Gay to Straight
- Director: Jamie Pickup
- Producer: Jamie Pickup
CGiii Comment
If ever there was an under-qualified journalist to do the job in hand...here she is...the personification of the BBC's slipping standards.
Not only is she the wrong sex, has the wrong sexuality and is in possession of an ill-equipped vocabulary...Dooley is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism and to the credibility of this film.
She begins almost every interview with: Oooh your house is lovely.
After a gay boy has been 'cured', she asks as she checks his heterosexual text messages: Oooh what does your girlfriend look like? She concludes that particular interview with: Oooh you're really cool.
Clear and decisive indications that her intellectual input and ability are: absolutely NIL.
In an interview with the contemptuous Joseph Nicolosi, she actually allows him to have the last homophobic word!!! WHAT?!?
She provides neither medical rebuttal nor testimony - only her own redundant airheaded opinion. Her video-diary summation could be considered comedic if it wasn't so pathetic.
She challenges no-one...not even the camp [gay] boy who is addicted to gay porn and has a gay sleep-over sponsor...but, he's NOT GAY...spell it out Dooley: R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S...but no, perhaps it's too long a word for her feeble mind to tackle.
A significant part of the film concerns itself with a non-camp, male-bonding camping trip - of which she is banned - because...it's male-only - she witnesses absolutely nothing...but, is still able to comment based on hearsay!
Part of this camping trip involves the men stripping off for sport...there is a shot of a few shirtless men kicking a ball...sorry, but that is NOT stripping off!
There is a highlight - unfortunately, dullard Dooley fails to recognise the only piece of humour in the whole film...interviewed after their sessions of bonding and stripping off for sports...the [(ex-)gay] son says: My Dad and I came together...presumably after the non-sexual group hug...howlingly hysterical.
This subject may not be vitally important to Dooley - it's just a vehicle to get her face on TV - but, it is for us - the people - who are facing this vicious, viral fallacy.
The impartiality of journalism is crucial to factual reporting - Dooley's impartiality is confined to the narrow limits of her intelligence and understanding - her main weapon of research is Google. Thank you Ms Dooley for giving these dangerous people an unchallenged soapbox for their malicious preaching...if one young gay man is damaged because of this film...be it on your shameful and listless head.
A criminal trashing of public money.
Gay To Straight from diferentEs* on Vimeo.
Cast & Characters
Stacey Dooley