16mm Scratchings
Tama Tk Sharman-Favell
Australia / 2 min Scratchings on 16mm film stock.
Tyler Ham Pong
USA/ 4 mins / Music Video A queer themed music about a broken love story. Watch... here
2 Spirit Dreamcatcher Dot Com
Thirza Cuthand
Canada / 5 mins 2 Spirit Dreamcatcher Dot Com queers and indigenizes traditional dating site advertisements. Using a Butch NDN 'lavalife" lady (performed by director Thirza Cuthand), 2 Spirit Dreamcatcher Dot Com seduces the viewer into 2 Spirit "snagging and shacking up" with suggestions of nearby pipeline protests to take your date to, and helpful elders who will matchmake you and tell off disrespectful suitors. It's the culturally appropriate website all single 2 Spirit people wish existed. Watch… here
3guzica Intro
Marina Mutak
Croatia / 56 mins Three little characters are in search of a planet more suitable for their wishes. May the gods save them on the miraculous journey!
52 Hertz
Xuetong Zhao
China / 15 mins The sound wave frequency of the average whale is 15 to 20 hertz, but one-of-a-kind whale, Alice, has a frequency of 52 hertz. With no response, she has been called the loneliest whale in the world. Qian Li, a young Chinese gay guy, seeks to find Alice. This is a story about love, differences in culture, freedom and loneliness.
 A Boy Named Skye
Jimmy Elinski
USA / 5 mins Through the world of online dating, Skye tries to find a relationship. Downhearted by his failed attempts at love, he might find what he’s looking for when he least expects it. Watch… here
A Lesson in Love
Darcy Long
USA / 5 mins Bud and Don have shared 41 years of love and gratitude in the wake of gay liberation and the AIDS epidemic. Take a moment to listen to the story of Ben, Don's first partner, who succumbed to AIDS in 1995.
 A Letter to the Person I Have Met on Tinder
James Allen Fajardo
Philippines / 5 mins The film is about the filmmaker’s experience of meeting a stranger he matched with on Tinder. Trailer... here
À Luz do Dia
Elaine Coutrin
Brasil Pelas ruas de São Paulo, o documentário aborda as dificuldades enfrentadas por diversas travestis e transexuais na busca por um emprego formal no mercado de trabalho. Com experiências, idades, formações, carreiras e histórias de vida completamente diferentes, todas têm o mesmo problema: a falta de oportunidades. Watch… here
 A Melhor Amiga da Noiva
Felipe Camara, Maria Melo
Brazil Juliana e Fernanda são melhores amigas, entretanto sentem despertar algo mais forte do que a amizade. Para enfrentar o medo de assumir o que sentem, encontram no amigo Daniel a torcida e ajuda necessárias para viverem este sentimento.
A Moment in My Cosmic Narrative
Nicole Cyrus
UK / 11 minute A docu-fiction essay film, centred around the themes of women mental health. With in the film interview segments are used to position media representation of womens mental health in a wider cultural context, where as the fictional segments use poetry to allow the protagonists to explore her relationships to growth and acceptance. Watch… here
A Partida
Fábio Bernardo
Portugal / 15 mins A couple is on verge of breaking up, due to one of the partners is going abroad. Watch… here
A Permanent Part of Me
Geoffroy Dedenis
France / 3 mins Violence and sex when it gets out of hand. An experimental short based on interviews with notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.
 A Story About a Bear Who Wanted to be a Horse
Calvin Brett
Canada / 3:18 mins A transformative travel story: a young boy tells an animation artist about the bear who wanted to be a horse. Trailer… here
About Wedding
Park In-Hee
South Korea / 24 mins 30-year-old Eun-ho goes to Gold Mary Wedding Studio to help her friend Ye-jin with her wedding photo shoot. Seeing Ye-jin’s fancy gowns and her rich fiancé, Eun-ho cannot help but think about her relationship with her penniless boyfriend. But the engagement between Ye-jin and her fiance is not what it seems.
Achilles in the Forest of Gaia
Lou Lou Sainsbury
UK / 9 mins In which the ankle oozes menstrual blood, slowly decomposing and recomposing in a slow meditation.
Adaminaby or Marginalian Capital Territory
Kermie Breydon
Australia / 5 mins An exploration of the Australia Capital Territory as layers of shifting emphasis, animated in highlighter across reclaimed poetry collections.
Afecto Tóxico
Maria Flores
Spain / 6 mins Nuria desconoce que su vida está a punto de dar un giro sobrecogedor, al confiar en una desconocida. Trailer… here
Aguas templadas
Viktoria Martín
Argentina / 5 mins Trailer… here
Ahmed e Itzhak
Manuel Aranda Martinez
Spain / 24 mins Cuando dos pueblos hacen la guerra, en un pequeno punto de luz visto desde la estratosfera de esas dos zonas en conflicto dos personas de diferentes bandos hacen el amor.
Al mismo son
Gian Carlos Toledo
Spain / 5 mins Watch...here
Alcobas Blancas
Gabriel Moran
Spain / 3 mins Gestos, movimentos e ações que permitem dar o valor de cada uma das palavras do poema "Busco Tu Piel Inconfesable" de Antonio Gamoneda. Um piscar de olhos pode definir tudo.
León Landázuri
México / 4 mins ALEXIA has had a difficult life, between dreams of princess, taunts, discrimination and violence. Now she is ready for the performance of her life. Alexia ha tenido una vida difícil, entre sueños de princesa, burlas, discriminación y violencia. Ahora está lista para el desempeño de su vida.
 Alfredo D’aloisio, In Arte (E In Politica) Cohen
Enrico Salvatori, Andrea Meroni with Eugenio Di Corinto
Italy / 50 mins The film chronicles the life of Alfredo “Cohen” D’Aloisio (1942 – 2014): literature teacher, pioneer of LGBT movement in Italy, openly gay, showman, actor and singer with the ambition to transform his dialect into a language.
Julian Quentin
Switzerland / 3 mins A story of liberation between self-destruction and self-realization. Watch... here
Kirrilee Bailey
Australia / 5 mins Catt breaks out in a rash and thinks she might have become allergic to her long-term partner.
Alone Together
Mitko Karakolev
UK / 2 mins The city stands as a silent witness to both happiness and tragedy as well as to the passing of time; it acts as a container of the various emotions experienced by its inhabitants. What would happen if this collective energy somehow becomes embedded in the buildings, changing their form as a result? What sort of stories would the city be able to tell?
Always Love
Brenna Perez
USA / Web Series In celebration of Pride, "Always Love" is a three-part documentary series by WeWork profiling New York-based LGBTQI creators. Watch... here & here
American Folk
Matthew Lax
USA / 24 mins A movie of file images without file images. A study in aphorisms: Tropics sad, Elian Gonzalez, Master paintings without attribution, artifacts mal-atribuídos throughout the history of denim. Trying to understand the creation and collapse of culture through specific objects and stories presented in narrative form; Signs, myths and legacy are questioned and reviewed.
Yvan Megal
Belgium / 4 mins Two people in a restaurant move to a quiet room to talk. Though they have been talking to each other during the evening, one can't remember the name of the other one. Watch… here
An All-Nighter
Etai Sharabi
Israel / 8 min Two good friends are forced to spend the night locked in their cinema classroom. In the intimate quiet of the night the truth cannot remain hidden.
An Extension of You
Nelly Matorina, Xiaoxuan Huang
Canada / 4 mins An extension of you is a short film that looks at what it means to be separated from the one(s) you love by distance and a generation’s worth of years.
Steve Adams, Sean Horlor
Canada / 12 min This short documentary explores a week in the life of Angela—a roller derby athlete and transgender rights activist in Alberta, Canada. As a jammer for the Calgary All-Stars team, she skates under the name Easy Break Oven and is a role model in the local derby community. She also coaches kids from the small-towns surrounding the city, which is one of the most conservative and religious parts of the country. While preparing for her first derby match of the season, she begins to see her teammates and her life in a new light.
 Angel's Premonition / Slutnja anđela
Branislav Princip
Serbia / 26 mins Film “Slušnja anđela” je uspomena i sećanje na Dejana Nebrigića, srpskog gej i mirovnog aktivistu, pisca i pozorišnog kritičara. Jedan je od osnivača LGBT pokreta u Srbiji, jedan od najistaknutijih aktivista i prvi gej u Srbiji koji je imao javni coming out. Trailer... here
Sreejoni Nag
India / 6 mins
 Another Matter / Başka Mevzu
Bahar Kılıç Adilçe, Hulusi Nusih Tütüncü
Turkey / 12 mins Civan was born as an intersex-person, yet her mother forced her to live her life as a son. After her mother dies, Civan is on the verge of breaking free from this identity and to start a new life as a woman. Trailer… here
Anya Kneez - A Queen in Beirut
Mohamad Abdouni
Lebanon / 10 mins Anya Kneez is an Arab Drag Queen who left Brooklyn in the Summer of 2012, after 23 years in America, and moved back home to live with her parents in Beirut, Lebanon. Five years later, at 28, Anya still struggles with the values of a Middle Eastern society that remains unable to accommodate her lifestyle. The short form documentary offers a glimpse into the life of the boy who brought Drag from the slums of Brooklyn to the clubs of Beirut. Watch... here
 Aquilo que me olha
Felippy Damian
Brasil / 25 mins Vocalista metalhead transexual, Belladona está empenhada em acertar seu cotidiano. Entre impulsos e ritos, sente seus dias degringolarem encontrando pessoas de seu passado. Em episódios de delírios ou absurdos reais, ela irá projetar suas inquietações.
Sankhajit Biswas
India / 26 mins In 2015, the transgender community of Kolkata organize India’s first community Durga Puja with support from a local club Udyami Yubak Brinda. In an effort to manifest their identity the community adopt an Ardhanriswar form of the Durga idol, that represents both the masculine and feminine principles in one body. However, a year later the club refuses to accept the Ardhanriswar idol. After repeated attempts at reconciliation, talks fall through at the last stage and the search for a new collaboration begins.
Are You A Gay Stereotype?
Michael Henry
USA / 2 mins Youtube video on whether or not you're a gay stereotype and if that is even a bad thing or not. Watch… here
Arturo Rhodes
Lola Maraver
UK / 13 mins Documentary Short Film about the artist Arturo Rhodes.
 Ascolta i tuoi occhi
Marcello Padretti
Italy / 5 mins Watch... here
Oli Isaac Smith
UK / 20 mins This short documentary explains what it means to identify as asexual. The film does not define nor generalize the notion of asexuality in the nowadays world but discuss the wide range of interpretations and life styles those who indentify as asexual choose. Topics from aromanticism to grey areas are discussed. The questions of how being an Ace effects one’s sexual life and how asexuals suffer bullying and oppressing even within the LBGT+ communities are going to be answered.
Ashen River of Remembrance / Kulay abo ang llog ng Gunita
Ronaldo S Vivo, Jr.
Philippines / 15 mins The year is 1579. The Spanish colonization of the Philippines is in its infancy. Somewhere in a small village in the province of Cagayan, the townsfolk believe a young lady named Pinang is being possessed by an evil spirit. Pinang’s parents have unwavering faith that Father Vacion’s rituals will cure their daughter. Soleng, Pinang’s dear friend, thinks otherwise.
Aunty Elfi makes a visit / Besuch von Tante Elfi
Moana Bauer
Germany / 23 mins Sonja has just moved in with her girlfriend Michi but Michi already invited her rich aunt to visit, planning to tap the old lady for some money. It’s of course Sonja who has to take care of Elfi. Both women clearly don’t get along from the start. They get into a serious argument and Aunt Elfi suddenly faints on the kitchen floor. Sonja panics and calls her friend Katrin for help. Katrin is distracted by motionless Elfi’s striking resemblance to French actress Catherine Deneuve and gets herself and Sonja locked out of the apartment. Only quite-possibly-dead Elfi and a very hungry cat are inside… Watch… here
 Awaker / Prebúdzač
Filip Diviak
Czech Republic / 10 mins Short animated story set in a cold nordic country happening in the beginning of the 19th century. The story is about the stereotypical life of old man who is working as an awaker, man waking up people. His life is still the same, until the day he gets an old shiny bell. Watch… here
Luna Merbruja
Israel / 9:30 mins Trailer… here
Bad Conchas
Nance Messineo, Cole Santiago
USA / 15 mins A queer dyke living in Echo Park hustles to make ends meet while hooking up with as many girls as possible.
Juraci Júnior, Thiago Oliveira
Brazil / 7:40 mins Uma sessão de cinema em Parintins promete emocionar a plateia, no próximo sábado, dia 27 de janeiro. O filme exibido será “Balanceia”, de Juraci Júnior e Thiago Oliveira, que mostra a viagem de um turista à ilha tupinambarana, em pleno festival folclórico. As memórias sobre a festa pedem espaço na mente do personagem, durante a viagem de volta no barco sobre as águas barrentas do Rio Amazonas. Além do peito pulsar com as lembranças dos Bois o protagonista se impressiona com ribeirinhos que desafiam as águas e comovem os viajantes. Trailer… here
 Be My Guest
Thitipan Raksasat
Thailand / 8 mins Watch... here
Beauty Building
Benoît Bargeton
France / 6 mins lise is a young graphic designer employed in a photomontage agency. Her time is spent reshaping the appearence of models on the covers of magazines such as COSMOPOLITAN, and presenting the seniors to appear about fifteen years younger for insurance purposes. She does not get a lot of job satisfaction and meanwhile, her boss is giving her a new task,- to reshape her own body on the updated agency contacts page. Then her mind goes from self doubt to awareness. Watch… here
Becoming Pauline
Thanut Singhasuvich
Thailand / 1 min At the age of 49, Pinit decided to come over his lifelong fear, and abandon his whole life identity, to become ‘Pauline’.
Before the World Was Big
Dylan Lalanne-Perkins
USA / 6 mins In a post-wisdom tooth extract haze, a trans teenager learns of the recent hospitalization of his best friend. He looks back on their years of friendship — documented through voice mail messages, childhood videos, and muddled memories — and wonders how he could have been so oblivious to her issues. Watch... here
Before You Was Darkness
Michael (Mish) Rozanov
Israel / 6 mins / Music Video Workers at a factory, reduced to automatic work, wake up when one of them imagines a magical dancer moving freely in the halls of the factory. As passion and color take over, the oppressed are liberated through movement and music. A narrative music video for the song 'Before You was Darkness' by The Orvim Ensemble.
Being Myself
Ronnie Zidon
Israel / 6 mins Michael, a genderqueer artist, explores how to express their inner-self, when it doesn't match the outer one. 'Being Myself' deals with trans and queer self-expression and simple humanity
Being Single
Tom Craine
USA / 10 mins When Grandma Betty surprises Jimmy with a visit at his party, the closeted young man looks at why everyone at the party is single
 Bendita seja feita a tua vontade
Ed Borges, Wilson Ricarte
Brazil / 19 mins É a história de uma jovem travesti que retorna à sua cidade natal no interior após perceber que Cândido, seu irmão mais novo, sofre sérias agressões de Tião, seu pai alcoólatra e homofóbico. Junto com a amiga Kátia, Bendita tenta pôr em prática um plano discreto para livrar Cândido dos abusos, porém o ambiente de violência e opressão se faz tão forte que o confronto direto com Tião é inevitável.
 Bird Trapper or Beggar / Sikkidre Shikaari, Ildidre Bhikaari
Vinod Raja
2017 |
India The film is a journey that perhaps began decades ago and has been many years in the making. The Hakki Pikkis are a free spirited nomadic tribe who began their wandering many generations ago in the North Western part of the Indian subcontinent.
Over time they traveled through and settled in different states of the country. As they moved, they survived through trapping birds and hunting small game in the forests and selling them in cities and towns along with lucky charms and trinkets. If the trap failed, begging was the next best bet!
Exiled from the forest, reviled by the city, their traditional ways of life outlawed, the Hakki Pikkis share their stories of wit and survival in the film that emerged through a series of community conversations held when we travelled with friends from a settlement in Bannerghatta, Bangalore to other settlements across Karnataka.
 Black is Me
Elliot Blue
4 mins Black Is Me is a dance video staring Indigo Raÿn. It is a demonstration of empowerment concerning both identities, being transgender and being black; being unapologetically oneself. Watch… here
Blackzilla: Transitioning at Our Own Pace
Daniel Brathwaite-Shirley
14 mins BLACKZILLA follows the transition of a Black Body in an environment that archives their existence. The cyborg BLACKZILLA descends from the sky to record Black Trans lives, creating a space that centres and supports them. Through music and animation they begin to choose how they want to transition within this new space. Watch… here
Blastogenese II
Conrad Veit, Charlotte Maria Kätzl
Germany / 3 mins Blastogenesis II fantasize Evolution between science fiction images out from the 1950s and images of queer and bizarre experimental films. A film who shows creatures between human and animal, born out of a plant seed pouch in a setting of world end. It shows birthing, living and scoring like in nature documentaries , but with the aspect of drag, which brings up the question about fetishism and experimental porn.
