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Ellen Page...

...can you please shut the f**k up!!!


Matt Damon said...“Whether you’re straight or gay, people shouldn’t know anything about your sexuality......”

Here's what she had to say about that...

“He doesn’t have a point because he related it to sexuality. Heterosexual actors and actresses do not have to go to great lengths to hide their sexuality. Yes, of course, keep your private life private. Protect yourself. Have boundaries. When you’re a public person, you need to think about your safety. But if it’s in relation to sexuality, then no — that’s an unfair double standard. Heterosexual people walk down the red carpet with their partners all the time, they talk about their children…”

Actors...very few have achieved a standard of education that would make them vocally important!!!

As for child stars...the less said, the better.

Tags: Shut the f**k up