Goodbye Berlin
- Director: Fatih Akin
- Writer: Hark Bohm; Wolfgang Herrndorf
- Producer: Cornelius Conrad; Marco Mehlitz
CGiii Comment
There is a God!!!
And, there is Fatih Akin...who made the astounding Auf Der Anderen Seite...
We're not going to say too much about this fine film...because, it would ruin it.
Anand Batbileg is a revelation...he lights up the screen, even when vomiting...and, Tristan Göbel compliments this little duo beautifully.
Sit back, relax and enjoy...a lovely, lovely film.
The(ir) Blurb...
Two young teenage boys steal a car and embark on a road trip that will probably change their lives.
Cast & Characters
Alexander Scheer as Richter;
Friederike Kempter as Anwaltin;
Tristan Gobel as Maik Klingenberg;
Xenia Assenza as Mona;
Nicole Mercedes Muller as Isa;
Uwe Bohm as Vater Klingenberg;
Kai Ivo Baulitz as Polizist 3;
Marc Hosemann as Polizist RAD;
Udo Samel as Lehrer;
Anand Batbileg as Andrej 'Tschick' Tschichatschow;
Claudia Geisler-Bading as Friedemanns Mutter;
Aniya Wendel as Tatjana Cosic;
Anja Schneider as Mutter Klingenberg;
Sammy Scheuritzel as Patrick;
Bella Bading as Florentine