Fabulous! The Story of Queer Cinema
- Director: Lisa Ades; Lesli Klainberg
- Producer: Lisa Ades; Alison Palmer Bourke
CGiii Comment
Lame and overly laden with lesbian content...but, that's not surprising considering the production team. A more accurate title would be: Fatuous...
It is an American-centric perspective of LGBT cinema - Europe practically doesn't exist or participate - the filmmakers would like us all to believe that it started in the USA and there it shall end...
It is a well-known fact that non-English films have virtually no audience in America - this decrepit documentary does nothing but support the shameful fact.
A terrible attempt at a fascinating subject.
The(ir) Blurb...
A chronological look at films by, for, or about (or "by, for, and about") gays and lesbians in the United States, from 1947 to 2005, Kenneth Anger's "Fireworks" to "Brokeback Mountain." Talking heads, anchored by critic and scholar B. Ruby Rich, are interspersed with an advancing timeline and with clips from two dozen films. The narrative groups the pictures around various firsts, movements, and triumphs: experimental films, indie films, sex on screen, outlaw culture and bad guys, lesbian lovers, films about AIDS and dying, emergence of romantic comedy, transgender films, films about diversity and various cultures, and then mainstream Hollywood drama. What might come next?
Cast & Characters
Randy Barbato as Himself;
Dan Bucatinsky as Himself;
Jonathan Caouette as Himself;
Ash Christian as Himself;
John Cooper as Himself;
Wilson Cruz as Himself;
Alan Cumming as Himself;
Donna Deitch as Herself;
Arthur Dong as Himself;
Alonso Duralde as Himself;
Marga Gomez as Herself;
Stephen Gutwillig as Himself;
Todd Haynes as Himself;
Marcus Hu as Himself;
Randy Jones as Cowboy