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February Events...

  • Berlinale
  • Dorian Awards: GALECA
  • Festival des Images aux Mots
  • Glasgow Film Festival
  • Iris on the Move
  • Mardi Gras Film Festival
  • OUTsider Film & Arts Festival
  • Teddy Award
OASIS LGBTQ Student Film Festival

OASIS LGBTQ Student Film Festival


  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • USA

OASIS LGBTQ Student Film Festival is the first-ever of its-kind citywide, all-inclusive filmmaking event and is inviting participation from students from the public, private, parochial, and charter schools in the City of Philadelphia. OASIS is a new educational initiative of qFLIX Philadelphia, producers of the city’s annual LGBTQ Film festival, marking its 23th edition in 2017, in cooperation with the School District of Philadelphia, and PSTV, the Educational Channel of the School District of Philadelphia.

This is a flash festival where students, both LGBTQ and allies, will be given just 45 days from the first day of school to the submission deadline date of October 22, 2016, to produce a short film in one of four categories: narratives, documentaries, animation, and music video.