Queer Wave
Queer Wave is the only festival in Cyprus focusing on LGBTQIA+ cinema. We are particularly interested in receiving submissions from underrepresented groups, and countries where LGBTQIA+ rights and representation are lacking.
By embracing inclusion and enriching the variety of cultural events in Cyprus locally, Queer Wave aims to amplify new and daring international voices in LGBTQIA+ cinema. We hope to find ways of welcoming international guests in upcoming editions, as our festival begins to grow more sustainably.
Following its first edition online, Queer Wave received international recognition as one of 20 finalists shortlisted for the 2021 Commonwealth Youth Awards, amongst 1000 projects from 43 countries of the Commonwealth. The festival's second edition was delivered in person, and hosted over 40 films and 20 screenings in 10 days, with shorts and features from across six continents.
Our past editions have included Q&As, discussion panels, drag performances, parallel events and site-specific screenings.