Love Snaps
- Director: Rafael Lessa; Daniel Ribeiro
- Writer: Rafael Lessa; Daniel Ribeiro
- Producer: Diana Almeida; Rafael Lessa
CGiii Comment
What a horror...both the film and Rafael!
Let's hope 'Rafael' was acting...otherwise, he has some serious issues to deal with!
And, Yuri...what an idiot!
The(ir) Blurb...
Rafael doesn't think that sharing too many videos exposing his boyfriend on Snapchat is a problem, that is, until he crosses the line and shares an intimate one. Rafael must then choose between his social media addiction and his relationship.
Rafael não acha que o excesso de vídeos que publica, expondo seu namorado no Snapchat, seja um problema até que passa dos limites ao postar um vídeo íntimo. Rafael precisa, então, escolher entre seu vicio em redes sociais e salvar seu relacionamento. O filme foi todo captado através do Snapchat.
Cast & Characters
Fabio Audi as Fabio;
Vinicius Calderoni as Vincius;
Luciana Esposito as Luciana;
Caio Horowicz as Felipe;
Rafael Lessa;
Gilda Nomacce as Gilda;
Yuri Siqueira