Crystal Barajas Barr, Antoinette Myers, Lindsay Rodriguez
USA / 4 mins A lovely introverted mermaid needs #femmemagic to come to her rescue.
Mike Buonaiuto
USA Iceman, Mystique, Catwoman & many others are LGBT in the comic books but appear as straight on screen. It's time all superheroes were accurately portrayed. Trailer... https://youtu.be/g-EAVmV7Y-E
Finn Peaks
UK / 5 mins A twink undresses, masturbates and shares his deep longing for a Daddy in form of a narrated BDSM role play fantasy. #twinkdreams is an intimate account of gay desire from a transgender perspective.
(Special) Friend
Emilio J. López
Spain / 7:30 mins Pedro has fallen in love with his invisible friend, his mother seems not to accept it
 2 Pairs of Shoes / 2 Paar Schuh
Stefanie Spachmann
Germany / 9 mins 2 Paar Shuh' Two Hamburg women and their different ways to express their love.
 A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Up Queer and Invisible
Debasmita Das
USA / 3 mins Made by someone...obviously oblivious to the mass amount of LGBT representation now flooding the market! The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Up Queer and Invisible is an animated comic series that attempts to delve into the experience of a young queer girl growing up in a predominantly heterosexual world in which any alternate sexual or romantic preference is neither found in the society nor represented in the media available to her. Watch... https://youtu.be/qDyB76i9Jdw
A Day in the Life of Pencilman
Francisco Figueroa
It’s all mysterious misadventure in A Day in the Life of Pencilman.
 A Film About Love
Dale John Allen
UK / 5 mins A story of friendship, adventure, love and loss through a lived experience of bi-polar. Watch… https://vimeo.com/160639934
A Fome Secreta
Katyucha de Oliveira, Yuri Félix
Brazil / 10 mins
A Moment
Gabi Ncube
USA / 9 mins Sparks fly between two women on the bus who find themselves beguiled by each other, but unable to find the courage to communicate. Will they get over their shyness and break the ice before their time on the bus inevitably expires, and becomes a missed connection? Watch... https://youtu.be/JOWSo6frm44
A Rite of Passage
Marjorie Newman
USA / 3 mins The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence invite you to a special gathering at the beach. Watch... https://vimeo.com/167484948
A Thousand Likes
Wilson Alvarenga
Slovenia / 8 mins Matej is obesessed with Social Media and his mobile phone. He does everything to get likes. Thus he becomes more and more isolated from his surroundings. After a rejection he takes the ultimate step... Watch... https://vimeo.com/174328989
A Time for Us
Rain Cuaca
Indonesia / 14 mins A couple who are not all that they seem to be.
 À Vancouver
Vincent Chevalier
Canada / 35 mins À Vancouver is an experimental video essay staged within the genre of a father-son road trip movie. Blending documentary and fiction and switching between English and French subtitles, the video examines and expands upon parallel events in their lives, wherein each traveled across Canada to Vancouver and had formative (homo)sexual experiences at separate moments in time: the father as an 18-year-old traveling in the mid-60s and the son (filmmaker, Vincent Chevalier) as a young teen and then adult in the mid-90s and 2000s. Ultimately, À Vancouver explores individual and cultural histories as a story of what will have been. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/180327089
 Ab Ovo
Luca Ferri
Italy / 24 mins In un paradiso desertico e ostile, tra montagne di sabbia e solitari cammelli in perpetuo cammino, si rinnovano la vita ed una promessa d'amore all'ombra di un albero solitario. Adamo ed Eva hanno ancora una possibilità. L'ultima occasione per guarire e generare una nuova genìa di esseri umani più dignitosi. Nove piani sequenza in super 8 colore in cui abbiamo preso Adamo ed Eva e gli abbiamo fatto rifare tutto, daccapo. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/195432772
ABC of Travel
Signe Baumane
USA / 1:07 min Several same-letter families travel to the San Francisco Airport for a reunion. Watch… https://vimeo.com/180723709
Action Potential
Jacob Love
UK / 12 mins A hypnotic evocation of chemsex – on two screens. Watch... https://youtu.be/MLYLxw_2azc
Aged Out
USA / 8 mins Too old for homeless youth shelters, two young LGBT men struggle to survive in the big city.
Tamara Cáceres
18 mins Alexis es un niño de 7 años. Va en kinder y le gusta mucho disfrazarse, especialmente de superhéroes como Spider Man y Iron Man. Le encanta jugar con sus amigas y amigos y parece ser un niño feliz. Alexis es un niño transgénero que empezó su transición de Celeste a Alexis en el año 2015. El documental nos muestra la vida de Alexis, su familia y la transición hacia la identidad de género que él siente le corresponde.
 All About Love
Tejashri Joshi
India / 15 mins Documentarian Tejashri Joshi probes more than just its titular subject with this provocative documentary that takes an objective cross-section of contemporary Indian culture and all of the traditional biases, social mores, and nuanced building blocks that the LGBTQ+ community faces.
Jonathan Caouette
USA / 5 mins Watch... https://vimeo.com/156280621
An Apprenticeship in Queer I Believe It Was
Nina Wakeford
UK / 10 mins Live performance, with digital and 16mm footage, exploring lesbian community love on Greenham Common.
 Andrea Landman
Manuel Yasir Baldoceda Cerdan
Perú / 8 mins Andrea Landman es el nombre de la belleza y el arrepentimiento, un personaje con muchos secretos que la destruyen por dentro y fuera. Watch... https://vimeo.com/199725980
Suzanne Vega
 Antes da Encanteria
Jorge Polo
Brazil / 21 mins Um magote de viada truando no meio do mundo. Desde 2013, o coletivo Chá das Cinco realiza atividades culturais diversas em Icó, interior do Ceará. Engolidas pelo que fizeram, devoram caminhos rumo à Lua. Watch... https://vimeo.com/165251649
Darren Heroux, Ian Barbour
Canada / 47 mins This documentary captures the spirit and life story of local trans elder and poet Antonette Rea—in all of its humour, pain, and passion. Antonette culminates in the production of Miss Understood, the interdisciplinary performance showcased at PuSh Festival last year based on Rea’s poetry. At times harrowing, but ultimately hopeful... Watch...https://vimeo.com/170964986
Any Other Day
Tejashri Joshi
India / 15 mins
Nektium Sandoval, Jorge Sandoval
Spain / 10 mins Los estereotipos en el mundo gay , todos los gays sólo buscamos sexo? Todos queremos enamorarnos? Cuál es la mejor forma de encontrar al amor? Antes de ver el corto de Jorge Sandoval Ruíz, 'Appmor' , respondan esas preguntas. Luego vean lo que sucede en la historia y LA onda final decidan el rumbo de sus vidas. Watch... https://youtu.be/jzyKwvMkJxE
Daniel Filipe
Brazil / 15 mins De dentro da piscina, Artur olha para Marquinhos.
As a Rabbit / Na králíka
Kateřina Turečková
Czech Republic / 13 mins The guinea pig has to be fed, even if it's not possible. He does not leave the room, although it is difficult to stay. Sometimes it's good for a rabbit, garlic is good for a rabbit, and anything is good for a rabbit.
Así es como te dejo
Sebastián Mejía
Colombia / 15 mins
Atmosphere: The Show
Elisabeth Marek
Austria / 17 mins Khusen khaydarov worked as a tailor and designer in his native Tajikistan. He had to flee with his partner Komil - an activist in the LGBT community - due to persecution and discrimination. Once in Vienna, they find themselves confronted by racism, xenophobia and anti-refugee sentiments in the media, and decide to change something negative into a thing of high fashion and creativity.
Chiara Corvari, Dafne Di Vaia
Italy / 7 mins Aurora does not like pink wallpaper and dancing. She likes listening to rock music, running around on the skateboard and play soccer. His grandmother, a rebellious biker, is her myth and Lucky Lizard her best friend. She decides to escape from home, but Lucky will find her.
Aussi fort qu'une bête, aussi libre qu'un dieu
Julie Sando
Switzerland / 21 mins Su belleza es inamculada y corre peligro en manos de bestias para quien la diferencia es intolerable. Clío, Sísifo y Janus en una lucha mitológica.
Bare Naked
Rob Easton
Canada / 5 mins In Episode 1 of Daily Xtra’s new series Bare Naked, four guys talk about what it was like to take off their clothes for the first time on camera. They were part of Egale’s new m.bodiment campaign that aims to open up a conversation about gay, bi, trans and queer men's body image. Watch... https://vimeo.com/159232136
Be Brave
Josh Chang
Taiwan / 4 mins Watch... https://vimeo.com/181332212
 Be Yourself
Thitipan Raksasat
Thailand / 9 mins Promotional film on Bangkok Gay Club. Watch... https://youtu.be/YTyLPfTL4us
Beauty and the Beast
Bev Zalcock, Sara Chambers
UK / 7 mins These two veterans of DIY film making are back again this year with a queer version of Beauty and the Beast. Using early silent cinema techniques, Barrelstout re-work this traditional story with their usual humour and DIY approach. But has the princess really learnt that beauty lies within?
Because I Am
Lawrence Zidyana
Zimbabwe, UK / 6 mins A short film about being a lesbian in homophobic Zimbabwe. Based on a poem by Tinashe Wakapila. Featuring a cast of six women, five of whom are LGBT asylum claimants in U.K. Watch… https://youtu.be/N62SQ8mvIfU
PARK Si-woo
South Korea / 17 mins
David Moreno
Cuba / 11 mins Dos muchachas se reencuentran cada año en la ciudad de Gibara para vivir un eterno romance. Se aventuran a recorrer las mismas calles y lugares, compartiendo sentimientos e intimidades, con el afán de hallar la dicha de que nada ha cambiado entre ellas. Simulan o no. que el tiempo se detiene y se entregan sin medida, haciendo espacio a la libertad y el amor.
Bending the Line
Ruth Goldman
USA / 7:19 mins What does gender sound like? This old school video combines a simple, playful visual aesthetic with complex sound to challenge and queer assumptions about gender: bending the frame and pushing the sound wave.
Beneath His Lies
Marcus Harper
USA / 6 mins A guy and his roommate are having an affair, but one has a girlfriend who doesn’t know. Watch... https://youtu.be/BLoEPabAO_M
Besos de Mazapan
Ramses Rodstein
5:10 mins Two chicanx, non-binary trans queers come together for a tender, sexy encounter ignited by marzipan kisses. Featuring original song, Con Besos by El Primo Inocente. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/320833228
Rob Van Der Haak
The Netherlands / 16 mins Two opposites cross paths and in their own way, try to achieve pure happiness. Watch... https://youtu.be/WYZ-UIK1tLU
Black Hole
Erich Dzbl
Mexico / 19 mins
 Blindfolds Feat. Naz Tokio
USA / 3 mins / Music Video Watch... https://youtu.be/4bLl5fTSctk
BLMTO: Black Pride
Michael Toledano
Canada / 4 mins Black Lives Matter – Toronto activists stage a sit in at the 2016 Toronto Pride Parade to demand an end to anti-Blackness in addition to a list of specific changes at the Pride Toronto organization. Watch... https://youtu.be/w9UhcQ3tcyI
Born Again
Tzipi Baider
Israel / 65 mins Last March, while Amir Guttman Fryszer is in the midst of rehearsals for the High Five Band reunion, he feels unwell. After a month of medical examinations, he receives the worst news of all: he has lymphatic cancer and his chances of recovery are slim. A week before Amir is scheduled for bone-marrow transplant he receives a response from a pathology expert in the US saying they did not recognize cancer. His life is turned over again and Amir embarks on a new journey to discover the truth - does he indeed have cancer?
Braw Butches
Lisa Plourde
UK Where are all the butches? What portrayals of lesbianism are acceptable and who is erased? Tender, funny, and thought-provoking, Gender Troubles: The Butches explores these questions through a series of interviews and testimonials with butch-identifying women, looking at the strange dichotomy of being both hypervisible in everyday life and invisible when it comes to media representation. Director Lisa Plourde’s documentary shows us there’s a lot more to butch identity than plaid shirts and tool belts.
Break the Chains
Carly Davis
USA / 6 mins The project features a local event called Break the Chains, which provides a safe space for Boston’s Queer Community to meet each month for an all-ages, all-gender dance party. Watch... https://vimeo.com/164744780
Broken Arms / Loz Brazos Rotos
Marco Berger
Argentina / 16 mins A social worker provides a bath to a young patient with the broken arms. A dramatic erotic tension is established, but it is not clear whether it is floating between the two characters, or it simply exists in the mind of the spectators…
Brother, Omar Mateen
Saad Khan
USA / 4:40 mins A Muslim queer Pakistani immigrant in the US talks about Omar Mateen, drawing parallels of his own identities with that of the Orlando shooter. The speaker reveles his hopes, his fears, and who he is/what he stands for.
Bus Stop Beauty
Eric Brunt
Canada / 3 mins A young man falls head over heels, but when the girl of his dreams turns out not to be what she seems, he learns to let go of preconceived notions surrounding love. Watch... https://vimeo.com/131027736
Buying Dick
USA / 7 mins A couple discusses whether buying a new dick is more than just buying a new dick.
By the Bi
Nate Caywood, Mike Garcia
USA This is a web series about my experience being bisexual. Trailer... https://youtu.be/djOKSLD2gpw
Ines Kramarić, Julia Jarque
Germany / 9 mins
Caged Animal
Sam Van Pykeren
USA / 4 mins A piece that brings together multiple experiences into one story. Inspired by my friend’s and my own experiences. Watch... https://vimeo.com/196787895
 Cakes Da Killa: New Phone Who Dis?
