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February Events...

  • Berlinale
  • Festival des Images aux Mots
  • Glasgow Film Festival
  • Iris on the Move
  • Mardi Gras Film Festival
  • OUTsider Film & Arts Festival
  • Teddy Award
  • The Pride LGBT Film Festival: Portsmouth



  • Burbank, California
  • USA

Bent-Con is the world's largest con devoted to LGBT contributions to pop-culture, especially around the Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror genres! As part of our event, we showcase original films and media from those genres that appeal to LGBT audiences.

Our first priority is to genre flicks with GLBT characters and themes, such as scifi films where the rugged space-jock kisses the boys, horror films where the intrepid girl-in-danger likes the girls, and fantasy flicks where the hobbits are no longer afraid to hide their forbidden love affair with the dragon of the Lonely Mountain.

Bent-Con is seeking films and videos that are of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, intersex and/or transgender people in the "fantastic" genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Mystery-Thrillers. The entries may be narrative, documentary, experimental or animated films and videos (both features and shorts).