Place in the City: Three Stories About AIDS at Home (A)
Country: USA, Language: English, 18 mins
- Director: Nate Lavey; Stephen Vider
CGiii Comment
Part 1: Ted Kerr talks jargon-laden tedium. HIV doulas...what will they think of next!?! Someone should tell them about the Buddy program!
Part 2: Wanda Hernandez-Parks is rightfully angry. Homelessness should not exist.
Part 3: Kia LaBeija should be the subject of a longer film.
A Place in the City: Three Stories about AIDS at Home from Museum of the City of New York on Vimeo.
The(ir) Blurb...
The documentary "A Place in the City" follows three activists to examine how HIV/AIDS plays out in the everyday lives of New Yorkers today and how community groups work to remake home as a space of caretaking, housing, and family. The film was originally featured in the Museum of the City of New York's 2017 exhibition, AIDS at Home: Art and Everyday Activism, which explored how artists and activists navigated the political stakes of domestic life in the face of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, from the early 1980s to the present.