My Sister is so Gay
- Director: Sam Irvin
- Writer: Wendy Michaels; Terry Ray
- Producer: Wendy Michaels; Terry Ray
CGiii Comment
Looks like episode 2 was never made...there's a good reason!
The(ir) Blurb...
Loni Anderson stars as Frances the boozy and inappropriately sexy mother of two middle age children in this new LGBT themed series. My Sister Is So Gay also stars Terry Ray as Frances' gay son Seth who is invaded by his uptight, homophobic sister, Amanda played by Wendy Michaels after she catches her husband with her best friend Katherine. It just seems she's way more upset about Katherine cheating on her than her husband and it's not adding up for Seth especially when Amanda acts all loopy around his lesbian co-worker Becca played by Debra Wilson. The series focuses on whether Seth's right-winger, homophobic sister is gay as Amanda tries to figure out why Seth's way younger and very handsome boyfriend played by Tilky Jones is interested in Seth and questions why he seems to have too many secrets or perhaps he's married.
Cast & Characters
Loni Anderson as Frances;
Wendy Michaels as Amanda;
Terry Ray as Seth;
Tilky Jones as Beau