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March Events...

  • BFI Flare
  • Cleveland International Film Festival
  • Glasgow Film Festival
  • Iris on the Move
  • Leeds Queer Film Festival
  • LGBT Toronto Film Festival
Gender Reel Film & Performance Festival

Gender Reel Film & Performance Festival

Gender Reel, is the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) only film festival dedicated to enhancing the visibility of trans and gender diverse people, images and experiences in film and media.

Gender Reel accepts submissions from ANYONE who identifies as trans, gender diverse and/or queer. Films submitted by folks who ID in this way do not need to be about trans or gender diverse issues, although that is preferred. Considerations are also given on a case-by-case basis to folks who do not identify in this way, but only if the film is about a trans/gender diverse issue or topic and trans/gender diverse people played a key role in the creating the film or media project.

Gender Reel is unique for a number of reasons. Gender Reel screens films directed and produced by trans and gender diverse filmmakers about trans and gender diverse people. We also host panel discussions and present Q&A sessions with trans/gender diverse filmmakers from around the world. Additionally, Gender Reel works is committed to elevating the voices of the most marginalized parts of the trans community, dedicating over 50% or more of its programming to trans people of color stories, experiences and images. Lastly, Gender Reel keeps ticket prices affordable and offers scholarships to those who cannot afford to buy one. Accessibility is very important because of the statistical realization that trans people fall on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum. We also do not charge filmmakers to submit films because doing so, can again, be a financially impossible option for some.