CGiii Rating
Public Rating
Advise & Consent
Country: USA, Language: English, 139 mins
- Director: Otto Preminger
- Writer: Allen Drury; Wendell Mayes
- Producer: Otto Preminger
CGiii Comment
Way, way too long - without doing any damage to the story, 60 minutes could be cut from this marathon.
There is a hideously melodramatic relationship between a husband and wife and their single beds - Hollywood censorship made this film really rather stupid.
Politicians are still a sullied bunch - and, for that reason, it is still relevant today.
As for declaring this a masterpiece - as so many have done - take that with a pinch of salt.
But...it is important within CGiii history.
The(ir) Blurb...
Robert Leffingwell is the president's candidate for Secretary of State. Prior to his approval, he must first go through a Senate investigation to determine if he's qualified. Leading the Senate committee is idealistic Senator Brig Anderson, who soon finds himself unprepared for the political dirt that's revealed, including Leffingwell's past affiliations with a Communist organization. When Leffingwell testifies about his political leanings, he proves his innocence. Later, however, Anderson learns that he lied under oath and even asks the president to withdraw Leffingwell for consideration, especially after the young senator begins receiving blackmail threats about a skeleton in his own closet.
Cast & Characters
Henry Fonda as Robert A. Leffingwell;
Charles Laughton as Senator Seabright 'Seab' Cooley;
Don Murray as Senator Brigham Anderson;
Walter Pidgeon as Senate Majority Leader Bob Munson;
Peter Lawford as Senator Lafe Smith;
Gene Tierney as Dolly Harrison;
Franchot Tone as The President;
Lew Ayres as Vice President Harley Hudson;
Burgess Meredith as Herbert Gelman;
Eddie Hodges as Johnny Leffingwell;
Paul Ford as Senator Stanley Danta;
George Grizzard as Senator Fred Van Ackerman;
Inga Swenson as Ellen Anderson;
Frank Sinatra as Himself - on Recording at Gay Bar;
Edward Andrews as Senator Orrin Knox