- Director: Mikel Marton
CGiii Comment
The(ir) Blurb...
HELLHOUNDS have held Folkloric significance for a great many cultures since ancient times, especially as an omen of death. BLACK DOGS -not of flesh- can be seen patrolling crossroads, places of execution & archaic burial sites. Folk tales about shadowy pups as discarnate shape-shifting demons, or undead spirits haunting cemeteries are quite common in the British Isles, and some Germanic regions. In Celtic myth, the gatekeeper-dog was named DORMATH, meaning 'Death's Door', & ARAWN, the Celtic equivalent to HADES, leads the WILD HUNT with his HOUNDS OF HELL. In Greek lore, black dogs are symbolic of transition, the unknown & generally were protectors of secret wisdom; The black dog CERBERUS guards the mouth of the UNDERWORLD, & HEKATE is often accompanied by packs of wild black dogs, on her hunts & during her rites.