Love in the Time of Civil War
- Director: Rodrigue Jean
- Writer: Ron Ladd
- Producer: Patricia Bergeron; Cedric Bourdeau
CGiii Comment
No [new] light is shone on those two old incendiary pals: addiction and prostitution.
Because...some idiot forgot to turn on a light...ever heard of a light meter?!? And don't try to go all vérité...or, even dogme!
It's not just dark in appearance...but - also - in content...
If it was the director's intention to show the endless and turgid monotony of the daily life between these two old pals - he succeeded, monumentally.
Two hours of darkness, drab injections and grubby f&*ks...that's it.
Expect nothing else...because, nothing else is forthcoming...it's an endless wait for something/anything to happen...and, nothing does.
Dialogue is at a minimum...there's no story, no backstory...this is mere existence.
No doubt, some pseudos will praise this as being a cold, observational portrait of fringe-living on a marginalised landscape dictated by the mechanics of addiction. Hogwash!
It's 2 hours of dreary.
The(ir) Blurb...
Alex is a young addict who sells his body in Montreal. He's flanked by Bruno, Simon, Jeanne, Eric and Velma, all of them caught in the same spiral of compulsion. Hostage to society's market logic, they are the fallen angels of a dark and violent time.
Cast & Characters
Ana Christina Alva;
Catherine-Audrey Lachapelle;
Alexandre Landry;
Jean-Simon Leduc as Bruno;
Simon Lefebvre;
Eric Robidoux