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Pasión por el Fútbol

Country: Spain, Language: Spanish, 12 mins

  • Director: María Pavón; Rut Suso
  • Writer: Rut Suso
  • Producer: Volando Vengo

CGiii Comment

Too long and too irritating.


PASIÓN POR EL FÚTBOL from Rut Suso & María Pavón on Vimeo.

The(ir) Blurb...

“Passion for Football” is quite a “formal” comedy in cinematic terms but is very “informal” from a narrative point of view. It is a light hearted adventure, although there is also the drama of a relationship gone wrong and the story of loneliness that any woman who is treated badly by her partner might feel. Football is used as a pretext because it is also an excuse used by hundreds of men who lose themselves in their passion for the sport neglecting other passions unarguably more important such as listening, looking at and getting to know their partner.
As it is a story with no dialogue, the audio plays a very important part from the beginning. Both the sound effects and the original soundtrack have been meticulously taken care of by the maestro Juanjo Valmorisco.
The female protagonist is more aware of the world around her, she is more in touch with nature and that´s why she sees, listens to and feels what surrounds her. The sound of the djembe acts as the constant musical narrative and symbolizes the rhythm of the heartbeat. The radio broadcast of the football match competes with the sound of the drums and this acoustic combat constantly reminds the audience of the sensuality in the film. The man lives in the hermetic world of the machine; he only feels passion when listening to the radio and lives exclusively for it. However, in the same way that life is a magnet to life, passion attracts passion; this is how, by chance, our female protagonist is seduced by the forbidden and meets another woman in the park.
This is not a didactic or moralizing film; it is just a simple story in the form of a comedy revealing a problamtic situation and trying to make us more aware of people surrounding us.

Esta es la historia de una joven pareja convencional que pasa sus tardes de domingo sin hacer absolutamente nada. El claro ejemplo de cómo, a veces, estar solo es lo mismo que estar acompañado.
El hombre se divierte escuchando partidos de fútbol en la radio, ella se entretiene observando el parque y refugiándose en la lectura. No se miran, no se hablan; apenas se tocan. Aunque ellos todavía no lo saben, basar su relación en la incomunicación y la indiferencia cambiará sus vidas completamente. Los hombres y las mujeres viven las pasiones de forma diferente; pero a pesar de su distanciamiento emocional y físico, ambos comparten una búsqueda. Él desatiende su relación, anteponiendo su pasión por el fútbol sobre todas las cosas, y así es como ella descubrirá a través del sentimiento de abandono, una pasión más ardiente y desgarradora.

Cast & Characters

Eurico De La Pena;
Angeles Maeso;
Itziar Miranda