Killer Unicorn
- Director: Drew Bolton
- Writer: José D. Álvarez
- Producer: A.J. Mattioli; Steve Wolf
CGiii Comment
The clue is in the title...
There are - quite simply - not enough words in the English language to accurately decribe how bad this film is...
Drew Bolton's debut as a filmmaker...not exactly a promising start...and, quite possibly, a guaranteed his [short-lived] cinematic career. So...what went wrong? It would seem...just about everything!
Everything starts with the script...c'mon, a man in skimpy, sequined shorts wearing a cheap unicorn mask on a 'queer' killing spree! Sounds deliciously camp..doesn't it? it just incredible bad taste?
The 'camp' is deflated by some dreadful dialogue...not helped by the fact that none of the 'queens' can act...but, hey, you don't need to 'act' in schlock horror...perhaps not, but you do need to be able to laugh along with the 'actors' to make schlock [truly] work!
There's not a laugh to be had in this demi-demented piece of work. Killer Unicorn - supposedly - cost $150,000 to would seem, some people [i.e. derailed producers] have money to burn. If you pay to see this, you too will burn...just like that $150,000 did!
Ouch...such a harsh review...but, ending on a brighter's a very colourful film.
Killer Unicorn Teaser from Drew Bolton on Vimeo.
The(ir) Blurb...
Danny is your average Brooklyn party boy. This year, he and his friends couldn't be more excited about the upcoming 'Brooklyn Annual Enema Party'; one of Brooklyn's biggest party, the event is a place 'where you come to get douched and dance'. While the night starts out fun, it quickly takes a turn for the worst when Danny is attacked by a stranger. In the end, his fabulous drag queen and queer friends are able to save his life, but not without deadly consequences. A year later, Danny is still going throughout the aftermath of that horrible incident and refuses to go to this year's upcoming 'Brooklyn Annual Enema Party', despite the pressure of his close friends Cholata, Collin and Gayson. His friends want Danny to face his fears and go back out into the world. Danny refuses, but when a new boy, PuppyPup, enters his life, Danny decides to give his social life and the Brooklyn nightlife scene a second chance. It isn't until his friends start to disappear and get killed in gruesome ways...
Cast & Characters
Markus Kelle;
Dennis Budesheim as Unicorn;
Alejandro La Rosa as Danny;
Jose D. Alvarez as Puppie Pup;
Will Sheridan as Himself