Diverso Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT
Los Premios Diverso Cinema nacen de la necesidad de Visibilizar y Reconocer el trabajo de Escritores, Actores, Productores y Directores que le apuestan a mostrar todo su talento para contar historias de una comunidad sexualmente diversa a través de la pantalla. En la actualidad nos encontramos organizando toda la logística requerida para tener un Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT que esté a la altura de eventos similares en otros lugares del mundo
We touch the fibers of the human being through the projection and circulation of inclusive and friendly cinema with the community; recognizing and rewarding the new acting talents of the continent and generating value to diverse communities and the Seventh Art, to change the stereotypes of Colombian society.
With our “OWN BRAND” Diverso Cinema we promote Latin American and world cinema through films, documentaries, short films and feature films that tell stories of the lives of diverse communities.
We have opened inclusive spaces such as: (Universities, Theaters, Restaurants and Bars) for the projection of films that leave an education in the spectators, encouraging a two-way economic interaction that benefits the community.
Best Inclusive Film
Best LGBTI Documentary
Best LGBTI Feature Film
Best Diverse WEB Series
Best LGBTI Lead Actor
Best LGBTI Leading Actress
Best Director
Best Set Design
Best Photography
Best LGBTI Story