Bleeding Hearts
Harshit Pachauri
India / 13 mins Shikha & Isha are lovers. Shikha is a professional Bharthanatyam dancer while Isha is a professional writer. Shikha is a girl who keeps her emotions and feelings intact while Isha wears her on her sleeve. Shikha‘s family pressurizes her to get married. Fed up of the pressure Shikha decides to bow down to the families wish but she manages to find a middle path by arranging a marriage with a gay man. This goes against the understanding between the couple.
 Blind Date
Thorsten Homberger
Germany / 6 mins Two attractive young men are looking forward to their dates. But for one of them his date is going differently than planned. Watch… here
Blood for Blood
Jared Bolhuis
USA / 8 mins One act of hate. Orlando reacts with love as Stigma Tattoo Bar raises money after the Pulse shooting, and the community sheds blood for the victims whose blood was shed. Watch… here
 Blueness / Bläue
Kerstin Schrödinger
Italy, Switzerland, Germany, UK / 58 mins Eine Dioxinwolke Hoffmann-La Roches vergiftet 1976 Seveso. Bläue ist das Labor, das die Verbindungen zwischen der historischen Katastrophe und der chemischen Gegenwart der Medien und der Körper untersucht – denn auch die Sprecherin heute ist voll Pharmazie, optimiert ihren Körper und Gefühle. Dazu kommt die Chemie der Medien, Gift und Heilmittel gleichzeitig: 1709 wird das Pigment „Berliner Blau“ erfunden, giftig als Cyanid, Gegenmittel bei Vergiftungen … Blau ist ein Hauptdarsteller von Schroedingers Film und seiner Projektionsflächen. Seid ihr bereit für eine nicht optimierte, nicht digitalgeglättete, roh-analoge Bildverschachtelungsinszenierung?
In 1976 the Hoffmann-La Roche dioxin cloud poisoned the air in Seveso. “Blueness” examines the links between the historical catastrophe and the chemical present of the media and the body, with Prussian blue toxic in the form of cyanide and at the same time an antidote for poison. Blue is the star of Kerstin Schroedinger’s non-polished blend of images.
Bob the Drag Queen Talks Sex
Brian Emerick
USA / 9 mins Bob the Drag Queen, RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE Season 8 Winner, discusses condom use, sexual health disparities for gay Latino and African-American men, slut shaming, and more!
Amber Bemak, Nadia Granados
Mexico, USA, Columbia/ 14 mins Borderhole takes place on a mythical border area between Colombia and the United States. We investigate the relationship between North and South America through the lens of the American Dream and the illumination of multiple tensions in and around the border. The piece explores imperialism, globalization through pop music, gender mutation in an international context, and the choreography of women’s bodies in relation to sociopolitical and ecosystems.
Noa Astanjelove
Israel / 15 min Yishai is a teenager making his first steps in the world of drag. He faces challenges on his way, mainly the lack of approval by his parents. This is a story about passion and how difficult it is to make it come true.
 Breaking Borders
Fatima Warsame, Barbara Vollebregt
Netherlands / 17 mins Gay refugee Ibrahim Mokdad flees his home country Lebanon and becomes an lgbtqi+-activist in Germany. Watch... here
Breaking Glam
Pavi Meiyappan
Canada / 1:40 min A bear cub creates online makeup tutorials. Watch... here
Broken Promises
Hayley Repton
UK / 6 mins | Music Video Roxie has had a tough past struggling with alcoholism and anger issues. Her workaholic partner Beth has helped her change her ways, however Roxie still faces challenges every day. They endure an intense rollercoaster of a relationship
Inma Veiga
Spain, Portugal / 8 mins The first time I saw my brother I didn’t like him and told my mum to send him back; I didn’t want such an ugly baby at home. Seventeen years later, Brthr shows his transition from the end of adolescence to the beginning of adulthood. So, this is a film about the search of identity and self-acceptance, narrated with honesty, familial issues and complex affections that only siblings can offer.
Buffalo Girl / Paskwâw Mostos Iskwêsis
Howard Adler, Candy Renae Fox, Leo Koziol
Canada / 4 mins Set in the backdrop of colonial violence and the extermination of the buffalo. The Genocide of the buffalo parallels the loss of Queer Indigenous and Two-Spirit knowledge. In this film a Buffalo Spirit transforms into an Nēhiyaw Iskwesis (a young Cree women), and a ghost like apparition sings Maori songs and underscores the links between colonialism on Indigenous peoples across the globe.
Busy Signal - Text Message
Eva Wo, Ma Ya Ma Ya
USA / 3 mins Two women playfully dancing to Text Message by Busy Signal. Watch… here
Mia Jagpal
USA / 13 mins This documentary short is a beautiful celebration of both activist artist SD Holman’s work and of masculine women.
 By Night
Anna Bridgforth
USA / 5 mins A teaser video introducing BY NIGHT, a narrative series of vignettes that tell the story of the many varied characters who live and work within the burlesque and cabaret nightlife community in New York City and the duality of their lives. Some embrace this dichotomy and some struggle with it, but all of them chose this world for a reason... Trailer… here
Ça Va
Charlie David
Canada / 4 mins / music video Music video featuring Marc Devigne and Charlie David from the miniseries “Shadowlands”. In the episode titled “Pygmalion Revisited”, Marc Devigne and Charlie David play a couple whose time together is cut short. Watch... here
Lucas Kane
USA Trailer… here
 Cafe Midnight
Anastasia Venkova
Russia / 7 mins Story about 3 girls, their growing up, first love and first pain. Watch… here
 Camel Toe
Alexandra Barbosa
Portugal / 11 mins Bruno, a 26 year old man starts to enter the Drag culture in Oporto in 2015. Initially he's rejected multiple times in various show rooms for being "way too gay". After two years the name Camel Toe is now famous because of his excentric personality wich gives him a voice when it comes to the defence of all kinds of artistic expression and in the fight against prejudice. Camel Toe comes to chock, through his irreverence, the city of Oporto and to tell us the story of his life as a metaphore for the revenge of an whole comunity in the contemporary days. Trailer… here
Carlie & Doni – “Pussy Protector Spray Commercial”
Doni Carley, Carlie Mantilla
USA / 2 mins
Elías Romero Farias
Chile / 20 mins Un joven y solitario estudiante de teatro adicto al sexo vive solo en el centro de Santiago
Coral Short
Canada / 64 mins Non binary, a gender, two spirit, genderqueer, gender fluid and gender nonconforming identities have always existed, but this program aims to give plenty more space to these communities. We wish to start a new cinematic language in order for us to expand and evolve. Gender clear is one of the first times audiences are seeing an entire bill around these identities. These fun and fearless artists celebrate romance, dance and fashion while exploring the complex struggles and joys of being genderqueer. Transformations and binaries are questioned and answered through radical self love and vivid creative expression.
Simon Guélat
France / 23:37 mins In her small apartment in a Parisian suburb, Chahine throws together the rhythms that will accompany her on stage. This space is hers, and it is the only place where she feels safe. She visits the surrounding areas on Google Street View.
A woman born in the body of a man, she is reminded of her difference every day. And the difficulty of finding her place in the world here goes together with another question: to whom does the city belong?
Dans son petit appartement de la banlieue parisienne, Chahine travaille les sons qui l’accompagneront sur scène. Cet espace est le sien ; c’est le seul où elle se sent en sécurité. Dehors, la ville lui interdit de devenir la femme qu’elle veut être. Trailer... here
Chicken. Egg
Evan Huang
Taiwan / 29 mins A man is numbed by being preached by his supervisor and his priest. He doesn't know if God exists in him. One day, a black-clothed man appears and starts to linger around him. The black-clothed man throws eggs at him as a ritual and makes him reborn in front of God. This film is both a fantasy and a mystery and presents the confusion of faith and sexuality.
 China’s Pride / El orgullo de China
Luis Martínez, Ana Sánchez
Spain / 46 mins After living six years in China, two Spanish journalists decide, by their own means, to record a documentary about the situation of homosexuality in the Asian country.
Chosen Family: Stories of Queer Resilience
Nathan Flanagan-Frankl, Tyler Oakley
USA / 13 mins / Web series The Internet has been a spectacular place for queer people to find people just like them. To discuss some queer topics, I invited some of my favorite LGBTQ+ Internet stars over for brunch & giggly gossip. Safe spaces to have open dialogues make ALL of us better, and listening is just as important as sharing our perspectives. Watch... here
Mohamed Moe Sabbah
Lebanon / 89 mins Omar, a photographer, has a special experience with death, which he tries to express through a new project. He invites three models to his studio. His "project" is not only about the photos. He spends the day manipulating his visitors, playing with them, provoking them and putting them in danger. A story of sex, love and trauma in the city of Beirut.
 Club del desvelo: Selma y Kimono
Bryan Atticus
Puerto Rico / 6 mins Una mirada a la relación de Selma, una estudiante de 16 años que está en una etapa de rebeldía, y Andrea “Kimono”, una chica de 23 años. Después de un día muy difícil, Kimono decide reunirse con Selma.
Mohammad Eskandari
Iran / 12 mins Looking for a place to spend the night before sex change surgery, Solmaz faces a challenge. Trailer... here
Come Home
Omer Yefman, IGY Haifa group
Israel / 18 min Or, an 18-year-old girl, runs away from home after her mother discovers her ongoing romance with Shani, a girl from Tel Aviv. Or feels unable to return home and so she decides to go to Shani. On her journey she meets various characters who reflect the true meaning of her decision.
Narges Mohebbi
Canada / 10 mins Two women meet at a bar, both struggling for an genuine tangible human connection in an increasingly artificial world.
Jean-Michael Kelsey
South Africa / 6 mins A short film about two young men in a long distance relationship who struggle to keep it together.
Adrian Blanco
Costa Rica / 23 mins Todas las acciones en nuestra vida tienen unas consecuencias. Y la promiscuidad también puede llevarnos a un callejón sin salida. Watch... here
Ulisses Arthur
Brasil / 7 mins “Ando por mistério, vivo por mistério. Nosso corpo é uma máquina, ou cuida ou sabe como é né?” Entre memórias da boate e relatos de resistências cotidianas, Tikal dança e afronta as normas.
Mario Coyol Sánchez
México / 4 mins Retrato videográfico, visibilizando los movimientos y micromovimientos que se generan en diferentes corporalidades, enfatizando sus paisajes internos. El cuerpo se convierte en la materia prima para explorar, cuestionar y transformar su representación.
 Cover Story
Suhail Abbasi
India / 13 mins Randeep, a successful advertising executive, is in turmoil as his boss Neeraj, dismisses a same-sex ad film idea proposed by his junior colleague Rashi. He senses a deep sense of homophobia and sets into deep introspection about his own sexuality. What if his boss or colleagues find out that ‘he is gay’. In the cold corporate corridors reeking of misogyny, hostility, stigma and discrimination, will Randeep find his voice…?! Trailer... here
Alexander Schmitz
USA / 6 mins This short film follows a high school student named Isaac as he realizes his sexuality in a somewhat conservative environment, in a family that is not only distant, but also absent. In the face of rejection and retaliation, Isaac has to decide his next course of action. Watch… here
Crystal Nights of Lust
Cristina Zaragosa
Spain / 4 mins A man falls in love with the transgender version of himself. A gender study through the myth of Narcissus. Watch... here
Cuida bem dele
Isabela Xavier
Brazil / 10 mins When they tell Bruno that his voice does not match with the character’s voice, he begins a search that, along with all the new experiences, turns into finding out he’s own way of being and existing in the world.
Elisa Portela
14 mins En medio de la selva, dos amigas ven interrumpido su descanso al encontrarse con una joven desconocida. La presencia de la extraña poco a poco cambiará a las tres, a medida que la noche avance y el sonido las envuelva. Watch… here
 Cursed Love / Amore Maledetto
Alessandro Ruggiero
Italy / 9 mins L'essere gay, a volte finisce in tragedia, specie quando regna la confusione sulla propria identità sessuale. Watch... here
Flávia Ayer, Fred Bottrel
Brazil / 14 mins O assassinato brutal da travesti Dandara Kataryne poderia limitar-se a uma estatística no país que mais mata travestis e transexuais. Porém, o caso ganhou repercussão com a difusão, em redes sociais e aplicativos, de vídeos gravados pelos próprios agressores. Amigos e parentes de Dandara trazem a história não contada sobre o caso que escancarou a violência transfóbica no Brasil. Trailer… here
Sebastián Freire
Argentina / 14 mins There is no adversity or misunderstanding that passes through the life of Darin Wixon. The story of an American artist who arrives to Buenos Aires, lives the intense gay night of the city, suffers an illness, and a marriage that ends in a scam: life is art.
Daughter / 我的女儿
Amanda Lee
Canada / 5 mins DAUGHTER explores an immigrant mother's pain and worry about her transgender daughter and examines the perspective of a mother who may not understand her daughter, but cares for her deeply. The film celebrates transgender resistance, gender nonconformity, and the strength of the immigrant family across language and cultural boundaries. Watch… here
Day Dream
Stephen Isaac Wilson
UK / 4 mins This expressive and dreamlike portrait of party founder Kareem Reid explores race, loneliness and community within London’s scenes, and muses on the remaining gulf separating queers from straight privileges in later life, such as financial security. Watch...here
Death of the Innocent
Xennia O’Catherine, Kai Daniels, Calvin Beardemphl, Zoey Luna, Asher Cope
USA / 4 mins A demon lurks in the shadows of an abandoned building. Will these teens make it out alive?
Deep Down Tidal
Tabita Rezaire
2017 |
French Guina, South Africa / 19 mins Deep Down Tidal is a video essay in typical net. art style, weaving together cosmological, spiritual, political and technological narratives about water and its role in communication, then and now. It's about how this cable network can facilitate the retention and expansion of power. Watch… here
Del Dyer
Daisy Asquith
UK / 6 mins
Derby Diversity: A Westpride Story
Scout Micallef
Australia / 10 mins Westside Derby Dollz (WSDD) welcomes all genders and is Melbourne’s only roller derby league in the West. Trailer... here
¿Derechos iguales?
Fundación Triángulo Extremadura
Spain / 55 mins Sobre las condiciones de vida que lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales de África y América Latina viven en sus Países. Aborda temáticas como la violencia y discriminación en el trabajo, en los servicios de sanidad y en la educación que estos colectivos sufren en esos países del mundo. Watch… here
 Desde el recuerdo con amor
Álvaro Orfla Giner
Spain / 15 mins 'Desde el memoria con amor' presents the production of both a literary and an audiovisual work in which memory, remembrance and oblivion are tackled as concepts that construct the story of the main character.
 Detached / Desencaixe
Tiffany Rossi
Brazil / 1 min Filmmaker Tiffany Rossi asks: Have you ever felt detached? Watch… here
 Dia 1
Matheus Faro, Rafael B olacha
Brazil / 12 mins Durante uma entrevista, Luan se recorda do dia em que recebeu seu diagnóstico positivo para HIV. Ali se colocam seus medos, aflições e questionamentos que o fizeram tomar decisões importantes para seguir em frente. Baseado em uma história real. Trailer… here
Diadème, martinet et sentiments
Hubaut Natacha, Balboni Raphaël
Belgium / 16 mins To be free. What is that ? How many people have you slept with and how many have you loved ? Would you be able to stay with a person you love but who does not satisfy you sexually ? You too should answer to this quiz that mixes laughter, reflection and poetry, and questions our relationship with sex and love.
Diamanti is Forever
Enrico Salvatori
Italy / 15 mins An homage to the italian actor Vinicio Diamanti who worked for both cinema and TV together with Franco Enriquez, Enrico Maria Salerno, Giancarlo Cobelli, Manuela Kusterman, Giancarlo Nanni, Memè Perlini, Valeria Moriconi, Vittorio Gassman and Pippo Di Marca.
Sara Álvarez Hernández
Spain / 4 mins DIQUES talks about the physical and social walls that we “build” every day, basically because of the fear of each other or the unknown. Walls that lock us and put us away, and that only love can cross. Watch... here
William E. Jones
USA / 10 mins The soundtrack of the film, read by the computer voice Alex, is adapted from the film Traité de bave et d’éternité (1951), by Isidore Isou. The film is Isou’s manifesto of 'cinéma discrepant'. The fundamental principle of discrepant cinema is a disregard of the image in order to privilege written narration. There is no attempt to illustrate the text. The relation of sound and image can—indeed, should—be as arbitrary and opaque as possible. Trailer… here
 Disoriented / Orientierungslos
Lara Mack
Luxembourg / 32 mins Orientierungslos (Disoriented) tells the story of two young female students going on a camping trip to discover, in an emotional chaos, that their perception of friendship is very different. Trailer... here
 Divina Luz
Ricardo Sá
Brazil / 15 mins A trajetória de Luz del Fuego, a bailarina naturista que balançou o Brasil nos anos 1950 com seus ideais de nudismo. Trailer... here
Do Not Forsake Me
Alon Reter
Israel / 17 mins Just a few steps from downtown Jerusalem is Independence Park. At night, the park transforms into an eccentric empire of prophets. Each character has a complex relationship with God, and all of them are seeking conversation and contact. Equipped with a small camera, the filmmaker walks among them, capturing moments of intimacy and alienation, looking into his own faith in the process.