Ben Clarkson
USA / 4 mins / Music Video Watch... https://youtu.be/U3ElynnrCxk
Call and Response
Anand Jay Kalra
USA / 4 mins The film presents voices from interviews 5 transgender men alongside a voicemail from a grandmother discovered after she passed away. Positioning the interviews as a reply to the bewilderment of the voicemail, Call and Response challenges trans men to carry old-school integrity through a brave new world. Watch... https://vimeo.com/180851843
Cambrian Explosion
Fuyuhiko Takata
Japan / 2 mins A video work based on a mermaid’s story. The artwork is in the fashion of a music video featuring a romantic song in which a mermaid dreams of becoming a human and walking with two legs on the land. In the video, the mermaid (played by Takata) sings the song whilst she cuts her fish tail in half in order to create legs. Red blood pours out from the tail. The blood consists of red beads, and their sparkly splatter fills the screen. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/556118864
Can We Date?
Nathan Chambers, Elizabeth McGinley
Canada / 11 mins A documentary on how college/university students in Toronto currently think about and respond to same sexual exploration and relationships. Watch... https://youtu.be/nw0bNkL6w9c
April Wilson
USA / 8 mins At an assisted living facility the last thing Bea and Rose expect, is to find love, but in doing so redefine expectations of life and commitment. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/172344682
Carla and Hayfa (Love Intersections)
David Ng, Jen Sung
Canada / 9 mins Through an intimate and touching lens of looking at the relationship between a mother and her queer daughter, “Carla & Hayfa” investigates the impact of historical trauma on communities of refugees and their queer family members. Watch...https://youtu.be/LkOBjQl9bnU
Krissy Mahan
USA / 6 mins This Carol parody is a simple yet spectacular class analysis of the desire in Todd Haynes' already iconic Carol, using DIY techniques and Fisher Price toys to recreate the modern queer classic.
Catch 22
Onyx Keesha, B.Danielle Watkins
USA / 10:12 mins Watch… here
Lynnly Benson
UK / 1 min This is a profile of Charlie Craggs, the founder of Nail Transphobia, a wonderful form of ‘fabulous activism’ that has Charlie travelling to events with her nail bar to spread sparkle and tackle transphobic attitudes.
Chasing Love
Chris Valente
USA A young man lands on the reefs of yearning and courage.
Check Out
Sarah Santamaria-Mertens
France / 5 mins Lucy and Josephine have been together for a long time. To keep their love intact, they have their own special strategy.
Laura Mitchell, Coral Short
Canada / 5 mins These slow moving fantastical creatures give us a glimpse into another world, a new angle of perception and fresh possibilities. Are they apparitions? Hallucinations? Monsters? Watch... https://vimeo.com/155257050
Clarisse Tout Simplement
Charlotte Font, Alexis Bregeon, Ludivine Petit
Marta Mancusi, Anna Trento
Italy / 7 mins Retrato de Claudia Rodríguez, activista trans chilena, en Santiago en 2015.
Closet Witch: Funeral Regrets
UK / 2:55 mins Super8 manipulator Autojektor creates an assaulting suburbicon of rage, despair, and reclamation from the burned-out faces of queer childhood erasure and family trauma, set to the backdrop of Iowa grindcore outfit Closet Witch’s furious wall of hardcore punk. Watch… https://vimeo.com/176395729
Coheed and Cambria - Island
Anderson Wright
USA / 5 mins Watch... https://youtu.be/_ED4GBcPI9s
Carlos Azcuaga
Mexico / 9 mins In a gray world where communities shut themselves in from diversity by building stone walls, a tireless girl fights for color, reaching out to stray outsiders to ultimately bring down the walls by way of empathy and compassion. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/158092568
Come Over
Jamal Jordan
USA / 20 mins Two guys meet for a quickie that stays with them forever?
Coming Out
Vijay Patel
UK / 2 mins Vijay Patel’s short-short is made of a series of thematic contrasts – the event of coming out to one’s parents, the almost mundane conversation that followed. This mix of the vulnerability and the strange inane tension we have towards the families we grow up with becomes a soundtrack to an explicit, matter-of-fact, personal sex scene. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/175960887
Coming Up for Air
Jonathan Caouette
3 mins Watch... https://youtu.be/S64TDcLqzjM
Comment on peut supposer que Dieu était bien intentionné, malgré les avalanches, les moustaches et les petits tracas du quotidiens
Dauverné Marie
Canada / 6 mins Watch...https://vimeo.com/127991687
 Confessions of a Breastimator
Jisu Kim
USA / 4 mins Confessions of a Breastimator, is a story of a breast aficionado who reflects back on her life as an animator, confessing her long-time passion for cartoons and animating double D’s. Watch... https://vimeo.com/channels/muse/197843140
Fernandez Arredondo
USA / 4 mins Breaking the trance of gender roles and revealing yourself is sacred in Conmigo.
Counter Charge
Alex Hovet
USA / 13 mins In the 1989 adult-oriented computer series, Leisure Suit Larry wanders the jungle of a colonized village searching for love, which he finds, after a multitude of failed romantic interactions, with Passionate Patti, a perfect and unattainable woman. In an act of cathexis, Larry's energies concentrate on Patti in a complex of libido, love, and gender expression that leads Larry/Patti on an investigation of duality. bell hooks' meditations on love attempt to guide them, but are rejected and re-purposed by the game's instinct. Blocked by his own ego and the constructs of the game in which he wanders, Larry's desires are continually repressed. Watch… https://vimeo.com/145794196
Cuando sea grande
Brunella Bertocchi Ramírez
Perú / 4 mins Ariel, un niño soñador, visualiza cómo desea su vida en un futuro. Lista desde sus deseos fantasiosos hasta la mención de un plan de vida con otra persona. Hacia el final, nos revela que la persona con la que busca compartir esto es otro niño: Diego.
David está morto
Ed Pereira, Guilherme Macedo
Brazil / 4 mins David está dentro de mim, está por toda parte. Mas David está morto.
Dessous de Table
Daphnée Perrain
Belgium / 6 mins Toute chamboulée, une table qui n’a pas perdu sa langue devient le témoin de la vie animée de la Maison Arc En Ciel.
Diario Blu(E)
Titta Cosetta Raccagni
Italy / 28 mins Sono gli Anni ’90: la Guerra del Golfo, l’imporsi sulla scena politica italiana della Lega Nord, la scomparsa del Pci, le (dis)avventure dell’Inter. Intanto per radio passa “Smells Like Teen Spirit” dei Nirvana. Ma se si è adolescenti tutto è tangenziale rispetto al reale cuore delle cose, capire chi si è e diventarlo. Una trasformazione che coincide con i primi innamoramenti, difficili e disperati soprattutto per chi sente la propria diversità. Diario sentimentale di un coming out e di una faticosa scoperta di sé. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/169244207
Divisible Lines
Zachariah Barghouti, Alina Bee
USA / 8 mins Three queerdos pay homage to their stories across Divisible Lines in the shadow of family & freedom, land & war, loss & resiliency.
Doors / Darwaaze
Aaditya Joshi
India Based on a story in Marathi written by Joshi, it is about a Maharashtrian couple who befriends two men living next door and discovers that they are homosexual.
Junior Cândido
Brazil Com o coração em chamas, eu procuro por você essa noite. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/185428585
Drag King Problems
Sally Paskins
UK / 3 mins Hilariously funny sketch about the problems Drag Kings Suffer. Watch... https://youtu.be/EaSprjURCsU
Emilio González
México / 11 mins Every weekend the center of Mexico City becomes an unparalleled circuit party, the party can start anywhere but always ends here. Sexual diversity here, is the reason for celebration and worship. The “Drag Queens” lead the celebration from the bar, superior and colossal, almost divine. Three characters (Ikki Love, Drag Moon and Luna Lansman) explain the de nition of “Drag Queen” while using their own face as canvas, canvas of their character: the woman which they’ll become all night. Trailer… https://youtu.be/aEW9t-0lnT8
Drugs for Unicorns
Jaq Nguyen Victor
USA One very sick unicorn is desperate for help. Has this magical creature caught the flu, a transphobic virus, or just an advanced case of neoliberal capitalism? Follow their journey to health… for it involves glitter and glee. Watch... https://vimeo.com/179263263
Ebong Amra
Saikat Das
2016 |
India / 29 mins This is a story about some 'under-priviledged' persons, who are called as "Hijras" of our society. Watch… here
Coline Rivet
France / 15 mins Paroles en échos, qui s’écoutent et se répondent. Échos aussi comme un cri étouffé, une parole lointaine que l’on cherche à faire entendre au-delà du fossé créé par une société genrée. Par ce même écho, la parole pourra aller au-delà, jusqu’à atteindre celles et ceux qui ne veulent pour le moment même pas essayer de l’entendre.
Viet Le
Filmed in Hanoi on the fortieth anniversary of the military engagements in Southeast Asia (2015), thinking about still-present pasts, the ghosts of history and modernity. Watch...https://vimeo.com/159464930
Ariel Luque, Damián Lomba
Argentina / 30 mins Este es un llamado a que los pocos o muchos que tengan cercanías a las historias de estos personajes puedan liberarse y unir voces al grito de igualdad social. Ecos, también es todas esas voces que ya rompieron lazos y atravesaron todo tipo de obstáculo para ser lo que hoy son. Los conflictos que afrontan estos personajes, cada uno de manera diferente, están cuidadosamente desarrollados para evitar efectismos o sensacionalismos que se ven a menudo en varios cortos con propuestas similares y que por esto no cumplen su objetivo. Watch... https://youtu.be/RlRgwKcwILs
João Roberto Cintra
Brazil / 15:32 mins Edney vive sozinho, num apartamento pequeno e trabalha lavando pratos. À noite, ele é só Ney: se veste como Ney Matogrosso e se entrega à nostalgia de músicas que contam sua história. Até um rapaz entrar em seu mundo e revirar sua cabeça. Suas duas vidas se misturam: lembranças e o presente, dia e noite, tentando viver e entender esse amor. Trailer... https://youtu.be/wdOALlh1wfA
Coco Schwarz, Alina Mann
Switzerland / 5 mins Body becomes a canvas for sensual nevertheless abstract drawing with ink and egg inspired by the “story of the eye” from Georges Bataille. Analog synthesizer music composed by Coco Schwarz leads the overall sensory experience.
Cecilie Krebs Nørgaard
Denmark / 13 mins This portrait of Eila, an 85 year old transgender lesbian, shows that it's never too late to become and be ourselves. Watch… https://vimeo.com/155666497
 El Leche
Felipe Arredondo
Chile / 26 mins En la nortina ciudad chilena de Antofagasta, El LECHE (11), un pequeño ladronzuelo de los sectores altos y vulnerables de la ciudad, debe lograr restituirle un pequeño televisor a su postrada hermana LUCÍA (6), quien padece de piel de cristal, para que esta pueda ver la final de su programa favorito de música y baile antes del anochecer, por lo que se escabulle del acecho de su curtida madre TAMARA (38) , quien a toda costa impide que el niño se acerque a su padre, el TRIPA (45), su maestro en el mundo delictual, y quien posee la televisión. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/158577688
 El Río Interior
Lorena Ciro
Colombia / 13 mins Trailer... https://vimeo.com/173523305
Eli (Parts 1 and 2)
Sarah Jenny Johnson
UK Part 1: Elijah is 32. He is a female to male transgender person. He has been transitioning for one year. This is the start of his story…Part 2: Elijah is 34. He is a female to male transgender person. He has been transitioning for three years. This short film is the 2nd instalment in a series of short films about his transition… Trailer… https://vimeo.com/176027953
 Embrace / Yakap
Margo Manolo
Philippines / 13 mins Alee learns that the truth is loudest in the silence when an unexpected encounter alters her plan of coming out to her conservative mother. Watch… https://youtu.be/6zsYSQhrQoE
Vincent Keith
UK / 5 mins Vincent Keith and Gerard Floyd collaborated on a video essay exploring isolation and loneliness, shot in the spectacular landscape of Dungeness Beach. Located on the south coast of the England. The shale beach sits in the shadow of a nuclear power station and is strewn with rusting winches, decaying boats and fishermen's sheds. Watch... https://vimeo.com/164409140
Eudy Simelane: A Life Cut Short / Eudy Simelane: Una Vida Truncada
Fanney Tsimong
South Korea / 18 mins A pesar de ser una estrella nacional de fútbol en su país, South Africa, Eudy Simelane siempre vivió expuesta al peligro por su activismo por los derechos LGBT. Su terrible asesinato, crimen de odio, llevó a algunas comunidades religiosas a movilizar a sus miembros contra ese odio homofóbico. Sus padres, creyentes, con ayuda de su pastor, son actualmente defensores de la igualdad y la inclusión social de las personas LGBT en su país. Mientras, continúa hasta hoy la violencia ejercida contra las lesbianas y gays negros. Watch... https://youtu.be/j2VL7EyGjZc
Everything is Allowed / Vale tudo
Eduardo Wahraftig
Brazil / 4 mins Una colección de historias de amor cortas, todo tipo de amor. Watch...https://vimeo.com/175234448
Exchange / Austausch
Lukas Schöffel
Austria / 25 mins Finn, a Norwegian exchange student, ends up with a Tyrolean family. Soon his unconventional looks and his friendship with his host brother Christian threaten the value system of the host family.
