y lo lograrán.
Ella Sombre Pedro Duro
France / 10 mins A merger of flavours in this double menu, seasoned with a splash of BDSM, creates a hybrid physicality in which pleasure and desire develop freely.
Rishi Chamman
Netherlands / 14 mins Hindustani Milan develops feelings for Syrian refugee Ahmed.
 Wait Your Turn
João Carvalho
Germany / 14 mins A young man tries to bear with his intense menstrual pains while stuck in the waiting room of an administration. He feels exposed, until his own gaze takes over the screen, turning his need for pleasure and care into a common cause, a collective fantasy. Wait Your Turn is an invitation inside the subjective perspective of a trans man navigating pleasure and pain in public space.
Was die andern denken
Anita Moresi
2023 |
Switzerland / 7 mins Lara loves Martha. The only things standing between their happiness are Lara's boyfriend, Martha's children and 20 years of life experience.
Watching You Without Me
Lia Danon
Israel / 15 mins A story of friendship between two girls, each of whom deals with the difficulties of being a woman. As they attempt to correct the patriarchal reality in which they live, their friendship begins to cross boundaries between sisterhood and sexual attraction.
 We are here
Camila Flores Fernández
2023 |
Belgium / 23 mins Este documental ofrece una visión de la experiencia de la migración LGBTQIA+ a través de la mirada de dos refugiados queer en diferentes etapas de este proceso en Bruselas. A través de un método de creación colectiva experimental, los migrantes pueden elegir cómo contar su historia. Este documental profundiza en cada paso del proceso, así como en cómo los migrantes queer forjan su espacio en el paisaje urbano en el que se encuentran. Al narrar y arrojar luz sobre sus orígenes, hacen visibles sus identidades, sus historias y a sí mismos, para establecer un sentido propio de pertenencia en su nuevo hogar.
 We are the Earth
Zoé Rose
France / 5 mins Watch… here
 We Are the Future / Nós Somos o Amanhã
Luffe Steffen
Brazil / 113 mins The 80s. A group of students face discrimination at school. Separated by their differences, they try to survive bullying, pursued by ethnic, gender, sexuality, physical shape, behavior issues. Until one day, music teacher and futurist Clara Celeste lands to show that everything can be different. By experiencing empowerment, such characters come together and are finally able to live their identities with freedom. But the school, normativity and the monster of conservatism are watching. Can our heroes win the battle against bigotry? Trailer… here
We have no faces / Vi Har Inga Ansikten
Una Holmquist
2023 |
Sweden / 4 mins Människor är beroende av naturen men kan inte sluta att använda den. Det finns en vilja att kunna ge tillbaka men hur ger man tillbaka när man aldrig fått lära sig det?
English: People are dependent on nature but cannot stop using it. There is a desire to be able to give back, but how do you give back when you have never been taught?
 Wedding March
Amir Cohen
Israel / 4 mins A chance encounter between two young guys in the park creates a romantic opportunity, a potential for love. Many temptations whisper around. Will it finally be a successful match? Or just another passing moment?
 weisser riese
Lotte Luzie, Felix Lari Struempel
2023 |
Germany / 5 mins Perfectly styled on the way out, thrown ketchup-smeared chips on the way in, spilled a drink in the club. So what? Luckily there’s pinky WASH! By queers, for everyone. Perfekt gestylt raus, auf dem Weg mit Ketchup beschmier- ten Pommes beworfen, im Club mit einem Drink bekleckert. Na und? Zum Glück gibt es pinky WASH! Von Queers, für alle.
Welcome to Roswell
StormMiguel Florez
USA A middle aged transgender filmmaker returns to his father’s birthplace of Roswell, New Mexico to document coming out to his family. His partner’s obsession with the 1947 crash takes him and his film crew in a very different direction.
Well Read
Emily Friedman, Tori V Bennett
USA / 3 mins Celebrating both literacy and queerness, the video for Well Read playfully explores the notion of sapiosexuality - the attraction to someone based on intellect rather than gender expression. Watch… here
We‘re here. We‘re queer. Get used to it!
Kia Sciarrone
2023 |
Iran, Austria / 3 mins A survey of queer related topics restricted on the internet in countries around the world. Trailer… here
 What are you looking for?
Iqran Rasheed
2023 |
Portugal / 15 mins Deepak navigates queer dating and seeks genuine connection amidst superficial modern culture, breaking cinematic walls between actor, viewer, and director.
 What Became of David Burkett?
Duane Michals
USA / 3 mins Memories of an old friend are filled with questions and longing. Watch… here
what does it mean to change
Mika Sattler
2023 |
Austria Flashes of memory erupt layer over layer from nothingness. A persona appears. Or was it just a shadow? We dive back into nature. A shaky emotional surface just to enter the secrets of a body. Non-conforming. Going deep into the inner most moistness. Density. Digital textwaves break through the analog motion. Staggering motion - to give space - to give opportunity - to give a stage - to honesty. This is an intimate story of a persona. A possibility to exist. Questions asked. Love committed. An Analogue film exploring nooks and cracks of a body giving into the movement of the camera.
Where do Lesbians Go to When They Get Older?
Andreja Gomišček
2023 |
Slovenia / 9 mins In a poetic and engaging way, Andrea Gomišček's film interrogates the age of old age through two protagonists. How they experience it as lesbians, how this period changes their relationship to time. Is it defined in memories - as something to have, or is it in looking into the future? And what about ageing on the margins, within the lesbian community?
