Facing a New Age
- Director: Austen Hoogen
- Producer: Jason Ganwich; Austen Hoogen
CGiii Comment
What a mis-managed film...
An important subject...drowned out by a droning soundtrack...wholly unnecessary...it does stop after a while - better late than never.
A variety of talking heads talking about age...no imaginative input whatsoever.
The(ir) Blurb...
Aging is a fact that we all must face. But when the Stonewall generation starts to face retirement, are they free to live their lives openly gay? Or are they forced back into a closet they thought they had destroyed forty years before? 'Facing a New Age' explores both the issues facing gay men as they age in a population of youth-and-beauty worshipers and the reality of thinking about retiring openly gay in a society still struggling with equal rights and civil liberties.
Cast & Characters
Larry Kramer as Himself;
The Lady Bunny as Herself;
Don Moreland as Himself;
Dan Savage as Himself;
Bill Stein as Himself