Eye Touch Myself
Lynnly Benson
UK / 1 min The Vagina: desired, lusted for and often eluded to – and yet, when it is shown, considered indecent. Lynnly Benson explores the conflicting and contradictory messages associated with the imagery of female anatomy through this moving image art piece. Watch... https://vimeo.com/157057280
Arthur Tan
Malaysia / 5 mins Will you leave me for the sake of your mother’s pain. Watch... https://youtu.be/VCDCGzG1CMY
Desire Marea, Fela Gucci
South Africa Documentary on the Johannesburg-based performance art duo FAKA. FAKA explores alternative expressions of their black queer identity, both through social media and live performances. First and third worlds collide as FAKA challenges the norms of gender identity and sexuality in a country with a progressive constitution but a conservative society. Trailer... https://youtu.be/P7DrHlHNcqU
 Falling for You
Lion Hart
USA / 4 mins Watch... https://vimeo.com/177073464
Familiar Strangers
Eric Peter
Philippines / 13 mins Thinking about the divinity which trans women and -men in many different cultures worldwide once had, Ram says everyone needs to reclaim that very divinity right here and now to empower themselves and progress. Watch... https://vimeo.com/154869879
Family Builders at 40
QWOCMAP productions
USA / 10 mins Family Builders is a heart-warming documentary that celebrates the important magic of loving families for children and youth in foster care.
Family Dinner
Zachary Lambe
USA / 5 mins This dramatic experimental narrative is about a family sitting down for dinner. It depicts the importance of not only eating dinner together, but also talking and listening. Watch... https://vimeo.com/173535548
Thomas Bussion
France / 4 mins A shopping spree with big rewards
Fantasy Freakouts
Natalie Arias, Kaira Espinoza
USA / 4 mins In a flash, a bisexual Chicana navigates Fantasy Freakouts with friends, family, and potential lovers.
Faux Solo
Nancy Lee
Canada / 4 mins Empty space, a human body, and 8 articles of clothing. FAUX SOLO explores the dialogue and collaboration made between the body, sound, clothing and space. Each article of clothing dictates the next move into the unknown space, becoming acquainted with the space with each accumulated piece. The sounds emphasize the impact of the colliding costumes and contrasts to the space surrounding it. It attempts to accent the feel of each moment, while supporting the shape of the entire piece as a whole. Simultaneously, the body is on view yet it is also the tool for manipulating the clothing and environment - the subjective/objective, personal/public is continually emphasized and revealed. Watch...https://youtu.be/Hby418Qv18g
Feeling a Little Blue
David Cuní, Raül Rodríguez
Spain / 4 mins En nuestra relación con los demás se encuentra el germen de la transformación de nosotros mismos. Los sentimientos que van aflorando con cada nuevo contacto definen un nuevo yo. Una exploración romántica de las relaciones a través de la video danza y dos jóvenes bailarines. Watch... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD68F7sqWH4
Fifteen Again
Jordy Estrada
USA / 5 mins / Music Video Watch... https://vimeo.com/154839004
Fight for Rainbow
Tanuj J. Narula
Australia / 18 mins The captivating story of Alan, a 56-year old who grew up in India when the socio-political climate was unstable. Despite the family and cultural pressures he faced, he came out, met his partner and chaired the Metropolitan Community Church, Sydney. Watch… https://vimeo.com/195702182
Final Act
Juan Pablo Henao Sossa
16 mins Abril visits his father and what he learns moves him to write a play: Final Act, which, among other things, explores the border between life and art. One of our Festival's least 'linear' stories, this film has some images that will haunt you.
Sam Frederich
USA / 12 mins A little girl ekes out an existence on a wrecked aircraft carrier as she drifts alone through a flooded earth. That is, until she is visited by a mysterious, ethereal girl who walks on water. Watch... https://vimeo.com/157536931
Whei Zhou
14 mins An experimental film in which a bisexual woman from China explores her identity.
For Us / Voor Ons
Vangelis Sopamena
Nederland / 6 mins Artistic music video regarding vulnerability within intimate relationships Watch… https://youtu.be/qI44g3fvbfM
Fragments of a Roundtable: Pink Life discusses archiving (yuvarlak masa fragmanları: pembe hayat arşiv tartışıyor)
Esra Ozban
Turkey / 5 mins How do we archive when our lives must remain hidden? How do we archive when our past is a secret? This short DIY doc from the trans movement in Turkey is packed with powerful questions. Watch… https://vimeo.com/221641206
Free Gender
Emma Appel
USA / 19 mins In a world where gender is seen as one of two options, Tish, Jacob and Vuk push boundaries and expectations. Intimate interviews explore and illuminate the diverse gender spectrum. Watch... https://vimeo.com/167015097
From This Day Forward...
Italy / 5 mins
 Fuck the Fascism
Maria Basura, Jorge Benavides
Germany, Chile / 8 mins Radical porn violently condemning colonialism, genocide, slavery and tyranny. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/235902642
Funny Boys
Marina Bertino
Italy / 25 mins Twenty years after the publication of Shyam Selvadurai's novel, Funny Boy (1994), the director meets two old friends in Colombo. Together they plan to discover Sri Lanka. The three follow the poetic influence of Selvadurai and visit the places and the atmosphere of the novel. Funny Boy is the story of a young Sri Lankan and his first heartbreaks of a non-conventional love in a closed society, tormented by the Tamil–Sinhalese conflict.
Gay Turtle
Turkey / 3 mins All those appearing in this video were actors voicing homophobic opinions and views that are commonly heard in Turkey. Watch... https://youtu.be/3UhtcLcwm_I
Kenan Hunter
6 mins On a quest to discover her sexuality, a young girl creates a scheme that will allow her to experiment, and hopefully, reveal her sexuality. The film follows her journey from her apartment to a community pool, where there, she takes a leap of faith that nearly takes her life. Watch... https://vimeo.com/197293308
Michelle Biolley
Switzerland / 62 mins No Budget Gender Diversity Dokumentation. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/163948732
Generation Divide II
Marc Adelman
2016 |
USA / 1 min More politics and canned laughter. Watch... https://vimeo.com/184416528
 Get Away / Weg Hier
Anja Gurres
Germany / 19 mins The two teenagers Melek and Fabio couldn't be any more different. But they have one thing in common that brings them together: Both want to get away from home. Fabio because he is gay and Melek because here Turkish parents limit her dreams. Together they learn to face their problems. A film about understanding, beeing gay and migration. Watch… https://youtu.be/9Hrbqg54ATM
Get Ready!
Muriel Alves
Brasil / 15 mins The story of the first class of a pre-university course aimed at transvestites and transsexuals, told through high heels, hairpieces, pens, notebooks, prejudices and dreams.
Getting Things Straight
Wesley Sijbers
The Netherlands / 14 mins Julian is in a perfectly happy relationship with Remy, convinced that he is gay but then when he goes to a party and meets a girl things start to change for him. A film about discovering sexuality and finding your own way in life. Watch... https://vimeo.com/203888541
Jonathan Caouette
USA / 8 mins Taken from the album Pale Green Ghosts available now via Bella Union…John Grant - Glacier Watch... https://youtu.be/K3BzvWPYo94
Fiona Nicholson
UK / 10:30 mins Shannon is a pansexual asexual, and feels like a needle in a haystack. In this film we see her meet other asexual people to understand how people live life on the ace spectrum – and to find a sense of belonging and acceptance within herself. Watch... https://youtu.be/S2dZlh6zSOI
Guitar Idol
Kolmel W Love
USA / 4 mins This truly queer experimental short invites you to play Guitar Hero, in a vintage and sexier way.
Hanna & the Keta-Boys
Theo Meow
USA A teenage gang on a secret mission: they have to prevent their very own leader from destroying the whole of humankind with poisoned asparagus. Be prepared for sex, drugs and DIY jetpacks! Trailer... https://vimeo.com/181998398
He’s My God, Too
Ze’vik Gordetsky, Assi Azar
Israel / 60 mins Assi Azar, who married his partner this last summer in Barcelona, is out to examine the possibility of bridging the gaps and tension between same-sex relationships and Judaism. Could Jewish symbols be a part of the wedding? What occurred when Assi confronted Benzi Gopshtein, the leader of the right-wing extremist group LAHAVA? Trailer... https://youtu.be/K3_JnElVAFw
Luiz Roque
Brazil / 10 mins The film depicts a world gripped by a new viral epidemic, and reflects on the stigmatising rhetoric of anti-AIDS campaigns in the 1980s.
Hers is Still a Dank Cave: Crawling Toward a Queer Horizon
Allyson Mitchell, Deirdre Logue
Canada / 25 mins In Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity, José Esteban Muñoz writes, ‘We must dream and enact new ways of being in the world.’ Hers Is Still a Dank Cave: Crawling Toward a Queer Horizon responds to this injunction by bringing an everyday feminist utopia into being. This new world is not a remote planet twinkling in the distance. It is not only then and there—it is here and now, where we already live. The future in Dank Cave is a mash-up of stereotype and utopia, it is not sanitized or sublimated. We won’t live in the future without our macramé, our shag, our little animals. The female body will not be cleaned up in this queer future—it will arrive trailing its effluvia: bodily fluids, odours, patches of fur, cellulite, granny panties, that sucking sound. The lesbian feminist body, the fat body, the depressed body—it comes wrapped in context, swaddled in knitwear, and it requires a lot of rest. By remaining horizontal and low to the ground, this body serves as a queer horizon, the warm light of potentiality breaking just beyond it. Watch... https://vimeo.com/124180695
 Hijos del peligro
Roberto Doveris
4 mins Roberto Doveris es reconocido por haber dirigido “Las plantas” -estrenada en la sección Generation +14 del Festival de Cine de Berlín, donde recibió el premio a Mejor Película-, y realiza este videoclip para el cantautor chileno (Me llamo) Sebastián.
Ferran Navarro-Beltran
Spain / 3 mins Max, a deaf 12-year-old, becomes infatuated with his big sister’s boyfriend during a weekend retreat.
Historical Erasure as Violence
Hope Dector, Dean Spade
USA / 4:27 mins A faux queen talks about how to take up space in the drag scene as a femme. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/144135575
Hoje A Mangueira Entra
Ângelo Lima
8 mins Todos os anos Olinda é invadida por Mulheres que fazem do Carnaval um ato de amor e liberdade. Amigas fundam um Bloco para poderem brincar e se divertir.
Holy Covenant
Nikos Bibizas
Greece / 8 mins
Ainhoa Artetxe
Spain / 7 mins In a world of deep-rooted homosexual traditions, twenty-year-old Xabi returns home after his studies period in Brazil. At dinner, Xabi will confess to his two mothers that he is in love… with a girl.
Honest Conversations Fathers and Their Gay Children
Dream Machine Creative
Gay sons having honest conversations with their fathers. The father-son duos discuss a myriad of topics including what they thought when their sons came out and the fears they had for their sons being accepted in greater society. Watch... https://vimeo.com/133076778
Honey, Wine and Kettle
Jaedyn Starr
Canada / 3 mins A humorous, abstract take on physical intimacy.
Mateusz Zeglinski
Poland / 13 mins Inspiracja do stworzenia tego filmu bylo opowiadanie Marka Hlaski „Miesiac Matki Boskiej. Glównym bohaterem filmu jest nacjonalista, który nie zgadza sie na odmiennosci, jakie wedlug niego zaprzeczaja jego idealom. Film zostal zrealizowany na Akademii Sztuki w Szczecinie na Wydziale Malarstwa i Nowych Mediów w Pracowni Filmu Eksperymentalnego pod opieka dr hab. Huberta Czerepoka i mgr Roberta Mleczki. Trailer... https://youtu.be/j6U7qfKQ0s0
Guo Tao
China / 28 mins A gay couple Han Xu and Zhang Pin, find an abandoned child and decide to raise him. As the child grows up, they face difficulties due to the household registration system. A prostitute Xiao Lin is willing to help by marrying one of them. But the son finds out they are not his birth parents…
How Was Your Day?
Tag Iungman
Germany / 4 mins How was your day," which depicts a non-binary person's day.
Human Voice / Umana Voce
Alessandro Sena
Italy / 9 mins Tratto dal testo di Jean Cocteau “La voce umana”, nell'adattamento di Alessandro Sena la protagonista non è una donna biologica come nell'originale, ma una persona transessuale, probabilmente una prostituta, in attesa dell’uomo che ama. L’unico. Watch… https://vimeo.com/198371369
I Am a Weapon
Sage Yockelson
Part narrative, part documentary, part experimental collage, I Am A Weapon is both a documentation of the feelings of isolation that plague young transgender and non-binary people and an urgent reminder that we are the ones who keep each other alive. Watch… https://vimeo.com/152485851
I Am Going to Make a Lesbian Porn
Da Jing
China / 28 mins A docudramatic film explores the female same-sex eroticism through a series of interviews and staged dramatic scenarios.
 I Am Not a Label
Sunkee Angel
5 mins Transgender artist Sunkee Angel comes out in this video telling a true story of struggles with being HIV positive and struggles of dealing with a religious family who condemned her coming out as a trans woman and pressured her not to disclose her true identity Watch... https://vimeo.com/187763988
I Can’t Breathe
Zehong Zhu
Nepal / 2.50 mins A short fiction documentary animation about a tradition from Western part of Nepal. Watch… https://vimeo.com/groups/414513/videos/310217768
I Don’t Believe in That
Byron Karabatsos
9 mins A comedy about compromise
I Grow More Fearless Each Time I Make It Home Unscathed
Jespa Jacob Smith
Canada / 3 mins The difficulties to navigate the world when the labels society gives you are annoying, restraining, painful and threatening.
