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March Events...

  • BFI Flare
  • Cleveland International Film Festival
  • Glasgow Film Festival
  • Iris on the Move
  • Leeds Queer Film Festival
  • LGBT Toronto Film Festival
  • Roze Film Dagen
  • Toronto Queer Film Festival
EROS Film Festival

EROS Film Festival


  • Hartford, Connecticut
  • USA

EROS stands for Encouraging Respect Of Sexualities.

EROS is a political, cultural, and social student run organization whose mission is to educate the campus and our greater community on social issues faced by LGBTQI individuals. As a student club we provide opportunities to learn about LGBT issues and culture through various on and off campus activities, projects, and social events. We hope to create a tolerant community of free and open discussion about these issues, and promote the acceptance of LGBTQI individuals in our Trinity community. EROS values an alliance among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Heterosexual Allies in this effort.