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Beyond Ed Buck

Country: United States, Language: English, 91 mins

  • Director: Jayce Baron, Hailie Sahar
  • Writer: Jayce Baron, Hailie Sahar
  • Producer: Jayce Baron, Bryce Ferendo, Glenn Meehan, Hailie Sahar, Trevon Wesley

CGiii Comment

This could be misconstrued as Hailie Sahar's presidential campaign...credited with co-directing, writing...and, being the executive producer, this is her show...replete with an eye-dobbing tear!

Despite the mis-leading title, this is neither investigation nor exposé into or of Ed Buck's foul practices or life...nor, that of his victims. Perpetrator and victims are summarily addressed. There's not even a mention of his third victim...who survived.

This agenda-laden, mis-managed documentary rapidly becomes a political broadcast for sex-workers [as Buck's victims were] and further travels into territory that should have been beyond the initial remit.

The gay men systematically disappear from the screen and it becomes a talking heads, trans-sex-workers-of-colour-Lives-Matter campaign and the legitimisation of prostitution...blame is dished out more liberally than any responsibility taken. Although, it does touch upon a few issues that needed to be investigated further...mainly, the church's sphere of influence and internal community racism, discrimination and bigotry. Both exist, both are massive problems.

Violence against the trans community is rife and ongoing...there is some horrific footage of a trans woman being attacked by 30 men from her own community! This is a documentary all on its own.

Littered with some, ridiculously dated, archival footage...Beyond Ed Buck goes no further than stating what we all already know. What it ought to have done is to  ask: Why? And keep on asking...why is this happening? Until answers are received and resolutions are formulated. This system is broken and needs fixed asap.

Despite the good intentions, the film - as a whole - is dreadfully mismanaged. We need films that challenge, not films that show off the executive producer's political aspirations.

Truths have to be spoken. Responsibilities have to be taken. Blame has to be each and all. Until this happens...this dreadful state-of-affairs will persist.


The(ir) Blurb...

From Jayce Baron and Hailie Sahar (Pose), Beyond Ed Buck follows the tragic murders that took place at the hands of Democratic political donor, Edward Buck. The documentary expands the conversation in which Black trans and Black gay-identified men fall prey to the sexual fetishes and baiting of crystal meth that exist throughout history. These encounters often result in fatal endings for many innocent people who just so happen to live under the umbrella of being queer and Black in America. Filled with real-life survivors, community leaders, and families who give heartfelt testimonials, Beyond Ed Buck is a call-to-action work of art meant to inspire change in the world surrounding us so that one day the value of all human life will be acknowledged as one race of people.

Cast & Characters

Hailie Sahar (as Self)
DeMarco Majors (as Self)
George M. Johnson (as Self)
Kalyn Rivers (as Self)
Gregory Canillas
Raniyah Copeland (as Self)
Jayce Baron (as Self)
John Duran (as Self)
Shar Jossell (as Self)
Blossom C. Brown (as Self)
Donta Morrison (as Self)
Neverending Nina (as Self)
Ayanna Miller (as Self)
Cindy Davis (as Self)