I Have a Penis
Flora Bradwell
UK / 3 mins This anarchic video sees artist alter-ego diva disco band Bella & The Lordwarfs explore the domination of the male voice in everyday life. Crude humour, charming animation and shameless music video rip offs combine to prove that feminism is in no way a PC affair. Watch… https://vimeo.com/218206782
I Lesb You
Patricia Albornoz Ramírez
Chile / 17 mins
I Promise
Paige McCay
USA / 4:30 mins Two friends discuss life, love and the pursuit of a brighter tomorrow. Watch...https://vimeo.com/194060934
 I Still Bleed Inside / Ainda Sangro Pordentro
Carlos Segundo
Brazil / 24 mins Dora is a cashier at the supermarket apparently leading a normal life. But there are some pains that ache in her body - scars from suffered sexual violence - and no eyes can see them. Trailer... https://youtu.be/2_t01S60MNo
I’m New Here
Tokini Fubara
Canada / 9 mins I’m New Here is a seriated animated documentary featuring queer African newcomers to Winnipeg, Canada. Their profiles and experiences of being black, queer and African in Canada is captured in gorgeous style in this oral project.
Id#3: Burlesque Dancer
Emília Ondriašová, Adriana Pirošková
Slovakia / 3 mins Even after establishing the first Slovak school of Burlesque, and having given confidence to dozens of students, she still finds it hard to come to terms with what truly defines her. Watch... https://youtu.be/Jfkaexj1YRY
Id#4: DJ
Emília Ondriašová
Slovakia / 8 mins ID#4 is one of the most popular Eastern-European DJs. A talented man, but also a very gifted woman - Matia/'B-Complexka' just wants to make music. And, from time to time, she really does not mind posing in a wedding dress with a vagina sign on. Watch... https://youtu.be/ZChUY7AwZps
ID#5: Winemaker, musician, farmer
Emília Ondriašová
Slovakia / 8 mins An intimate confession of a farmer woman who really doesn’t like sharing her story.
If I say I am, then I really am
Truus Kaspers, Sander Houwen
The Netherlands Directed by a mother and son team this documentary is a nostalgic and insightful journey of six pairs of queer sons and their mothers. They sit across the kitchen table and talk candidly about their coming-out.
If this is confusing
Anakin Tora
Sweden / 2 mins A homage to shape shifting. An ode to not knowing. A love song for me and me and me, and you too!
Ile, O Curta
Vanessa Coscia
Spain / 13 mins
Illegal: The Impact on the Body
Jorge Lozano
Canada / 37 mins This mid-length film from prolific Toronto filmmaker Jorge Lozano offers a compilation of histories of undocumented migrants in Canada: nomadic friends who quickly disappeared into new identities or were forcibly deported. There are approximately 200,000 undocumented migrants in Canada. This video is just a spark of their constant re-invention of freedom, endurance, and resistance. Watch… https://vimeo.com/240383621
Zheng Yuanzhi
Hong Kong / 3 mins A girl is attracted by a senior student in her freshman year in college, and starts to make a move on her. However, the seemingly peaceful relationship is changing unexpectedly.
Immoral Behavior
Steven Vasquez
USA / 42 mins Peter is a young behavioral scientist in search of a missing teenager. The clue to his whereabouts may be hidden in hours of classified video tapes. These tapes contain young men forced to strip naked and perform sexual acts and were once the property of a deviant psychiatrist who used them as blackmail. Peter has a dark side of his own and soon finds himself using the Doctors methods to obtain what he most desires: his straight roommate Todd.
 Impuesto de Salida
Jorge Medranda Jordan
Ecuador / 10 mins Ambientado en el año 1986 y con la fila del impuesto de salida del aeropuerto de Quito como telón de fondo, Jorge conoce a un colombiano con el que comenzará una relación marcada por el contexto social y familiar marcadamente heterosexual. Watch… https://vimeo.com/163950517
In a Cage / Im Käfig
Loic Bruyerer
France / 6 mins Der Bär im Käfig kann nicht singen, der Vogel in der Freiheit kann nicht fliegen. Es entwickelt sich eine Freundschaft, die für beide beflügelnd ist. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lacage
In the Dark / Ilunpetan
Koldo Carranza
Spain / 5 mins In the dark of her room Lea masturbates thinking of one girl. When this girl asks her for a date, Lea will have to decide if she would let her feelings come to light. Trailer... https://youtu.be/gg0TQq_PPg4
In the Woods
Grace Martin
USA / 9:09 mins After the death of their only parent, Michael struggles to be the sole guardian and emotional support system for his younger sister, Cassie, as she deals with her depression.
Indian Summer
Diana Fraser, Sam Dunnewold
USA / 9 mins A 20-something leaves her girlfriend at home to catch up with an old college friend, and during their night on the town sparks fly.
Maick Hannder
Brazil / 7 mins An intimate portrait of a body. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/157796111
Inside Out / Avesso
Julia Morais, Wil Futuro
Brazil / 9 mins AVESSO (inside Out) shows the memories of Tereza in the underground Salvador. Her experience portrays the way young black queer people are dealing with the opressions of a system choosing to express their own narratives… Trailer… https://vimeo.com/204810295
Internal Aspect
Zoey Vero
USA / 10 mins Internal Aspect is a video art piece about body, identity, and internal conflicts that arise during change. It reveals the process of living through transformation and becoming oneself. Watch… https://vimeo.com/180441392
Warley José de Souza
7 mins
Island / L’île
Eric Lam
China / 33 mins A desert island, a house and a couple. When an intruder visits, rifts appear in an originally calm marriage. However, all this is only a script.
Jemima to Jeremy
Tamara Whyte (Warrgamay)
Australia / 15 mins Through his journey to his gender identity and exploring his Aboriginal heritage, Jeremy Andersen tells his story.
Erika Daniela Lozano
México / 8 mins Jessica es una mujer joven, trans, feminista, defensora de los derechos humanos. En este documental su madre y ella narran cómo han vivido y luchado por una transición digna. Watch… https://vimeo.com/221949974
Jimmy Does Dating
Gein Wong
Canada / 6 mins A comedy series about queer and trans dating and Jimmy’s adventures obsessing over crushes, Valentine Day mishaps, and navigating dating cis men.
 Jonas Banhado em Sangue
Mateus Bandeira
Brazil / 18 mins Jonas is looking for a body that isn’t there.
 Jorkes: Thank You
Simon Reichel
11 mins Watch... https://vimeo.com/176914865
Junius Frey: Love Is Love
Chris Jacobs
USA / 4 mins / Music Video Watch... https://youtu.be/T3ax8oLokXI
Just Be Gentle
Bo Chen Li
Taiwan / 30 mins In his dying breath, a boy looks back into his memories, reliving the relationships he had with two men. Trailer...https://youtu.be/MhpN6r-Rj9U
Just Harry
Andrea Fraser
Australia /15 mins Just Harry is a documentary that tells the stories of pride and courage beneath the scars of pain and discrimination in experiences of community and city life.
Keep the Cumbia Going / Que Siga La Cumbia
Candy Guinea
USA / 8 mins A documentary about the Oakland-based dance party Queer Qumbia, and the importance of queer and trans people of color creating inclusive spaces in a quickly gentrifying region.
Kenommie Dearest
William Stancil
USA / 3 mins Kenommie Dearest is deep within his lonely fantasy world, although he is not alone at all.
Kill the Gay / Tue Cet Homosexuel
Wan Qing
China / 8 mins One person: Qiu Bai, a lesbian. Two space-times: dream and reality. Two story lines in the dream: Qiu Bai read out some homophobic sentences from Chinese textbooks in public, Qiu Bai is having sex with another lesbian.
Zhanna Ozirna
Ukraine / 8 mins Two girls in a Lviv apartment start a casual conversation about their common future. In the midst of the traditional Ukrainian life remnants the usual dreams about future stumble upon the unbreakable social norms and customs. The things that are private for most people the others have to fight for against the society. Surrounded by regular scenery while dealing with the usual household tasks, the sincere conversation turns into a global question: can we afford the freedom at least in our private lives without having to substitute it with pets? Trailer... https://vimeo.com/185949380
Suat Usta, Göhan Yalçinkaya, Rosida Koyuncu
Turkey / 10 mins This is the first LGBTQ movie in Kurd language. 17 year old Kerim is Kurdish, orphaned and trans. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/166204537
L’autre Côté
Isabelle Bourgueil
France / 33 mins In a small town in the Cévennes, the street numbers of Rue de l'Industrie have disappeared, but this does not prevent mail to be delivered (anyway). On one side of the road, we can find the building site of a new 'Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions', a project with the aims to restore a former silk spinning laboratory where workers talk about the need for a change of working conditions. On the other side, a low-rent housing area filled of poor and desperate residents. There is a wall in between. Watch… https://vimeo.com/156237553
La Ballena Más Solitaria del Mundo
Álvaro M. Dobaño
México / 10 mins Lupe es una mujer anciana que cada día sobrevive de la amabilidad de los extraños. Trailer... https://youtu.be/MdotlU-LLrY
La Donna Pipistrello
Francesco Belais, Matteo Tortora
Italy / 41 mins La vita di Romina, nata Romano, una delle prime donne a cambiare sesso in Italia: una personalità istrionica e brillante, regina del jet set fiorentino degli anni ‘70. Il documentario la racconta attraverso una serie di interviste, senza dimenticare i retroscena più difficili come il confino in Puglia e le denunce per offesa al senso del pudore. Trailer… https://youtu.be/vkBPBEb9S7g
La Luna aún nos acompaña
Alonso Silva Montero
Perú / 6 mins Lucho acompaña a su muy cercano amigo, Marco, quién se encuentra gravemente enfermo. Ambos tratan de disfrutar los últimos días que les queda juntos.
La verdad sobre Ángela
Manuel Yuta Nagahama Aranda Martínez
Spain / 23 mins La conversación, entre dos viejos amigos, desvelará secretos que son incapaces de pronunciar.
Isabel Nobre
Brazil / 15 mins In a world where people are divided, arbitrarily, between the categories women and men, there are people who, even with inquisitive looks and symbolic or physical violence, subvert this standard and live their lives without forcing to come in this very narrow standard. One of this people is Labelle, a black transvestite who feels the imposition of rule in the skin, because she does not fit it. In this short, She shows us how life can be light, fun and beautiful, despite the adversities. Watch… https://vimeo.com/151464645
Lady Porn
Zoe D'Amaro
9 mins Lady Porn is a journey into the intriguing world of feminist pornography, through the personal and artistic experience of director Jennifer Lyon Bell. The film explores Jennifer’s ideological and creative approach, as well as the empowering impact of her work on female audience.
Vito Gennaro Giacalone
LAEM est juste un instant, un moment bien précis, une prise de conscience, un point d'où on ne revient pas en arrière.
Nicolay Bergløff
Norway / 3 mins Music video directed by Nicolay Bergløff for the queer group The Hungry Hearts Performance Band.
Le Coup
Jacqueline Nassour
Lebanon / 11 mins A story about two girls from different backgrounds who finds one another and express their similarities in a rather strange way.
Les Papillons Gris
Anne Ballon
Belgium / 16:50 mins Sue is raised by her 12 year older sister Lily. In a city full of color and a life with ups and downs, the two search for a way to give each other freedom but nevertheless care and suppor for each other. When Lily falls in love with Basil, Sue is feeling forgotten and alone.
Let’s Go All the Way
Belgium / 5 mins Watch... https://vimeo.com/159610952
Letters to Eros
Herbert Fieni
Brazil / 30 mins The documentary is a search for clothing materials from the clubber and crossdresser scene of the 90s in Vitoria. Cartographing in first people the affective becoming that these images-recording trigger in the processuality of assembly of the film, the author turns into object, being immersed in a constant flow of images, grouped under the impulse of Eros to create meetings and relationships between men.
USA / 3 mins CupcakKe is rollin’ with the LGBT, ’cause fashion-wise they don’t play, and when they step out, they gonna slay. Watch...https://youtu.be/hu_XwnAiMXg
Annabelle Dunbabin, Alysha Eibl, Anne Keng
Australia / 9 mins To every individual who identifies as LGBTI, we acknowledge your fight past and present, and we hope that one day equality is no longer a discussion but a full and realised reality. You are all worthy and wonderful individuals who enrich this world every single day. Watch... https://youtu.be/HNaANAAs_ns
Life is a Drag Show
Samantha Sullivan
USA / 5 mins This short, fast, upbeat, and enjoyable documentary allows us to peep into the world of Joshua Grannell as Peaches Christ, and the world of theater he has created.
Locked Out
Paul Vanderburgt
Canada / 4 mins Jack Swift is a twenty-seven year old widower who lost the love of his life in a car accident the night before their wedding. After months of grieving, Jack struggles to gather enough courage to leave his apartment and go on a date. Leading up to the date reminisces about his past love while changing his clothes as well as his mind. After many attempts, Jack finally takes a hesitant step outside. But when he tries to retreat back into his apartment he discovers he is locked out. Out of excuses, he takes a leap of faith and ventures out into the unknown.
 Long-Term Survivor
José Luis Cortés
Puerto Rico / 6 mins In ‘Long Term Survivor’ filmmaker Jose Luis Cortes has imagined a tale of condoms that were never used! It is told by Ivan Terrible – standing naked and fully painted in black and white – while watching his reflection in a broken mirror. Ivan’s tale is in fact his confession of choices made and roads not taken! A confession that unfolds in three parts as he remembers a time in his life before AIDS had a name, to the present time in which he shares the fate of “Patient Zero”. Redemption is not in the cards as Ivan reflects on the price he has paid for love! Watch… https://youtu.be/rwAK83O6sGY
Lord Help Me
Alsace Carcione
USA / 4 mins / Music Video Watch... https://youtu.be/jPGGm-V7qlM
Love & the Beauty of Us Meeting Here
Renee Vaughan Sutherland
UK / 17 mins How do the movies – and Julia Roberts, in particular – teach us to love?
