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December Events...

  • Merced Queer Film Festival
Mostra Possiveis Sexualidades

Mostra Possiveis Sexualidades


  • Salvador
  • Brazil

Greater panorama of sexual diversity in the North-Northeast, festival occupies movie theaters in Salvador between September 24th and 29th.

The event brings the screening of 12 unpublished films in the city, highlighting the national releases: 'A Volta da Pauliceia Desvairada', 'Esse Amor que Consome Us' and 'Kátia'. Among the international works, we highlight the premieres of the documentary about James Dean, which goes back to his biography and considers his homosexuality, 'Joshua Tree, 1951: A Portrait of James Dean'. Another documentary that should attract public attention is 'I'm a divine', which tells the story of the iconic North American drag queen, 'Divine'.

The event is the largest Film and Sexual Diversity Festival in the North-Northeast and is financed with funds from the Culture Fund of the Cultural Department of the State of Bahia and the Finance Department, through the Audiovisual Sectorial Notice and sponsorship of Caixa Cultural.