- Director: Clive Saunders
- Writer: David Birke; Clive Saunders
- Producer: Scott Hohnbaum; Larry Rattner
CGiii Comment
Sensationally bad...
Saunders has made a complete mess of a story which is extremely well documented...did he read any of those documents?
You would be forgiven if you were to think that this is a comedy - because, it really does start off like one.
A blatant disregard & disrespect for the victims and their families.
Saunders should not be allowed to get his grimy little mitts on anything else. It does seem as if this was the final nail in his (un)creative coffin.
Hang your head in shame...you incompetent oaf.
The(ir) Blurb...
Wisconsin, 1953. John Gacy, Sr. forces his fat teenage son to have sexual relations with him during a fishing trip. Iowa, 1968. The adult John Wayne Gacy Jr. is convicted of sodomy and after 18 months he is released and settles in Des Plaines near Chicago. From 1972, John Wayne Gacy, Jr. grows up as a respected family father and businessman, even tipped for a political career with the Democrats. Alas, while he loudly abhors homosexuality, the monster uses the crawl space under his home for the vice of his abusive father: over 30 innocent boys and teenagers end up buried there, after horrible abuse ending in torturous death, causing it to reek unspeakably, being full of insects decomposing the stream of young corpses. Some victims worked for him, others he just picked up 'for fun' or lured in under various pretenses.
Cast & Characters
Mark Holton as John Wayne Gacy, Jr.;
Adam Baldwin as John Gacy, Sr.;
Tom Waldman as Hal;
Charlie Weber as Tom Kovacs;
Allison Lange as Gretchen;
Edith Jefferson as Mother Gacy;
Joleen Lutz as Kara Gacy;
Scott Allen Henry as Young John Gacy;
Kenneth Swartz as Dave;
Matt Farnsworth as Stu;
Joseph Sikora as Roger;
Jeremy Lelliott as Little Stevie;
Oren Skoog as Jimmy;
Joe Roncetti as Peter;
Eddie Adams as Duane