Gay Conversion
- Director: uncredited
CGiii Comment
Conversion and the ex-gay movement - do these people live in cloud cuckoo land?
Vomit-inducing - stop giving them free publicity because all it does is line the pockets of these deluded, parasitical hypocrites.
The(ir) Blurb...
Christian lobby groups believe homosexuality is a mental disorder. They've set up over a hundred camps to cure gay patients via re-orientation therapy.
Richard Cohen's life has been transformed. Once struggling with his sexuality, he is now "exclusively heterosexual" having attended a conversion camp. With six week programmes costing $6000, such cures are big business. Former patient and fierce critic, Wayne Besen believes they are dangerous; "Hurting people, and creating stigma so gays want to change." By their own admission, only 30% of patients are fully cured. The 70% left behind believe they have failed God. According to Rev. Mel White many attempt suicide; "I'm a failure and I should die."