Love Letter-Duet
Monique Romeiko
Canada / 4 mins Like something out of an anthropologist’s dream, contemporary dance artist Monique Romeiko has amassed a treasury of LOVE LETTERs in a dizzying variety of forms. Faced with artifacts in every medium, from the earnest and deeply personal hand-written note to the unscripted, courageously immediate text message, she explores, through dance and film, the mysteries of love connections. What will humans whisper to each other about love? Trailer… https://vimeo.com/289722947
Love Me, Want Me, Rent Me
Andy Boyce
USA / 6 mins A look at one man's powerful story of why he does sex work.
Love@First Night
Terry Torrington, Sean Anthony Torrington
USA / 15 mins Original web series presented by Slay TV, romantic comedy about two men finding love after a hook up. Watch... https://youtu.be/Bz6CgOPFIVA
Loving Our Language: Pride in Disability Culture
J. Sungshine, D. Ng
Canada / 6 mins This film explores queerness and disability through the lens of culture, language and community.
Ma Chérie
Sunny Mind Production
France / 6 mins Un homme face caméra dit son amour pour sa compagne en narrant des points qui font son bonheur, mais aussi ses angoisses car sa chérie n’est pas madame tout le monde Watch… https://vimeo.com/175291328
 Mademoiselle do Rap
Raphael Gustavo da Silva
Brazil / 20 mins O filme conta um pouco da vida, trajetória e luta conta o preconceito de Lulu Monamour, que se auto-intitula o primeiro cantor de rap assumidamente homossexual no Brasil. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/199582742
Magik & Gabriella
Nathalie Therriault
Canada / 5 mins Sex, drugs and hip hop fuel this short about a passionate love affair between a drug dealer woman and her lover. Watch... https://vimeo.com/189883875
Mamãe, Papai, Preciso Dizer Algo
Paul Muresan
Romania / 5 mins A pressão de ter que contar aos seus pais quem você é.
Marathon Gay Sex for Manly Men
Johnny Chiba
USA / 3 mins Music Video for TFG the band. Contrary to the song title, "Marathon Gay Sex For Manly Men", there is no actual gay sex in this TFG music video, other than some risqué lyrical content. Stop Motion Animation assistance c/o comix artist Mike Diana. Warning: this video is not safe for work,home or kids! Watch... https://vimeo.com/187697614
Marie, je te vois
Carol Fernandes
Brasil / 3:37 mins Marie, Eu te Vejo is the first short of a series of portraits around visibility, gender identity and sexuality. This first episode follows Marie getting ready to go out in São Paulo, while she talks about her own identity as queer femme. Marie se prépare pour aller en soirée, c’est le moment pour se livrer et évoquer son identité de femme queer. « Marie, je te vois » est le premier court métrage d’une série de portraits qui explorent les thèmes de l’identité et du genre. Watch...https://vimeo.com/228167556
Más Amor Por Favor
Adalí Torres
Perú / 23 mins Amador explora su identidad a través de un viaje con el que busca desafiar la definición de género. Teme mutar y convertirse en hombre o mujer. El filme es un recorrido por su ciudad, la familia, los pelos, su cuerpo y sus miedos. Una cabrita limeña que interactúa con los miedos de todos nosotros. Watch… https://youtu.be/Wwnjarm4WXk
Marcus Gambrill
2016 |
Ireland / 3 mins Masc.Ing uses a music video format, drawing from 90s MTV aesthetics as well as everyday domestic objects that can be perceived as queer, to explore a transition from boy to man.
Mass: C19h28o2
Sam Hendi, David Goldenberg
UK / 14 mins A chemical substance produced in the body that causes men to develop the physical features that are typical of males. Watch… https://youtu.be/fyL8U7zc7DI
Master Mind Electric
Simon Matthew
Norway / 3 mins Music video directed by Simon Matthew for the queer group The Hungry Hearts Performance Band. Watch… https://youtu.be/zCbpppHOC2w
Michal Janicki
USA / 6 mins The final moments of three LGBT icons – a suicidal bride to be, a muse dying of AIDS, and a political activist being assassinated. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/170051562
Sebastián Castillo
Chile / 7 mins Máximo en busca de oportunidades llega a Chile como muchos otros de sus compatriotas. Distintos caminos toma al tratar de integrarse a nuestra sociedad, pero quien es verdaderamente hace que el retorno an Argentina este cada vez mas presente.
Me Gustas Tú
Dew Kim, Luciano Zubillaga
2016 |
UK Trailer... https://vimeo.com/191073104
Memories of Maurice
Stephen Miller
UK A fond(ish) rememberance of the late Maurice Dobson, a gay sweet shop owner from Barnsley.
Umar Raza Khan
India / 14 mins A Silent gay relationship.What happen when they meet on their special ceremony? Trailer... https://youtu.be/G5JVB_7t5CM
Didyer Zarate
UK / 2 mins London fashion designer Erum Khan has designed an exquisite new nonbinary look for this video. Watch...https://youtu.be/yDdQl8--5WI
Mirando por el espejo
Alexandra Vázquez
Paraguay / 9 mins El taxista Ramón busca a su hijo desaparecido en las calles de Asunción. Durante su búsqueda, un chico aborda su taxi y cuando se da cuenta de que es gay se niega a llevarlo. Ramón expulsa al chico pero una llamada de su esposa le hace reflexionar sobre su actitud.
 Mixed Salad / Salada Mista
Estevan de la Fuente
Brazil / 4 mins It comes in all sizes, all shapes, all colors, for all tastes. It’s a feast, nobody leaves with hunger.
Moje Jest Inne
Antoni Palka
Poland / 47 mins The film's collective protagonists are gay and lesbian parents and families. We listen to a polyphony from which comes shock and horror when the mother or father learns about the homosexual orientation of the child. Over time and at the cost of enormous struggles, parents' attitudes evolve. Relationships are reevaluating, suffering seems to have a different source than the child's psychosexual orientation. The title "Mine is different" bears a bitter question mark. Bold solutions in the formal layer emphasize the feeling of being surrounded and isolated. The change in the perception of homosexuality that has taken place in the Polish collective consciousness over the last few decades emerges from this poignant narrative. Watch... https://youtu.be/6BTOeZ42BBg
Philip Shafer/Godmother
Germany / 4 mins A little music clip by Godmother. Watch… https://youtu.be/amqfRXhuGb4
 My Child is Gay, I am Happy
Sopan Muller
India / 38 mins MY CHILD IS GAY & I AM HAPPY, is a touching yet uplifting, 30 min documentary. The film is a series of interviews of some remarkable parents whose children represent the LGBT community. It shows their journey from being unsuspecting and often unaccepting parents, to becoming caring, supportive they are today. It is an important film, which gives the viewer a peak into the lives of the LGBT community, in the conservative society like India, where homosexuality continues to be a crime. Trailer... https://youtu.be/aNPIOj7ubPM
My Femme is a Reflection
Jai Lei Yee
3:43 mins
My Grindr Story
Didac Perez-Lopez
Spain / 6 mins Le réalisateur, adepte du site de rencontre, voulait faire un comparatif, en parallèle, du vécu ressenti de leur histoire, par ses amants et par lui-même. Mais un seul a accepté de se prêter au jeu. Watch… https://vimeo.com/177834832
My Mom is Worried Sick
Neelu Bhuman
India / 6 mins A sassy comedy exploring the prismatic mystery of bodies, senses and difference.
My Own Wings
Katia Repina, Carla Moral
USA, Spain, Ukraine / 8 mins My Own Wings is a transmedia project that aims to explore the intersex identity thought stories of intersex people in USA, Spain and Ukraine. Originally the term “hermaphrodite” was used to describe the phenomena, but it has since been substituted with intersex because it was seen as offensive. Intersex people are not born with “both” sexes but born with a variation from the standard of what is socially accepted as a male or female body. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/240038009
 My Sister’s Girlfriend
Shanice Gauci
Malta / 6:53 mins A brilliantly crafted and concise family drama that challenges a mother’s stereotyping of her daughters – one feminine, the other a short haired football player who’s been hanging out with a certain friend more and more… Watch… https://vimeo.com/157785890
Jack J Faulkner
UK / 3 min An animation about a boy who paints his nails at school for his own pleasure. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/190592774
Narcissa: Portrait of a Drag Queen
UK / 7 mins Narcissa is short experimental film centred on a main character, her activities and way of life. As a work of research film making, the film does not strive for realistic depiction but aims at making the viewer familiar with the sensory dimensions of Queer Alternative culture.
Ne t’en Vas Pas
Jessica Han
Canada A loving tribute to the filmmaker’s father as she struggles with the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death.
Jason Bradbury
UK / 3 mins Nightwalkers, a fashion film created exclusively for King Kong, Jason Bradbury captures the nocturnal pursuits of a sinister trio—members of a shadowy overclass for whom nighttime provides cover for bloodthirsty exploits. Styled by our Fashion Editor, Davey Sutton and stalked by Gary Card’s ghoulishly human sculptures, eerie counterparts to these strange figures. Watch... https://vimeo.com/288365670
Nite Gloop
Nathan Hill
USA / 4 mins
 No es Homosexual Simplemente el Homófilo sino el Cegado por el Falo Perdido
Equipo Palomar
Spain / 28 mins Dentro de su prolífica producción literaria, Alberto Cardín esbozó en 1976 un guión cinematográfico, aún inédito, con el título No es homosexual simplemente el homófilo, sino el cegado por el falo perdido, hoy parte de la Biblioteca Alberto Cardín. El contexto de elaboración del guión se enmarca dentro del primer proyecto de ley para la reforma política y la elección del primer presidente en democracia tras la dictadura. Su activación y realización por primera vez en el presente vuelve a incidir en las macropolíticas estatales justo en un momento de cambio de paradigma, o lo que se está llamando segunda transición. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/170429906
No, Así No
Juan Santini
Colombia / 6 mins Watch... https://youtu.be/i4asywRKpgg
.jpg) Nos(otrxs)
Matias Ferreyra
Argentina / 21 mins
Not a Minute More
Amir Stolar
Israel / 45 mins Director Amir Stolar tries to recall the event of the day when his father abandoned him and fled the country, some 12 years ago. His digging into this old wound blends with the inter-continental relationship he has with Victor, his Swedish partner. Gradually, things turn into a bureaucratic struggle intended to get Amir's father to attend the wedding of his eldest son, Roni. Not a Minse More is the honest, uncensored depiction of one average Israeli family's attempt to confront a complex, arduous reality and to overcome it, making a better future for itself in the process. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/168765761
Not Right
Rotem Plitman
Israel / 7 mins Maya doesn’t want to be treated as a girl anymore. Her parents ignore her request and make her wear overly girly clothes. Maya’s teacher decides to take matters into her own hands. Watch... https://youtu.be/NzV55Gu9LUQ
 Not Yet Over / Nichts Ist Erledigt
Kornelia Kugler, Hanna Bergfors
Germany / 63 mins Not Yet Over positions current feminism in its relation to medical and social reproduction. Four women are set on stage: the one wants an abortion, the next, artificial insemination, the other wants to earn money as a surrogate mother. The fourth woman, a self-named techno feminist propagates the benefit of medical reproduction. Which side are we on? The case is clear: the economical question has to be addressed from a feminist point of view. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/174099785
 Novö Yùreï
Fredster & Fabrizio
Trailer… https://vimeo.com/170844151
Ocorridos do dia 13
Estevan de la Fuente, Débora Zanatta
Brazil / 19 mins Cinco amigos passam o domingo no apartamento de Carol e Ana. Lá fora, uma manifestação política. Além das questões pessoais que cercam as relações, os jovens se posicionam da forma que lhes parece possível diante desse cenário conturbado e sofrem as conseqüências de um país dividido.
October 1984
Arthur Johnson Weiss
USA / 3 mins Watch… https://vimeo.com/173721604
Old Home
Katharine King So
USA / 5:29 mins This experimental dance film explores the influence of post-war melodramas on experimental queer filmmakers. It also illustrates the media hysteria surrounding the AIDS crisis as an important time for the destruction of the nuclear home and ceasing the “othering” of minorities in order to move towards a time of queer solidarity and expression. Watch… https://vimeo.com/163787909
On N’est Pas des Bœufs
Marguerite Dupré
France / 4:25 mins Watch… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV4tlo3KhJA
On the Brink
Germany / 9 mins Trust is the most important value in a relationship - no matter if gay or straight. But when jealousy becomes more powerful, the relation will suffer. A metaphoric gay horror film. Watch… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zb5msWB3tI
One Summer's Day / Yom Ehad Bakaeitz
Maayan Abadi Grebler
Israel / 9 mins 17-year-old Zohar, meets her good friend Noam at an isolated waterfall, their usual spot, for the last time before Noam is about to run away from home. The closer they are to saying goodbye, Zohar refuses to come to terms with the situation and tries to stay close to her.
Orchestra Binária: Galileu
Mateus Capelo
Brasil / 4 mins ÉssePê, Brasília, Locarno, PopPorn e o bonequinho da faixa de segurança. Os skatistas na Roosevelt, as folhas, a pizza, a prisão coercitiva e o Baiano. A chuva, o farol, o sono, Scovino e o Hudinilson. FILE, SP na Rua, André Medeiros e o céu. Um diário para um canção. Uma narrativa ao nível da memória. Watch... https://youtu.be/tmI2KXhuttw
Our Own Private Soho
Calin B.