Dolphin Dreams
Kinga Michalska, Winnie Superhova
Canada, Germany / 3 mins This playful gender-bending film explores the sensual qualities of a cheap toy.
Don't Touch Me
Savannah Smith
USA / 15 mins Relationships can be hard when you've got a demi.
Doppelgänger Memorandum
Clark Nikolai
Canada / 6 mins A film score composer is distracted by a haunted video monitor.
William Reyes
Honduras / 5 mins Um adolescente tentará contar um segredo a seu melhor amigo na última tarde que passam juntos antes que o amigo parta ilegalmente para os Estados Unidos. Trailer… here
Reda Ait
Germany / 6 mins Dorothy is both a tribute to David Bowie and to the art/sport of pole-dance. Through this documentary, THEM tries to develop the idea that, again, using our bodies are more than just visual, it is a real involvement and a way to get rid of social constructions. The idea of the choreography came to Dorothy’s head the very next day of David Bowie’s dead, during the night. Watch… here
 Dream Phone
Kendra Lohr
USA / 3 mins Who--who--who's got a crush on you! Was it all a dream? Watch… here
Duality / Dvita
Vishal Vasant Ahire
India / 15 mins Rajjo, a member of the Hijra (intersex/transgender) community in India develops a crush on a girl but realizes that neither his community nor the world at large completely approve of his existence.
 Duas Vezes Senzala
Gustavo Pozzatti
Brazil / 25 mins Meu documentário sobre LGBT's negros e suas vivências já tem data de estreia, pra quem mora em Goiânia é só colar no DIGO hein, pra quem não mora aqui em breve ele será lançado na internet. Curta a página do doc e acompanhe... Trailer... here
Duo Impacto
Molly Harding, Miranda Everingham, Alexandra Nagy
Cuba 7:49 mins Two Cuban lesbians talk about LGBT rights, wanting children and performing as drag kings.
Dyke Problems
Ronnie Zidon
Israel A comedy webseries featuring Meyrav, getting a drink with her elderly neighbour and complaining about the woes of the young, Tel-Avivian lesbian. In return, she gets hit with lessons on intersectional feminism. Don't mess with granny. Watch...here
Echo Each Other
Pin-Ru Chen
Taiwan / 15 mins It’s difficult making the transition from being single to starting a relationship. So how should we cope? Echo Each Other abandons spoken dialogue, instead using sign and body language to silently communicate with the audience.
Echomutation / You, Me, It / Bleached
Coco Schwarz, Alina Mann
Three experimental films that focus their attention on representations of the gendered body in film.
 Einfach Mensch
Gina Wenzel
Germany / 47 mins A documentary about three young trans people; it provides deep insights into how they deal with their trans identities on a daily basis. They talk about their fears, problems and experiences and how the protagonists defend themselves against transphopic attacks. The film is supposed to show trans-identity as something omnipresent and serve as an aid in finding one’s identity. Trailer...here
El Alquiler
Marta Barroso
Spain / 16 mins
El error
Yolanda Moreno Torrado
Spain / 2 mins Una conversación trivial entre dos hermanas sobre los juegos de su infancia.
El Espejo de Obsidiana
Juan Carlos Manrique
México / 5 mins Tras el fallecimiento a su amado, Rafael realiza año tras año un ritual prehispánico para poder reencontrase con su pareja. Watch... here
El Gable’s Craze
Eli Gable (Andrea Meroni), Anderes Holtz (Edoardo Preti)
Italy / 12 mins A collage sketch and music exhibition of Eli Gable, showman and gay dandy with a passion for synth-pop. As a character conceived in apocalyptic rave-party in the Mantuan countryside and nourished during alcoholic underground parties, Eli Gable speaks an unusual language inspired by Franco Battiato and hedonistic Dead Or Alive.
El Polvo Nos Sube al Rostro
Guillermo del Castillo
Chile / 14 mins Christmas Eve. Nelson told everyone his son was coming. The truth is that boy isn’t his son and the neighbors saw them kissing. But that’s not a problem to them, it seems it is a problem to Nelson himself who shows his wedding ring every time he can.
César García
Colombia / 10 mins El 30 de diciembre se llevó a cabo la Pelea por la Equidad de Género, como iniciativa de la Alcaldía de Soledad para abrir nuevos espacios a la comunidad LGBTI. Brandon San Juán y Brianys Romero se enfrentaron en la última presentación de la noche.
On December 30th, the Fight for Gender Equality took place as an initiative of the Mayor’s Office in Soledad to open up new spaces for the LGBTI community. Brandon San Juán and Brianys Romero faced each other in the last performance of the night.
Emerge / Emerger
Yuliana Brutti
Argentina / 24 mins Luciana studies in the south. Some time later, she visits her family in a Cordoba’s town. Nostalgia in the recent past and thinking that everything would be the same, keeps her in a kind of inner dilemma. Constanza will help Luciana to asking questions about herself so she can emerge out of that confusion to understand, that when we return to the river, the river is not the same, and neither we are. Trailer… here
End-Beginning / Anthadhi
Earthling Koushalya
India / 20 mins Two Souls in Love...balancing each other's nature...in a never ending vortex of ends and beginnings! Watch… here
 Énfasis, de Historias de VIHda
Pilar Devesa
Spain / 26 mins En noviembre de 2014 la periodista Pilar Devesa en colaboracio´n con el Comite´ Ciudadano Antisida de la Comunidad Valenciana propone un proyecto comunicativo con el propo´sito de generar contenido documental actualizado, integrador y positivo sobre las personas que conviven con el VIH. Trailer: here
Boris Guzmán
Puerto Rico / 6 mins Erika es una joven que se siente nacido en el cuerpo equivocado e intenta descubrir quién es en realidad, enfrentando la aceptación o el rechazo de sus padres. Watch… here
Eva Wo
USA / 2 mins Divine mystic witch Lucifer Rising take a lavish milky hot bath with herself in a futuristic steam machine.
Vinicius Sassine, Mariana Paschoal, Julien Mérienne, Maria Chatzi
Brazil / 52 mins En estilo observacional, la cámara sigue Lludy y su entorno por seis meses. “Escape” mantiene una distancia que busca captar un movimiento casi invisible – el movimiento de brasileñas que escapan del país que más asesina travestis en el mundo. Trailer… here
 Everything Must Go, mon amour
Jocelyn Roy
Canada / 9 mins The existential angst of a young intellectual, when he and his boyfriend witness the destruction of the neighbourhood movie theater where their love story was born. Watch... here
Manon Weck
France / 1 min Une jeune fille se promène seule dans la rue jusqu’à ce que quelqu’un se mette à la critiquer. Puis, l’effet boule de neige crée une suite de moqueries et injures qui créent la confusion dans la tête de celle-ci… Watch… here
Eyeshadow / Sombra de ojos
Manuel Morales
Chile / 21 mins Two deteriorating lives build a friendship framed in reflections on identity, loneliness and death in Chile during the 90’s. A poetic point of view about HIV/AIDS and its social stigma, inspired in chronicles by Pedro Lemebel.
Rose Shirley
USA / 6 mins Transgender musician Claire Michelle shares her story of overcoming grief through the power of writing and performing music.
Fashion Cave!
Tristan Goik
USA / 1min Two drag queen super heroes await to fight some danger in their lair. Watch...here
Feeling for Chimeras
Lou Lou Sainsbury
UK / 20 mins A research project investigating the sacred, the self-hunt and systemic violence in queer and chimerical bodies. Exploring text-to-image relationships as a reflexive process for fable-esque & fictive experiences of the body; focusing on poetry and found footage video to uncover moments of vulnerability and tenderness in experiences of systemic violence.
Kay Garnellen
Germany / 4 mins It’s late, working time is over, cleaning is boring…Well let’s have some fun instead!
Femme in Public
Jabu Nadia Newman
South Africa / 8 mins December 2016 popped off with a fierce and unapologetic bang as US performance artist /activist /poet Alok Vaid-Menon joined forces with some of South Africa’s trans and gender-non-conforming artists in a creative collaboration titled “Femme in Public”.
Finding Home
Veronica McKenzie
UK / 32 mins A short about LGBT Asylum seekers & immigrants was commissioned by Southwark Network. Trailer... here
Brettley Kai, Wyatt Riot
Canada / 4 mins Firkytoodle / fur•key•toodle/ noun.1. A 17th century British term, obsolete by the 19th century, meaning to caress sexually, to pet, to canoodle; what is known today as foreplay.2. Meeting at the intersections of fatness, transness, and desire.
Thomas Repaux
France / 19:28 mins
For the Love of Secrets / Aus Liebe Zum Geheimni
Nicolas Sidiropulos
Germany / 9 mins Jochen und Rasmus sind zwei Menschen, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten. Jochen ist vorsichtig, freundlich und unsicher – dagegen ist Rasmus sehr direkt, schroff und selbstbewusst. Doch gerade wegen ihrer Unterschiedlichkeit lieben sie sich. Aber trotz ihrer starken Liebe zueinander gibt es ein Geheimnis.
From Russia Wiwh Queer Love
Aleksandr M Vinogradov
Russia / 16 mins “From Russia with love” is the first Drag Queen Tango Drama short film. Watch... here
from this side of space to the other side of the signal
Benjamin Rosenthal
USA / 10 mins Computer generated bodies and body parts glistening with video material generated via this system perform actions that queer the line between digital, physical and analog, homoeroticism and violence––entangled in a fragmented high-modernist grid. Trailer... here
Fuck My Face!
Grisel Amaury
France / 4 mins Sexual diversity- in closeup. Watch… here
Fuck Tree
Liz Rosenfeld
Germany / 9 mins After extensive research into the history, methodology and imagery of Luther Price’s film Sodom (1989), Rosenfeld created a portrait of an infamous tree which holds space for cruisers in London’s Hampstead Heath. Inspired by the various ways in which Price treated the emulsion of his film, Rosenfeld buried parts of the original film stock and soaked it in her own cum to erode the image. Reflecting on questions relating to queer historical public space and shifting ecologies, Rosenfeld looks at queer dystopia, a positive embrace of apocalypse and invisible genocide.
Alice Jane McKinney
UK / 10 mins Fuego is a short documentary following Marta as she returns to her small rural village in Poland, after leaving in search of a better life.
Funny Girl
Rosina Andreaou
UK / 6:35 mins Exploring the on and offstage life of comedy with comedian Rosie Jones, this documentary explores stereotypes about disability, sexuality, and being a Northerner.
Ganymede Earrings
Niv Fridman
Israel / 5 mins A pair of golden earrings depicting a youth and an eagle are on display at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The youth is Ganymede; the eagle is Zeus, who fell in love with Ganymede because of his beauty, and kidnapped him to be the servant of the gods. A male prostitute wants to steal the earrings. To do so, he seduces one of the museum guards.
Gay Alien Shame Parade (GASP!)
Scott Sørli, Evan Tapper
Canada / 5 mins Gay Alien Shame Parade (GASP!) was created for Nuit Rose, an arts festival at Pride Toronto, 2017. The previous year, Black Lives Matter - Toronto intervened in the Toronto Pride parade, resulting in significant changes to Pride 2017. Among the most controversial of BLM-Toronto's demands was the 'Removal of police floats in Pride marches and parades
Gay Bashed
JC Gray
USA / 12 min “Gay Bashed” tells the story of Danny, a 26-year-old who is robbed, beaten, and abandoned in the desolate tundra of Colorado, all because he was presumed to be gay. The film follows Danny’s journey of survival and self-discovery.
Gay Focus Group
Kyle Buchanan
USA / 5 mins What are The Gays into? Well, since you asked… Watch... here
Gemini / Al-Jawza
Zamen Ali
Iraq / 6 mins
Adam Jones
USA / 8 mins “Generous” is based on going to hook up with someone and they don’t even closely resemble the pictures they had sent on Grindr. Hesitant at first, the young man is convinced to stay after the catfish offers to be generous. A few drinks and a couple pills later they begin to open up to each other… and things continue to go south from there.
 Getting High on My Own Sperm
Shiri Faingold
Israel, Germany / 18 mins A bored boy named Boris accidentally smokes his own sperm, discovers that this trip is even stronger than taking acid. He uploads a video online of himself smoking his sperm. Getting high on sperm becomes a hit. It changes the world and might even destroy it. Trailer… here
 Give a Man a Mask
Eric Gauss
Zimbabwe / 12 mins Give a Man a Mask uncovers the various ways MSM sex workers hide their profession, sexual preference and character to protect themselves in a country that condemns Homosexuality.
Gonj (Bee)
Arman Gholipourdashtaki
Iran / 8 mins Gonj (honey bee) is a film displaying the attempt of mountaineers who work in extreme Zagros mountains of Iran in the height more than 150m with elementary facilities and sever risks and difficulties. they give this pure and clear honey to the sick person in order to treat the various diseases
Marco-Alexis Chaira
USA / 5 mins Watch… here
Goodnight, Kia
Kia LaBeija
6 mins Over the duration of the ongoing AIDS epidemic, an estimated 17 million children have lost one or both parents to an AIDS-related illness. Many of these children living with the virus themselves have ended up displaced or forced out of their homes. In Goodnight, Kia, Kia LaBeija processes a reoccurring dream of the home she shared with her mother Kwan Bennett. Bennett died of an AIDS-related illness in October of 2004, resulting in an unanticipated move that reshaped the course of her teenage daughter's life. Watch... here
Green Velvet
Ben Berlin
Germany Two people explore and incorporate a beautiful lake in their play. The play includes, among other things, breath play and blood play.
India / 22 mins
César García
Colombia / 12 mins Una reina trans, un chico en proceso de hormonización, un líder bisexual y un peluquero, que todavía se extraña de sus preferencias sexuales, son los protagonistas de este relato audiovisual, que recorre la primera Guacherna Diversa en los Montes de María, una de las regiones más afectadas por el conflicto armado colombiano. Watch… here
Cecilia Grasso
4:43 mins Proiezione del teaser per un progetto di serie web e chiacchiere con le autrici e le protagoniste. Una serie al femminile in cerca di finanziamenti, in cui le donne fanno sesso, senza doversi giustificare e senza dare “spiegoni” della sessualità femminile. Punto
Gum [Grown Up Man]
Noémie Blondel
France / 2 mins The inner thoughts of a man putting his face on A travers les couleurs flamboyantes d’une mise en beauté, ce soir, ce sera résolument lui la plus belle… Watch… here
Mohammad Toriwarian
Irán / 11 mins Tres jóvenes intentan cruzan clandestinamente la frontera entre Irán y Turquía. Su guía, muy religioso, solo permite el paso de hombres pero uno de ellos encierra una sorpresa.
Hard Femme Intimacy / Bebeschwendaam
Dayna Danger
5 mins 2Spirit/Queer, Metis/Saulteaux/Polish visual artist raised in so called Winnipeg, MB. Bebeschwendaam challenges the segregation between intimacy and kinship as a method of decolonizing Western perceptions of love and partnerships. By demonstrating candid moments between the two central figures, this playful film dismantles the notion that affection is solely reserved for romantic, heteronormative couplings. This film has been shown at Concordia’s VA Gallery in 2017 and Gallery 101 in Ottawa.
Hard Out
Howard Adler, Candy Renae, Jessie Short
Aotearoa / 4 mins A man wakes up lost and confused on the beach, and it’s a mystery of how and why he got there.
Laura Rämö
Finland / 3 mins Heartbeats is a poetic short documentary piece about hearts and their carriers, portraying four queer people. In one day, heart, our muscle that never rests, beats approximately over 100 000 times. In the film the intimate heartbeats blend to the rhythm of nature. By drawing attention to the familiar sound inside all of us it ponders the universal, yet temporal nature of being. The film was made during a weekend as part of Kino Queer workshop organized by Euphoria Borealis.
Daniel McIntyre
Canada / 4 mins Helium was originally presented as a dual-projector work, digitally transferred, that explores the worlds of competitive bodybuilding and balloon fetish.
Hell You Talmbout
Denzel Boyd, Tyler Rabinowitz, Joseph Webb
8 mins Ten years ago, Melba Ayco founded Northwest Tap Connection, a social justice oriented dance studio intentionally placed in the most dangerous part of Seattle so that it could serve as a hub and refuge for youth in the area. In the wake of the killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, the directors came across a Facebook Live video of the students of Northwest Tap dancing in the streets in protest. Watch... here
Sean McElhose
Henoko, Oura Bay: The Sea of Life
Bunka-kobo Kei
Japan / 71 mins The beautiful sea full of life is being destroyed for the sake of wars caused by the U.S.A. The lives of people, the lives of dugongs, the lives of sea turtles… The lives of many creatures are being threatened. This is a record of the reality at Henoko and Oura Bay. Trailer… here
Hermes From the series “The Children of the Border”
Lidia Hernandez
USA / 4 mins Hermes Espinoza was 17 when he reached a breaking point in Arizona. Alone, without any family or legal status, his ability to remain in the United States was in danger. He had crossed the border from Mexico to the United States a year earlier, in 2007, looking to escape the discrimination he faced in his home state of Guerrero for being homosexual. He expresses himself by designing and sewing his own clothes. He longs to be a fashion designer.
