Ask Any Buddy
- Director: Elizabeth Purchell
- Producer: Elizabeth Purchell
CGiii Comment
Take 125 vintage [i.e. old] gay porn films, cut them to bits...then, stick some of those bits together and, hey presto, you have Ask Any Buddy!
Call it collage, call it a labour of love [for Evan Purchell]...call it what you will...but, there really is only one pertinent question that screams to be asked: Evan, dear heart, what was the point?
In recent years, pornographers have been rediscovered, reappraised and, ridiculously, celebrated...most notably Peter de Rome. There are quite a few others...those of a certain age will surely remember their favourites! And, yes, they are all represented within these 78 salacious and old-fashioned minutes!
Porn has changed exponentially. Porn is absolutely everywhere...and, porn still makes money. Access to any kind of porn is a mere click-of-the-mouse away...there are many websites specializing in vintage porn...hey, once a 'rare' film has been digitized, it's no longer rare.
Now...if Ask Any Buddy was an exercise in salvage, restoration and preservation [of gay erotica]...then, those who regard porn as essential cinematic history and/or as an artform would certainly appreciate such an endeavor. But...it's not, this is just a curated piece of saucy nostalgia...worthwhile or worthless, it all depends on your attitude towards nostalgic porn!
The(ir) Blurb...
Set on the streets and piers, and in the bars, cinemas, bath-houses and toilets of New York and San Francisco, this is a world of moustaches, tight jeans, tighter leathers and shorts. It’s an impressionistic cruise back to a time when the men and boys were beautiful and up for it. Think Peter de Rome meets Peter Berlin with Jack Wrangler and his friends. It’s historic hot stuff for connoisseurs of any age and instant nostalgia for anyone who was there. Director Evan Purchell has woven a masterpiece out of 125 vintage films, for an intensely pleasurable experience that eschews any need of a narrative.
Brian Robinson
Cast & Characters
Peter Berlin (as (archive Footage))
Rick Cassidy (as (archive Footage))
Casey Donovan (as (archive Footage))
Harvey Milk (as Self (archive Footage))
Al Parker (as (archive Footage))
Christopher Rage (as (archive Footage))
Roger (as (archive Footage))
Jack Wrangler (as (archive Footage))