Romania / 12 mins The stories of four unusual teenagers. What’s up with kids nowadays?
Out of Breath
Shaul Melamed
Israel / 12 mins A film studies student wants to direct his own memorial movie. Not satisfied with the results he decides to confront an old secret and interviews his 3th grade classmate with whom he had an affair while visiting his grandmother in the kibbutz. During the interview for his own memorial movie he finds out that experience shaped the man that now stands in front of him and that he is now openly gay.
Michelangelo Reyes
USA / 36 mins A topical talk show, starring 4 gay men in their 20’s, that focuses on LGBT issues as well as their own personal stories, struggles, and experiences. These boys have a lot to say, and aren’t afraid to share. From life in Los Angeles, to sex and dating, and even pop culture and politics, no topic is off limits when you are OUTspoken. Watch... https://youtu.be/FRUuyAjgUAY
Paradise Lost + David’s Sling
Dew Kim, Luciano Zubillaga
Elsa Aloisio
France / 12 mins Serti d’images d’une beauté rare, le poème amoureux qui est le corps central du film, nous plonge dans une superbe réflexion sur l’amour, ses violences, ses chamboulements. Trailer...https://youtu.be/OyfA0z0VRz0
 Park Ghost Park / Fantasma Cidade Fantasma
Pedro B., Amanda Devulsky |
2016 |
Brazil / 14 mins O barulho do estacionamento 11 ecoa pelo parque no centro da cidade. É bom poder contar com você. |
Parts and the Whole
Ricky Lee
Experimental short about the body, daily doldrums, fantasy and the deep sea.
Passive Aggressive
Yair Peri
Israel / 8 mins The insecure Amitai finally gets invited to the appartment of the desirable Aitan. But when Aitan reveals his special secret to Amitai, the tabels turn and the dominant becomes the submissive. Watch… https://youtu.be/k0xsHUMkmQY
Ricardo Silva
México / 11 mins Daniel se casa con la mujer indicada pero no con el amor de su vida. Un acontecimiento inesperado revela su verdadero amor.
Perfect Neighborhood
Bouquet Napussorn
USA / 8 mins A party of high school friends takes a weird turn when a phantom seems to appear in the house. Watch... https://vimeo.com/163873367
Performing My Real Truth
Anna Swanson
USA / 13 mins This film will make three statements. Two of them might be true, and one of them might not be.
Katrina Daschner
Austria / 9 mins Images inhaled and exhaled, gently but deeply. Details of a naked person, close-ups of deep-sea creatures—jelly fish, algae, cnidaria, at first, still a stony landscape. Small, precise picture waves, as though set off by hitting the surface of still water, set Seas of Pearls in motion. With this we experience through our bodies an encounter with the bodies in the film, and the body film: how the camera makes contact with the surfaces, how it transmits the rhythm of swimming beings to itself, how the montage gently rises and ebbs away, how the light refracts in the lens.
Petite Mort
Antoine Bieber
France / 4 mins Trailer...https://vimeo.com/174676028
Calliope Lunn
UK / 11 mins A study in connection, love and loneliness that explores the blurred realities that occur when our hearts are broken. This film features stirring performances from Travis Alabanza and Julian Silverman. Watch… https://youtu.be/8R0fuYH3M-0
Pili and Me
Ignacio Garcia Sanchez
Spain / 8 mins Pili has Down Syndrome and her inability to express her desires makes her nephew reflect on the importance of listening, using home films from three generations.
Dan Davis
3 mins
Pipe Dreamer
Izzy Bautista
Denmark / 9 mins A foreign student in Copenhagen has a profound encounter with a drag queen that changes him, but it may have all just been a dream.
Racheli Ben Zaken
Israel / 4 mins Stop-Motion animation. At one side, a straight couple sits on a bench, next to them is a baby cart. At the other side sits on a bench a gay couple with a baby cart. Which family is better?
Playing Straight
Gary Bennett
USA / 4 mins Jacob and Sam are two typical bros, video games, gym buds, one words conversations. When they encounter two male characters hugging in a video game, Jake tries to broach an uncomfortable subject. How do you know that you're straight unless you try something gay? Although Sam tries to play it off and play through the level, Jake is insistent and seemingly coming to a bro-crisis. Sam decides to take aggressive action - with his lips.
Poly Amour
Kiana Kalantar-Hormozi
7 mins How capable are we to love boundlessly? This film explores polyamory, deconstructing conventional stereotypes of the romantic relationship structure. Watch...https://vimeo.com/193408442
 Presenting Shree
Neha Karode
India Representing the transgender community and providing them equal opportunity meant everything to Mitr Trust in Delhi, who launched the country’s first-ever transgender modelling agency. At this time, four mass communication students of Jamia Millia Islamia, namely Faisal Alam, Minal Kumar, Neha Karode, Shyamolee MN and Ritwija Mukherjee, had embarked on their final year project and were toying with the idea of making a documentary on transgender models.This is when they met Shree Nagar, a transgender model, who gave them their time and insights for their work. ‘Presenting Shree’, the documentary follows Shree, showing different aspects of their life within society.
Daniele Gangemi, Clelia Scimone, Ludovico serra, Veronica Vescio
Italy / 25 mins Marco, artista savonese, come un Virgilio dantesco ci prende per mano e ci guida nel mondo delle drag queen assumendo di volta in volta punti di vista differenti. Uno sguardo sincero e chiaro che ci trasporta all’interno di tre diverse storie, di tre vissuti lontani tra loro ma che nascondono un filo conduttore: quello del travestimento, filo comune dell’intero documentario. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/201113465
Principes una Historia de Amor
Joey Graceffa
5 mins Porque no todo principe busca una princesa. Watch... https://youtu.be/5SZt0UgEPpA
Morena Sarzo
Italy / 5 mins Two female souls, a woman and a transsexual, talk about the discrimination they have to face in our society. Watch… https://vimeo.com/164838204
Eleanor Capaldi
5 mins Pull explores what happens when two people are inexorably drawn to one another. Watch… https://vimeo.com/196261637
Puppets for the State
Jeffrey Moore
USA / 10 mins Pat and Jesse, the puppet stars of a NC morning children’s show decide to go out on the town and blow off some steam.
Pussy Vortex
Angel Favorite
USA / 5 mins Get on your knees, get between the sheets, and you’ll be caught in the vortex too. Watch...https://youtu.be/yHqHejoaUyA
Put Me in a Spell
Jordi Estrada
USA Watch... https://youtu.be/xr30vTIH7gU
Q is for Queer
Emily Benington
UK / 6 mins This film was the result of a DIY project shot on phones and webcams, compiling a series of intimate, reflective and thoughtful interpretations on what Queer means to the participants and why it works with their identity. Personal and political in turn, it’s a film that inspires much thinking afterwards. Watch… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1TljqPnKaU
Quan La Llum S’apaga
Marina Castillón, Marc Vendrell
Spain / 6 mins Clara y Marian viven los últimos instantes de su relación. Ven como su luz se está apagando.
Quase ontem
João Niella
Brazil Por diversas vezes, no decorrer dos nossos dias encontramos algumas pessoas em situação de rua, lutando contra a fome, o calor, o frio e o preconceito. Mas você já se perguntou o que os levou até a rua? O que aconteceu antes? Existiu antes? Um homem que há 20 anos enxerga em calçadas, concretos e asfaltos a sua família e divide com eles fragmentos do seu passado, vivendo o seu eterno QUASE ONTEM.
Que no muera el sexo bajo los puentes
Arde Pandora
Argentina / 2 mins Desde o país salsicha. A partir de uma cama-estádio. Nossos corpos são murais. Pandora arde na pele e recita um poema-manifesto de Pedro Lemebel e Francisco Casas. Dissidentes do ativismo, do reconhecimento e a inclusão lgttttbiq, Arde Pandora propõe uma política para o prazer improdutivo contra o Capital, em um meio-dia, uma sesta, tira as roupas, a maquiagem e removida e torne-se uma desapropriação coletiva-divertida. Watch... https://vimeo.com/207698490
Questa è la Mia Storia
Caterina Caso
Italy / 5 mins Tutti siamo schiavi di un qualcosa a questo mondo, questo video fa riflettere su quanto è importante far uscire la vera persona che siamo senza doverci vergognare di nessun pregiudizio. La bellezza sta in te e nella persona che diventerai. We are all slaves to in this world. This video makes us think about what is important to bring out the real person we are, not being ashamed of prejudices. Beauty is in you and you will not only find it, you will become it.
Quién Soy? Quién Eres?
Juan Ramirez
Colombia / 4 mins Inspirado en la filosofía de la búsqueda espiritual de encontrarse a sí mismo. Watch… https://youtu.be/2G9ST0WeHcQ
Márcio Câmara
Brazil / 15 mins Lavar, engomar e passar. Cantar, se encantar e gozar. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/164932845
Rabbit Hole: Stupid Ass Witch
Kevin Rios, Andrew J. Hebert
USA / 6 mins Star-crossed lovers Brad and Cutter get lost in the woods while high.
Sara Bozakov
Israel / 11 mins Jonathan performs at night as Dixie. Tonight he decides to go out to the streets dressed as a woman.
Rainbow Day Camp
Horacio Marquinez
USA / 31 mins Thousands of young people are pushing the boundaries of gender. In 2015, a summer camp was created in the Bay Area to provide a safe and fun place to express their identity. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/161830685
Raising the Bar
Amanda Kindzierski
Canada Greg and Paige, co-managers of a quirky neighbourhood bar, have a tough choice to make, when the bar’s owner gives them the weekend to help the bar out of money troubles.
Reclaiming Intersex (while Black, genderqueer and feminist in South Africa)
Nthabiseng Mokoena, Gabrielle La Roux
South Africa / 28 mins Documentary that is centred on the life, activism and experiences of Mokoena, a black genderqueer and feminist in South Africa. Trailer… https://youtu.be/54_2e2A_Dls
Repeindre le Monde
Youssef Gebran
France / 43 mins Watch… https://vimeo.com/156252097
Respecter la roue
Melissa Mollen Dupuis
Canada / 5 mins Depuis le début de la colonisation certaines valeurs traditionnelles ont été mises de côté et laisse place à l'intimidation et la discrimination envers les Two-Spirits et la diversité. Pour que la guérison se fasse, on doit ramener le respect de la roue de médecine. La roue de la vie. Watch… https://vimeo.com/174842907
Revolution / Le Coup
Jacky Nassour
Lebanon / 11 mins Two girls from different backgrounds find one another and express their similarities in a rather strange way. Watch...https://vimeo.com/183613455
Right of Passage
Emma Wheeler
UK / 14:35 mins Right of Passage is a personal look at three LGBT refugees resettling in Germany: Ibrahim, Hamid, and Ali. As they share details of the struggles they have faced, both in their countries of origin and now in Germany, we learn about the extraordinary circumstances behind why they decided to seek asylum and what their future holds for them. Trailer...https://youtu.be/qY2VzVK7ulM
 Rock and Riot
Chelsey Furedi
New Zealand / 3 mins Watch...https://youtu.be/8l8xbqvFPYI
Cristiano Sousa
Brasil / 5 mins Un hombre es atraído a una trampa con un cóctel que promete una buena noche de cenicienta. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/191030482
Rosababy: eHeritage
Alexander Nader
USA / 2 mins Watch... https://youtu.be/fUYCP64dtC4
Rosen Marching for Abolition / Rosen en Marche pour L'abolition
Catherine Tissier
France / 86 mins Rosen Hicher likes to call herself a prostitution survivor. At age 58, she set out to expose the violence and humiliation suffered by women living in fear and darkness. In September and October 2014, she walked across France to raise awareness about her battle: passing the law that reinforces the fight against the prostitutional system. My camera and I walked side by side with her. On April 6th, 2016, the law was voted in, but Rozenn continues to fight. For Rozen, this battle is a path towards resiliance. Can she erase 22 years of "sexual slavery"? Trailer… https://vimeo.com/200051838
Rhys Ernst
USA / 5 mins A delicately woven archival portrait of trans activists Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera.
Benny Rios Arenas, Marlo Barbaran
Perú / 13 mins Dos hermanos se enamoran a primera vista de la nueva vecina del barrio, ambos la cortejan y terminan en una aventura donde no todo es lo que parece.
 San Berillo
Maria Arena
Italy / 12 mins Episodio 3: Luci Rosse Trailer...https://youtu.be/IbFF8dbHc8U
Deepak Miglani
India / 25 mins Trailer...https://youtu.be/KpbvmlShw7U
Sarà Tutta Una Depravazione: Hommage À Dominot
Daniel Kuhn, Enrico Salvatori
Italy / 15 mins The life of Anthony Iacono, better known as Dominot, through video materials, pictures and unpublished testimonies.
Saturn Rising 'Down'
Raphael Chatelain
USA / 3 mins Saturn Rising’s music video for the club banger DOWN, shows the inherent power dynamics at play in sexual encounters where closeted white men fetishize black male bodies behind closed doors.
Scattered Thoughts of a Young Sex Worker
Menelas Siafakas
Greece / 14 mins The issue of sex work is one that provokes a lot of emotion and controversy. In this documentary by Menelas we hear the views and opinions of a young gay sex worker in Athens today. Watch...https://vimeo.com/161544823
Scent of an Orchid
Rosa Fong
UK / 21 mins Scent of an Orchid is an exploration of gender and sexuality seen through the life. Trailer...https://youtu.be/6yhF-zRCmzA
Aziza Aba Butain
USA / 3 mins It's crowded in the closet since so many LGBT don't dare to come out... Watch… https://youtu.be/90Bu-SRG7oY
Sea of Love
JJ Levine
Canada / 3 mins This work is about radically reimagining parenthood and alternative queer family structures and embracing the tension that exists when seemingly banal gestures are enacted by non-traditional bodies. It’s about my relationship to the photographic medium and its capacity to commemorate the people that I love.
