Pronouns in Bio
- Director: Frankie Shaftain-Fenner
CGiii Comment
It's official...every young trans-person needs a film made about them...or, as in this case, needs to make a film about themselves.
We are now awash with trans stories, not a bad thing per se...but, they are all so unremarkably similar, it's a case of watch two [FtM, MtF] and you have seen them all.
For something that should be so private made so public, it beggars belief. The worry is...this constant and continuous attention-seeking really does start to raise eyebrows as to the authenticity of those who publicise themselves. As controversial as that may sound, it is an issue that is stubbornly avoided. Stop avoiding it.
It would make a far more interesting film.
The(ir) Blurb...
Through a collection of video diary entries spanning more than a year, PRONOUNS IN BIO delivers an offbeat and charming reflection on transness and identity. Part documentary, part video essay, and part musical, the film follows director and star Frankie Shaftain-Fenner, a recently out transgender, autistic woman, as she navigates the first year of her transition. Frankie’s story is personal and unique to her own experience, while reflecting many of the seemingly universal experiences of the broader trans community, including mental health and medical gatekeeping. Utilizing direct-to-camera monologues mixed with an original soundtrack written and performed by Frankie herself, PRONOUNS IN BIO creates an intimate portrait about discovering your authentic identity and the fight to be recognized as your true self.