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February Events...

  • Festival des Images aux Mots
  • Glasgow Film Festival
  • Iris on the Move
  • Mardi Gras Film Festival
  • The Pride LGBT Film Festival: Portsmouth
Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival

Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival

What about TQAF?

This is the film department open call but you should know that TQAF is not only that. Is an art festival having a world wide network, with visual artworks, poetry and writing, workshops, performances, video and film presentations, community interventions and talks or lectures that every year investigate a question. Through a series of in-person and online interventions, TQAF 2021 aims to offer a platform for underrepresented LGBTQIA+ artists, cultural practitioners, writers and activists from across the Balkans and other selected regions to share their practice and connect with peers in Spring/Summer 2021. TQAF is a grassroots initiative which aims to amplify the voices of the LGBTQI+ community by providing an open international platform for artistic expression, discussion, and research. As well as, our intention is to give visibility to local queer filmmakers.