God's Gracie
- Director: Chateau Bezerra
- Writer: Molly Miller
- Producer: Mehmet Gungoren; Cindy Wu
CGiii Comment
Gracie is a quirky and smart 13 year old girl with one huge source of anxiety: she believes that people who don't follow every verse in the Bible will literally burn in the flames of hell for all eternity and feels compelled to save everyone. After failing to convince her family and community to repent for their sins, Gracie hits the road to save souls in Denver. On the way she encounters her biggest challenge yet: Heidi, an agnostic lesbian who might be able to put a crack in Gracie's rigid worldview.
God's Gracie Trailer International ?????? ??? from Christopher Ma on Vimeo.
Cast & Characters
John Batinovich as Diner Customer
Jane Bergeson as Church Background
Lucy Boryer as Kathy
Tyler Burdick as Church Background
David N. Calvillo as Balding Man
Edgar-Arturo Camacho-González as Diner Customer
Natalie Campos as Street Crowd
Angelina Capozzoli as Gracie
Michel Chaires as Street Crowd
Micah Cirone as Street Crowd
Caige Coulter as Tessa