- Director: Bernard Schumanski; Harry Schumanski
- Writer: Bernard Schumanski; Harry Schumanski
- Producer: Beatrice Carina; Bernard Schumanski
CGiii Comment
Ouch - the camera work will leave you nauseous.
And...the Schumanski's will leave you pleading, on your knees, for NO MORE.
Basically, it's badly done porn - filmed on a handheld without any thought or talent.
It definitely ranks down there with all the other time-wasting trash.
The(ir) Blurb...
An edgy drama about a gay teen's tumultuous decent into drugs and anonymous sex, Wrecked smashes cinematic taboos while it spins its cautionary tale. Ryan is an earnest 18-year-old trying to develop a career as an actor and getting his life on the right track. This course is quickly threatened with the sudden arrival of his sort-of ex, Daniel, who arrives at Ryan's door wanting a place to stay and offering the promise of a normal, loving relationship. But Daniel's drug addiction and attitude towards casual sex derail any hope for normalcy and soon ensnares Ryan in his own downward spiral. Handheld cameras, a hot young cast and a boldly upfront approach to sex combine to make Wrecked a unique film experience.
Cast & Characters
Forth Richards as Ryan;
Benji Crisnis as Daniel;
Jake Casey;
Womack Daryl;
Peter Petersen;
Beatrice Carina;
Heidi Blissenbach;
Garett Dragovitz