Archie Zhang
Canada / 5 mins For the princess with Daddy issues and the daddy with Princess issues, Heroes offers a thought-provoking twist in the little fairy tale that is our lives.
Zhang Han, Chen Cong
Hong Kong / 36mins Born as a “he”, Ruby is he as in she. Painting her eyes and eyebrows, the transgender Ruby is creating the perfect illusion of her own self. But can she paint her life to be better? Can she paint over the void in her heart? Can she paint herself an easier road in life? This is more than just a documentary of a transgender girl in HongKong, it is also an interrogation of all of us. Trailer... here
Mathias Tuosto
Switzerland / 25 mins David (20) is in a disconcerting period of his life. This psychological phase is shown as a forest path he's walking on. His walk may be symptomatic of his condition and even more when he meets strange characters for the occasion. Trailer...here
Hide and seek
Mark Karam
Lebanon / 7 mins A different kind of toursim. The film follows the lives of 2 guys roaming the streets of Beirut.
Hier Encore
Nara Noïan
France / 3 mins Watch... here
Annemoon Van Maastricht
? |
Amanda Pó
Brazil / 4 mins Quem escreveu a História, na qual homens são sempre protagonistas?
Etamar Kadusheviz
Israel / 7 mins A couple returns home after the stabbing at the 2015 Jerusalem Pride Parade. One of them decides that they must have sex.
Home Made
Diana Khong
USA / 10 mins Home Made is an intimate, contemplative portrait of two queer tattoo artists navigating an industry that is traditionally dominated by white, straight, cisgender males. Trailer… here
 Hot Power Couple
Erika Lust
Spain / 22 mins Porn.
 I Am / Ma
Gokul Kunwar
Nepal / 8 mins In a journey of self-discovery, a man realizes he is a woman trapped in a man's body. This is the story a man who is determined to live his new life to the full, will boldly attempt this amidst prejudice, discrimination, social dictation and, of course, public outcry, to fight for the right to be different.
I Am Every Woman
Lena Weller
Germany / 13 mins Dokumentarfilm, in dem Trans*Frau Kaey und Drag-Queen Fixie Fate einen intimen Einblick in ihr Leben und ihre Lebensentwürfe geben.
 I Am What I Am – Over the Rainbow
Genki Masuda
Japan / 75 mins Chizuru Azuma interviews 41 members of Japan’s LGBT community, focusing on Hiroshi Hasegawa, the founder of the gay magazines Badi and G-men, and an outspoken board member of JaNP+ (Japanese Network of People Living with HIV/AIDs). The film’s participants include prominent figures like Peter, Ai Haruna and Kiyotaka, all delivering powerful messages for those conflicted about their sexuality.
I Am! We Are Here!
Seyi Adebanjo
USA / 7 mins A community made DIY documentary of the trans*, queer, gender non-conforming and two-spirit residents of the Bronx. I am! We are Here! invites the viewer to consider an alternative narrative to queer experience and platforms the bravery of everyday people living their lives and truths in the midst of political conservatism. Trailer… here
 I Can’t
Han Jay
South Korea / 13 mins Ji Sun and Chae Yeon have been a couple since high school. At the end of a class reunion party, a male classmate asks Ji Sun to hook him up with Chae Yeon.
I M U R – Swirl
Nancy Lee
Canada / 3:48 mins Black masculinity and bisexuality explored through intimate movements. Watch... here
I Think We're Alone Now
Anna Dória, Isabela Costa
Brazil / 15:22 mins Beatriz and Cecília are teenagers facing typical problems of finding space and time to be together freely as baby dykes in a conservative setting, so they wish to be in a place free from judgements and violence… and it comes true.
I’m Amanda
Amanda Prosser
UK / 1 min Amanda briefly explains why she’s changed her name, hopefully reassuring her friends and colleagues that not that much else has changed. Watch… here
Ice Cold
Sekiya Dorsett
USA / 14mins A blushing bride experiences the best and worst wedding day in history.
Il Lato Inaccettabile Della Libertà 1-3
Italy / 16 mins / Web Series Ognuno ha per forza qualcosa da nascondere. Chi odia ha paura e, quindi desidera. Inoltre, bisogna assolutamente creare una situazione per la quale nessuno è responsabile. Tre cortometraggi prodotti nell'arco di 3 anni riflettono sul Queer come strategia di abbandono della Realtà.
Nev Brook, Emily McDonald
UK / 6 mins Andrew was living a solitary existence until he met Harriet.. Watch... here
 Infinite Galatea / Galatée à L’infini
Julia Maura, Mariangela Pluchino, Ambra Reijnen, Maria Chatzi, Fátima Flores Rojas
Spain / 17 mins Pygmalion, disappointed of the women of his time, decides to create an immaculate woman with his own hands. He models his creation at the height of his expectations and level: she should be able to satisfy his pleasures and provide his kingdom with workforce. A visual essay about the body as a socially constructed discourse throughout gynecology, a science serving itself of an ideological scalpel to mould gender, sexuality and desire. Trailer… here
Instante: Natalia
Cristian Rodríguez
Puerto Rico / 9 mins Un triángulo amoroso. Siempre hay uno que tiene el mando. ¿Qué harán los otros por amor? Watch... here
Andrea Silvestro, Stefano Stefanini
Italy, UK / 62 mins INTER(sectional)VIEWS is a documentary made for the web, divided into 5 episodes. This series of one-on-one interviews, filmed in Italy and in the rest of Europe, is intended to function as a cultural tool to raise public awareness on "difficult" issues: the whole range of discriminations and the ever-growing conviction in the mind of the public that there is a clear and definite separation between "us" and "them". In each of these 5 videos, people who are very different from each other reply to a general question, dealing with different topics.
Intimacy / Intimität
Susanne Steinmassl
Germany / 3 mins Single INTIMITÄT from Candelilla’s 2017 album CAMPING via Trocadero / ZickZack Records Watch… here
 Introspectiva de un Chivo Entre Ovejas
Hugo Nuñes Ruiz
Perú / 15 mins Un joven poco convencional narra a través de una introspectiva, el proceso y los problemas de crecer como una persona regordeta y homosexual, buscar su identidad y sobrevivir en una sociedad donde la perfección es requisito para la aceptación.
It is Time
Kajri Babar
India / 20 mins After watching this short film Your thought process will change about Gay society and Gay freedom Watch... here
Je Suis un Coming-Out
Camille Beglin
France / 2 mins Mélanie et Tom vont devoir faire une révélation à leurs parents. C'est la rencontre entre deux mondes incompatibles... ou pas... Watch… here
Jelanii's Dance
Maggie Carroll
4 mins Jelanii dances because he's able to express how he feels without having to say anything. Trailer… here
Jim & The Palace
Billy Craig
50 mins A film about an eccentric Englishman’s reckless decision to buy a dilapidated 700-year-old palace, in the south of Poland and the unexpected life-line sprung on it by an artists’ residency. A foreign force numbering in the hundreds will now descend on Jim’s home, to breathe new life into the dungeons, halls and ballrooms.
Jim’s Introduction to Gender Identity
K. Kypers
USA / 5 mins Jim thinks he knows who he is: he’s a man, he has a hot girlfriend, he’s on the basketball team… But when Cassie tells him about a male bodied friend who identifies as a girl, Jim’s concepts of gender and identity are challenged.
Jodido VIH
Germán de Heras
Spain / 3 mins Watch...here
Just a Little Taste
Jacquie Ray
USA / 4 mins Two of our most primal urges combine in this short that allows the viewer to witness the passion of two hungry young male lovers.
Kai, 12
Fox Fisher
UK / 4 mins Kai, was assigned female at birth but always identified as a boy. We have been following since he was 9. Now Kai is 12 and has been on hormone blockers for a few years. He is supported by his mother and sees a positive future for himself.
Karate / Kapate
Karl Neubart
Austria, Germany / 4 mins
 Kibe Lanches
Alexandre Figueirôa
Brasil / 18 mins In the 1980s, the Kibe Lanches restaurant, in the Pina neighborhood of Recife, sold Arab cuisine. On Friday nights, it became a joyful meeting place, whose main attraction was ‘Rolinhas do Barão’. Na década de 80, o restaurante Kibe Lanches, no bairro do Pina, no Recife, vendia pratos da cozinha árabe. Nas sextas à noite, transformava-se num alegre ponto de encontro, cuja principal atração eram as ‘Rolinhas do Barão’. Trailer… here
Kim... But Inside in the Dark I’m Aching to be Free
Magdalena Wieczorek
Poland / 10 mins Historia Kim Lee pokazuje, ze nie ma jednego przepisu na szczescie i kazdy czlowiek powinien sam ustalac jego reguly. Film stanowi prace dyplomowa Magdaleny Wieczorek, która zrealizowala w Pracowni Techniki i Sztuki Operatorskiej prof. Andrzeja J. Jaroszewicza na Akademii Sztuk Pieknych w Warszawie.
Samuel Shanahoy, Emnet Getahun
USA / 10 mins A queer Ethiopian-American woman grapples with the decision to bring her partner to a family wedding, risking estrangement, or staying in the closet and losing her sense of self.
Zhanna Ozirna
Ukraine / 9 mins Two girls in a Lviv apartment start a casual conversation about their common future. In the midst of the traditional Ukrainian life remnants the usual dreams about future stumble upon the unbreakable social norms and customs. The things that are private for most people the others have to fight for against the society. Surrounded by regular scenery while dealing with the usual household tasks, the sincere conversation turns into a global question: can we afford the freedom at least in our private lives without having to substitute it with pets? Trailer… here
Kuvas seuraa mun matkallain
Pinja Valja
Finland / 16 mins The Image of You weaves together the themes of love and memory in the spirit of New Wave cinema. It’s a story of a couple, Lilja and Laura, who have recently broken up. To find peace of mind, Lilja wants to discuss the past relationship with Laura. But the women’s memories of the relationship differ, and the conversation and flashbacks from their past intertwine into an enigmatic puzzle. Who gets to decide what is the truth? Was their love true even though it ended?
 La delgada línea
Marco Dibildox
Mexico / 5 mins Dos jóvenes quedan para mantener una aventura tórrida con la ayuda de psicoactivos. Todo comenzará con mucha marcha. Sin embargo, las cosas no acaban siempre como empiezan. Watch... here
La Duna
Ricardo Alonso Diaz
Spain / 3 mins
La Mar
Moisés Anaya
México / 15 mins Florencia una joven arquitecta, sortea la violencia normalizada con que se vive en la sociedad. Cuando distintos sucesos continúan alimentando un miedo creciente, decide ̈hacerse a la mar.
 La T Invisible
Patricia Ortega
Venezuela / 13 mins Sharom es la T Invisible y silente del LGBT+. Ella es travesti de clóset. Mientras realiza su ritual de transformación, nos cuenta sobre su dualidad: el lado masculino que es su rostro público y el femenino, que es la cara censurada. Estos dos universos son partes indivisibles de su ser. Un diálogo que reSexiona sobre los límites del género, la identidad y la orientación sexual. Watch... here
Lac de plumes
Emily Pelstring
Canada / 4 mins In this music video for IDALG's “Lac de plumes”, a woman smokes and waits for a phone call. In another forestial world, accessed through the portal of a magic jewelry box, a snake maneuvers through minerals and plant life. The two worlds gradually merge as the body of the woman and snake become intertwined. Watch… here
Lace Me Tightly
Vincenzo Costantino
Italy / 16 mins Dario ha ventidue anni ed è cresciuto a Salina, una piccola isola del Mediterraneo. Già da bambino comincia a cucire, isolandosi nel suo fantasioso mondo dove incontra la sua prima amica defunta: Maria Antonietta di Francia, sua musa ispiratrice. È grazie alla sua nuova amica che Dario scoprirà l’eleganza e il rigore del corsetto che da quel momento in poi lo segnerà per sempre al punto che diverrà elemento centrale nella sua vita e nel suo lavoro da stilista portandolo a praticare il Tightlace, la pratica del restringimento del girovita. Suggestioni della quotidianità di Dario, che ci porteranno a percepire come si stia stretti dentro il suo corsetto. Trailer… here
Karelys Ríos
Puerto Rico / 24 mins En cada familia hay rumores, pero no todas tienen secretos. Cuando se topa con un posible secreto familiar, Samantha se lanza a buscar la manera de encontrar la respuesta. Pronto, le revela una cruda realidad a su padre, abriendo así una caja de Pandora que será casi imposible de cerrar, junto con una gran incógnita.
Landslide / Zsuv
Oleksiy Radynski
Ukraine / 29 mins In post-revolutionary Ukraine, a community of people try to build a new society in the cracks and pores of a collapsing social system. The film unfolds in central Kyiv, in a space that has been reclaimed from the city by forces of nature. As a result of a series of landslides, the area of Petrivska Street has become untenable and was subsequently occupied by the outcasts and outsiders of all kinds: a secretive graffiti team, a group of tech geeks and an avant-garde queer theatre that fled the war in Luhansk. Trailer… here
 Last Bottle
Mark Gregory Bayani
Philippines / 8 mins After a casual meet-up at a bar, two friends find it complicated to say goodbye to each other and don’t realize just how inseparable they are. Tale of an uneasy bromance. Watch... here
Last Night's Sugar
Shawna Virago
USA / 5 mins A harrowing tale of late-night escapades and economic ruin, Last Night’s Sugar is the music video for the second single off of trans music pioneer and acoustic artist Shawna Virago’s critically acclaimed album Heaven Sent Delinquent. Watch… here
Late in my life
Ligal Mor
Israel / 15 min Following her father’s death, Aline comes back to the kibbutz. She is now a strong transgender woman, but the encounter with the closed society where she grew up, and especially with her brother, proves to be contentious. Her brother is in denial about the changes she has gone through, and their meeting challenges their common memories.
Letting Go / Desprender
Gonzalo Wolf Sandoval, Catalina Monzalvett
Chile / 17 mins Damián and Luciano who are about to finish their final year of school lose their friend Agatha. Damián tries to seek restraint on his friend, but encounters the discomfort of a relationship of two that used to be three, until a new element appears in his friendship that changes everything. Damián y Luciano cursan su último año de colegio cuando pierden a Ágata, su mejor amiga. Sin saber cómo terminar el año, se encuentran en una relación de dos que tendía ser de tres y la incomodidad que esto les genera. Damián intentará acercarse a Luciano para buscar contención, pero aparece algo más que amistad en el proceso.
Life on Two Spectrums
Elizabeth-Valentina Sutton
UK / 6 mins The film follows Dan ‘Tia Anna’ Kahn, a drag queen with Asperger’s Syndrome who founded A.S.P.E.C.S (Autistic and Aspergers Persons of Every Category of (Queer) Sexuality) a support and networking group to help address the needs of the neurodiverse members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Yuma Wakabayashi, Kaoru Maruwaka, Aoto Tani
Japan / 108 mins ~In Osaka~ One day, Mayu’s mother collapses from illness; a tremendous misfortune for Mayu. Disability… that makes her mother lose herself eventually. The once-happy family changes from that day on.
~In Tokyo~ One day, I find myself being happy, having a lover and friends beside me, working a job that I dreamed of. I am overwhelmingly happy. I have become myself since that day.
Like You
Fox Fisher, Owl
Iceland / 7 mins On a remote farm in Iceland, two strangers connect and realize they have a lot more in common than they previously assumed. Watch… here
 Lima is Burning
Giovana Garcia
Perú / 8 mins This short documentary narrates the history of Gía (Jxna), the pleasure of (dissident) bodies, and the nights that make Lima burn. Trailer… here
Lipstick Fights
Jon Mitchell
UK / 3 mins Jon Mitchell was mentored to create a poem, visuals and soundscape exploring gender and his deeply personal struggle with his own identity. Watch… here
Joan Montesinos
Spain / 9 mins Are we sure that we are able to live our fantasies of exhibitionism to the limit? And what is the acceptable limit, when the people you are acting out with understand that your intentions are different and try to change the agreed conditions? What is the degree of responsibility of those watching, if there are no longer any physical barriers – no doors, walls, or screens – to voyeurism? "I'm not filming, we're going live!"
 Living Scared
Kyohairwe Kay
Uganda / 25 mins “Living Scared” is a short story of violated rights, sexuality and acceptability and means of survival. Coupled with social conflicts and the challenges of a homophobic community, the film tells a tale of a humanity and what it means to be human.
Liz Rosenfeld
Germany, USA / 8 mins An exploration of cruising glory holes, feminism, and general queer frustration.
 Looper: Farfisa Song
Iain Gardner
UK / 3 mins (Introducing Mustard & Ketchup) Watch...here
Jorge Dopacio Fernández
Spain / 15 mins Algunas veces te tienen que recordar ciertas tragedias, para que no tires la toalla en el intento de conseguir tus sueños.
