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March Events...

  • BFI Flare
  • Cleveland International Film Festival
  • Glasgow Film Festival
  • Iris on the Move
  • Leeds Queer Film Festival
  • LGBT Toronto Film Festival
  • Roze Film Dagen
  • Toronto Queer Film Festival
Malmo International LGBTQ+ Short Film Festival

Malmo International LGBTQ+ Short Film Festival


  • Malmö
  • Sweden

Malmo International LGBTQ+ Short Film Festival was created to showcase LGBTQ+ short films from around the world to an open audience. Submission of films is free and entry to the film festival is free. The festival is organized by LGBTQ+ Students Malmo which is an organization at Malmo University's Student Union.

Prizes/certificates will be given out to winners of Grand Jury Prize, Best Fiction, Best Documentary, Best Music Video, and Best Animation.

Prizes will be announced at the Film Festival

WE ONLY ACCEPT LGBTQ+ SHORT FILMS! Please only send in LGBTQ+ themed short films. Other submissions will not be taken into consideration.

1- Submit online via FilmFreeway or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If submitting per email include the Full title of the film, Category (feature, documentary or short film), Name of the director, Year of releasing, Country of origin, Duration, Original language, Languages of subtitles available, and Synopsis.
2- All films must be in English or have English subtitles.
3-Films are maximum 15 minutes.
4- It is the filmmaker's responsibility to have all valid and correct copyright and licenses for their film.