Are We OK?
- Director: Çagan Irmak
- Writer: Çagan Irmak
- Producer: Basak Abacigil; Timur Savci
CGiii Comment
Be patient...it takes a while to find its feet.
The opening scene, not great. The central character...not a particularly pleasant person. In fact, he's an odious, self-centred, contemptible little shit.
Stay with it...because, it all changes on one line that consists of two small words...and, the rest, as they say...is cinematic glory.
You will be cheering for the mothers. Throwing torrents of abhorrent abuse at the fathers.
And, you will melt as the relationship between Ihsan and Temmuz furls and unfurls...even the coldest of hearts will experience a thaw.
From the darkness of domestic abuse...to the light of love - Irmak concentrates on contrasting each and all, everything and everyone...it's not meant to be subtle - he just shows the different sides of humanity...the beauty as well as the beast.
Rarely does a film involve its audience to such a degree...every emotion in the spectrum is presented...the good as well as the bad.
They say, in story-telling, that character development is everything - well, here's a masterclass...watch....as these young men learn to spread their wings...
Heart-warming, uplifting, life-affirming...we all cried until our noses ran uncontrollably.
Tamam Miyiz? / Are We OK? (2013) - Trailer (with English subtitles) from cinemasterUK on Vimeo.
The(ir) Blurb...
Temmuz is an openly gay sculptor living at a flat with his dog in Istanbul. He lives a bohemian lifestyle and has a happy go lucky, carefree, eccentric (such as believing in good luck charms) character, frequently distracting him from his work as a children's book illustrator, and eventually leading him to be abandoned by his boyfriend via e-mail. He is given solace and affection by her wealthy mother, who is fully supportive of him, and best friend and co-worker, Beste. In the meantime, he keeps seeing a young man in his dreams, who repeatedly calls him for help and rescue. One day he runs into this guy while getting on the bus, who is accompanied by his mother, and helps them get into their home as the young man was born without limbs. From then on, two lives would collide into each other, starting a brotherhood full of discoveries and mutual help.
Cast & Characters
Aras Bulut Iynemli as Ihsan;
Deniz Celiloglu as Temmuz;
Asli Enver;
Zuhal Gencer;
Ugur Gunes as Serhat;
Gurkan Uygun;
Sumru Yavrucuk