- Director: Dominic Rodriguez
- Producer: Kathy Dziubek; Michael Killen
CGiii Comment
Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing!
Whatever you may think about 'Furries' - they are harmless. Well, that's what we thought...up until this obnoxious little man started to spew his venom...Samuel 'Uncle Kage' Conway has an out-of-control ego. He runs a Furry Convention...with an iron paw and a poisonous tongue. Bad press is his arch-enemy and he will say anything [and probably do anything] to defend the [not-so] good name of the furry fandom...it's sounds a little crazy...but, be assured, he is serious.
How can he be serious!?! This is a group/community of adults who dress up as cuddly toys! And, as one participant declared...most are gay, those that aren't are bisexual...and then, there's the straight couple...he denied having sex in his furry outfit and she confirmed that they do!
It's difficult to take this whole furry thing seriously...c'mon, it's a bit of [silly] fun...however, one thing is for sure...Kage is a dangerous, hate-filled, toxic man. How dare he verbally savage poor Boomer...harmless fun should remain harmless fun, not with the man holding the reins!
As a film, it certainly entertains and enlightens...delivering a few surprises and some unpleasant shocks! Is is bad press? It is for Kage...deservedly so.
It's time - Furries - to turn your backs and raise your tails and blast him out of your community...then, perhaps, the Furries will receive a better press!
Fursonas - Film Clip from Animal on Vimeo.
The(ir) Blurb...
Approaching a community filled with so many rumors and misconceptions is no easy task. First time director Dominic Rodriguez is not without his own biases but instead of attempting to deny this fact, he faces it head on, unafraid to be shot down by his subjects.
Fursonas is a whistleblower film that oscillates between the fantastic and the unusual, with moments of awe and wonder slapped against harsh reality. Whether or not you’ve heard of furry fandom, this documentary is a ride from start to finish. From the innocent to the tainted, the audience can delight in infiltrating the fun and sometimes dark secrets of an escapist community. Like a small town in middle America, you’ll find friends in the most unusual places and unexpected enemies around every corner. Unlike a small town in middle America, you’ll find Furries. Description courtesy of filmmaker.
Cast & Characters
Samuel 'Uncle Kage' Conway
Gary Matthews
Dominic Rodriguez