One Taxi Ride
Original Title
Un viaje en taxi- Director: Mak CK
CGiii Comment
This is intense...maybe, too intense. This is [his] catharsis...maybe, too much so...for a paying audience.
The big question is: Why would you want to bare your soul on camera? Sometimes...no, scrub that...most of the time our private lives should remain private. However...what this film does show is...if you are a victim of sexual assault [or any form of assault or abuse], report it to the police, tell family and friends, get professional help. Erick did none of these things and the trauma has slowly eaten away at him...causing relationships to fail and creating [unnecessary] strains in [and on] his family.
An unignorable controversy exists [within the film and the situation]. There is a time and a place for everything...especially when it involves disturbing revelations about sexual violence...when a young child is present...is a clear indicator that this is neither the time nor the place to let it all out. Sorry...but it had to be said.
The last 10 minutes is absolute [raw] emotion and shows the shocking range and scale of these crimes. Catharsis it may be...but, it has obviously helped Erick and - hopefully - will help many, many others...to find their voices and [eventually] heal.
It really is a difficult film to watch...but, it does a deliver a vitally important message, most loud and most clear...if this is happening or has happened to you: Tell someone!
One Taxi Ride (Official Trailer) from Mak CK on Vimeo.
The(ir) Blurb...
Erick's life changed forever when he got into a taxi. The driver and two accomplices sexually assaulted him. The then 17-year-old never went to the police, never saw a doctor and never told his family or friends. After feeling broken for 10 years, he goes on a journey to reclaim his life - changing the world around him along the way.