Girl Like You
- Director: Frances Elliott, Samantha Marlowe
- Writer: Frances Elliott, Samantha Marlowe
- Producer: Frances Elliott, Cody Greenwood, Janelle Landers, Samantha Marlowe, Aidan O'Bryan
CGiii Comment
"Could your love transcend gender?"
Big question. Good question...Lauren Black certainly gives it some considerable thought and deluded agency! The unfortunate part of it is...her partner is - let's be truthful here - completely and blisteringly inconsiderate. It's a me me me me diatribe from beginning to end...an exhausting and relentless self-centredness. This is the epitome of freeloading high maintenance...for what? For love...and, a decent bonk...not for very much longer!
Lauren has been financially supporting Elle for four and a half years...if that's not love, what is? As they say: Love is blind. Poor Lauren - being both cash cow and door mat - freeloading Elle declares herself to be a lesbian, wants/demands an open relationship because she want to sleep with real lesbians...but, do real lesbians want to sleep with you!?!
You've guessed it, this relationship is doomed, the sooner the better, et out with the little dignity you have left!
There is so much pussy-footing around trans stories...any genuine criticism usually results in being branded a transphobe. It praise, praise, praise all the way. Well, that buck stops here...this film is as fatuous as it is inauthentic.
The ever-present, intrusive filmmakers describe their film as being 'touching and insightful' - it's neither...it's a hackle-raising pantomime. The filmmakers have manipulated the material and the material [girl] manipulated the film.
The(ir) Blurb...
"Could your love transcend gender?"
When Lauren first saw Lewis smashing out the drums on stage, with smudged eyeliner, knotted hair and ripped jeans, she fell in love. Lewis had been open about identifying as transgender, but was still physically presenting as male and fairly certain he'd stay that way. Six months into their relationship, Lewis tells Lauren that he wants to medically transition genders, change pronouns from He to She, and become Elle. Over six years, we watch a couple desperate to stay together, as they navigate the effects of new body parts, changing gender roles as well as battling their own evolving sexual identities. Girl Like You uses the dramatic reality of changing genders while in a relationship to explore the larger thematic questions of the fluidity of gender and sexual identity, and the self sacrifice required to nurture a lover through life.
Cast & Characters
Lauren Black (as Self)
Elloise Walsh (as Self)