Fireworks Logo

January Events...

  • Courts Mais Trash
  • Désir Désirs
  • Desperado LGBT Film Festival
  • Festival des Images aux Mots
  • Midsumma
  • Pink Life/Pembe Hayat QueerFest
  • Pinx Festival
  • Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival in Kingston
  • Sundance
  • Tampa Bay International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
Queer West Film Festival

Queer West Film Festival


  • Toronto, ON
  • Canada

Queer West Film Festival is Queering Boundaries going beyond a fixed identity and embracing fluidity. Through the medium of film, the Queer West Film Festival will push for a more inclusive and complex queer identity; a queer identity that is necessarily shaped through interactions with place, space and community.

Our mission is to provide a voice for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and queer youth by presenting films and videos that only represent the diversity of the GLBT community. By providing innovative, diverse, accessible, quality screen events, which promote, stimulate, educate, enlighten, support queer cultures and entertain us all.

It all imploded because it was run by a meglo-maniac - Michel F. Paré - who threatened to sue CGiii for [freely] promoting 'his' film festival.

Some of the testimonies by those who 'worked' alongside him are truly frightening!

Let's hope he reads this and tries to sue...for what? Defamation!?! Only if it's not true!