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March Events...

  • BFI Flare
  • Cleveland International Film Festival
  • Glasgow Film Festival
  • Iris on the Move
  • Leeds Queer Film Festival
  • LGBT Toronto Film Festival
Teeside LGBTQ Film Festival

Teeside LGBTQ Film Festival

Formerly known as: Coventry LGBTQ Film Festival

Our festival has moved to Teeside in the North Eat of England. Based in Middlesbrough we will continue to bring first class events to the area.


Short Films must be no longer than 10mins.
Feature films no shorter than 72mins.
Documentaries no longer than 30mins.

There are no waivers and no refunds for non-acceptance.

The copyright must be available, and no film with a date later than 2018.

All films, where not in English, should be subtitled in this language.