Where the Birds Cry / Gde ptice plaču
Jakub Andrzej Venda
Poland / 16 mins 14-year-old Szymon lives in a seaside village. The boy is experiencing one of the most turbulent stages in his life – puberty. He spends his holidays traveling with his finger across a globe, looking for a safari, walking on the beach, or meeting his friends. The boy’s monotonous life is being disrupted by an unexpected visit from his childhood friend. From that moment on, the boy develops the need to explore his sexuality. Seemingly ordinary meeting on a cliff turns into his first summer romance.
Where Sleeping Dogs Lie
Lisa Chearles
Singapore, UK / 16 mins An exploration of the lengths one will go to for love and how readily we will bury the truth.
Kyle Reaume
Canada / 13 mins WHITEROCK is a 2023 experimental documentary that traverses a relationship that outwardly appeared loving, warm, and enviable. But inward, a secret laid in the shadows, growing wings. The film utilizes a technique known as cinemanarrative dissonance - when the cinematic language as a story telling tool is in direct conflict with the story being presented. Trailer… here
 Who Am I Becoming?
Odu Adamu, Payton Royce
USA / 12 mins A self-portrait of actor Payton Royce as he looks back on his life from childhood to his transition. Royce's own video diaries alongside home movies and interviews with family offer a glimpse into the life of a man who uses his voice to speak his truth and support others in celebrating who they are.
 Wissen, wann es Zeit ist zu gehen
Finn Neubert
2023 |
Germany / 11 mins Toni, trying to impress as the perfect daughter at a funeral, gets tangled up in lies jeopardizing her relationship with her family and her new acquaintance.
 Women Dancing in the Night
Yaxin Zhu
UK A poor writer is writing a romantic fantasy book. This film portrays the push and pull between the writer and the woman he is writing about. They both want different things. He wants her image of beauty to be his ‘Big Love’ but she is in love with another female character.
Word by Word
Lourdes Miere
Canada / 9 mins Word by Word is a short documentary following the creative journey of Robyn Sidhu, a spoken word poet.
Christopher Sylvan
USA / 15 mins When Jackson discovers his favorite HITT class is being taught by his ex, he must decide whether to throw in the towel or suck it up and work it out.
Zainab Boladale
Ireland / 3 mins Sewa is a black woman struggling to get over her ex-girlfriend. Through her monologue we experience the emotional rollercoaster of a first break up. Trailer… here
Sofia Voss
2023 |
USA / 12:26 mins On the morning of a date with her crush Ruth, 16-year-old Gertie wakes up with Jesus’ cross wounds on her hands and feet - panicked, she turns to her best friend Mary to help figure out what's going on.
Yes, it happens
Lyubov Vetrov, Tanya Levi
Russia / 15 mins A short film from present day queer Russia.
 Yisrael is Lovesick
Yisrael Rohn Rigler
Israel / 16 mins When Yisrael came out as bisexual, his ultra religious parents hugged him, but to this day they don’t accept his sexuality. In this film Yisrael is going on a journey following his fantasy – to find true love. Trailer… here
Yo en Pasado
Aaron Alessandro Carbajal Diaz
Perú / 20 mins Después de enterarse de que la pandemia ha llegado a su fin, un joven con ansiedad decide reconstruir su vida. Watch... here
 You are Here
Sarah Hill
2023 |
USA / 9 mins This film portrays a nonlinear narrative of the alienating process of becoming pregnant as a trans and non-binary couple. The rabbit is the third character in the film, representing a multitude of histories in regards to pregnancy and eventually becomes the baby.
You Belong to Me
Barak Rivkind
Israel / 4 mins After partying all night, 25 year old Ori isn’t ready to face the real world. When leaving the club, he is pursued by a mysterious figure threatening to pull him back to reality and face his previous obligations.
Your Daughter / Ta Fille
Déborah Biton
France / 14 mins After the death of her father, whom she didn’t really know, Clara goes to the theatre where he performed as a drag queen to gather his belongings. As the night unfolds, a sense of confusion sets in…
 You're Loved
Carys Mullins
USA / 60 mins Three transgender youths, alongside mental health professionals and allies, tell their stories of resilience in an era of increasing injustice to inspire the positive action necessary to protect and give hope to trans kids – something they desperately need to survive. Trailer… here
Zeke’s Magic Plant Shop
Lucas Marchi, Keaton Hanna
USA / 4 mins In this delightful animated world of wizards and plants, love dares to conquer a magic spell gone wrong!
 Zon in de nacht
Anne Vaandrager
Netherlands / 28 mins What if your life is a play? In this formal documentary experiment, Anne Vaandrager probes her grandfather’s secret, which also confronts her with her own identity.
When director Anne Vaandrager investigates her grandfather’s secret, she is confronted with her own identity. Can she break free from the shame that was handed down from generation to generation? Playing with the boundary between fiction and reality, Vaandrager personally confronts her father to break the cycle of silence. With the help of theatrical staging, she initiates a conversation about her grandfather’s past, in an attempt to reshape her family history.
 Zwart Geluk, Blaka Koloku
Rafik M. Opti
Netherlands / 21 mins A Black angel watches Amsterdam, while documentary filmmaker Rafik M. Opti moves across the city, asking several inhabitants what Black freedom means to them. This yields miscellaneous portraits.
What does it mean to live independently as a Black citizen in Amsterdam? And which obstacles have to be overcome in the process? This is the starting point of this poetic documentary, inspired by Afrofuturism, in which filmmaker Rafik M. Opti moves across the capital on foot, asking members of different subcultures about happiness, independence and their vision for the future. The film smoothly strings these miscellaneous conversations together, producing a dynamic portrait of Black identity, when Black freedom is celebrated.