Filmový Festival Inakosti - Slovak Queer Film Festival
Slovak Queer Film Festival
The Slovak Queer Film Festival is a festival for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgendered people and their families, children and friends.
Since 2007, the festival has been loosely inspired by the tradition of gay-themed festivals held in Slovakia from 1996 to 2001. Today, the Slovak Queer Film Festival (FFi) is the only LGBTI-oriented film festival in Slovakia, organized by the civic association Iniciatíva Inakosť.
FFi was established as a sophisticated venue for the presentation of quality Slovak and international cinema, intended to entertain heterosexual and non-heterosexual film fans, fight homophobia and xenophobia, and encourage society to discuss and address the problems afflicting Slovakia’s continually ignored LGBTI minority.
Awards & Prizes
Pink Balloon for Best Short Film
Audience Award