 Lost Souls of Tomorrow / Portret Izgubljenim
Jan Krevatin
Slovenia / 7 mins Tom and Noah discuss their friendship on the last sunset before Tom leaves. Watch... here
Lost Track of Time
Queer Youth Media Project
USA / 7 mins
Love & Suppression
Samuel Foxton
Ireland / 4 mins Love and Suppression, a short film about the remarkable impact of HIV treatment on people’s lives. Love & Suppression tells the story of how learning about the powerful prevention impact of HIV treatment has changed the lives of an Irish couple. Robbie and Maurice explain how they, as participants in the landmark PARTNER study, are living proof that a person living with HIV on effective treatment cannot pass on HIV to their sexual partner. Watch… here
Love Phantom
Fuyuhiko Takata
Japan / 1 min Takata made this video to create a moment of spectacle rather than an artwork. In the video, a high school boy is dozing on the train when from his chest, something sticks out as if his heart or soul were escaping. This is a kind of game that Japanese boys play, hiding one arm under their shirts and moving it back and forth. It is usually just a simple trick used to surprise someone, but Takata wanted to convert this silly boy’s prank into a more romantic gesture. Trailer… here
 Love Will Set You Free
Quanah Style
Canada / 4 mins The newest music video from Vancouver’s Styles, Love Will Set You Free follows her from Sunset Beach to Davie Street – where love is in the air. Watch… here
 Love with a Colonial Scent / Amor con tufo a colonia
Joelle Laguer
Puerto Rico, USA / 104 mins Con vistas impresionantes como telón de fondo, este documental analiza la situación colonial y la bancarrota de Puerto Rico para centrarse en el debate sobre el matrimonio gay en la isla.
Love. No Boundaries
Monisha Ajgaonkar, Archana Thapliyal
India / 2mins For India’s LGBTQ community, the journey to acceptance and recognition is still a long road ahead. True equality and approval, whether at the societal level, the political or the judicial, is patchy, superfluous or in many cases, simply non-existent. But all journeys, however tough, start with a single step. And these steps turn into strides. Watch… here
Sonja Madani
Austria / 17 mins A younger mistress, a secret student-teacher love affair and a love child. The source of many emotional dramas, this story takes the audience through the life of one family who handled these ordinary occurrences in an extra-ordinary way. Trailer… here
 Lovers in the Middle of the World / Amores En La Mitad Del Mundo
Jorge Vega Reyes
Ecuador / 8 mins In a city crossed by the imaginary line, an accident will make the intertwining stories of Ena, Lea, Luis, Diego and Flor. From that moment on, their lives will change forever and many secrets will be discovered.
Stacia Warren, Vera Miao
USA / 15 mins Like many traditional Chinese mother-daughter relationships, MONA still lives at home under the stern but loving eye of her MA. And like many children of immigrant parents, Mona both worships her mother and is suffocated by her. When Mona leaves the house, its as if she can breathe freely. In the building elevator, she meets cute ERICA, the charming butch who just moved in next door. Whenever Mona is around Erica, things have a way of flying around on their own. Mona has the power to move things with her mind and she can't always control it. But Mona's instant chemistry with Erica awakens something dormant in her and she can finally stop hiding. She's in love. Of course, Ma notices and she's not going to let her daughter go easily. When Ma hounds and bullies Mona through their house, the long simmering fight exploding between them is ugly. Erica intervenes, but nothing can prepare her for learning what happens when Mona loves you...
Rubén Rolando Solla
Puerto Rico / 8 mins Maceradas cuenta la historia de Ismael, un joven inmigrante quien se aproxima a las plantas medicinales para la sanación emocional tras la deportación de su pareja Abey. Su memoria se resguarda en elementos de la naturaleza y todo el proceso traumático se disipa a través de la autosanación, vinculando en una narración introspectiva componentes sociológicos, históricos y místicos. Esta producción contó para la utilería con elementos escultóricos y pinturas que su director elaboró para la historia.
Mamá2. Familias homoparentales
Sofía París, Marta Parra, Miguel Modrego, Alba Romero, Javier Alcaine
Spain /10:18 mins
Esmee Van Loon
Netherlands In this short documentary we see the fashionable centipede Dennis Bijleveld: fashion designer, positieveling and drag queen. Trailer… here
Mañana a la Mañana
Kalen Lopez
7 mins En una fiesta un grupo de amigues se pelean. A través de la noche se revela el verdadero motivo de lo sucedido y las relaciones entre cada uno de elles.
Manly Mountain of Men
Karolin Twiddy
Germany / 3 mins 'Manly Mounatin of Men' celebrates the body and movement of the man. While women today take on completely new positions, the image of men seems to be stagnating. In the spirit of feminism, the change of men is no less important. Detached from patriarchy in an almost childlike state, the characters of this short film function as an example of the free development of the men's world. They dance, flirt with the audience and enjoy their performance. Dear men, we love you. Watch… here
Margoth et Kassandra
León Landázuri
México, Canada / 5 mins Margoth y Kassandra llevaban una vida normal hasta que conocen a Kordell, un caballero francés que cambia física y psicológicamente a una de ellas.
Elen Linth
Brazil / 18 mins Born at 16, in a city bloody with chest and stick bodies. Nascida aos 16, numa cidade ensanguentada por corpos de peito e pau.
Mark Me
Erin Batchelder
USA / 26 mins This handmade documentary sheds light on the multigenerational impact of the AIDS crisis on one Irish Catholic family. Trailer… here
Sian Williams
UK / 2:42 mins Spoken word piece exploring the toxicity of hook-up apps.
May I Help You
Yamin Oo
Myanmar / 26 mins "May I help you" is the slogan of the Myanmar police, but it does not apply to everyone, as LGBTIQ individuals are harassed by the police all over the country. In this investigative documentary, victims of police harassment voice their experiences with structural discrimination.
Me Become Us
Moran Shina
Israel / 3 mins A short animtaion documentary about love, adoption and parenthood. The story of two gay parents' adoption process as told by one of the fathers.
Me gustan los chicos
Carlos Ocho
Spain / 4 mins Cortometraje de Víctor Arbelo dirigido por Carlos Ocho apoyando la lucha contra la homofobia. Watch... here
Meanwhile, Koren
Mili Tibri, Yarin Bibas
Israel / 8 mins Koren, a young transsexual woman, discusses the long and difficult process of transformation she underwent, and the place where she is today – a normative, ordinary life.
Vishesh Pires
USA / 8 mins Could this be true vegan love, forever?
Solmaz Etemad
Iran / 4 mins Love is continuing in the world.
Mi Barba
Carre Real
8 mins An art video about gender noncon- forming queerness. Being a Black, Cuban, immigrant, bearded, gender nonconforming queer is a personal and social challenge.In this art video we evoke Ancestors and Orishas to protect and guide us.The love and creativity in the dimension of dreams help us to heal and continue the over and over again struggle in this full of contradictions and magic world. Watch… here
 Mighty Real
Vicente Ugartechea
USA / 6 mins A young trans person embodies confidence and power in this cross-generational sexual encounter.
Ekhiñe Etxeberria
Spain / 45 mins A film that reflects on the complexities of being a teenager alongside friends and family in this cheerful, intimate and straightforward portrait of a young girl. It describes an alternative outlook on transsexuality in Spain through her experience with the gang in her village in Navarra. Trailer… here
Angie Barrios
Colombia / 15 mins Watch... here
 Mise À Nu
Guillaume Dallaporta
France / 5 mins Anne Störker est une célébrité très connue dans le monde du cinéma. Dans quelque minutes, elle va faire un discours très attendu, et pour l’occasion, en révéler plus sur sa vie privée. Mais ces quelques minutes d’avant discours ne se passent pas comme celle-ci l’aurait voulu… Watch... here
 Mobile Hai Kai
Lilian Werneck
Brazil / 20 mins Um filme de amor entre duas jovens: Maria Clara, surda, e Olívia, cega. Depois de um encontro casual na Oficina Pessoas Extraordinárias, se aproximam e se tocam: percepções visuais e sonoras definem a intensa relação entre as duas. Porém, o preconceito familiar quase transforma a relação em tragédia. O tocar, o dialogar e o ser. Três momentos de um curta HaiKai. Trailer… here
Yaser Alnazar, Matthias Bayr, Julia Bern-hardt, Johannes Frauenschuh
Austria / 11 mins A remake of Moment #1 (Basra,’13), this film tells the story of a dancer who has to prove herself. She finds herself struggling underwater, the clock ticks only backwards and her reality shifts. The film questions the potential of using moments to either “fail” or “succeed” in the irrationality of everyday life.
Amitai Martin Rawlings
Israel / 8 mins Momi is an unusual person. On the one hand he is a talented and charismatic dancer, who has performed on stages in Israel and across the world; on the other – he is caught in a constant search for his identity and is painfully alienated from his Family. Director Amitai Rawlings sets out to study the strong impression Momi has left on him from the first moment he met him, as a child.
Benny Rios
Perú / 14 mins Ramiro es especial. Vive en su mundo de comics y películas donde sus personajes son monstruos o están en camino de serlo. Un día se reencuentra con una ex pareja y recibe el beso de un extraño. Desde ese momento todo en su vida se empieza a transformar. Watch… here
Møtes I Døra
Det sporadiske filmkollektivet
Norway / 15 mins Nader and Janne share a tense moment in a bus doorway. This chance encounter transports them into a shared reality. As one door closes behind them, countless others open. Coincidence, or is it fate, causes their paths to cross a second time, and together, the couple must fight to face both minor challenges and major surprises. Watch… here
 Mujer y filipina
Luis J. Barroso
Spain / 17 mins Una pareja está celebrando su quinto aniversario pero él tiene urgencia por contar una cosa bastante peculiar. Trailer... here
 Muy joven para amar
Peter Hornedo
Puerto Rico / 16 mins En la noche de celebración de sus treinta años, Eddie opta por utilizar una aplicación de citas con la esperanza de salir de su soltería. Es así como conoce a Ricky... encontrando el amor, pero perdiendo su libertad.
My Girlfriend's Gay Friend
Mark Lester
USA / 7 mins What would you do if your significant other had a friend they were more intimate with than you? Watch... here
My Horrible Attempt at Dating
Christina Iturbe
USA / 13 mins When 25-year-old Jamie gets dumped by her girlfriend of three years, her entire world shatters. Now she needs to get her life together and part of that is dating again. Yet the modern dating scene comes with complications.
My Sharemate
Asako Tanaka
Japan / 25 mins “Both ... women ...” The confessed words of Ryoko, who live together, confessed that they were dating a common friend.
 My Skin
Xudit Casas
Spain / 3 mins Un canto a las diferentes opciones de amor a personas, cosas, lugares… Siendo tan diferentes, ¿cómo vamos a amar igual? Trailer... here
Pei-Rong Song, Zong-Yam Tsai
Taiwan / 2 mins
 Na Esquina da Minha Rua Favorita com a Tua
Alice Name-Bomtempo
Brazil / 18 mins Helena foi ao cinema e conheceu Tainá. Tudo que aconteceu depois foi só um quase e, por algum motivo, não foi. Ou talvez tenha sido. Trailer... here
Native Snaglines
Howard Adler
Canada / 5 mins In the Native community, “snagging” is slang for picking up, or hooking up, with that special person you’ve had your eye on. In this short film, “What’s your best Snagline?” is the question that’s posed to the local Indigenous community in Ottawa, resulting in fun and tantalizing responses.
 Naturally Lazy
Naomi Wong
UK / 9 mins Tom returns home for easter break. Bored and aimlessly wandering around town trying to pass the time, he hangs out with his friends. The boys spend the day playing football and sneaking cigarettes. Tom and Dylan are left alone together before sharing something else.
Nature is not racist
Susana Romero
4 mins In a habitat bogged down by racism, a queer Colombiana emerges into the solace of nature.
 Near Change
André Sogliuzzo
USA, Germany Sometimes in life you find yourself at a crossroads between who you are, and the life you've been living. Dino and his best friend and associate Tony, are mid-level mafia foot soldiers. As they wait for breakfast in a diner, on an ordinary day like any other, Dino realizes he has reached his fork in the road. Unless “this” is all there is…something is going to have to change. Trailer… here
José Montoro
Perú / 9 mins Nebulah, uno de los Drag Queen más reconocidos de Lima - Perú con 8 años mostrando su arte nos cuenta desde sus inicios en el mundo del drag, y como la gente influyo en su trabajo ganando en poco tiempo miles de seguidores. Su pasión, su alegría cada vez que sube al escenario, las ganas y el cariño del público hacen que Nebulah tenga mas fuerza para seguir sorprendiendo en cada presentación que realiza. Watch… here
Netflix + Chill
Finn Peaks, Fauri Cate
Germany / 9 mins Two queer boys want to relax in bed in front of a Netflix show.
Barak Cohen
Israel / 11 mins Leaving his house late at night for an encounter with a man he met online, Dan is confronted with questions about innocence and his own identity.
 No Leash
USA / 12 mins Mykki Blanco and SSION suture quotes from Courtney Love, Joan Didion and Anna Nicole Smith into this wild hyperactive commentary on modern America. Trailer… here
Not Like Them / Pas comme eux
Jonathan Lemieux
Canada / 6 mins Coming to terms with his avid pornography consumption in his teens, the director explores his relationship to his sexuality and his distorted visions of beauty and masculinity.
 Not Yet / Ainda Não
Julia Leite
Brazil / 21 mins In the days before her birthday, Marina receives a visit from her mother.
Nos dias que precedem seu aniversário, Marina recebe a visita de sua mãe.
Ariel Mahler
USA NOVA is a film about a trans woman of color navigating the throes of transphobic life in NYC. The film presents Nova, the title character, as a human above all else, complete with her own lovable traits and flaws, as she struggles to make sense of a new romantic partner who doesn’t know she’s trans, an HIV scare that challenges her self-worth, homophobia in the workplace, and a trans support group that has become jaded by hopelessness. Trailer... here
O que você não vê. A prostituição vista por nós mesmas
Angela Donini, Flavia Viana, Marina Cavalcanti, Tais Lobo
Portugal / 9 mins WHAT YOU DON’T SEE asserts sex workers’ right to the city and challenges stigmatizing discourses about prostitution through images, texts and audio produced by sex workers during Rio de Janeiro’s 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Watch… here
Obeah From Tomorrow
Eva Wǒ
USA / 2 mins If all the oppressions that marginalized me were gone how would I arrive? We had to go to the future to answer this question. The year is 2040, where Obeah is 50 years old, and in love with herself. This unselfish love was achieved through work; both the nonlinear journey of personal healing and the systemic work to dismantle capitalism through organizing. The piece takes place moments before a gala celebration of decades of labor and the 5-year anniversary of liberation; when she is in deep reflection of her journey. Watch… here
Isabella Abad Pinedo
Perú / 13 mins
Oggi Sono Passato e Tu Non C’eri
Canecapovolto, Elisa Abela
Italy / 45 mins Rock and Roll, noise, collages su carta e progetti oscuri, Jung, l’uomo e la massa, sogno e veglia, costruzione e distruzione, palazzi e condominio. Già all’inizio di questo documentario/film saggio era chiaro che il metodo giusto per sapere non era fare ordine nelle visioni di Elisa Abela, artista visuale e musicista, ma di favorirne ed accelerarne il disordine. Oggi sono passato e tu non c’eri è un viaggio leggero ed ignoto, divertente ed a tratti enigmatico verso il nulla, risultato di un metodo compositivo spesso anti-cinematografico, inventato in corsa e condiviso con una piccola comunità di anime che hanno preso parte al racconto, generandolo a loro volta. Ancora una volta “Nulla è Vero. Tutto è Permesso”. Trailer... here
 Oh No Pedro
Annlin Chao
UK / 3 mins A story of a young man who has lost his words, his thoughts, and his gender identity. Those eyes are always sharp as knives, yet the secret insides him is no longer hidden, waiting to be free by himself. Trailer… here
Ojos Tristes
Andrew Arnold
USA / 19 mins A closeted Chicano teen, Mateo, travels from El Paso, TX to visit his sister, Lupita, a struggling actress in Hollywood. But, what Lupita doesn’t know is that Mateo has plans to meet someone else in Los Angeles while he's there. Trailer… here
On the Way of Blossom
Kai Hui Huang
Taiwan, Malaysia / 32mins In order to live with Kelly, Tang left Malaysia to come to Taiwan to become a college student at the age of 35. They dream of starting a family.
One Life to Live - An Evening With Ernesto Tomasini
Nendie Pinto-Duschinsky
UK / 20 mins Ernesto Tomasini made his professional debut at the age of 16 in the United States, where he was studying art. Upon returning to his native Palermo, he began performing as an “exotic turn” in smoky nightclubs, quickly gaining popularity as a cabaret artiste on local television and touring across the country. Watch… here
One of You
Nir Arad
Israel / 9 mins Rotem Lutsky 16-year-old girl, just wants to be in a body she likes. She wants her classmates not to treat her as a mystery or an alien. The film follows Rotem in school, and in her journey of Coming Out of the closet as transgender.
 One Thousand Tales / Hezar Afsan
Asghar Safar, Abbas Jalali Yekta
Iran / 8 mins The White Ogre attacks the city and kidnaps the young king. Rostam is set to find and return him.