Mariana Palacios
Sweden / 14 mins In the midst of a dance that sounds and a music that moves, the earth trembles between manifestation and concealment, between search and encounter. Synthesis of time, cycles that extend, stripping themselves in a curved space line. The lull and the response of an inner forest that is declared in the chant, in the body, in its own return. Watch… https://youtu.be/savulnQzdFo
 Sex Changed
Ankit Gupta
India / 7 mins Watch… https://youtu.be/xyl5iSVq1K0
She Ain't Heavy, She's My Brother
Yihwen Chen
A Malay trans man celebrates his 21st birthday. In a Muslim country where being transgender is outlawed, he only has the unconditional love and support of the women in his family.
She Did It for Me
Sabaa Zareena
USA / 3 mins Illusions, intentions and unspoken needs bubble up through She Did It For Me. Watch...https://vimeo.com/228014025
Should Abbey Kill Cain
Kyaka Wilson Kaggwa
Uganda / 30 mins Abbey a Celebrated Businessman and a heir to late Adam's Properties adopted Enoch from the streets of Kampala and Introduced him to his blood brother Cain who shares the same sexual orientation. Lamech a family friend and a Christian man couldn't tolerate Enock and Cain’s sexuality, he outs them to the Local Community for Judgment. Trailer...https://youtu.be/2cSwEOSHPas
Si Marseille est un Estron
Marc-Antoine Serra
France / 15 mins « Si Marseille est un étron », produit par Lionel Soukaz repose sur le poème balistique de Liliane Giraudon. Marseille en est non pas le décor mais l’héroïne. Des corps énigmatiques et pourtant ordinaires traversent le cœur de la ville sans nom. Tentative onirique de l’identité sexuelle d’une ville? Un chant d’amour trans-versal redouble l’énigme.
Silence Is Our Enemy / Sound Is Our Weapon
Emma Shooshan
10 mins Looping through a collage of intergenerational trauma, genocide, and diaspora, spoken word and music lift up activism and hope. Watch… https://vimeo.com/154947030
Emmanuel Barrouyer
France / 4 mins Watch… https://youtu.be/64MxT18BXB0
Paul Harnett
4 mins It takes a look at the inner and outer representation we have of ourselves, and how these can sometimes be conflicting. This piece also addresses gender identity, but can be applied to anyone who feels differently on the inside to how they are perceived externally. Watch...https://vimeo.com/171307491
Prinsessan T
Sweden / 8 mins Snask is maid for Elle. A film part of a series that explores the body’s relationship to objects and observer when living with a secret sexuality. Where does the boundary go for what a body is allowed to do when it can’t be identified? The films are made with tools available outside the industry. A lofi-production and exceeding in materials. Prinesssan T’s works often aims to contribute to discussions about belonging and heritage.
So Long! / A Bientôt!
Da Jing
China / 25 mins The main character, Ran Ran, is just about to leave Beijing. With only ten days left, how will she decide to spend the rest of his time?
Soap Box
Nizan Shani
Israel / 4 mins A teenager takes a look at our reality and wonders how is it that we stand by and do nothing as so much social injustice happens before our eyes. He calls us to wake up.
Finn Peaks
Germany / 1:44 min This strangely mesmerising little film inspired by the changing anatomy of a trans woman lover takes a humorous approach to trans feminine, lesbian and queer sexuality and explores this subject in a simple and direct way.
Edu Lima
Brazil / 12:36 mins
Solitude, Darkness, Light
Kayla Briet
USA / 5 mins In a blend of abstraction and realism, "Solitude, Darkness, Light" explores the confluence of place, time, people and emotions. Contrasting worlds of the future and the past and the still and the moving take the viewer across time in search of a new perspective on the present, as experienced through the lenses of sounds, animation and imagery. Watch... https://vimeo.com/188713890
Som Fiskar
Robin Krey Andersson
Sweden / 7 mins It is hard when your first love moves away. Som Fiskar is a lovely story about the difficulties of first love. Watch...https://vimeo.com/129224295
Something Something: Home
Marlene Denningmann
Germany / 5 mins Trailer...https://youtu.be/DjE3IbWSq7w
Katie McCullough
UK / 8mins When Barrie goes to scatter his husband’s ashes at their favourite mountain peak, he is confronted with the sight of a man about to jump to his death from the cliff edge.
Spectrum London
Campbell X, Jon Maguire, Tim Porter
UK / 90 mins Hailing from the vibrant, bustling, and gritty streets of London, this web series gives a rare and intimate glimpse into the daily trials and tribulations of those living under the LGBTQ umbrella. Following the lives, loves, and lusts of its diverse cast, Spectrum London will take you on a thrilling and often heartbreaking rollercoaster ride, the likes of which we’ve rarely seen.
Four Chambers
UK / 10 mins Short film about three women and a sheet. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/197544790
Max Rocha
Brazil / 1min A fashion film about an entire range of beautiful genderless clothing from Brazil. Watch...https://vimeo.com/168940335
Starring Jane
Brendan McCann
USA / 6 mins A young drag queen with a background in performance tackles the social repercussions of being transgendered.
Eylissia Winn
UK / 10 mins
 Stuart Timmons' City of West Hollywood LGBTQ History Mobile Tour
Jason Jenn
USA / 16 mins Jason Jenn and a spirited crew of over a dozen costumed performers complete the Stuart Timmons historic tour of West Hollywood, and they created this entertaining -- and educational -- film as a way to share it with everyone in town. Trailer...https://youtu.be/p9r4wGcwjnY
Alba Roland Mejia
5 mins My film uses the conventions of a horror film to show the deep fear and darkness that comes along with sleep paralysis. With a cast of unique individuals I plan on taking the audience on a suspenseful trip through Enoch’s dream. This cast will help my film give the audience a unique experience. Dark shadows and dim lighting give off the feeling of deep and endless solitude. Feelings of helplessness, and loss of control overcome the main character as she is in the grasp of the entity, Nommo. Trailer... https://youtu.be/-lse3-jb1r8
Submerged / Sumergido
Isaac Flores
Venezuela / 14 mins Se recomienda escuchar el cortometraje con un sistema de audio que tenga Subwoofer, o con audífonos, para poder disfrutar los sonidos de baja frecuencia del corto. Watch...https://youtu.be/-TibvPklty8
Omar Zuniga Hidalgo
Chile Based on the novel with the same title by Alberto Fuguet, “Sudor” tells the story of a writer and describes the relations in the universe of literature, press and publications. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/192994946
 Suitable / A Medida
Florencia Castaño
Argentina / 10 mins In 1964, Carla (26) is a dressmaker, she devotes much of her life to her workshop. That morning Teresa (24), a childhood friend, visit Carla to ask her to make a dress, her own wedding dress. Carla, who had begun to feel attracted by Teresa not received the news well. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/181311297
Danilo Curro
Italy / 23 mins Fasasi Sunday lascia la sua casa, la Nigeria, perché non è più possibile per lui, come per molti altri, restarci.
Sweet Night
Jessie Short
Canada / 6 mins Andy is a young Métis woman living in a big city. When a friend invites Andy to accompany her to a large city park where she introduces Andy to sweet grass, it sparks a night of surprising exploration and self-discovery, ultimately reconnecting Andy with her Indigenous roots.
Swing Maniacs Genova
Max Pitruzzella, Thomas Blacharz
Swing Set
Heather Hutton
9 mins Swing Set is an unrequited love story about a struggling artist and her wealthy ex-girlfriend who try to rekindle their failed relationship, but they can’t due to a power struggle over socioeconomic differences. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/182498502
Ryan Logan
USA / 7 mins SWIRL is the story of a boy's first crush told through dance, exploring the journey your mind takes the first time you touch someone you love.
Take Me to Church
Dew Kim, Luciano Zubillaga
UK / 8 mins In Take Me to Church, electronic cyberspace connects a sadomasochist experience with Christian practice: a man exploring voluntary kidnapping becomes confused between fear and sexual pleasure. He realizes that his sexual desire is a kind of death and the ceremony is sacred. For George Bataille, religious sensibility always links desire closely with terror, intense pleasure and anguish. We see an energy in the story which, when harnessed to a devotion to something or someone, gives the devotee, the submissive, the masochist, the martyr, an ability to do something special, to step outside the limitations of the human. Watch...https://vimeo.com/167665099
 Talk it Out: No More Gay Shame
Vince Pellegrino
USA Brings light to stories about growing up LGBTQ.
Talking Too Loud
Abel Rubinstein
Music Video Watch...https://youtu.be/yRvJtkr37zA
Tami T: Eat Me When I Bleed
Julia Thelin
Sweden / 3.30 mins I can’t go for five days and five nights without a tongue in between my thighs. So eat me when I ask you to. Eat me, this shouldn’t bother you. Eat me when I bleed. Watch… https://vimeo.com/170500382
Taz’s Story
Headspace / String Theory / Elle Marsh
Australia / 4 mins Taz Clay speaks about his experience growing up. Taz shares his struggles with drugs and alcohol, grief and identity, and how he came out the other side with a new outlook on life.
Tell Me Why You Obsess Me / Dis moi pourquoi tu m'obsèdes
Naima Chebahi
France / 3:28 mins / Music Video Man, woman, black, white, straight, gay... We are all the same constantly fighting between our dark side and the light in us
Telton 7
Glen Fellman
USA / 12 mins Watch... https://vimeo.com/177735107
The 100 Blows
Gabrielle Lenhard
USA / 3 mins How to give a perfect blow job?
 The Art of the Morning
Nathan Hauch
Canada / 5:41 mins A lyrical look at how one person prepares for the day ahead, savouring each moment.
 The Bench
Harrison J. Bahe
USA / 8 mins The Bench follows the rise and fall of a modern day relationship across a span of one year. Watch... https://youtu.be/kccTRp4h-AQ
The Call of the Void
Four Chambers
UK / 14 mins Watching someone you love have sex with someone else: Security, uncertainty, love, sex.
The Closet
Zameer Kamble
 The Confession
Hsuan-Chi Kuo
25 mins
The Crash Pad: Behind The Scenes: Viceroy & Munnin
Shine Louise Houston
USA / 8 mins Get a behind-the-scenes peek of trans couple Viceroy and Munnin chatting post-scene at the Crash Pad. Their silliness and clear affection for each other will leave you smiling just as much as the scene will leave you feeling steamy!
The Daughter I Never Had
Tommy Cowell
UK / 5 mins A lady meets a charming drag queen on Canal Street in Manchester and she complains about age and stuff…sometimes it is not a bad idea to talk to “strangers”. Watch...https://vimeo.com/175435974
The Encounter / Encuentro
Diana Elizabeth Castellanos (Gabrielle Esteban)
Ecuador / 11 mins Diana was born in the Chinese year of the water dog and Gabrielle was born in the year of the metal tiger. Diana is from Colombia and Gabrielle from Ecuador. Two very different people: but together they confront social prejudice, gender violence and their own fears, discovering that to be happy, no road is obvious.
The Entanglement
Nicole Thorsley
Canada / 5 mins The story of Andrea, a young scientist, who creates a machine that allows her to send messages to herself from an alternate reality. Through the process she discovers the life she could have led and the dangers that arise from her choices.
The Garden of Loved Ones
Janette López
Mexico / 6:49 mins Blanca, a young woman searches far and wide for a beloved person in Mexico. She meets a little girl on her journey, who guides her in the right direction. The reunion turns out to be bittersweet and Blanca has a tough decision to make.
The Gay Agenda
Tanner Fell, Marissa Blair
11 mins Watch... https://vimeo.com/167673215
 The Gunpowder Road / El Camino de la Pólvora
Andrés Martinoli
Chile / 15 mins Manuela Madriaga (17) busca intensamente al responsable del incendio de Valparaíso, ocurrido el 2014. Su investigación ocupa todo su tiempo libre. La visita de su tía Estela (43) significará para ella un avance vertiginoso en su investigación. Watch… https://vimeo.com/288023611
The Hardest Word
Nev Brook, Emily McDonald
UK / 7 mins George Montague is fighting for an apology over his arrest in 1974 under anti-gay laws. This is his story… Watch...https://vimeo.com/212966747
The Horseman & The Body
Wu Meng Han
The Journey to Her / Avalilekkulla Dooram
P Abhijith
India / 28 mins Avalilekkulla Dooram depicts the life of a transgender family. Their hurdles, issues and the relationship with family are being narrated to the audience. Trailer... https://youtu.be/PwbVwow_cm0
The Need / Potrzeba
Wojciech Olchowski
Poland / 5 mins Każdy czegoś potrzebuje. Zazwyczaj czegoś innego… Bohater filmu odkrywa czego tak naprawdę pragnie od niego dwójka jego przyjaciół. Watch...https://vimeo.com/203862498
The Obstacle Course
Ben Briand
France / 2 mins You're a kid back at school, and everyone is staring at you in the long, leisurely silence before inevitable attack. Fleeing, you run into a world full of many more challenges, occuring everywhere from the dorm room to a high school party, to a job search and perhaps the most terrifying hurdle of all, dinner with your parents. Watch... https://vimeo.com/160372467
The Offering / Ofiarowanie
Konrad Bloch
Poland / 14 mins A young priest is not ready to teach about love. Firstly he has to understand what love really means for him.
