Cat Skin
- Director: Daniel Grasskamp
- Writer: Daniel Grasskamp
- Producer: Daniel Grasskamp
CGiii Comment
Not a word is spoken...none are needed.
Instead...a rich and sensual soundtrack...a rarity for a short film.
And, with the [legendary] Canon 5D MKII...the photography is vivid and, thankfully, devoid of any silly gimmicks.
Mr Grasskamp has indeed entered into troubling territory...a slightly off-the-rails girl crosses-the-line...can anything be recovered from the wreckage?
By the end...you'll be left wondering...of these two girls - who is the more helpless? Victim, perpetrator...who is who?
This is a damn fine collaborative film...with a wide range of talents coming together - Mr Grasskamp has definitely set the ball rolling for what will (and should) become a feature.
Keep the complexity. Keep the composer...and, retain that fragile menace...
Cat Skin (Short Film - 2010) from Daniel Grasskamp on Vimeo.
The(ir) Blurb...
With lust there are boundaries. Cat is about to cross them.
Cast & Characters
Amelia Woods as Cat;
Maddie Carter as April;
Benjamin Fletcher