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February Events...

  • Festival des Images aux Mots
  • Glasgow Film Festival
  • Iris on the Move
  • Mardi Gras Film Festival
  • The Pride LGBT Film Festival: Portsmouth



  • Manchester
  • UK

Queerchester Films North West aim is to help more Manchester queer films to be made; to show films to inspire film-maker; and to showcase local queer film-makers.

Over Manchester LGBT Pride we will be showcasing films made by/about/for queers with a connection to Greater Manchester and around. We are very wide in our definition of film, and are interested in showing short stories, music videos, club promos, documentaries, art films, student projects and all other interesting examples of short films.

We prefer the film-maker or somebody involved in the film to attend our film-show to explain their film-making process and to enthuse other film-makers and to network with other film-makers. The event will be on 30th August at Gulllivers at 7pm this year, and we would most definetely love to see you there!