Only Human
Ashley T Mac Nicol
USA / 16 mins Two couples face the everyday trials of being gay. based on true events. Watch... here
 Only Human
Michael Resin
3 mins / Music Video Watch... here
Greta Yeoman
New Zealand / 23 mins Six LGBTQ Kiwis talk of their experiences of coming out, being out and the idea of progress for LGBTQ rights in a country that decriminalised homosexual relationships 30 years ago and legalised same-sex marriage in 2013. Watch... here
Out: A Self Portrait
Danny Curley
USA / 5 mins Through the exploration of movies and music videos, the filmmaker allows the audience to observe his internal struggles of self-hatred and insecurity with the process of coming to terms with his sexuality. Trailer... here
Damián San Martín
Colombia / 3:45 mins Enjaulados en el género crecen los seres, pero en este mundo de jaulas nace Pajaré, el héroe que no encaja. Con gran sentido del humor Pajaré nos muestra su fuerza interna que lo ayudará a liberarse, su superpoder de transgredir las opresiones y descubrir un mundo lleno de posibilidades. Watch… here
Pancit Canton
Taylor Bennett
Philippines / 3 mins Two young women fill their halcyon holiday with sex and smoke as a sweet soundtrack reminds us of the ways that new love consumes us and colors our view of the world.
Para Ruy
Christian Incháustegui
México / 5 mins Una pareja de hombres encuentra problemas y violencia en su relación, la cual sólo puede ser reparada a través del sexo y la lujuria.
 Partout ailleurs
Antoinette Giret
France / 5 mins Assis sur un toit parisien, Dalil, Leila et Doria songent à leurs plaisirs de jeunesse. Et si ces bonheurs leur étaient interdits?
Claudia Muñoz Vélez
Spain / 17 mins Paula es una mujer audaz que ha ido en contra de la sociedad y de su familia para conseguir lo que siempre quiso. Ha sido capaz de construir, junto a Agustín, una relación a base de una mentira que está acabando con su conciencia. ¿Qué tan difícil puede ser confesarle la verdad a la persona que amas? Watch… here
Chirag Khatri
India / 15 mins Trapped in the world of a small town, this is the story of Suraj and Chandu and their tryst with life, love, homosexuality and freedom Trailer… here
Perros de Luna
Alejandro Grande
Spain / 9 mins No importa el sexo de aquellos que se aman, o eso piensa Gonzalo. El actor está enamorado de Enrique y quiere que este se una a su lucha por cambiar la sociedad que les impide vivir su amor.
Physicality / Uttar Thaguthi
V Ramanathan
India / 18 mins Krithika and Shireen are friends who strive for societal recognition of their preferred and lived gender. Shireen drives a taxi to support herself and nurses a dream to be a popular theater actress while Krithika focuses on becoming a police officer.
Pili and Me / Pili Y Yo
Ignacio Garcia Sanchez
Spain / 8 mins Pili has Down’s Syndrome and it is her inability to tell what she wants that makes her nephew reflect about the importance of listening. The filmmaker uses home movies from three generations to illustrate his own family. Watch... here
Pink Erasure
Piper Lambert-Vail, Jaylen McKeever, Elle Lapsen, Jess Villa
USA / 5 mins Seattle queers share their experiences of identity erasure and hopes for the future.
Pink Paste
Kelsy Gossett
USA / 4 mins A woman stands in a bathroom alone; the water running. She and her partner begin to brush each other’s teeth. Pink, sparkly toothpaste foams from both mouths. Watch...here
Planet Z
Jen Robles
USA / 5 mins Disseminated across the galaxy, queer humans of color alight on a deserted earth.
Plant Dreaming Deep
Charlotte Clermont
Canada / 7 mins Following a diary-like aesthetic, deep colours and thick textures covers images of nature. Distorted by analog manipulations, their materiality seem to capture a sense of discovery and, at the same time, a feeling of oppression. Surprisingly, the images oscillates between being very close and distant, playing with absurdity and intensity. Like if someone was entering a mysterious place and going out very quickly, Plant Dreaming Deep is probably a joyfully overwhelming glimpse of transitions happening in daily-life. Trailer... here
David Montosa
Spain / 2 mins The voyeur’s perspective is now more popular than ever, observing and looking at the other without shame or rest is a daily practice, a pastime in front of the screen: think, imagine and look for that other that is fictitious.
Eva Wö
USA / 1:35 mins A personal meeting that includes butt plugs, intimacy and strong eye contact.
Chris Brake
UK / 15 mins There was a time when the persecuted gay men of Britain might greet each other with "bona to varda your dolly old eek"; a common phrase in their secret slang language of Polari. The 'Polari' documentary explores the sad story behind the camp cryptolect, and profiles the men who spoke it, as well as those who rejected it. Watch… here
Por nós, pelas outras, por mim
Ingrid M. Abage, Larissa Araújo, Lorena Monteiro
Brazil / 18:10 mins Por nós, pelas outras, por mim! é um projeto experimental que faz uma cobertura da Marcha das Vadias 2017, desde sua preparação intelectual até o momento em que tomam as ruas em protesto. Watch… here
 Positive Youtubers – A Machinima Documentary
Leandro Goddinho
Brazil / 15 mins A student documentary film all-made with footage material recorded from the computer desktop screen, about 4 Brazilians who have created Youtube Channels to talk openly about their HIV status, in a very positive way. Trailer… here
Post Love Story
Elísabet Elma Guðrúnardóttir
Czech Republic / 20 mins Our vision sometimes doesn't mesh with reality, as a young woman from Germany coming to visit her girlfriend in the Czech Republic knows very well. Without any friends, but brimming with the depth of emotion for her partner, she must figure out how to find her place in the new environment. Trailer… here
Lucas Mendes
Brasil / 10 mins A primeira experiência de um jovem que vai a uma festa de BDSM em São Paulo, numa sauna na rua Aurora. Conforme ele adentra o local, são mostradas pessoas em diferentes ambientes, praticando fetiches diversos: suspensão, fist fuck, bondage, rubber, spank, entre outros. O protagonista caminha entre todas essas formas de prazer até encontrar a sua própria. Trailer... here
Jorge Pratts
Puerto Rico / 5 mins Un conductor de Uber monta en su auto a un extraño cliente. En su viaje por calles de un Santurce post-María, el cliente le confiesa al chofer algo que acaba de descubrir sobre la naturaleza humana.
 PrEP 17 – The Coming of Age of PrEP
Nicholas Feustel
UK / 36 mins In 2015, film director Nicholas Feustel made his first documentary film about the England PROUD PrEP trial. The film was screened at community events across the UK, and formed the focus for PrEPster’s Pushing for PrEP community information campaign.
In 2017, Feustel came back to London to tell a story of what happened after his first documentary. In “PrEP 2017” he interviews PrEP activists, current and former PrEP users, doctors and policy-makers. The movie was commissioned by the PrEPster organization and shows how pre-exposure prophylaxis treatment has become available to thousands of people despite problems the health system faces nowadays. Watch… here
Proyección 'Despedida #1'
David Pallás
Spain / 10 mins / Web Series “Despedida”, calificado como el acto de decir adiós a alguien o algo con un enlace dramático, triste, humorístico o violento, pero siempre necesario y de carácter liberatorio. Primer episodio de la web serie “despedidas”, creada por el zaragozano David Pallás.
Ozan Ünlükoç
Turkey / 22 secs
 Pussyhats och vårt dåliga samvete
Annika Ivarsson, Astrid Askberger
Sweden / 11 mins Hur kommer det sig att tusentals kvinnor stickade rosa pussyhats och klev ut på gatorna och sjöng I can’t keep quiet för drygt ett år sedan ? Vad ville de säga och vad fick de sagt? I Göteborg samlades människor som stickade, fikade, pratade politik och sjöng. Den 8 mars fylldes Götaplatsen av ett hav av rosa pussyhats. Nu kommer revolutionen - men vi hann inte med den… Med avstamp i manifestationerna reflekterar regissörerna Annika Ivarsson och Astrid Askberger över den politiska kampens lockelse, svårighet och nödvändighet. Trailer… here
David González
Spain / 5 mins Un joven y frío y morboso cliente contrata los servicios de un chapero.
Nicola Leddy
UK / 1 min Thomas Michael is an award nominated choreographer who has worked extensively in the commercial world choreographing music videos, commercials, musical theatre and plays. Growing up, Thomas was taunted and bullied about his sexuality. He grew up in a family of football-lovers and always felt like an outsider. A chance meeting with Joshua inspired him so much that he choreographed a contemporary dance piece using movement truly stemming from difference and disability.
 Quando O Dia Acaba
Pedro Gonçalves
Portugal / 15 mins The portrait of a homoparental family: Marta and Mariana are married and live with their two children Matias (four years old) and a one year old girl, Maria Mar. With them lives Madiba, a nice Dalmatian. How does the love between these people can be materialized in small gestures?
 Quarto Camarim
Camele Lyra Queiroz, Farbicio Silva Ramos
Brazil / 101 mins The director tries to find her uncle after twenty-seven years with no contact. Her uncle now is named Luma, a transvestite, hairdresser and performer. Cinema mediates the relation between them and making a movie becomes the reason for the encounter. Trailer… here
 Queer Porn Americana
Chelsea Poe
USA / 60 mins Queer Porn Americana is AVN-nominated performer Chelsea Poe’s directorial debut that blends the worlds of experimental film, queer music and queer porn. It stars Tiffany Starr, Crona Valentine, and a crop of fresh new queer porn faces like GodsGirl/clip star Ella Bryn, the film’s co-producer and Kelly Quell, who appears with Australian performer Marina Lee in a scene that will leave you clutching your pearls, literaly. The film visits places like Chicago, Vegas, and Grand Rapids “to capture just a tiny slice of what queer sex is like all over the country,” explains director Chelsea Poe.
 Queer Royals
Paola Reyes
Puerto Rico / 15 mins Un colectivo emergente conocido como House Of De Show comparte sus experiencias y dificultades para mantenerse al día con sus presentaciones performáticas mensuales y, a veces, semanales, y reflexiona sobre su primer aniversario como grupo. Watch... here
Queering Ballet
Bo Justine
USA / 5 mins Meet Katy Pyle, the artistic director of the New York based queer dance company Ballez, who is turning traditional ideas of gender and ballet on their head. Watch… here
 Raatoke Humsafar
Saggherr Loadhii
Reality Fragment 160921
Jasmine, April Lin
UK / 14 mins The film follows two girls in their process of reality – curation as they create their own spaces against and via understandings of distance. How do these multiple lived worlds, each their own amalgamation of memories, sensations, thoughts, coexist with de facto presentations of distance, history, and totality? Trailer… here
Reboot Love
Ismael Caneppele
Finland / 5 mins Reboot (verb): (with reference to a computer system) boot or be booted again. ‘the new value will not be in force until you reboot the system’. Reboot Love is a dreamy experimental documentary piece that takes a form of a dance in a night club. Based on four personal love stories from anonymous contributors it highlights the universality of love, including queer and non monogamous views aside others. The film was made in 48 hours by directors & lovers Martin Jäger and Laura Rämö as part of Kino Love - film making challenge organized by Euphoria Borealis.
Jeannette Deron
USA / 10 mins Reign is a short film that showcases the fashion creations of designers Dru Acosta and Omar Cisneros (aka DeL'Hacienda). A piece that embodies sentiments of self-love, temptation, and sacrifice. Atmospheres of the deep forest combine with a theme of royalty as the subject's inner turmoil is exposed, yet their supreme beauty is pristine and unfaltering. Watch… here
Ching-Yu Yang
Taiwan / 3 mins Electrifying stories of intertwining relationships.
Heloisa Bastos, Renan Santos
Brazil / 5 mins “Ela não. Ele!”
Geovanny Polo
Puerto Rico / 8 mins Dos desconocidos coinciden en una casa de campo para vacacionar. En el transcurso del día, se cruzan en varios lugares, pero por temor a ser juzgados evitan encontrarse frente a frente. Al caer la noche, el inevitable encuentro entre ambos los lleva a escaparse del lugar hasta encontrar un refugio abandonado, en el que nadie puede señalarlos.
 Rodrigo Cuevas. Campo y tablas
Manuel García Postigo, Ojos de hojalata
Spain / 38 mins “Soy Rodrigo Cuevas y soy agitador folclórico” así se presenta este joven artista asturiano. Y es que la transgresión y la provocación es su seña de identidad. Pero más allá de lo que el espectador pueda ver en sus shows, tras las madreñas y el liguero se esconde un músico con un gran talento y formación. Este documental entrará en la vida de Rodrigo para ofrecernos un retrato cercano e íntimo del artista. Sus reflexiones, sus miedos, sus sueños de futuro…” Trailer… here
Charles C.S. Ferreira
Brazil / 20 mins Julia is an introspective teenager who feels uncomfortable with her mother’s religiosity, Marta, who, although very committed to her faith, places all her trust in Bishop César, religious leader the local church. Julia enters a moral dilemma when she finds herself in love with Barbara, a new member of her church, and all social conflicts surface with the questions that arise in her life.
Julia se sente desconfortável com a religiosidade de sua mãe, que embora muito comprometida com sua fé, deposita toda a sua confiança no líder religioso da igreja local. Ao mesmo tempo, Julia entra em um dilema moral ao se ver apaixonada por Bárbara, uma nova integrante de sua igreja.
 Romulo Dileandro Dios
Gonzalo Scapuzzi, Gastón Volpi
Argentina / 108 mins A staircase leading up a number of stories from the street separate Romulo and his boyfriend. Both live in the bedroom by a patio, a miniscule runway for take-off that allows them to fly in their adventure that is marital, artistic, pornographic and spiritual; though those categories blur their borders to become the same fuel that creates a shapeless trail that crosses heaven and earth. Trailer… here
Round One
Ella Sowinska
Australia / 4 mins Round One creates a portrait of Nicola Stevens, who played in the first professional Australian Football League women’s game in 2017.
Wes Akwuobi
USA | 6 mins Dwayne, a recently out standup comedian, shares a dating experience with his audience—and discovers quite a bit about his new community.
Royal Jelly
Stephanie Burbano
Canada / 9:53 mins A vivid exploration of drag brought about by experimentation and a unique insight into life.
RQY Behind-The-Scenes: Seattle & Tacoma
Halil Aybar, Jackie Moffitt
USA / 4 mins Here’s what it looks like to make a film in seven days!
Ibrahim Rana
Pakistan / 49 mins Aesthetically gloomy in its mood yet greatly cinematic, Sabburah revolves around a mother trying to overcome the sorrow of her loss through the memories and videotapes shot by her dead son. She follows her instincts to unfold secrets, as she leaves her house to find the reason that took her son away from her. The family drama climaxes into savage reality when she finds out the truth behind her son’s death. Watch... here
Sagas & Sissies / Sagen en Mietjes
The Transketeers
Netherlands / 4:52 mins A kids program in which the Transketeers dig up the queer history of The Netherlands.
Miguel Moura
Brazil / 8 mins Julia quer implodir. Trailer... here
Same Love
Portia Mncadi
South Africa / 35 mins Lindiwe a 20 year old lesbian girl with the fear of rejection, she struggles to reveal her sexual identityto her parents. Lindiwe gets a visit from her girlfriend and after an emotional roller coaster, she finallygets the courage to tell her mother about her sexual identity.
Sam's Story
Gender Creative Kids Canada
Canada / 4 mins A child's identity journey through social gender norms.
San Pablo (En Primera Persona)
Jorge Bordello
México / 17 mins Relatos de deseo y concepciones de masculinidad de cuatro jóvenes mexicanos. Sus testimonios dan parte mía y de otros cuantos. Trailer… here
Sergio Glasberg
Brazil / 7 mins Sandra é uma mulher como muitas outras, mas uma diferença essencial está no fato de ter desejado ser assim como é – apesar das características que a marcariam definitivamente como integrante de outro gênero. O filme mostra, de modo delicado, por meio de vivências cotidianas, um fio que conduz à reflexão: Seriam os conflitos da condição transgênera inerentes ou oriundos da maneira como essas pessoas são vistas e tratadas?
Nuanda Sheridan
Italy / 28 mins A story of love and reincarnation told through the voyage of an elderly woman travelling through her previous lives. Dreamlike atmospheres, on the border between life and death, intermingle with the colours of the far East, of African lands and the rhythms of bohemian dances, visions that reveal sexuality, secrets and torments of a timeless love. Watch... here
Roberto Timperi
Italy / 16 mins Salvatore talks about his life with spontaneity and naturalness transgressive
Savoia Realm Kiki Ball
Italy / 3 mins The Savoia (Savoys) are back: they have formed the first kiki house in Turin, and, on six-inch heels, they are officially entering the Italian and international ballroom scene, ready to receive their crown as reigning monarchs. Awaiting them is a flock of adoring subjects and a city to be transformed into the voguing capital of Italy. Trailer... here
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Julia Carrie
Canada / 10 mins An intimate and gripping rural ghost story, surrounding a young gay man named Cyrus who unravels the mysterious drowning death of a youth in his community years before.
