- Director: Jo Horn
- Writer: Jo Horn; Mpotseng Mdakane
- Producer: Jo Horn; Mpotseng Mdakane
CGiii Comment
A young coloured boy runs with purpose and zest in his every stride. His mind is bubbling with the thought of telling the boys about his first sexual experience. This is what he needs to gain respect from the neighborhood gang. Set on the stairs of the local swimming pool, this is the gangs turf and they are not interested in Kelvin until he blurts out 'Ek het genaai!' ( I got laid). Lira the only girl in the group accuses Kelvin of being a faggot because his girl, Yolanda is actually a boy. His gloating is reduced to squeamish embarrassment as the boys begin to ridicule him. Kelvin is forced to exaggerate. He only had a blow job but the boys don't need to know that and in his mind there's no reason to believe Yolanda is not a girl.
The menacing ring leader, Brian instructs Kelvin to bring Yolanda to the pool on Saturday. The boys have a peep hole looking into the girls change rooms and Yolanda would to be the girl of the moment. When Yolanda and Kelvin meet, he tells her about the boys plan and begs her to cooperate. After much pleading, Yolanda admits that she is not really a girl but tries to reassure a sickened Kelvin that she will make a plan. The outcome of Yolanda's plan comes as a total surprise. This could gain Kelvin the respect he so desperately desires from his gang.
Cast & Characters
Bronwyn Buys as Yolanda;
Junaid King as Kelvin