Gay Healers
Original Title
Die Schwulenheiler- Director: Oda Lambrecht; Christian Deker
- Writer: Christian Deker; Oda Lambrecht
- Producer: Lutz Ackermann; Dietmar Schiffermueller
CGiii Comment
This is a horror...doctors advocating and participating in gay conversion...because of their mummified beliefs!
Devout christian doctors should not be allowed to practice freely, to the general public...rather than exclude them completely...they should only administer to devout christian patients.
Fräulein Merkel - it is time to look inward and outward...and, release your sweaty grasp from your mendacious bible...for this is an abomination.
Shame on these practitioners and politicians
Watch it...in German...here
The(ir) Blurb...
The documentary reveals that there are doctors in Germany that consider homosexuality a disorder and therefore want to treat gays to become heterosexual. In a self-experiment, the gay reporter Christian Deker visited registered doctors that move in devout Christian circles. The doctors propose treatments that should change his sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual.
Such treatments are not only ineffective but may even have a negative impact on the patient's health, warn World Medical Association and German Medical Association. Nevertheless, these doctors try to settle such methods even with health insurances. After his doctor visits, the reporter receives bills of the physicians to be forwarded to the private health insurance. The doctors diagnose a 'mental disorder' or a 'life-changing disease'.
The documentation shows that even in a liberal country like Germany some people still consider homosexuals as ill. In a demonstration in Stuttgart, people tell the reporter that they believe gays to be 'disgusting', 'sick' and 'abnormal'.The documentary also addresses the discrimination of homosexuals in other areas of society. Until 1969, in the Federal Republic of Germany tens of thousands of gay men were sentenced to prison terms as their sexual orientation was criminalized as 'obscene'. The judgments are final until today.
And even in 2014 gays are not allowed to donate bone marrow to help terminally ill people. Gays are statistically said to be more frequently infected with infectious diseases such as HIV compared to heterosexuals. For this reason all healthy gays are flat excluded.