School Fantasy
USA / 10 mins Coach Ben and his young students make an orgy at school…
Seasickness / Mal de Mer
Branden Wittchen
UK / 5 mins A short psychological thriller. Watch... here
Selfie Queen / La Reine des égoportraits
Melvin Gilpin, Robert Gilpin
5 mins Things get unpredictable when Aunty Jane is in town! Watch… here
Jakub Ra
Czech Republic / 11 mins The end of authorities. The end of hierarchy. The end of gender. A game with the five senses is over. It's time to awaken the cells that have been sleeping for several millennia. A recording of a timeless performance that flows across media and materials, as it unfolded on the Žižkov TV Tower observatory on May 29. Watch...here
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Dana Cohen, Tomer Mana
Israel / 8 mins A bunch of teenagers at a house party decide to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. When Dani gets into the closet with Shiran, she doesn’t realize she will also have to come out.
 She is Juiced – Ope Lori
Lois Norman
UK / 14 mins She is Juiced, opens up the worlds, works and creative juices of four powerful and passionate LGBTQIA+ female artists. Filmed with their work, they question and share, how we express all of who we are, and all of who we can dare to be. Trailer… here
USA / 5:31 mins My sick bed is ghost, dream, lover and wound. Together we lurk around, make sense of resistance and love, and figure out creative ways to stretch twelve seasons of Grey’s Anatomy across the next six decades. Watch… here
Simplemente Soy
Josué Osorio Hernández
México / 3 mins Ginger tiene a los 25 años la revelación de un sueño y decide empezar una nueva vida como hombre. Actualmente se llama Jackal y tiene 53 años.
Skin / Pele
Adam Golub
USA, Brazil / 9 mins Dandara Zainabo has a scar around her belly button from eating bricks as a young child. Today, she is a 19 year old trans activist living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro. This experimental portraiture seeks to preserve the spirit of this mighty woman as both powerful and precarious.
Sky Room
Marianna Milhorat
USA / 5 mins Someone is missing. Plants grow, but at what cost? Technology threatens and seduces as humans attempt to solve a mystery through telepathy and mirrors. Stainless steel and broken glass strewn about an intergalactic discotheque. Commissioned by the Chicago Film Archives and made in collaboration with sound artist Brian Kirkbride, with footage and sound from the archive chopped, manipulated and arpeggiated into a fertile mix of anthem and narrative. Watch.. here
Jurg Slabbert
Belgium, South Africa / 10 mins
Lyrik London
SMASH is the Hottest New Dating App & Everybody is Looking for Love. Mostly in all the wrong places. In a world full of sex driven millenials, can two intricate individuals find more than just a one night stand off this dating app SMASH?
So near so far away
Alessandro Varisco
Italy / 15 mins Andrea, Camilla, Aurora, Marco and Antonio have many things in common: they are 19 years old and are at the last year of high school in a small village in the province of Pordenone. And all five, though for different reasons, end up being isolated from other people, often bullies. The force of that union will help the three protagonists to overcome the fears and difficulties that modern society offers. Trailer... here
Sasha Kathleen, Gabi Whybrow
UK / 3 mins
Anna Maria Staiano
Spain, Italy/ 4 mins A poetic and symbolic interpretation of sexual and gender dissent which explores the social and family pressure placed on girls in order to make us “good women”.
 Somos Amor. Historias de Familias diversas
María Torres Solanot
Spain / 30 mins Ocho historias de familias diversas. La riqueza de la diversidad frente al concepto de familia tradicional única y excluyente. Familias LGBTIQ, familias monomarentales y familias reconstituidas ponen su voz en este trabajo cuya misión es la sensibilización por medio de la visibilización. Lo que no se ve, lo que no se nombra no existe. Es hora ya de que todos los modelos familiares, orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género ocupen el espacio que les corresponde en la sociedad. Trailer... here
Somos Iguais, Mesmo Diferentes
Alunos da EMEF Desembargador Amorim Lima
Brazil / 15 mins Vídeo realizado por crianças e adolescentes de 8 a 15 anos, alunos de uma escola pública da Zona Oeste de São Paulo/SP, inspirados pelo tema “Fazendo Cinema – Crescendo com a Diversidade”, do Festival Mix Brasil.
Donato Luigi Bruni
Italy / 90 mins Un film con le donne, sulle donne e sul legame tra sorelle.
Aharonit Elior
USA / 6 mins Everybody has somebody. Just couples; nobody is single. On such days, it is hard to go out and have fun. And who to talk to when everybody has a partner? Staying home seems like a better option, but loneliness gets lonely, the front door seems to be getting bigger and it's becoming impossible to open. And someone's just knocked.
Spilled Magic
Iqrar Rizvi
Canada / 6 mins Spilled Magic explores the augmentation of drag performance with Bollywood dance and electronically enhanced body extensions. This drag performance investigates and teases technology, drag, and the body by incorporating body extensions with Bollywood dance while addressing the question of “where does individual agency end and social pressure begin?” Watch… here
St. Martin
Jack Barnes
USA / 6 mins A young queer man struggles with his sexuality and his relationship with his father. Watch... here
Pêdra Costa
Austria, Brazil, Germany / 6 mins The heteronormative societal gaze is flipped and reversed in this dynamic and joyful celebration of gender and identity in flux, and the solidarity found within queer communities and networks.
Oliver Levi-Malouf
5 mins During a mental breakdown, Christian – a drug addicted drag queen – is abducted by a lonely and mysterious alien. Watch… here
Stay Gold Man Up
Ray McEachern
Canada / 25 mins What began 9 years ago as a drag king competition night at one of the last lesbian bars in Vancouver—the now closed Lick nightclub—has since turned into a monthly multi-gender drag spectacular and queer dance party in East Vancouver. Celebrating kings, queens, and everything in between, Man Up has grown to become indispensable in Vancouver’s vibrant and diverse queer community, proving that drag is for everybody. Stay Gold Man Up features interviews with key figures, attendees, and performers alike. Man Up happens the last Friday of every month at the Cobalt.
Step This Way
Sarah Hill
USA / 12 mins In this equally hilarious and mortifying animation, a trans passenger navigates the difficulties of air travel. For your safety it is necessary to comply with all binary gender markers you encounter along your journey. Trailer… here
Steps to Balance 1-5
Molly Garrett
USA / 3 mins Two characters attempt to balance through five steps. They become the tension, support, conflict and progress that happens within identity and relationships. Trailer… here
Still Here
Britney Dennison
Canada / 4 mins Jason is using art to open up about his experiences – through his photography and paintings he is asking his audience to question what we actually mean when we talk about “bullying.” Watch...here
Still Love
Monica Matute, Alexander Puga
USA To all the lovers, this one is for you. Watch… here
Stones & Water Weight
Mykki Blanco
7 mins STONES & WATER WEIGHT responds to the need for new interpretations of HIV+ people. Mykki Blanco is portrayed in tasks that test the limits of the body and physical stress and the boundaries of normative health. STONES & WATER WEIGHT is an exercise in how societies' perceive the fragilities of those who survive with the virus. In this era of globalized fitness culture through the use of social media, "looking healthy" matters much more than actually being healthy. Using endurance as the motivation for the performance, the video creates a new perception of HIV+ people as strong and resilient. Research references include the Atlas myth, the god of endurance that holds the earth and the skies over his shoulders, as well as the never ending climb of the Sisyphus myth. Watch... here
Stop 42
Fiona Rutan, Ian Buson, Kartar Bagri, SailorHank Payne
USA / 6 mins A mysterious stranger offers a life-altering ultimatum to a teen waiting for their bus.
Sum (Heart)
Jaene Castrillon
Canada / 2 mins Based on ideas of Zen Buddhism and rooted in the 7 Grandfather teachings, Sum (Heart) is a rumination on death, grief and letting go.
 Take Me Like the Sea
Salty Cheri
Germany / 39 mins A fantastic queer movie about classical music and sexuality. Trailer… here
 Talk the Ting
Shelby Coley
UK / 44 mins Talk the Ting is a documentary film that follows three queer British Black women who helm a radio show entitled Sistren
Tango Queer / A Don Agustín Bardi
Carla Gutiérrez Yáñez
Argentina / 3 mins Bailarines: Francisco Solá y Lucrecio Robledo Watch... here
 Tearoom / Teteras
Nacho De Paoli, Dora Schoj
Argentina / 10 mins Baños públicos. Hombres. Sexo. Alejandro Modarelli y Pablo Castro Videla comparten sus historias sobre el significado de las "teteras" durante la Dictadura militar argentina. Trailer… here
That Creature is Me
Or Yahel
Israel / 15 mins Adam (18) is 'the man of the house', considering and supportive to his recently divorced mother, and knows that Roey, his younger brother (7), imitates almost everything he does. But when he dares to expose his sexual identity to his mother, he is afraid of losing his place and importance in his home.
 The Arch of Fear / O Arco do Medo
Juan Rodrigues
Brazil / 9 mins Explorations of homosexuality, race and social class with a little bit of glitter. Um relato de insurgência. Masculino e feminino caem perante um corpo negro que resiste na busca por liberdade e tempo. Borrando os limites do gênero, na tentativa de simplesmente ser. Um corpo negro que supervive. Trailer… here
The Art of Being a Sinner
Ibrahim Mursal
Norway, Sudan / 20 mins The first gay man to voluntarily reveal himself to the Sudanese population was the artist Ahmed Umar, now based in Norway. It resulted in an extensive discussion on social media, and revealed just as much curiosity as uproar from a culture that initially condemn homosexuality. When Ahmed came out publicly, Ibrahim had the opportunity to confront his homophobia. It also let him find mutual understanding with a man who he had so much in common with, but who also defined what their culture would call “a sinner”.
 The Best Moment / El Mejor Momento
Raúl Navarro
Spain / 4 mins Timing is essential for that important talk. Watch... here
 The Bridge
Marit Rose
USA / 6 mins In the depths of winter, a young woman, intent on ending her life, comes to a bridge. Watch… here
The Cage / La Gabbia
Caterina Ferrari
Italy / 12 mins One-on-one combat is a primordial ritual that takes us back to the dawn of humanity. MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is the modern version of the Greek pankration, the education of the will, a psycho-physical preparation for war, where combat is a metaphor for life and one of the last sacred, almost ecstatic, rites of our time. Trailer... here
The Cesspool of Rapture
Joseph Noonan-Ganley
Ireland, UK / 17 mins Zippers, stains, rips, abrasions, openings, and closings.
The Convention
Jessica Dimmock
USA / 10 mins A short film exploring the annual Esprit gathering, where transgender women in their senior years who have been closeted their whole lives gather for a week of shared experience and understanding in a logging town in Northern Washington. Watch... here
The Crossing
Carlos Motta
The Netherlands / 26 mins A collection of video portraits of eleven LGBTQI refugees who tell their experiences before, during and after the flight from their country of birth to the Netherlands. Their moving stories emphasises how hard it is to be surrounded by homophobia and transphobia. Trailer… here
 The Cuceta
Tertuliana Lustosa
Brazil / 11 mins Cuceta is a meeting of art and transi- tional ritual, Bahian food, tattooing, and body modification. A travesti (Brazilian transgender person) goes to Dr. Elton Panamby for a life-changing procedure: the cuceta, a tattoo on the anal and perianal region. Much more than a risk to the body, it’s a complete life-trans- formation. Watch… here
 The Decision of Riley
Yue Xia
UK / 4 mins Riley, born with a female body, has always been confused about her gender identity. One day, she discovered a simple way to change gender. Trailer… here
 The Desert / Deserto
Jacopo Miliani
Spain, Italy / 6 mins Deserto reflects on the possibility of speaking about multiple and queer identities through the invention of a new language. Through only the movement of two hands and a voice over, the desert is evoked as the place where the sand never takes a precise shape. The desert is also a symbolic reference to two specific films: Teorema (1968) by Pier Paolo Pasolini and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) by Stephan Elliot. The protagonists of these movies are the Guest (a mysterious stranger with an ambiguous sexuality) and Bernadette (a transgender character), respectively, and both played by the same actor Terence Stamp. These films are the starting point for the text narrated by the voiceover in Deserto, where real and fictional identities disappear, dismantling the existence of any fixed role.
The Dream / Marzenie
Wojciech Olchowski
Finland, Poland / 11 mins One’s dreams are somebody else’s fears… Two men meet no strings attached but they want a lot and fear even more. Watch… here
The Emergence of Rainbow “T”
Toni Paynter
Australia / 10 mins Childhood abuse, emotional ‘burn-out’, recovery and transition lead this 75-year-old Melbourne trans film maker into a busy authentic life as LGBTI facilitator and advocate. Watch... here
The End of Things
Fair Brane
USA / 1:19 mins An ethereal look at the sharp divides between the binaries of material and scarcity, matter and atmosphere, stillness and movement. Watch… here
The First Homosexual
Dale John Allen
UK / 3 mins
The First Time Ever I Saw His Face
Jack Deslandes
UK / 2 mins A queer love story about modern love and idols Watch... https://youtu.be/fdZyJkmSX-8
The Garden of Loved Ones
Janette Lopez
Mexico / 7 mins Blanca, a young woman searches far and wide for a beloved person in Mexico. She meets a little girl on her journey, who guides her in the right direction. The reunion turns out to be bittersweet and Blanca has a tough decision to make.
 The Gentleman Bank Robber: The Life Story of Butch Lesbian Freedom Fighter Rita Bo Brown
Julie Perini
USA / 46 mins Imprisoned for petty theft, rita “bo” brown was radicalized in prison. Once released, she robbed banks in Seattle as a member of the George Jackson Brigade, a Pacific Northwest underground revolutionary group, evading capture by being continually misidentified as a man. Chronicling her life and work as a political and prison reform activist, this captivating portrait of a charming queer ideologue draws attention to the little-known history of militant direct action. Trailer… here
The Ice Cream Killer
Anna Wasserwoman
Ukraine / 5 mins A short film about a stranger devouring her ice cream.
The Image of You / Kuvas Seuraa Mun Matkallain
Valja Pinja
Finland / 16 mins An exploration of the aftermath of Lilja and Laura’s relationship, as both women contemplate on the past in an effort to end closure. Trailer… here
The LGBTQ Alphabet
Jordan Bahat
USA / 5 mins A danced alphabet that offers metaphorical images on real testimonies. Watch... here
The Loneliest Whale in the World / La Ballena Más Solitaria del Mundo
Álvaro M. Dobaño
Mexico / 12 mins Lupe es una mujer anciana que cada día sobrevive de la “amabilidad” de los extraños. Uno de esos días que ha ganado más dinero del que tenía contemplado, alquila una habitación de hotel para pasar una noche tranquila alejada de las calles con su amiga Jacinta, un travesti recién metido en ese mundo. Watch… here
The Loneliness of Number Two
Javad Sotoodehnia
Iran / 20 mins Morteza finds out his roommate, Abbas, wants to commit suicide. Abbas is transsexual and lives in a hard situation. Morteza tries to stop him, but then Abbas makes a strange decision
 The Mob
Gamel Baba Apalayine Jnr
Ghana / 11 mins When a young, promising medical doctor returns to his village to help at the local clinic, he develops an unusual relationship with a young boy who volunteers at the local clinic. Things go awry when their unusual bond draws the negative attention of the village folk and hospital nurses. Watch… here
The Natural Choice
Anna Pozdniakov
Israel / 10 mins After seeing Sean, Guy remembers their life together and how they had to separate because of a “cure” that was supposed to turn the whole gay community into a heterosexual one.
The Offer
Aria Adl
USA / 5 mins Tim thinks Kevin is really gay. Kevin asks Tim earnestly about doing the Stand- Up Comedy together, but Tim misunderstands about Kevin’s characters the whole time. Watch... here
 The Other Side
Leo Adef
Germany / 5 mins A young french boy takes a train to a new city to discover himself while he experiments for the first time a lot of new experiences about youth, sex, partying and friendship. Watch... https://vimeo.com/242567790
The Queen
Joel Jairus Ravindran
Sri Lanka / 4 mins Some voices of people chase a transgender woman each place she travels to during the day. When will they eventually stop?
 The Secret
Kim Anderson
Germany / 4 mins Julian is in a dilemma. He loves the person, he is in a relation ship with, less than his best friend. Watch... here
The Shore
Elliot Blue
Germany / 2 mins ‘You and I are glorious. And we’re everything they say we shouldn’t be.’
The Shuttlerun
Lee Eunkyoung, Lee Heeseon
South Korea / 10 mins On the day of the physical fitness test, 13 year-old Beurl notices his heart is beginning to pound, and Beurl is clueless as to whether it is because of the running, or because of Ms. Hong, the gym teacher.
The Source is a Hole
Madsen Minax
USA / 26 mins A mystical voice contemplates mythology, science fiction, sexuality and death as a series of holes: through which to travel, through which to perceive, through which to accept, through which to speak.
The Sublime of Rectum
Truong Minh Quý
Vietnam / 15min A visual exploration of an intimate homosexual body contact.
 The Surrogate
Achiro P. Olwoch, Adnan Ssenkumba
Uganda / 11 mins A young woman gets pregnant out of wedlock with a homosexual man in a society that is weary of both scenarios.
