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February Events...

  • Festival des Images aux Mots
  • Glasgow Film Festival
  • Iris on the Move
  • Mardi Gras Film Festival
  • The Pride LGBT Film Festival: Portsmouth
Naperville Independent Film Festival

Naperville Independent Film Festival


  • Naperville, Illinois
  • USA

The mission of the Naperville Independent Film Festival, Inc is to encourage filmmakers of all ages to create and distribute films that entertain, inspire, and stir the human spirit.

This year's, our 10th festival, is a "must enter" for every filmmaker who wants to draw attention to his or her work. We've quickly grown from our very successful premieres (we had 15 Premieres) in 2016.

Our festival continues to be a 8 days event, although in 2016 we extended the festival another 6 days with more time for screenings, we had 2 venues and 2 screens, showcasing 53 films.

All films will be judged and many will be screened at local theaters, venues during the festival week and there after the Officially Selected, Nominated and Winners will be screened at Selected Venues across Chicago Land areas throughout the year.

Trophies will be awarded in each of the festival's categories at the award ceremony on the last night of the festival.
