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Desconcierto (El)

Country: Spain, Language: Spanish, 18 mins

  • Director: Javier Rodríguez Espinosa
  • Writer: Javier Rodríguez Espinosa; Laura Calavia Safont

CGiii Comment

He has the saddest face...

Without giving too much away, the director reels you in and never lets go.

This is superior filmmaking. 


TEASER EL DESCONCIERTO from Javier Rodríguez Espinosa on Vimeo.

The(ir) Blurb...

15-year-old Andrés has disappeared. The cops are investigating at his school. While his classmates hush the jokes he was constantly subjected to, his teachers say they do not know anything. The film questions the peer-pressures and conflicts among adolescents.

Andrés, el Momia, tiene 15 años y ha desaparecido. La policía investiga en el instituto donde estudiaba. Los alumnos silencian las bromas de las que constantemente era objeto, los profesores dicen no saber nada. En lo único en lo que todos coinciden es que Andrés era amigo de Migue Baeza.

Cast & Characters

Javier Connolly as Migue Baeza
Virginia DeMorata as Madre (as Virginia de Morata)
Fernando Jiménez as Profesor
Manuel Salcedo as Andrés
Javier Zurita as Profesor educación física