The Outer Rim
Ryan Steele, Amy Goodmurphy
USA / 5 mins After the events of Episode VII, General Leia stops at The Outer Rim bar for a drink to help her forget all her problems. Watch...https://youtu.be/TcqOX3TMiIU
 The Peculiar Kind
Alexis Casson
USA / 19 mins Based on the web series of the same name this illuminating documentary candidly explores the lives and experiences of queer women of color with eye-opening and unscripted conversations. Expanding on the conversations and discussions raised in the series Alexis Casson’s film explores race, religion, community, queers in the media and much more. Watch...https://youtu.be/opgOEdEaBYo
 The Personal Things
Reina Gossett
USA / 3 mins Miss Major Griffin-Gracy gets animated and speaks words of wisdom everyone should hear. Watch...https://vimeo.com/192223519
The Secret Story: How Medical Marijuana was Re-Legalized in the US
Brian Applegarth
USA / 16 mins The true story of one of our community's genuine heroes, Dennis Peron, who, along with many dedicated supporters, risked incarceration repeatedly in their decades-long campaign to make medical marijuana available to all kinds of ailing people, especially people afflicted with AIDS. Watch… https://youtu.be/1YRxfa_b2Sk
The Story of Ziggy
Samora Mabuya
South Africa / 5 mins The Story of Ziggy briefly outlines the life of a woman in mid-transition to becoming a man, exploring the challenges of black South African gender identity in a complex youth society. Watch...https://vimeo.com/193574851
The Things We Did and Didn’t Do
Elizabeth Martin
An exploration and an exercise in learning: learning how to be autonomous, learning how to make videos, learning how hormones affect life. Filmed during the filmmaker’s first months on testosterone, this film hopes to document the life of a person who is transmasculine, who is an ex-gay cowboy. This film posits traditional transition narratives are much more subtle than contemporary language and science can convey.
 The Thinking Body
Kadambari Shivaya
India / 81 mins La danza è lo stato dell’essere che trascende il proprio fisico, che scaturisce in stati profondi di menti risonanti in uno spettro senza tempo. Le forme di danza classica indiana forniscono un mezzo perfetto per le interazioni di emozioni in totale armonia, indipendentemente dal tempo, dallo spazio e dal sesso.
The Tie That Binds
Lanchi Le
USA / 22 mins After the death of her father, Allison must come back home to a mother who sent her away to a conversion therapy camp. Allison and Lorene must find a new balance between them after death and must struggle through the reality of the betrayal that costed Allison her identity. Watch...https://vimeo.com/171848527
The Transgender Widow
Cressandra Thibodeaux
USA “The transgender widow”, a feature-length documentary, follows Nikki Araguz-Loyd and her court case from 2010 – 2015, as she battles to be recognized as her deceased husband’s spouse in the State of Texas. The film begins in 2010, when Nikki Araguz is denied the benefits of her deceased husband, a firefighter killed in the line of duty, because Nikki was born a male. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/178106893
The Visionists of Boston
Josh Kastorf
USA / 16 mins The Visionists were a small circle of young artists that were meeting in a “queer kind of place” in the Boston area in the 1890s. Though the group has nearly been forgotten, its members left an important legacy through the work they created and the people they inspired. Watch...https://vimeo.com/181954573
Henger Lin
Watch... https://vimeo.com/179195448
Three is a Party
USA / 7 mins Watch... https://vimeo.com/148831881
Three Minutes with Myself
Chen Qiu
China / 3 mins Artist and filmmaker Chen Qiu explores the relationship between her body, her camera and herself.
Marvin Wayne
Spain / 10 mins Tigger! it's one of the outstanding personalities of the new burlesque that has reappeared in the off-off Broadway in New York. Second part of the burlesque series started with "Dirty Martini".
Matanel Lustig, Yarden Kashtan
Israel / 10 mins Eliezer Leibowitz is an ultra Orthodox Jew. Eliezer is torn between his religious beliefs, and his sexual inclinations and hobbies, which he hides under the bed. When he sees an advertisement for a dancing audition, he decides to sign up under the name "Eli". During his dance he is able to break through his religious world, but does he really want to pass the audition?
Todo sexo es político
Antonella Centurion
Argentina / 22 mins
Too Wide
Moyin Saka
UK / 7 mins This deceptively simple film has many layers. Cleverly shot through a surveillance camera, it references the feelings of being under constant social scrutiny that many trans people and cis women feel. Travis Alabanza demands the right of freedom from the gender binary through spoken word narration. I loved this film – how many times have we dressed to go out and faced the world feeling good, feeling sharp, on a high, to then step out into the street and be ridiculed or asked to defend our choice of expression? Watch...https://youtu.be/FvUHs19s_Xg
Mischa Badasyan
Germany Watch...https://vimeo.com/178876570
Sebastien de Buyl
Belgium / 8 mins In another social setting where gender is reversed, a man tries to free himself from a torrent of prejudice, alienation and stigma. Embodying emancipation, claiming sexual equality. Wtch… https://vimeo.com/165424385
Trans Diary Contemplation Series: #1 Voldemort
Alvis Choi
Transness and transition - what does it mean to the artist as a non-binary trans creature? Watch...https://vimeo.com/148134256
Trans Etherium
Aja Pop, Joseph Liatela
A film about metamorphosis, in which the artist embodies a human-like creature enduring a tormented birth, who overcomes bondage from a world not made for them. The artist undergoes multiple forms of rope bondage and a progression of physical transformation–symbolizing both the emotional limitations and safety of remaining closeted. Drawing a parallel to the artist’s experience of deferring medical transition and the pain of becoming other. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/178274435
KAy Garnellen
Germany / 10 mins Between dream and reality, Trans’Action is a fantastical gender bending experiment. With Emy Fem, Sadie Lune and KAy Garnellen.
 Transitioning: Transgender Children
Olivier Semonnay
Spain / 52 mins In a series of frank and revelatory interviews, Oliver and Montserrat take an incisive look into the lives of trans and gender-nonconforming people, ranging in age from eight to young adulthood. Their cinematic approach to documentary storytelling draws in the viewer with alluring visuals that enliven the oral histories of individuals and families navigating their way through uncharted territory. Sharply edited, this briskly paced film embarks upon a journey down the many eddies in a pool of gender identities. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/199130495
Adel Clemente
After ten years abroad, a sudden death in the family compels a trans woman to return home and see her son for the first time as herself. Philippines Watch...https://youtu.be/VnyVERZ_MkM
Trigeni III: The Mother
Agapi Kousten
Tunnel of Colors / Tunel Koloretsua
Deiane Moreno
Basque Country / 11 mins Miren is preparing her wedding. One day she meets an old friend from university. An encounter that will lead to know herself. Watch… https://vimeo.com/169191445
Rotem Plitman
Israel / 13 mins Ellie, an insecure teenage girl finds herself spending time in the company of the lead singer of a band she admires. The two's relationship develops over the course of the night.
Um Brinde
João Vigo
Brazil Elias sempre evitou ir a enterros e velórios. Até o dia em que Cacau exigiu a presença do amigo em seu próprio enterro. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/187080912
Um Café
Clarissa Rebouças
Brazil Stuck to a recent past, Vicky's memories still live with her. Trailer... https://vimeo.com/185701219
Un Nuevo Error
Jesús Miguel Pedraza Madrid
México / 37 mins Trailer...https://vimeo.com/161668571
Under the Same Moon / A Mesma Lua
Victor Oslo
Brazil / 12 mins Some friends are planning to humiliate André, who is openly gay, at the graduation ceremony. Will Van be honest and come out? Watch... https://youtu.be/uLtivGKrCPo
David Javier
X Ambassador’s emotional track ‘UNSTEADY’ perfectly underscores a couple at their breaking point. “UNSTEADY” speaks to everyone who’s contemplated walking away from a love that may or may not be worth fighting for. Watch...https://youtu.be/GsVXnCGij5o
Avery Archie
USA / 10 mins This comedic web series explores the lives of Joshua and Avery, a unique duo in Los Angeles, as they explore Uber, exercise, and privilege.
Carmen Rojas Gamarra
Peru, Spain / 5 mins Vacío/a is an experimental piece that speaks of a sentimental breakup, told through an IKEA catalogue. What happens with the objects, once bought? What people do they arrive to, and what stories do they become a part of? Trailer… https://youtu.be/5AjM6bkZ_qE
Mariah Garnett
USA / 5 mins "What are you looking at?" You'll never quite be sure in Dynasty Handbag's hilarious send-up of Madonna's magnum opus, recast in a semi-professional queer art context where no afternoon hike is what it seems… Watch...https://vimeo.com/175141849
Variations on Breathing
Jean Carlo Ramirez
4 mins How can we embrace our true selves amid an ocean of false social constructs and unconscious biases? Borrowing from Vrijmoet’s “Non-Ordinary Reality” painting series and Le Boeuf's compositions for prepared piano, “Variations on Breathing” leads the viewer from the deep sleep of unknowing through a physical and moral struggle to free the self. Metaphors for transformation are explored through the lens of Ramirez's immersive maximalist cinematography, improvised movement, the shedding of aqueous skin, and the transition from full immersion in water to surfacing for air. Watch... https://youtu.be/3jNCGJYZnxs
Vat Do You Vahnt for Bwekfas?
Jibz Cameron
USA / 3 mins Dynasty Handbag returns to Outfest in camp and abject glory with this comic music video about the way today's choices prepare us for having no future choice.
Wes Chew
Canada / 5 mins Two women play out the power dynamic in their relationship in a supernatural way. Watch...https://vimeo.com/155339252
Vildman: Bambino Selvaggio
Alexi Carpentieri
A real story of a young Swedish guy who built his “realm” on sex. An extreme ride showing freedom, youth and the power of sex.
Virginia Woolf’s Personal Assistant
Carly Usdin
UK / 3 mins Watch...https://youtu.be/HGtan19QjoQ
Stefan-Manuel Eggenweber
Germany / 13 mins When a baby gets underway in a threesome, the only question there is to answer, is whether all of them can refrain from being selfish and give love to multiple people simulaniously. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/175885074
Wait Up
Louisa Fielden, Prinze George
USA / 4 mins Watch...https://youtu.be/QPYICtFLBeY
Grace Blick
4 mins In pursuit of the perfect relationship, a girl purchases a synthetic version of herself from the cloning company ‘U2U’. Although it would seem the pair are the most compatible match, soon the clone becomes more comfortable in the world than her original and begins to outgrow the life she was created to live.
Warning Shot
Tina Takemoto
USA / 10 mins One death. Three versions of the crime. James H. Wakasa, a 63-year-old Japanese American bachelor, was shot to death by military police at Topaz internment camp during World War II. Was it justifiable homicide, an accidental fatality, or second-degree murder? This queer experimental film essay uses the Rashomon effect to juxtapose three conflicting accounts regarding the circumstances and cause of his death. Trailer...https://vimeo.com/142545992
What’s in a Label?
Rob Eagle
UK / 6 mins WDIYFF veteran Rob Eagle returns with a new film exploring the relationship between labels and generations. We get to see three pairs of intergenerational LGBTQs debate how the language we’ve used to identify ourselves has developed and changed over the years.
White Nights
Mark Thiedeman
USA / 70 mins The classic love story by Fyodor Dostoevsky is transposed to a world of glittering dance floors and neon lights in the second feature by Arkansas filmmaker Mark Thiedeman. WHITE NIGHTS is a pseudo-musical, queer adaptation of a tale of love at first sight and all the inexplicable, operatic confusion it brings. As a hopeless daydreamer falls for a mysterious young man obsessed with his former lover, he finds himself compelled to help — and in doing so, falls madly in love.
Who We Are
Raphael Niederhauser
Germany / 7 mins Jonas is bullied at school. But he tries to ignore it – telling himself that it is not that bad. What should happen at the end? But when the relation to he boyfriend starts to be affected, he has to decide between standing up for love and staying a victim. Watch...https://youtu.be/UbJV5wCN2qg
Who Will Hear my Sigh?
Mel Vee
Canada / 5:12 mins A woman, reflecting on her experiences as a maid in Canada, wonders who will listen to hear story, who will hear her sigh? Made as part of the 2016 Herland Video Production Workshop presented by Telus Optik Local, Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers and Spring Street Films. Watch… https://vimeo.com/184773245
Why We March
Dina Boyer
This is a preview trailer for a documentary about the history and meaning of San Francisco’s annual Trans March. Archival footage will be mixed with interviews of folks who go to the Trans March. The finished documentary titled “Why We March” will highlight the symbolism, the sounds, the people, the issues and the diversity of the Trans March in San Francisco.
Won’t the Real Transformer Please Stand Up?
Namita Aavriti, Gee Imaan Semmalar
India / 6 mins A superhero film about trans* lives. Watch...https://youtu.be/p6eM0S1P0yI
Sal Tran
Xanh’s main goal is to save up money for top surgery. Their mother is a garment seamstress who polices Xanh’s gender presentation and performance through the creation of feminine clothes. As their mom starts to criticize what they choose to wear, Xanh experiences a series of nightmares and finds their dreams literally shattered.
Yes, Jesus Loves Me
Jayden Marre
Yes, Jesus Loves Me explores the life of Frosty, a young Christian with same-sex attraction. He discusses his belief in God, views on Christians in the media, doubts and struggles as a gay Christian and Jesus’ love for all people. The film also features two Christians and an ex-Christian who present their experiences with Christianity and Homosexuality. Watch...https://vimeo.com/188810575
You, Me, Us
Danylo Hauk
USA Elizabeth keeps her biggest secret locked in a room until he tries to break free.
Ysa Yaneza: Tea
USA / 4 mins / Music Video Watch... https://youtu.be/Xl7AeQqGSzY