 The Two Companions / অন্তরালে অনন্যা)
Nilimesh Kar
India / 18 mins The film revolves around Antara, a typist and Ananya, BPO employee and explores the realm of unspoken unadulterated love which goes beyond the reach of materialism.
The Villain Who I Love
Pae Woori
South Korea / 22 mins One day, high school freshman Minzy finds a photo of herself changing clothes in the school locker room. Class leader Hyejin, who is not close to Minzy, points out that the new teacher is the suspect to her. Minzy and Hyejin collect evidence to prove that the teacher takes pictures of high school girls secretly. When Minzy and Hyejin report the teacher’s behavior to another teacher, Minzy realizes something unexpected.
The Void / Hükmü Yok
Asya Leman
Turkey / 13 mins A short docudrama presenting transgender and queer experiences regarding the conflict generated by mandatory presentation of ID card. Trailer… here
 The Walking Gay
Fernando Farias
Brazil / 16:22 mins Based on the almost homonymous series created by Robert Kirkman. In The Walking Dead we see what life on Earth is like after a zombie apocalypse - in our case, there is an "outbreak" of homosexual freedom, in which the vast majority of the Earth's population "became" gay. survivors of the epidemic - conservatives, extremist religious, homophobes and false moralists - must now unite to find a new home, away from the threat of the Affected. family from this immorality. Watch… here
The words I do not have yet
Phoebe Boswell
UK / 11 mins In “the words i do not have yet”, Phoebe Boswell pays homage to women who, “have used their bodies in protest when not permitted to use their voices.” In this layered work, both the written and spoken words of poet Audre Lorde and Kenyan writers Wambui Mwangi and Ndinda Kioko are superimposed atop original animated drawings of these contested bodies. The result is a choir of voices that are at once harmonious and discordant, exposing the complex intersection between individual and collective experiences of oppression.
Them (Or Things My Ex-Boyfriends Have Actually Said to Me)
Jamie Jankovic
UK / 9:22 mins This experimental essay film from non-binary trans filmmaker Jamie addresses the lack of discussion around violence in queer male relationships, through personal testimony. Watch… here
These are Not Our Things
Jaz Papadopoulos
Canada A playful game, asking the question, "what is sex?" Watch... here
They Won’t Let A Dream Come True
Shumaila Kanwal
Pakistan / 2 mins The world outside / Always wants some reason / For something new / For a dream to come true. Watch… here
Stuart Getty
USA / 16 mins Through honest and charismatic testimony across a spectrum of gender representations, races, and generations, this stylish documentary approaches gender and pronouns from historical and personal points of view.
 Thin Green Line
Mario Psaras
Cyprus / 20 mins The Green Line is what locals call the unsettled ceasefire line dividing Cyprus into the Greek-speaking Republic of Cyprus in the south and the Turkish-speaking non-government controlled area in the north. This film narrates three real life love stories between Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriot, showing the hardships and discrimination all couples face and the many differences and taboos that both divide and unite these people. Trailer… here
 Thinking Out Loud
Ronnie Zidon
Israel / 10 min On the night of her break-up with her girlfriend, Shai is cursed with the opposite of mind-reading – everyone, including her legendary ex, can read her mind.
This is you
Joshua Romer
USA / 2:20 mins
Yenshun Lee
Taiwan / 15 mins It’s about a tidal like relationship. Ocean, a boy who grew in a small island. He has a taboo relationship with Tide, a sailor who regularly dock the island. On once Tide’s docking. Ocean is going to tell Tide that he had convinced his mother to let him go sailing. On the other hand, Tide has been concealing his married identity to Ocean. And he decided to end their romance.
 Time of the Blue
Urvashi Pathania
USA / 5 mins A successful but jaded postmodern artist wants nothing more than to create work she actually likes.
Todos Héroes
Miguel Silva Rojas, Kevin Puelles
Perú / 8 mins Con las noches limeñas como escenario, Vacuman – el héroe que previene – aparece en los espacios menos, o quizás más, esperados. Jóvenes en los techos, estudiantes de miradas melancólicas y parejas intensas alrededor del amor, son sus protegidos.
Too Much Tenderness
Bettina Blanc Penther
France / 24 mins On sunny roads a ghost-boy is strolling around two girls. He changes of body he loose his dress and we let him go.
Trans Manifest
Viv Bruschz, Matheus Faria
Brazil / 9 mins This documentary aims to show the human and professional sides, achievements and experiences of trans women, such their professional trajectories in the academic environment or in the militancy for their social rights and dignity.
Otto Ivor
Australia / 14 mins An evocative documentary focusing on Callan, a transgender rock and roll musician whose uninhibited performances and spirited personality make her someone to be reckoned with. Watch… here
Geraldo Vílchez
Perú / 20 mins Two parallel lives; Kiara and Pilar are two ‘trans’ girls who are engaged in prostitution. This documentary is a vision of the invisible in Peru, two characters who do not know each other but share common denominators: homosexuality, prostitution and rejection.
Dos vidas paralelas; Kiara y Pilar son dos chicas 'trans' que se dedican a la prostitución. Este documental es una visión de lo invisible en el Perú, dos personajes que no se conocen pero comparten denominadores comunes: homosexualidad, prostitución y rechazo.
Adele Clemente
Philippines / 11 mins For fear of being rejected as a transgendered woman, an OFW father hasn’t returned to his family in 10 years. One day, she finally gets the courage to come home. Is she going to be accepted by her family? Watch... here
Manuel García Postigo, Ojos de hojalata
Brasil / 15 mins Jordania, Maria Eduarda, Kauã y Wanessa han sido ignorados por la sociedad desde que nacieron. Ellos forman parte de las más de mil personas que pasan por una transición de género cada año en Brasil. La verdad es que todos hemos cerrado los ojos no sólo para ellos, sino para todo lo que los rodea, haciendo sus vidas aún más difíciles y sufridas. Transparentes es un documental de la Cruz Roja que muestra la verdadera historia de esas personas y lo que esperan para el futuro. Trailer… here
Transpose: The Transgender Project
Kurtz Frausun
45 mins Transpose is a film documentary that explores the extraordinary challenges and triumphs of transgender people as they transition from the gender assigned to them at birth to living the life that they have envisioned for themselves whether as a transgender man or transgender woman. Transpose is a collection of powerful stories of individuals who choose to determine the course of their life, regardless of the difficult path of transition. Watch...here
Transsexworks – Trans Sexworkers on Froben St.
Naomi Noa Donath, Henry Böttcher
Germany / 38 mins Sex work is stigmatized and often misrepresented in the public eye. It’s normally discussed without the insights and experiences of sex workers themselves. This short discusses topics such as migration and violence, solidarity and community and – most importantly – gives a voice to the opinions and situations of sex workers. Trailer… here
Tati Franklin
Brazil / 20 mins “Transvivo” é um documentário que acompanha as vivências de Izah e Murilo enquanto passam pelo processo de transição de gênero. Watch... here
Lucas Hossoe, Luiz Fernando Coutinho
Brasil / 14 mins Após fazer fotos nos vagões abandonados, Antonio conhece um misterioso homem.
Brian Fairbairn
France / 16 mins A clash with what attracts us in porn ; somewhere between fascination and contradictions.
True You
Matkai Burmaster
3 mins A young guy tells his girlfriend that he’s gay and what happens next isn’t what you’d think… Watch... here
Tua palavra não nega Coletiva
Setor de Negras, Negros do Levante Popular da Juventde
Brazil / 15 mins O racismo é um desvio moral de algumas pessoas ou é sistemático na sociedade brasileira? Negras e negros de várias idades, orientações sexuais e identidades de gênero refletem sobre o racismo está presente em palavras, frases e expressões da língua portuguesa e como essa realidade se reflete na vivência e na autoestima das pessoas negras.
Johann Debo
Poland / 3 mins A special state of consciousness, wherein no separation of subject-object, an area of pure consciousness.
Two Minds Are Better Than One
Felix Guerra
Australia / 10 mins Wayne McMillan and Mark Gage are two Melbourne pavement artists who have a unique relationship and collaboration that allows them to flawlessly combine their ideas to create fantastic original art works.
Two Spirited Beings / Niish Manidoowag
Debbie S. Mishibinijima
Canada / 5 mins Four youth travel the Bebamikawe Trail in First Nation territory. The pair who are Two Spirited discuss the confrontations and acceptance that they have encountered and how that has affected their ability to experience and learn their culture. Watch… here
Dan Frantz
USA / 7 mins “Tyler,” set in present-day New Orleans, tells the story of a young girl who is turning into gold. The transformation triggers a mental conflict and strained self-reflection as the world around her responds to her physical changes. Watch... here
Uit de Pijp
Matthijs de Raad
Netherlands / 16 mins 85 year-old Gerard must leave the place where his life changed radically, and where everything fell into place as well. He has to move. His grandson is here. Is this the time for an announcement?
Un Cookie Para Curar Las Lagrimas de Maricon
Benni Quintero
USA / 3 min s This short explores the filmmakers family as they struggled to accept their daughters transition from female to male.
 Una Visita Inesperada
Anubis Alejandro
México / 12 mins Cada mañana Olaf se enfrenta a sus pensamientos de miedo y destrucción propios de su condición física, quienes intentan seducirlo de distintas formas. Trailer… here
Unconditional Love
Khaing Htun
Myanmar / 22 mins Unconditional Love is a window into the life of Myanmar’s mostly hidden Lesbian community. It tells the story of a tomboy and her lover and their story of how they meet and the struggles they encounter from their families and relatives.
Under the Same Roof / Sob o Mesmo Teto
Coletivo Olho Vivo
Brazil / 14 mins The struggle and resistance of Casa Nem portrayed in a short documentary film. Creation and collective strength beyond the seventh art.
Dana Washington
USA / 5 mins In ethereal vignettes linked by devotion and ancestral evocation, a woman traverses stories beneath her rib cage.
Undefined Spaces
Michelle Trujillo
USA / 10 mins Spazi Indeterminabili explores spatial and social orientation within national borders, and social structures. Through a personal navigation of space and memories, it pursues a grounding concept of home.
Unicorns of Westfield
Louise Ashcroft
UK / 5:36 mins Local artist Louise Ashcroft explores Westfield, Stratford and capitalism in her assumed residency. Watch… here
Uno Due Tre
Camilla Iannetti
Italy / 50 mins Una madre, un’adolescente e una bambina. Roberta Lucy e Danny sono una famiglia di sole donne. Il loro rapporto si basa sull'affetto che provano l'una per l'altra, il bisogno di sentirsi unite e quello di trovare ognuna la sua strada, indipendentemente dalle altre. Ora che Lucy, la figlia maggiore, ha intenzione di lasciare la casa dove abitano, l'equilibrio della loro estate sarà messo alla prova. Trailer… here
[untitled & unlabeled]
Terry Jones
Turtle Island / 3 mins In this very personal experimental work, director Terry Jones reflects upon the moment he was told he was 'different' and how that left an imprint on the narrative of his life. Trailer… here
Uprooting Ghosts: A Queer "Fantasia on National Themes"
Rafal Morusiewicz
Austria / 47 mins This mash-up work of experimental re-searching unearths the frenetic, oppressive mood of political and social realities in 1952-1989 Poland and Hungary, through fragments of queer desire and the resistance of our very existence.
The work combines samples of banned and rare films Hands Up! (dir. Jerzy Skolimowski, 1982), How Far Away, How Near (dir. Tadeusz Konwicki, 1971), and Another View (dir. Karoly Makk and Janos Xantus, 1982) and more than a dozen other films, texts and tracks to create a passionate, suspicious tapestry of hauntings, dreams, fragments and provocations.
 Vainilla y Coco
Andrés Weis
Perú / 13 mins Luna Stone, Eclectic Michelle and Sabrina Slayer are three young drag queens looking to become artists. In pursuit of that goal, they will have to learn to cope with personal experiences and deal with various social reactions.
Valentine’s Day
Bella Giancotta
Canada / 2 mins Short and sweet, Valentine’s Day captures the process of getting ready for an exciting night through documenting a rarely-seen yet somewhat common ritual.
Välissä – In Between
Sonja Sinisalo
Finland / 19 mins “I am not either a man or a women, I am something in between.” Genderqueer Elisa and Piritta tell about a situation, when you are gender, that won’t be acknowledged in the society. Watch...here
Violence: Square of a Quarter / Violence square des quarts-d'heure
Elsa Aloisio
France / 11 mins An Algerian-French transgender comes to term with identity, religion and sports.
Vivian & Veronica Play Doctor
Kelsy Gossett
USA / 3 mins The doctor is in…and out. Watch... here
Vivian & Veronica: Pop It
Kelsy Gossett
USA / 3 mins A little bow-chicka-wow-WOW! Watch... here
Vivian & Veronica: Schoolgirls
Kelsy Gossett
USA / 2 mins Bad girls need discipline. Watch... here
Ekaterina Izmestyeva, Pierre-Yves Dalka
Germany, Russia / 28 mins Malvina trains her voice at Moscow's LGBTQ community centre in a group for trans women led by Vasilisa, a choir director. In Berlin, green political activist Claudia speaks out through photography, while Luis focuses on hormone therapy that should also bring about the transformation of his voice. Trailer… here
Wake Up / Tsanizid
Beric Manywounds
Canada / 6 mins Two-spirit performer and storyteller Beric Manywounds takes us on an intimate and enthralling dance experience.
We Exist
Cal Andrews
Australia / 12 mins Reflections from community advocates on LGBTIQ homelessness in Victoria, including current projects and practice, changes and challenges in the sector, and hopes for the future.
 What We Don't See / Lo que no se ve
Lamberto Guerra
Spain / 5 mins Lorenza is nearing 80, she has just become widow and decides to come back to her youth home. Her daughter, Tara, does not approve that decision, but her granddaughters, Sofía and Alba, decide to accompany her. Together, these women tour the last stretch of her comeback, a short journey of 20 metres and 50 years, to reflect on the things that really matter, how difficult it is for us to see them… And for making some discovery along the way... Lorenza va camino de los 80, acaba de quedarse viuda y decide volver a su hogar de juventud. Su hija, Tara, no lo aprueba, pero sus nietas, Sofía y Alba, deciden acompañarla. Juntas, estas mujeres recorren el último tramo de su regreso, un pequeño viaje de 20 metros y 50 años.
Where I belong / My Place
Tomokazu Takeda
Japan / 77 mins At Senryo, an okonomiyaki restaurant located at the foot of Tsutenkaku in Osaka's Shinsekai, it's bustling every day with people of all ages. Customers come for the delicious okonomiyaki made on the teppanyaki counter and to see Hiroko Mama, the transgender owner who runs the place. Everyone gathers because they want to talk with Mama. Trailer… here
Wir Können Alle Nur Gewinnen
Adrian Hoffmann; Sebastian Schmöller
Germany / 38 mins Seit 1996 beschäftigen sich Menschen in Freiburg damit, wie diese Vorteile und Diskriminierungen abgebaut werden können. Wie kann es gelingen mit Menschen darüber ins Gespräch zu kommen?
 Witches / Brujas
Carmen Rojas Gamarra
Spain, Peru / 50 mins A bunch of punk girls tell how it does feel to have a band and want to shout and spread your ideas in Madrid in this day and age. Trailer… here
With this Ring
Natalie Gattegno
Israel / 8 mins As Ronny, a bride on her wedding day, takes a break before the ceremony, Lilach drops in for a visit. The two women reminisce about their shared past. Gradually, the atmosphere intensifies. Just then, the groom’s mother is accidentally exposed to their moment of intimacy.
Working Pleasure
Kay Garnellen
Germany / 18 mins A view into the world of sex worker KAy.
Kenzie Greer
USA / 3 minutes Featuring Maddie Conaway, who shares her inspirational and moving story about transitioning. She discusses the journey of coming out, and the power of self-acceptance. Watch… here
Clarissa Ribeiro
Brazil / 18 mins No submundo xs dissidentes sexuais, bichas bandidas, travestis, sapatonas boladas e todos os corpos marginalizados bolam um plano para destruir a cisheteronorma. Trailer... here
Yeda Brown – Efeito Borboleta
Pedro Murad
Brasil / 6 mins O bater asas de uma borboleta pode causar um tufão em outra parte do mundo. Um simples nome é como esse bater de asas. O filme traz um breve relato de Yeda Brown, uma das primeiras transexuais brasileiras (transgenitalizada em 1975). Watch... here
Yo Solo Queria Bailar
Nicol Guerra
Perú / 28 mins This documentary explores the life of Anthony Vergara and the development of his drag persona, Tany de la Riva. Tany tells us about her start in show business, how her family life evolved, and how she faces this world day by day, as she prepares for the big show of the night.
 You Should Be Mine
Ricardo Noel Frutuoso
UK / 10 mins Daniel spends part of his time finding dates online. After meeting Bear69, his life changes forever. Trailer… https://vimeo.com/254395636
 Zebra Fish / Poisson Zebre
Augusto Sinay, Maureen Zanetti
Argentina / 13 mins Watch... here